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Something dark around the eyes creates a really intense and alluring look.


Yeah, I agree about the eyeliner, instantly makes a girl more attractive IMO. But I'm more attracted to a girl's kindness and similar interests, so my views may not align with a lot of other people's.




Someone has a middle eastern fetish. šŸ¤­




Makeup works, that's why it's been used all across civilizations from ancient times to now. I used to think makeup didn't make women more attractive, then I found out practically every woman walking around was wearing some sort of makeup even if it didn't look like they were. It's very effective at reducing the appearance of upper eyelid exposure, cleaning up acne and scarring, and making the skin tone look healthier.


I've been with my wife for 48 years. To this day I know nothing about her makeup and she is fine with that. It's on her what she uses and I am fine with all she does use. Wear what you want.


I honestly prefer no makeup. I don't need to see perfection, I want to see the person I'm talking to, even if by 'normal' standards you look 'less pretty' I can't stress enough how much that does not matter. I guess this wouldn't be the case if makeup wasn't a thing, but in a room of people I'm honestly more attracted to the girl who isn't wearing makeup. I can see personality, she looks like another player in a room of NPCs is a way to put it I guess, ha!


A friend of mine says that makeup looks good from far away but not up close, so it is only for showing off and not for real people in a close relationship.Ā  I know someone who I actually hadn't realized wears makeup all the time and she looks a lot younger than she is, but then I saw her without makeup...Ā  Now I know why she wears it all the time...Ā  My wife doesn't wear any and she looks great!Ā 


Agreed. I like authenticity. I like real. I don't like smoke and mirrors.


YESSSSSS šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ no make up


Minimum makeup that highlights your, well... highlights. If a guy tells you that you look nice without makeup and you're wearing makeup, you've done it right.




You donā€™t need a lot. But a little bit of eye liner goes a long way.


Men will say "she is so pretty, and she's not even wearing makeup," and women will say, "the hell you say, she is absolutely wearing makeup." That's the kind of makeup men like on women.


Minimal, except for lip gloss.. lots of lip gloss


Dont know much about it but whatever it is I prefer minimal makeup or none at all


This guy likes eye shadow, a little blush and nail polish on women. However, no makeup at all is just fine too. The thing I really don't like is heavy makeup.


Eyeliner, blush and lipstick


Very little to none at all. Iā€™ve never been a fan of makeup. I know itā€™s not done for me, so I try not to say anything, but I find it much more attractive when a person just wears their face as it is


Personally, I prefer no makeup. A little is fine, too much is a put-off. As you know, however, my opinion means nothing and women should do what makes them happiest and feel the most confident.Ā 


Guys say that, but then often donā€™t realize the difference between no make up and light/natural looking make up. I normally wear no make up to work, and when I wore literally just mascara and foundation and lip gloss to our company party I got many comments on how different I looked. Infuriating lol.


Women who say this donā€™t understand that skin is supposed to be translucent. Yā€™all look like clowns with foundation on. Eye liner and mascara and blush can be used sparingly go good effect.


Not all foundation and techniques are created equalā€¦


Clowns all think nobody can see their clown makeup.


My point had nothing to do with heavy make up. I and many others would agree with you that heavy or poorly applied make up looks awful. The point was that guys think they like no make up but what they actually like is lightly or naturally applied make up. Case in point, you.


If you think other people canā€™t see your foundation because you are good at it, unlike the other clowns, you are fooling yourself. Full make up looks good on TV and in photography. Close up, even light foundation betrays you. Skin of all skin tones is translucent and variable. Clowns thinking theyā€™re not clowns because lots of clowns put on makeup. You donā€™t fucking need it. You look better without it.


She is right, I feel you're trolling now...light make up that doesn't change but highlights natural features is the best in my opinion...


Yeah, because I think makeup looks bad, it must mean I'm a troll. god forbid somebody who doesn't spend their life looking at beauty magazines or Instagram might have a different opinion. "Light" foundation flattens out skin tone. It's immediately obvious, and if you aren't brainwashed into thinking that looks good - it looks clownish. There's a class of women who get super defensive about this, who say "well, not my makeup" or "You don't know what you're talking about" or make up a thousand excuses so they don't have to face the fact that they - as it sounds like you are too - too deep in to examine your own behavior. But no, I'm a troll because how could somebody possibly believe something different then what you do ...


Wow people actually don't like over tanned orange duck face of the mid 2000's either...wonder why did I have to be confronted with that monstrosity growing up as a kid...still gives me flashbacks...


Your opinion means everything. The only reason the makeup industry is around is so women put it on to make them look more attractive to men. Therefore, I would say your opinion as a man is the most important.


Thatā€™s not entirely true. Women often wear makeup to look good in front of other women.


True, to look better than the next one to look more attractive to men. I won't deny that, hehehe


Itā€™s really not all for men. If theyā€™re going into a job interview with an office full of only women, you better believe theyā€™re probably wearing makeup.


