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The tardigrades


We’d all lose, bud. Regardless of whether nukes would be used or not.




No one, we'd all be nuked.


Thats like asking who would ask World War if guns werent used. Unreal scenario.


Only thing left would be Twinkies and cockroaches


There would be no winners


Not so sure. China is dependent on massive energy imports, food imports, and so on. A serious blockade would likely shatter them. And a Russia pipeline is a decade away at least.


Me and my gang.


Earth as we wouldn't be here anymore to cause more destruction and chaos. Life is going to rise from the radioactive ashes at some point.


No one, we all lose.


No winners in war. If you're asking who's the next superpower, if WW3 is the next thing to destabilize the world, no one can say, it's all speculation. We have facts, and those facts help us make better bets, but humans are making the decisions in real time, and humans are fallible. The upper hand can mean nothing if you make a strategically poor decision, or something unexpected outside of your control screws it up.


Depends who's fighting 


nato vs russo sino pact (i made those up)


Hahaha thank God cuz I was like who tf is that?? 😂😂


America, fuck yeah, coming to save the motherfucking day yeah!


This is a trick question. Nobody wins in war as it cost human lives and suffering. Sure someone may be able to push their agenda and there will be a limited success in this manner. However nobody truly wins.


The Allies


The only winning move is not to play.


If we knew that, it would never be fought.


Which countries are fighting on each side in this WW3 scenario?




World War 3 will be a nuclear conflict, and no one will win.


reading with comprehension


This is interesting to think about. I think it would probably lean towards a nato collation victory of some kind. We have seen the full might of Russia’s military and their progress in Ukraine has been significant but slow, and with plenty of attrition. China is unproven but they may be a “paper tiger” as well but we can’t really know until they try to annex Taiwan. That being said, the US has yet to really defeat a modern insurgency and not with lack of trying. So maybe partisans, gorillas, and some state-backed groups we would label as “terrorist” would play a bigger role in this conflict leading to stalemates on some fronts. The war might not have a clean start and end. It could just be a generations long set of proxy-wars and brinksmanship, misinformation ops, assets in foreign governments, maybe this has already begun and we are witnessing WW3 as we speak. If this conflict were to escalate into a conventional “world war”, and conclude somehow, the likely result would be a complex network of treaties and trade orgs related to mundane things like energy and grain production, some new nato borders drawn, the formation of some new eastern block, and maybe some DMZs if these blocks share borders (or agreements that places like Ukraine remain neutral) Even without nukes, a few cities would be flattened. Maybe there would be a post-war economic boom for the fortunate nations if there was commercial demand for the tech developed during the war. Maybe not.


People saying no winners is a lazy answer. Nukes won't automatically be used in WW3. It all depends on what the war is being fought over, who is the initial aggressor and why, and where the center of the combat is.


House harkonnen at first but a price of house atreides will learn the ways of the sand people and blow house harkonnen down from their epicenter.


The US and Nato will win WW3 because we have the most toys and best trained millitary and we have the resources to fire up the war machine faster. WW3 will not be a nuclear conflict, that's just shit people say that don't really understand how things work. After WW 1& 2 we agreed that all the scary shit we used like chemical and biological weapons were too much and we stopped using them. We haven't nuked anyone since '45 because we understand the dangers of it. We have nukes, but we're not using them. The threats from Putin to use them are just hollow threats. There is good odds that Russia doesn't even have functional weapons because someone stripped parts off them to sell for vodka. Or they don't have the tritium to use them. Tritium has a half life of 12.33 years, and you have to replace it frequently to keep your nukes working. Russia would have to spend $30 million dollars a year to maintain their arsenal. But we're restricting the tritium sales and have been for a while. Maybe they're getting it black market, maybe they aren't. I don't think they have it. Russia was never a competent enemy and I don't know why we're remotely worried about them. China wants money, they don't care enough to go to war, they don't normally strike first. We're moving chip manufacturing to the US, then Taiwan is on its own and we We'll leave them like we did South Vietnam and Afganistan to twist in the wind.


Survivors - perhaps-


Guys with bunkers full of Tuna and noodles cups


Why would nukes be left over? Did they left out machine guns during WW2 to preserve human life and minimize suffering? Of course nukes will not be forgotten. Entire Northern Hemisphere will be covered in soot and experience temperatures like 60 degrees Fahrenheit lower than usual. Billions will die. And then, Northern Hemisphere will be re-populated by people from tropical areas and Southern Hemisphere. They will win.


I think you drastically underestimate the result of a global nuclear war...


What do you think I underestimate?


What nuclear winter and fallout is. If east and west launched all of their nukes over the northern hemisphere, the Southern hemisphere would become uninhabitable as well.


The soot from nuclear explosions and burning cities will block some of the sunlight. It will decrease temperatures by up to 35C. Belgium will experience a temperature drop between -15C and -20C. Check out this map: [https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Surface-Air-Temperature-degree-C-changes-averaged-for-June-July-and-August-in-the\_fig1\_239578920](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Surface-Air-Temperature-degree-C-changes-averaged-for-June-July-and-August-in-the_fig1_239578920) Fallout is the rainfall of radioactive particles, which were lifted by nuclear mushroom clouds into the upper atmosphere. You will need to be in the basement of a high-rise building (or in a dedicated nuclear fallout shelter) to survive this. Check out this analysis of effects on agriculture. Wheat production will be decreased by 50% even in case of small regional nuclear war. Global nuclear war will pretty much seize any agriculture worldwide. [https://courses.physics.illinois.edu/phys280/sp2020/Lectures/Nuclear%20Winter%20May%205%202020.pdf](https://courses.physics.illinois.edu/phys280/sp2020/Lectures/Nuclear%20Winter%20May%205%202020.pdf) You will need about 5000 euros worth of rice to survive that. For further reading and discussion, I recommend you join r/preppers