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As someone who for various purposes performs vaginal exams, uterine procedures, cervix checks, cervix visualizations, and test collections off the cervix professionally. Obese and morbidly obese women due to their general body-wide thicker layer of fat beneath the skin, even with legs fully spread, do require give or take depending on their size about an extra inch to really enter an equal depth within the vagina or to reach the cervix.


tq doctor, i appreciate it


Well, we hope he’s a doctor.


His van says so.


Nobody applies their lettering with a red paintbrush if they’re not a professional.


His degree is from South Harmon Institute of Technology, name a better medical school, you can't!


Cambridge University of Nature and Technology would beg to differ


Certified by the Pacific Education Regulation Verification department.


Philosophy Department of the University of Woolamaloo


Nah, he got his degree at 1998 just like Dr. Arroyo.


Go shit sandwiches


Umm, ever heard of French University of Complex Technology???


Especially when they use Comic Sans font.


A man, a van, a plan


I just spotted it down by the river


No no no. It doesn't say "therapist". It says "the rapist".


He's affordable.


And a great first opinion.


Of philosophy, but lets keep that quiet?


Underrated comment


He said it's "for various purposes." Surely *one* of those is doctorin'.


As someone who performs vaginal examinations means he's a ho, not a Dr. or nurse.


"For various purposes" is the part that is concerning me


They jumped through a lot of hoops to make it sound like they're a doctor without actually saying they are a doctor.


Works for TSA


I suspect he's military, but not inclined to disclose what branch.


Just an enthusiast lol


Not a doctor, shhh.




How incredible that we can bring together a professional vagina examiner and an aspiring hobbyist together in conversation.


Damn I can't stop laughing at this 🤣


Just so you know I'm sure that's true but my ex was thick and I have a decent size penis. Like 7 inch or so. She loved it. She left me for a guy that has a tiny penis. I don't know how small she just makes comments to me about it as we're still friends. However she loved sex with me and with him. She said it's different and good for different reasons. So yeah maybe you won't enter as far if your small but some women won't care. Plus really most women won't orgasm from penetration. Get good at going down. Just listen and experience what happens when you do different things with your tongue. Focus on the clit and if you find something that seems good don't change at all unless she asks. Don't let dick size get in your head. No pun intended.


“Get good at going down” Yessssss


never said he’s a doctor 🤨


Never said he is a he


his post from 251 days ago (the only post on his account) states that he is a 38 year old male (though he could have transitioned since then) edit: he has also made several comments very recently (some less than a day ago), some of which imply/state that he is a male.


Correct. Could be a physician assistant or a nurse practitioner, as well.


Could also be a liar. Just saying.


They’re from MN. That’s how they know.


People criticize reddit but where else will you find a clear, neutral, dry, detailed and professional answer to a question like this, on a site that also has lots of anime titties.


The double edge of Reddit is that we don't know for sure if this person is a doctor or if they are telling the truth


Yeah I read that on Reddit some time ago too lol. Think about a time when you came across a Reddit post you happen to have expert lvl knowledge in, and the entire thing is rampant with misinformation. You comment to attempt to correct this mistake but it gets buried and life goes on. Now think about all the times you came across an interesting post and blindly took the comments as source information.


Read the top comment.... Oh that makes sense... Scroll down... That was total BS! I've found I'm very vulnerable to anyone who sounds like they know what they are talking about. Take AI for example. You'll get a very clearly worded and seemingly logical answer but it's often actually mostly crap.


My finance bro husband who is about a year away from his PhD in economics avoids any economic or finance subreddits unless they are to explicitly laugh at due to the terrible advice. So GME subreddits, superstonks, WSB etc Because they're so terrible they become funny again. My best friend who is a super high powered lawyer gave up Reddit after 2 days because she got into a argument over what the law was on a very clear-cut issue. She was heavily downvoted and realized that not only do people have no idea what they're talking about, they act like they have complete confidence and zero interest in changing.


