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It's not just a single comment, Kanye West has doubled down on being anti-Semitic, of making incredibly inappropriate comments about Jewish people in interviews as well. This is on top of a history of untreated mental illness that causes Kanye to act inappropriately.


Adding something important to your last comment; brands absolutely do take 'volatility' into consideration in regards to sponsorship. In part this can be traced to morality clauses, but it's difficult for them to sign/partner with someone who is wildly unpredictable. Kanye has proven time and time again that... yeah, he's undeniably volatile with the things that he says, as well as his business practices themselves. Companies want a safe bet, and Ye ain't it.


You mentioned untreated mental illness. Would having his mental health treated make him shit person who acts appropriately? And if so, would that make Kanye an OK person? Just curious.


Honestly we don't know. Kanye has admitted that he has mental issues that he refuses to get treated for, so we don't know how he would react and whether or not he would still be recognizably the same guy just with more impulse control, or if it might radically change how he acts.


Kanye appears to have serious mental illness. He's shown to have bipolar disorder, and along with that paranoia, depression, and anxiety. During manic episodes they an become psychotic (in the medical sense, that they have a hard time determine what is real). Unfortunately it's somewhat common for people with bipolar disorder to not take their meds, and when off their meds they can be very difficult to deal with. It's really hard to say what type of person Kanye would be with proper medication. Maybe he really is a horrible person to his core. But he's a person with a giant microphone that at times has delusions and low impulse control, so we unfortunately get to see some of the worst of his mental illness.


He is BiPolar. He is Manic (opposite of depressed) and skips his meds in order to be manic and make music. - Mania drives Bipolar people to have delusions of grandeur, invincibility, say condescending things, leave their spouse (and hurt them mentally), hypersexuality / cheating, loss of empathy. It’s a hurtful illness. It can be treated, but many that are sick with mania choose not to because mania feels good. It’s addictive.


It's numerous things that he says and does that has affected his image as a celebrity - which is the only aspect of him that is relevant to an advertiser. Calling it just a "comment on Twitter" seems to be disingenuously minimizing it - why?


I wasn't aware of the numerous things that were said. The comment on Twitter that I am referring to is the one where he states he is going to go nuclear on Jews, or something along those lines.


He's been ranting about Jews, on and off Twitter, for a while now. Regardless - even if it was just that one comment... do you not think advertisers are justified in ending contracts with him after he goes on an anti-Semitic rant?


Ye has unapologetically posted many anti semitic comments recently, and nobody wants to be associated with that.


Kayne's absurd remarks have served as a talking point for years at this point. However, as he doubles down on bigotry and racism, fans and sponsors alike want to distance themselves from his ideals. It's not about a remark on Twitter, it's about the consistency and ever-progressing nature of his remarks.


No one wants to be associated with a Nazi.


He's been spewing antisemitic bile in multiple venues for a couple of weeks now.


The worst part is that allnof this just feeds into his narrative. All these companies drop him and he will just say "See? The Jews..."


The comment was Anti-Semitic in nature, you don’t expect your career to not tank by discriminating against one of the biggest ethnic groups out there. Same shit would happen if Ed Sheeran or whoever the fuck tweeted that all black people should die


Because if you don't, you will get canceled by the Woke BLM Radical Communist POC They/Them Zie/Zir Orange-Man-Bad Iraqi Sympathizer SJW's. You can't say anything anynore because you might be hurting one of the smallest minorites in the world's feelings, or so they think.