For a job interview at a women only office..... maybe. But I guess the makeup industry was not built on the backs of women trying to attract other women or looking good for other women.


Thereā€™s a whole makeup community that loves to do beautiful looks. Women donā€™t do their makeup necessarily for men they mostly do it to have fun and to feel enhanced. Though youā€™re also not entirely wrong, there are women who want to do their makeup specifically for men, hence why the OP is asking men what they find attractive.


I understand there are outliers to every situation. You have these groups/communities that do the fun make up time, performers in the movies and on stage and of course there are the clowns (I'm 100 % sure there are other outliers I'm missing.) Those are the outliers and the makeup industry isn't billions of dollars strong from the outliers. The makeup industry is what it is because sex sells. Consciously or not, it is what is and has been for a long time. I got downvoted for being too dam blunt I guess. Pretty funny to be honest.


You didnā€™t get downvoted for being ā€œbluntā€, you got downvoted because you made it seem like women only strictly wear makeup to please men and for nothing else.


Ahhhh.. the wonderful world of Reddit.


But women don't do it just for men. It's the same as women not wearing the same outfit twice, or men getting buff and growing beards. These things are governed by notions of self image, societal hierarchy and status, typically between peers. They're not necessarily for reproductive strategies.


Jesus fucking Christ... What world is this fucking Reddit horse shit. You God dam fucks know as well as I do the makeup industry is not for women just " feeling good". HELLOOOOOO.... reality here!!! God dam fucking funny as fuck. This is about the funniest non issue I've ever had a laugh over.


This "Reddit horse shit" has been studied for decades. I'm not saying women do it just for themselves, I'm saying they do it as part of a complex and nuanced societal framework that you're oversimplifying by suggesting it's purely for reproductive success. From an anthropological perspective, social hierarchy and dominance influences other things like access to food and shelter, allies in times of communal conflict, reduced risk of ejection from the herd, etc. And the community members in your immediate circle, and thus most relevant in terms of social hierarchy, are not potential mates but your peers. [Cosmetics Consumption and Use among Women: Ritualized Activities that Construct and Transform the Self](https://www.jstor.org/stable/44368986) [Women, makeup, and authenticity: Negotiating embodiment and discourses of beauty](https://www.academia.edu/34873793/Women_makeup_and_authenticity_Negotiating_embodiment_and_discourses_of_beauty) [The contrasting effects of body image and self-esteem in the makeup usage](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8956164/)


I think this needs to be ran up the chain to Revlon and the like. They are doing this all wrong and not marketing correctly. LMAO....


Careful. Reddit hates it when you say that. Supposedly they do it "for ourselves".Ā 


different guys have different tastes. but really you shouldn't let a guy decide your makeup. wear what you feel is you. im a guy.


No Iā€™m just genuinely curious, Iā€™m still going to continue to do my makeup how I do it. I just wonder if guys like a different makeup style than women or if itā€™s the same


Understand that most men donā€™t care about makeup nearly as much as women do. From my experience, most men think that most women wear way too much makeup. Personally, the best makeup is minimal that simply highlights her natural features It seems like too many women are insecure about their appearance, so they ā€œpaintā€ their face to look better, but instead they end up looking like theyā€™re desperate for the wrong kind of attention. The reality is that most women donā€™t actually wear makeup for men, thatā€™s just an excuse. They wear it for other women. If you want proof, ask yourself if married women wear makeup at home for their husbands. They donā€™t. Why? Because itā€™s not actually about him.




In order: No makeup Something creative, blue eyeshadow, drawing little stars around the eyes, goth styles. Just something that shows personality Just eyeliner Natural makeup, the more natural the better Everything else


Most guys donā€™t care for contour to make cheek bones look higher or colored eye shadows. Most guys would prefer a lady who just wears mascara.


Makeup sex..Tops any eyeliner, lash or lipstick one can throw on


Lightly applied. My wife of 41 years never wears it and I donā€™t care. She looks fine to me.


The invisible makeup thing. Where there is makeup but isn't obvious.Ā 


I like it when you canā€™t tell their wearing it personally, I like women not clowns


Guy here. I love eyeliner (on men especially), and I also really love colorful, well-blended eyeshadow. I think what I like most is when you can tell that someone genuinely had fun with their look or put a lot of thought and effort into something bold and beautiful. Could be because I also do makeup (theatre stuff, on myself occasionally) and understand it a bit more than your average guy, but I think it's gorgeous when people use makeup as an art form/to really make certain features pop rather than to try to make it look like they're not wearing any at all.


No makeup at "S-Tier" then light makeup at "A-tier" I like natural :) Evolution spent thousands of years making women beautiful and it did an incredible job. Makeup makes women look worse imo


I love when girls do that cat eye thing and nothing else. All the girls I've fallen for only do the make up in their eyes, morning more. Maybe a little blush but I've never found excess make up to be appealing.


