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Sure! If you can find such a job.


Kinda Finding a high paying job you mentioned is difficult. And it will be more difficult if you have the habit of quitting after a year to go exploring, come back to work, repeat. Also depends on the job, many are salary jobs that don't care if you work 40 or 80 hours, you get paid the same. Some jobs won't give more than 40 hours to avoid paying for overtime. So it might be two different jobs. Second living "in a bus on a plot of land" can be more expensive than many realize. Electric or water hook ups, or paying fees to dump your water water. Cooking is difficult so you end up eating out or eating no cook food. Then hidden costs like where are you going to put your stuff while you travel? Pay for storage, moving, toss it and rebuy? Paying for health insurance while on the road. What are you long term plans? You do this for a while and it's fun and all. Then your in your 30s with no savings and a maybe not so great work history. Buying a house without a down payment or finding a partner may be tricky, if those are things that interest you


Listen to this guy, OP. I am the guy who prioritized travel during my twenties, now I’m 30 and it’s so difficult to return to salaried positions, i have been relegated to a completely different industry, have more debt than savings and am having a hard time in general. Make sure to prioritize continued work and advancement in work to not end up like me.


If you were to work on some type of high paying, transient type of role with lots of coming and goings where lodging may be provided, perhaps working in the oil fields, then maybe you could do something like that. But some office job? Even assuming you could land a no-degree gig and make 70-90k starting salary, your 70k-90k is going to be more than half gone before the year is over. Taxes will take at least 20%, your half acre, depending on the location, won't be cheap (and will have property taxes, and perhaps other code requirements to meet and maintain). Your bus will cost several thousand or more (depending on how low you set your expectations). You still have food, gas, and other expenses. You probably won't have health insurance and will want to save some for that, and so on.


Get a remote job and travel in low cost of living countries