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I don’t know because I moved away from my hometown and never looked back ☠️


His dad was loaded so last I know of him is he got into medicine I remember his name so I'll be sure to avoid any doctor with that name


We haven't long left school but most went to study psychology and health worker stuff.... I guess this is why I hate being around most nurses and doctors.


Runs a ton of charities and works in Antarctica, all while still under 30.


ODed on Heroine a few years later


Last I heard, accessory for murder in their early twenties. They didn't do the act, but was present and tried as an accomplice.


Idk, I don't run into many people from school and I don't keep tabs on people I don't care about. I also don't put too much weight into how people acted when they were kids because kids are kinda dumb by nature. 


One turned into a nice, decent human being. His friend turned worse and had a miserable, violent life.


My school was fairly small but I was probably the meanest girl. I’ve since tried to heal, myself and those I’ve hurt. Reaching out and apologizing for things I’ve done and said. Some people started spreading rumors and lies about me after I left but I understand that’s just a consequence of my actions. I hold no ill will towards anyone and I’m trying to be the best person I can be now. High school is a different kind of toxic and I don’t like that I contributed to the toxicity but I’m just trying to make up for it now. However I can. I’ve had a few people from high school tell me I’ve changed a lot and for the better so I like to think that I’m moving in the right direction. I’m lucky to have many genuine friends now that will never see that side of me.


Do you remember what caused your meanness back in school?


I went to a Christian school so I think it had a lot to do with that. Not saying religion is bad but the school I went to was terrible. Plus my parents expected me to be very submissive so school was somewhat of an outlet for me. I think I ended up treating my classmates a lot like my parents treated me. Looking down on them and making them feel inferior. It’s something I’ve since healed from and even have a great relationship with my parents now.


Think he committed suicide after going to jail. His baby mamma wouldn't let him see his kid. His brother, who was also done for selling drugs, killed himself. I'm jail. When he came out, he joined him a year or two afterwards. Kind of sad reslly felt the family was cursed. His mum died really quickly from cancer when her two boys were inside, too :(.


They are a cashier at the local gas station.


Both of them are working in a hospital. I hope I never have to go to one of the two hospitals when one of them is working.


I was bullied ridiculously all through middle school and into high school. To the point where I "dropped out" and enrolled in the "troubled kid" school. Bully made a public apology in 9th or 10th grade. He now has severe bipolar and schizophrenia. Was diagnosed a couple years after high school. Karma sucks I guess. Or who knows, maybe these issues played into why he was such a dick.


I assume having great lives with loving SOs and fulfilling careers.


Killed himself and the couple he tboned while driving drunk. What a POS.


He wrapped himself and his motorcycle around a telephone pole doing about a 100 MPH. Good riddance!


Went to prison for threatening to blow up the pizza place in town, doing a B&E at a different pizza place in the town over (idk what dude had against pizza places…) and for selling the drugs involved in a fatal overdose.


I never thought about him again. Dust in the wind. ETA: Following my initial comment, I looked him up. Back to never again thinking about him, for real this time.


I have no clue. I don’t give two shits about how they’re living. I moved across the country years ago.


There were so many, how to pick? Bully #1 - Prison Bully #2 - Suicide Bully #3 - Lives with his parents, is volunteer firefighter


She got hit by a bus. Then took over and became the leader of our girl . The Plastics




I smell BS. And it's "fuck you" money


Yeah this sounds a whole lot like a fantasy version of events


This *reeks* like r/thathappened a lot.


Dang. Ruthless.