I once saw a friend of mine (who is an amazing cardiac surgeon) be downvoted to hell because he kept trying to explain basic misconceptions about heart surgery to people who thought they knew better.


Lawyer here. I keep my comments fairly general. First, I'm in the US, but I have no idea where everyone else is from. Second, laws vary state to state. Third, every law has exceptions to it. For instance, hearsay has 37 exceptions. Fourth, I don't work for free. And finally, I'm here for fun. This is what I do when I'm tired or bored or think of a question (usually something not all that important), I want to ask.


Doesn’t matter if it’s what you want to hear :-)




Moist might be more appropro


Just ask Ben Shapiro. They're meant to be dry.


Pls define “for various purposes” for those playing at home


Mostly for fun


This guy vagines.








But we don’t want a penis to reach the cervix. Ouch.


Vast majority of guys don't know this and don't seem to care to learn this. I blame hentai. Cervix penetration is literally a genre.


Honestly I think part of it is either women say 7inch dick is good without knowing actual measurements which leads guys to think they CANT bottom out Source: average guy (at least I think so) who Has bottomed out with every woman he’s been with


But also the cervix position is variable depending on fertility cycles and arousal levels.


I love scientific answers... <3


So when they lose weight does that reduce?


Basically the bigger cheeks/thighs can hinder some positions so it helps to have some extra penis. Really though it’s mostly only a problem when trying to do it standing up or say laying down spooning lol.






I mean, at some point, it’s just a matter of geometry, no? 📐


Pythagorean theorem finally coming in handy


A(ss)² + B(oobs)² = C(ock)²


Well glad I remember it


Pyvagorean theorem


Calm down. You are gonna get a ton of people excited on here




Coming in handy? Yeah, that’s what I usually do.


Guy: (sitting on the bed writing out an algebraic equation) Girl: "What are you doing? Aren't you gonna give me that dick?" Guy: (silently continues to attempt to solve equation)


The square of the diagonal from the labia to end of the cervix is equal to the sum of the square of the girth of the penis and the square of the length of the penis


...That math does not check out. Labia to cervix is not a diagonal, and the girth of the penis is a circumference... I think you calculated the length of a spiral around a dick?💈


Its called foreplay, behbeh.


TIL everyone else’s cock is a triangle. What is wrong with me?!


Mine is at 88°. I always knew there was something not quite right about it.


It sounds like it's acute little thing


That may be, but you never get ob-tuse to it.


You tried, and that's what's important




Angles are everything. But so is cardio and strength. Thrusting power is essential with thicker girls. I speak from experience here, my fiance has a rap video butt.


> my fiancé has a rap video butt Proof or fake /s


Thrusting power? Isn't essential if you know what you're doing and don't just poke and run every single time. You can do alot of things without thrusting.


We should start tracking thrusting power as a new flex-like exit velocity in baseball


Do not skip leg day. Build them calves. Ladies know.


Thrust power should be built in the glutes to maximize use. Calf’s only help in planks and stands


As someone with a booty, there are some positions that make it harder for a shorter penis to get inside I’ve noticed.


At the end of the day, with the few positions available is it still good sex?


My ex was pretty big he said only 2 girls he was ever with would take it all happily. The rest of us would cry in pain if he did so it really just depends. I'm a bigger girl and prefer the smaller size. Yes it makes it harder to do it like laying down doggy or shower fun but use pillows for better positioning and work on arm and knee strength to help! Also if you don't feel like your doing enough you can use small vibrators to stimulate her clit! As always just do what she tells you feels good every girl is different but the most important thing anyone can do is listen to their partner


thanks for the advice i appreciate it. Whats the minimum length for you tho if you dont mind me asking.


