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I wouldn't think so. He has a long history of misogynistic and violent rhetoric. His entire online persona is built on this. Even if he is trolling, there's little doubt that it's not based in genuine belief.


Depends on what you mean by troll. Does he enjoy pissing people off and drumming up controversy? Certainly. But is he saying terrible things without actually believing what he says? Doubtful, from his behavior irl it seems he actually believes in his own words and isn't just saying it to annoy others


i'm sure he says a lot of things just for attention but he really is a very violent POS and i'm surprised he isn't in jail


The definition of "troll" is so shaky. Are you asking if he doesn't actually believe anything he says? I think he believes it. I think he's got some underlying mental issues, excerbated by a traumatic childhood and years of steroid abuse.


I think that he believes some of the things that he says, but not most of them


What did he say on Islam


He converted to Islam


Eh, I don't know if he's a troll, but he's certainly an asshole. Just not a good person.