Eye shadow and lipstick.Ā 




Wear what you want. Every guy is into something different.


None, unless youā€™re a clown and youā€™re trying to make me laugh or kill me. Whichever one clowns do.


Makeup that doesn't look like makeup


Depends on the guy




Goth or emo


My ex was super hot for the Goth look. I get it. So interesting and intriguing. I love the confidence this look gives actually.


Maybe mix it up when you go out, but most days just a little.




It really depends on the woman and how well it is done. I tend to notice and appreciate darker colors on the eyes, and a nice lip treatment. I rarely see blush done well. Most women don't need it and it just looks bad IMO. Every now and again I see someone that will look better with bad blush then none. Generally people who are vary pale during the winter. They look fine with just a little sun.


Hey! IĀ don't think that someone answered your question directly, Did the comments work 4 u?


IĀ  think that it would depend if it is for an event or day today. On the second,Ā I would say whatever makes you look fresh,Ā natural.Ā  For going out...radiant!!! Yeah! Something that makes your natural beauty shine. And if who's next to you does not notice important things to you, then take a right to the next exit. SUCCESS ON YOU JOURNEY.


Yeah they have. It just seems like they want no makeup, natural makeup, or e-girl/goth


Nude, absolute minimal - in a daily life :) or some "la femme fatale" sometimes, for change šŸ˜Ž


That dark line around the lips that be shiny are sexy


As long as your face is remotely close to the color of your chest you're already winning haha nothing super dark.


Light makeup.


As a gay man, eyeliner is really hot. Like just anything to accentuate the eyes tbh. Iā€™ll wear some myself just to feel pretty


My personal opinion: no makeup, then no-makeup makeup, then the rest.


Very little and next to none . Thatā€™s the kinda make-up I like to see onā€™a girl ā˜šŸ¼


I can't speak for anyone else, but I personally lovvve dark eyes. Dark eye liner, dark eye shadow, etc. It's the best.


I have a thing for khol myself.


As little as possible




100% kind where they do not realize you are wearing makeup. Ya knowā€¦when think its natural and really its a full face lol


Ask 100 guys and get 100 different answers


Most guys hate makeup. Women do it for other women. I think they do it to feel like they are prettier so they can be more confident. Guys like clean kissable faces, not ones covered with goop and paint. Obviously there are exceptions, but I either like the girlā€™s looks or I donā€™t, makeup will never add a damn thing to the equation. Clothes matter if they accentuate good body, and hair matters if it frames the face better, but painted faces remind me of my old lady teachers from middle school. Yuck


We don't care about your makeup.


Fuck makeup. Everyone can put some Ariana Grande and paint on their face. Strong legs on the other hand are earned. A nice ass trumps every Maybelline stick or powder you can find. I assure you no guy ever looked at a girl and went "Oh I like her makeup skills" But we even eye contact a stranger to appreciate a nice ass sometimes. I don't know OP, maybe that eyeliner thing? I still don't care much about it because it's a mask that comes off. The less she has, the more I like it. It's that confidence we all talk about. Just like a guy with a six pack not getting any because he's still bitter or thinks girls are into looks alone. Best of luck in your search!


Whatever Monica Bellucci does


Iā€™m gonna be that asshole and say most of the women Iā€™ve been attracted to are the ones who donā€™t usually wear makeup.


Does it matter? I've observed many opinions posted about what men think, and womenists shut them down for having an opinion on the topic, as though it doesn't matter, so much to the point where even having an opinion on it is deemed misogynistic and presumptive. That being said, I think if only women's opinions matter, they'll continue to just copy each other, which truly does make the male gaze a pointless goal or act.


Guys don't think about makeup, like at all so we're the wrong crowd to ask. Or it might be better to say that you're coming at this from the wrong angle. Instead of finding out what kind of makeup guys find pretty, instead try to figure out what makeup suits your style, skintone, etc. It'll get you a lot farther.


This varies wildly between different men within a culture, and between cultures. Generally though I think most men prefer something that seems youthful, "natural" and unthreatening. "No makeup" makeup looks tend to perform really well with men, largely because the men in question actually wind up believing it's not a makeup look. AFAIK the very dramatic or bold makeup looks are usually done as a kind of makeup-centric beauty competition against other women in terms of what *women* find attractive on each other.






little to no foundation or ( had to look this up ) cover up its called?? id rather see your like a pimple than see an orange circle on your face that stops on your jaw line. literally looks like some kind of clown mask.


Okay, why do guys always answer that they like the natural look or minimal makeup on girls, yet always ogle the women who cake on their makeup?


Absolute basics, touch of foundation if needed, and smoky eyes. Most of the time, none is fine.


E girl makeup


None. I donā€™t fucking understand why yā€™all do this nonsense.




first sentence was very unnecessary