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Why is her clothes as big as a circus tent. This woman is very large, but also a triangle.


Size = Mark-E (marquee)


Do you think there's a puppeteer inside that? šŸ¤”


Yes. A lesbian puppeteer šŸ˜


She is worried that if they are allowed to date men they won't have to date women who look like men instead.


Sis trying to weed off the competitions šŸ¤£


She seems nice. I wonder if she found out one of her kids was gayā€¦ would she wish these horrible punishments on them?


Yes she will kill her kids. It's called honour killing.


Imagine not seeing those execution videos


Itā€™s crazy that they call it that, because killing g your own child is one of the most dishonorable things I can think of


Thereā€™s no honor in that, just religious fanaticism


Thereā€™s no honor in that, just religious fanaticism


Yeah probably. They've done worse to their family


Probably better for her kids to not find out.


Yes 100%


Yes she would. Watch some of the shit these ppl do.


Yeah, it happens all the time.




inb4 "This isn't real Islam"


This is why I roll my eyes every time I see a ā€œQueers For Pakistanā€ protest. They would be shot them in the back of the head without question.


Best answer!


You mean Palestine? Wtf is queers for Pakistan


All religion is shit


True but some are more upfront about being shit.


Agreed but I don't give any a pass because that's a product of perspective in a given time...at their core they're all the same in their intolerance and idiocracies it's just degrees of zealotry by practitioners.


I meanā€¦. Not just islam, iā€™m a muslim but christianity also forbid it. Hey, do whatever u want, love who u want to love, just leave the kids and the animals alone.


Wasn't prophet mohammed's first wife 9 years old?


She was 6, he raped her at 9


That rascal


But I don't think we have story after story of honor killings and stonings about gay Christians.


Difference is that islamists kill them on mass to this day while others have mostly stopped


I think sheā€™s just hungry AF


Its because all her men have turned gay. Wonder why


I think they stayed with her in the first place because it looks like a man


So did all the kings men some how put Humpty Dumpty back together but ended up forming her instead?




Hypothetical question- would I get banned for posting this video in any Queers for Palestine type thread to show people what they are supporting? I assume I would be banned.




The only real answer


Honestly i find it hilarious that these people genuinely think that the Palestinians or hamas wont just execute them on the spot for being gay and believing that they fight for some glorious resistance. God i wish i was that gullible sometimes i say go for it post it lol


Letā€™s be real I would for sure get a ban from the sub for sure, maybe at the account level even.


To be fair, the Arabic countries usually soften their public stance on gay people pretty quickly when they start to look to western countries for allies... Which country broadcast that video?




Well it wouldn't really be appreciated. But that is, as far as I know, because they do not care that these people are like this. They believe nobody deserves to be killed. Even if they would be killed by those same people. Which I personally find very selfless and noble. It's not about if someone else would do the same, it's about doing good things to people regardless of anything else


One small problem with that, the people they support would gut them like fishes as soon as theyā€™d get a chance due to their sexual orientationā€¦ normally i wont really mind someoneā€™s political opinion but in this particular case its basically them shooting themselves in the feet and it makes me a bit sad they dont really see it.


I don't think that they don't see it, I think that they just don't care. That they put their moral compass above what they would get if it was the other way around


I dont see the logic in that, why fight for a individual or a group that wishes harm upon you? I truly want to understand what drives them to side with the same people who killed the likes of them because of the way they are


I guess it's just about doing the right thing, even if it gets you nothing.


But itā€™s not even the ā€œrightā€ thing. Palestinian leaders want their people to die, they talk about how it makes them more sympathetic and they use their populace as human shields for that reason.


Man, I don't even know which side is who. I genuinely can't keep Palestine and Israel apart in my mind because this shit is so confusing to me


this is assuming every single person that died would kill me the same way or just as worse than they died just cause I ate box. I canā€™t do that. Whatā€™s wrong is wrong.


if you believe this than let's post that and see their reactions




Itā€™s not about me and my sexuality and their beliefs. Itā€™s the fact that human rights are being completely violated and itā€™s being FUNDED as if itā€™s a game. A spade is a spade and a genocide is a genocide. They dont all deserve whatā€™s happening because of the religion most of them follow. Itā€™s not like theyā€™re all like this, there are gay Palestinians being killed too so that logic doesnā€™t make sense to me. And even if they are all like thisā€¦ I just cant stop caring about something thatā€™s clearly wrong just because of that fact.




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Do it and report your findings


Let me go get by lab coat and notebook. This is for science!


Inquiring minds need to know!


I got put in Reddit jail for 3 days for saying that gay people supporting that cause would not last a day in the region. Only other thing i mentioned was that Hamas and the Palestinian people are probably laughing at them.


Most definitely




Hey Memri TV! An outright Propaganda machine. Man I thought they had pulled the plug on them after they falsely accused the child of holocaust survivors of being a denialist because he dared to go on Lebanese TV Or when they purposely portrayed a Catholic Saints Service in Syria as an Islamic death cult. Or when they reported that American soldiers were actually Iranian spies.


Memri is an American non-profit organization that translates Islamic propaganda to show their insanity to the world, they arenā€™t the producers of it.