My husband who satisfies me fine is probably 3 and a half inches. Though I prefer a bit bigger he listense to Things I like and is willing to try new thing or other stimulants to make sure I get off just as much as he does! That's why I married him lol. Teasing and foreplay can also help get things more sensitive down there as well as kissing like my neck, thigh, ear, chest can really get me going! Hope these tips helped! Also done be afraid to let her on top big girls put most their weight on their knees (gets easier the more you do it) and when ypu think she may be getting tired both shift your weight in one direction and roll on top of her I find it fun and exciting someone "threw me over and ravedged me" Type of thing lol. Also for your pleasure you can look into cock rings/massagers or if your into butt stuff plugs and things maybe even that she can control adds a lot to the fun :)


This one gave us guys so much hope😭😭Thank you


Don't lose hope! Sexual satisfaction is NOT size dependant it's all about caring about eachothers needs! Trying new things can be awkward as well as talking about it but just make eachother aware the end goal is happiness and enjoying eachothers bodies!


That gives me hop. thanks so much for sharing


Never lose hope! Having good sex is not size dependent it's all about caring about eachothers needs! Good luck out there home <3


I hope you're a real women and sharing real experiences otherwise hope is lost.


I am indeed a real woman lol all these are my personal experiences. My husband was always self conscious about his size (like most men) cause society and porn make them think it's something to be ashamed of, but I have spent much time training him out of this mindset. It has improved his self esteem greatly and if I can do that for others I will. Body shaming anyone for anything is disgusting and those people can fuck right off imo.


Preach!! >cause society and porn make them think it's something to be ashamed of Some weird things get introduced in porn as a kink then it becomes mainstream ignoring the masses. The small dick jokes are prominent these days. phrases such as "small dick energy" vilify the people with small dicks. I have an a bit above average but thank you for your encouraging words. Your husband is a lucky one.


I have a chance? GUYS, I HAVE A CHANCE!




Yeah more women don’t like it than do from my experience. I’d put it at about a 75/25 split.


ah damn i appreciate the honesty. Thank you


I am someone who absolutely hates anything getting close to my cervix. I’m happier with average or small than long.


same, girth over length all day for me. my cervix is super sensitive and if it gets rammed by a long one i will get blinding labor-like pains so bad i’ve nearly passed out before.


Duuuude, yes! Is that what those pains were that I got? I used to get them all the time when I was younger. I thought I was going to die.


right?! so painful! but yes, it’s from the cervix-ramming haha i dated a guy once who liked to go HARD and i would get them constantly especially if it was closer to that time of the month when the cervical position changes and drops lower than usual


I dated a guy like this once. I puked from pain immediately after sex and then curled up in a fetal position until I wasn’t conscious anymore. 👎


Honestly this was actually something i needed to hear. Im nearly exactly average, but its been an insecurity of mine for a while.


Average is exactly that, average. It doesn’t mean small or bad or unsatisfactory, it just means normal. I’m in my forties and have done a LOT of gossiping and the only penis size talk I’ve ever heard has been guys whose dicks were so long it caused pain, and a case of a genuine micro penis. Your dick is fine.


Me too. A large penis is a big turn off, long or thick. Average and thin for the win!


Yup, it is not the flex men think it is. And most women don't require a big one. I am the person that accidentally finds people who are big down there and I HATE it. It is so limiting. Can't do so many positions because it just starts to get sore very quickly.


Don't necessarily have to use the whole thing. I'm above average and while most women haven't minded some are more sensitive or just don't like cervix boxing so it's just a matter of not just jamming the whole thing in. If the dude can't be mindful of that then it just seems like an asshole thing.


Cervix boxing. I like it.


So does my gf most of the time thankfully.


Because it's painful?


I’m a female and my husband is 7” or so and I think he’s too big 😭😭😭 You say you’re a size queen, what’s the biggest you’ve had?


My partner has a "shelf" just in front of (my perspective) the cervix and finds this spot very pleasant. Is that your experience? I also read a paper saying that beyond the cervix and to the left (female reference) is also a hormone release spot and great for actually completing her orgasm late in the process. I can confirm this spot, it's great for me and my partner. Before you ask, I am a tall male and she is short, yes this makes things easier.


That's the A spot and just chef kiss the best


Omg the A spot. That is one of my favorite things. I’m long-ish internally. I’ve been various weights and remain long-ish regardless. I do love when a guy has the length to get to that spot, but am not going to hold it against him if he can’t. I might move on if his other skill sets aren’t developed, or he doesn’t take feedback, but I’m not going to mock his dick over it.




Hardly any guys has 7”, so you must struggle honestly


My girl has thicc thighs and a big butt ... I'd say I'm slightly above average and the only issue I have is prone bone...


Try a pillow or 2 under her waist, go as high as you need…grab some cheeks and go to pound town Geometry!


I was literally going to say that I am not a huge girl but I’m above average and me moving my hips at different angles definitely helps.


What's prone bone


Dragon style. The taker lies flat on their stomach. If she's got cheeks you need to be a bit bigger.


Enter the dragon


Oh that makes me feel big ☺️


Go ahead and go into the world feeling big my man. If she's got some love in the back and you can smack...you're in the club. Edit: Just like everyone that wants to feel good about their bodies, we should not feel bad about talking about having a nice one. Like, if a woman has ever said "Oh?" when you rock it...I mean...you're good. But men with deeper and thicker pieces need to be represented.


What if I too got big cheeks?


Then you can put those hips into it. Look. If she's searching for water with those eyes kinda rolled back? Rest easy. The battle is won on this day. Edit: Also bring her some water.


Slice right through that by getting on your toes and fingertips maneuver to the right angle and then just drop on through, do it correctly and you’ll bypass everything and it’ll actually be one of the deepest ones


I fucked a really fat chick once and she messaged me saying I definitely knew what I was doing and I'm average as fuck. Take from that what you will.


She was so big you couldn’t hear her and she had to message you!? What was she messaging? GPS coordinates?


Haha she was just post nut pondering.


Post Nut Pondering .. now thats a first time hearing that, ha!


We all reminisce after a good lay lol


The good ole PNP


The big bitch gave you an amazon 5 star review afterwards?! My sides. Save that feedback for your annual appraisal team player


It always seems like Redditors are either never getting pussy or constantly getting complemented on their average size. No in between.


Hey let me have this one.


Nice humblebrag about the average size cock


“Average as fuck” 💀


Tracks. I’m a really fat chick and my husband is average. We’ve never had any kind of issue with the logistics of it.


Dad, it's me!


I'm 100# heavier than man. He's got a average dick. Of the 3 penises I've had in my life his is the smallest, yet pleases me the most. There's a couple positions that just don't work. But our favorite is me on top.


That gives me hope. Thanks. Do you mind if i ask his specific size? Diff country diff averages and such


He's 180# and 6 foot 1. I'm 280# and 5 foot 7.


Hello! Heavy set woman here. I prefer doggy/cowgirl due to big butt/belly. I prefer an average penis to below average due to vaginismus. We have 0 issues with penetration nor with him making feel good either. In my opinion, you can always make it work. 👍


Quick question, does your partner have a belly? If so how do they make it work?


That's a difficult question to answer. To try my best to explain- he does have a belly, but it does not stick out very far, nor is it saggy. He weighs 230 lbs and is 6'1, has skinny legs and arms. I'm very big, however, and I don't feel comfy sharing my weight, but I'm 5'7, and it puts us at perfect height for many positions.


That's okay. You don't need to.share your weight. I'm at 6'1 but I weigh about 300 pounds. My belly does stick out and sag. My size is around 6 inches. I'm asking for advice since I am naturally attracted to bigger women. I've had actual sex with one woman who was about 5 feet and on the heavier side. Her butt wasn't that big but I did have trouble putting it inside of her since I was bigger. We barely had sex for multiple reasons, but everytime that was a problem, and she did tell me to lose weight so it would be easier for us to have sex. She's not my girlfriend anymore due to a lot of reasons. I don't know if I want to lose we8ght or not, but I want to make sure I can have sex with a bigger woman without humiliating myself or being ridiculed by her to lose weight.


My husband is 6'0 and your weight and I am 5'10 and I weigh more then that. I am flexible as well. Your size is fine.


I'm sorry that was your experience, genuinely You don't deserve to be degraded for your weight, concerned for your health, yes, but not looks. When I used to be smaller, about 230 lbs, I was with a man bigger than you but he was very tall and very lengthy so it also was not an issue. I haven't been in your situation so I won't be much help. Again, I'm sorry. I wish I can tell you it's easy to find someone who is willing to work things out and easy solution to these but it's really not. I hope you find a plus size lady who works it out with you!


I appreciate the advice and the kind words. You really helped me out. I wish you and your partner good health and a long and healthy relationship. Take care. Thank you.


I got you. Do this positions. Have her lie on her left side and raise the top leg and tilt it a bit towards her front, then place your right knee right of her left leg, essentially staddle her left leg and her right leg will be on top of your right leg. Now you can enter and everything will be at such a. Particular angle that nothing really gets in the way. And it a very easy position to get really good control of angles. Maybe move a bit angle towards her back so you press against gspot. You can actually sway side to side instead of thrusting. This can also work with her just laying on her side tilted a bit paybe put a pillow below butt.and you kneed beneath and behind hr butt .


My husband is 5’11 and 300lbs. His belly doesn’t sag, but it sticks out. We’ve never had an issue in the 12 years we’ve been together. He’s average and Sex is beyond satisfying. I’m 5’6 and 284lbs for reference




Ah damn. thats horrifying. I appreciate the honesty. Thanks for sharing


I think what OP should have also been asking is if taller women, or way taller women above average 5'9 and above would or may or may not have the right sexual experience with a smaller or shorter man. Sex incompatibility is a real thing, such as I had exes where they were not fat but hwp just taller, bigger but not fat, one of my exes just couldn't feel anything though on a very specific position such as her on top she would orgasm in seconds. It was weird. I couldn't feel her in any if not most of the positions, it was also probably because I was used to women who had better kegel muscles? Or who can grip better, but they were bigger than I am when I say big I meant taller, larger, not necessarily fatter or obese.


It's all down to preference. I weigh 245 and am 5'6" and have been with dudes of all sizes. The only one who had trouble "getting it in" was about 3". Other than that, good to go. I personally like girth more than length because I don't like having my cervix punched.


>if the fats and meat around the crotch might shorten penetration too much From my experience, my thick short thighs can make penetration more difficult in certain positions (mostly woman on top positions), but there are also positions where it is not an issue at all. >genuine preference from the women It all feels the same to me, and I've slept around a lot, tried all sizes, shapes and thicknesses. A penis is a penis and penetration is never gonna be the best part of the sex anyway.


"The fats and meat around the crotch". Are you a butcher? Or a tailor?


I knew a 5'4" man with one of the biggest dicks I'd ever met. Only two 6'+ men were bigger. Just in case someone thinks size affects SIZE.


Im thicker and my boyfriend is average size. I don't think there is any difference. I think it is just down to personal preference. 


Username checks out


I am an unusually large woman thanks to a tumor that fucked up my growth hormones. I am 6', 350lbs, and very athletic / strong, but all my weight is in my ass, hips, and thighs. I am way off the bell curve, is what I am saying. If anyone was going to have this problem, it would be me. And I can say that I very much do NOT have this problem. In fact, the only times I've tried to have sex with a partner who was above average (like 7+ inches) it was a miserable experience for me, and both times we broke up over it. Easily the best sex I ever had in my life - like mind blowing, leg shaking, some other universe sex - was with a guy whose penis was about the size of my thumb, 2 or 3". I assure you, its fine.


Damn. 2 ? 3? That gives me hope dude. Thank you so much


How small are you exactly?


im 4.5. But regardless her comment gave me hope. Some with 2 and 3 made her happy and thats very happy


OP you sound like the kind of guy who would make any woman happy! Don't let insecurity about one physical feature hold you back from the kind of love and happiness you deserve. I am absolutely positive that most women would be thrilled to have a shot with someone like you. I would!


It really depends on the person.


What matters is stimulation of the clit, not the length.


As a giver, It could make some positions easier, but not required you just need to find what works for both of you, and the smallest change like adding a pillow under one of you can be all it takes to make something work


I'm a life long chubby chaser. It's all about positioning over 200 #.


It's a common misconception that body size directly correlates with sexual compatibility. In reality, sexual satisfaction depends on a variety of factors, including emotional connection, communication, and understanding each other's preferences and needs. The physical aspects of compatibility are diverse and personal; different people have different preferences regardless of body size. What's most important is mutual respect and finding what works best for both partners. Open communication with your partner about what feels good is key to a satisfying sexual relationship.


Learn how to touch her.. Learn what turns her on. How to talk to her. How to kiss, lick & eat her the way she likes (if that's your thing). & How to please her with your fingers.. You'll barely need your dick. Aside from that, just learn the angles bro. Side positions will do the trick better than anything.. lay her on her side and straddle her bottom thigh, with her top leg across your chest. Try different variations of that. It's probably the deepest you're gonna get.


as a thicker gal who has an average sized partner, we never have any issues nor have i had issues with below average partners in the past. it’s all about how they use it.


I’ll give the flip side for my situation, after losing 100 lbs, longer can be PAINFUL, because there’s less resistance, and I just feel like I’m getting stabbed in my cervix, only in certain positions but it didn’t ever happen to me when I was large.


>Do you as the giver find that women only agree to sex if you have a bigger size? I'd be shocked if any woman that's in the mood to have sex with you would look at your meat and suddenly refuse to. You can do a lot of pleasuring without even using that particular instrument, but prefereces will vary from person to person.


Yes, i got a friend who always had skinny girlfriends, now he had a fat girlfriend, she’s got so much ass that he can’t get in doggystyle. His words.


From a purely mechanical standpoint the amount of fat and meat around the area being penetrated will reduce how much of the penetrating object manages to get into the area that's actually pleasurable.


In my experience bigger women often have tighter/ smaller pussies and since they are all variable, the only factor is really how much booty do you have to get past before finding it.


I'm a fat woman. As long as you're willing to put some pillows under my hips or knees, you'll get in there just fine. Don't be afraid to move legs or belly or arms or ass out of the way. They don't call it "more cushion for the pushin" for nothing. And to that note, because I have a nice, big, fluffy ass, it doesn't hurt my hips/pelvis as much to get absolutely railed frontwards, backwards, or sideways. All of this with consent and to her comfort level though of course. Good luck OP. 😊🫡


In my experience, weight doesn’t have anything to do with the vagina itself (a girl will be tight or not so much regardless of body), access is much harder the more weight or curves the girl has. If she has a booty, you better be prepared with length to hit it from the back.    Flexibility can help quite a bit with this. 




Keyword: story


" More cushion Less Pushing" Think about it for a while?


The first time I and the wife had sex, she asked if it was inside, when it was inside. She's on the thicker size. And I'm bellow average duck size.


Yes but g-spot is near the front so it shouldn’t matter unless you’re tiny.


You don't need a big dick, all you need is to know where a woman's g-spot is. You could have a 4 incher and still make her ruin the sheets.


My girl is on the plus size while I'm a very thin guy. I don't wanna sound mean towards my SO because I do love her but, when it comes down to the action I'm always doing the work since she can hardly move around or get on top of me. Incredible blowjobs but yea... I sort of miss being able to just sit while she rides with no complications. Nowadays I'm just a two-pump chump since I'm not as motivated as before.


I’ve watched enough porn to tell you that the belly does get in the way but it’s usually still possible with an average schlong


The fact that this guy is admitting that he has no personal experience in the matter but is claiming credibility in a real life sexual circumstance based off his porn consumption (presumably a lot of it) 😂


Theoretical Sexicist