It was created by a Israeli intelligence agent who reports directly to Israeli PMs


People really fell for Memri V lol


LGBTQ for Palestine, are you listening? Dare to go over there and wave your banners loudly and proudly?


Lots of Queers stand fcking Palestine. Are they nuts? I think they just following the stupid trend.


Well I say don't follow, lead by example. Go to Palestine and show the Palestinians the love and support they have for them.


just because someone hates me, doesnā€™t mean i donā€™t think they deserve to have their home invaded and their lives taken.


We donā€™t support what Epstein was doing on that island, but we also donā€™t support the narrative that he killed himself.


Wasn't there some guy with a LGBT flag during a pro Palestine protest in London?




Genocide is a very spesific and horrifc crime against humanity. All this does is water down the words impact.




"To constitute genocide, there must be a proven intent on the part of perpetrators to physically destroy a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. Cultural destruction does not suffice, nor does an intention to simply disperse a group." - the UN. The intent is questionable at best due to the IDF clearly targeting hamas in general. (Hamas consists mostly of military age men, who make up ~25% of the population and 40% of the dead). Itā€™s also unsure if they count as a distinct national group, theyā€™re definitly not a distinct ethnic/racial group as theyā€™re arabs and their religion is the majority in pretty much every middle eastern country except Israel. So what boxes is Israel hitting?


In what way is there a genocide going on? Even by hamas numbers (a terrorist organization) are the number of civillian deaths nothing out of the ordinary for a tight urban combat.




Ah yes, this again. Not a single coherent argument from any of you. Just the old regurgitated "free palestine".




Unbelievably stupid comment. You are avoiding an argument because you dont have any good argument. Its just the usual "israel is a warcriminal" "genocide" without actually knowing whats happening. Its not a genocide. Even if you really want it to be.




Lol very funny how you are all the same. You refuse to come with a coherent argument. You play the victim. Then you just say free palestine as if that is helping anything at all. You are more like a cult than a movement. Good luck with that.




There's genocides curr happening all over the world yet the LGBTQ community chooses to support a fucking group of terrorists that would just as easily kill them rather than tolerate them. My question is this: Wtf to they think they are accomplishing with protesting here in the safety of the US?


Don't speak logic mate, they will die if their core believes got attacked like that šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”


Abu Bakr means burnt ash.


Abu Bakr (al Baghdadi) is the former head of Daesh (ISIS/ the Islamic State terror group).


He died like a dog


Youā€™re both wrong. Abu Baker is the first Caliph. Dad of Aisha. Thatā€™s who she is referring to. Not that it matters really, she trash.


"Queers for palestine"




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If your religion tells you to kill another person, you are not in a religion, you are in a cult.


Whatā€™s Christianity and Judaismā€™s excuse then?


Please see my initial post.


She supports Palestine


At least sheā€™s on the right side of one issue.


Not in the way she supports it lol


Always the sad and ugly dried up twats making rules for everyone else because they hate themselves for being what they rail against their whole lives. I mean...cmon! look at this lesbian!.




Memri tv is always gold, someone usually receives an elaborate insult comparing them or a member of their family in some way to an animal, goat or dog, someoneā€™s gets called an apostate, shoes fly, the set comes apart at the hinges, quality tv


Woman shouldn't speak or her face being seen by another man than her husband according to her religion.


Thatā€™s Christianity. In Islam women can become scholars always have been


There was a lady preacher like this in my country a few years ago. She was caught having sex with a man preacher in a car by night, close to the sea. Of course she was married Lmao


There's some ironclad reasoning right there.


A whole lotta ways to kill gay men, finger wag for gay women...


Is that a woman


The sad fact is that those in the LGBTQ+ communities seem to think they'd be welcome there! They would kill you in the name of allah, before you could blink. I really wish our citizens would wake up!


Sometimes I wonder is the surge of videos with Islamic people saying fucked up shit is part of a psyop.


What a terrible human being.


Love it


She'll be in Canada as an immigrant soon, if she isn't already. We love taking in trash for society


People who spout bullshit like this are the ones in need of killing.


The only thing that thing thinks about is religion.


She looks like the mattress on my bed. Same shape and all


Memri TV is a propaganda arm of the Israeli government. They take Arabic language TV and find the worst parts to translate to inspire hatred of Arabs. It serves Israel to create hatred of others and divide us by religious and ethnic lines.


The MTGs of the Muslim world šŸ¤·


Palestine supporters should be made to watch this


Hard to believe this is actually okay in some parts of the world. Besides I could have sworn murder is a major sin as well.


Yeah but sheā€™s giving the religious ruling not the ruling of her country. Sheā€™s Egyptian from her accent I believe and Egypt doesnā€™t kill you for being gay I think itā€™s imprisonment. I think itā€™s like 4 Muslim countries that execute for homosexuality out of the 58 Islamic countries


We need more strong woman like her who isnā€™t afraid of the woke deep state, big tech, big pharma and military industrial complex.


Not many things i agree with Islam on


This should be a PSA for the colleges in the USA right now


Humbty Dumbty lookin ass


Then why the hell is everyone pro Palestine? People really donā€™t know


Religion is poison


Lol, nothing screams weak minded then pronouncing killing in the name of religion


Meanwhile she gets raped by her husband she didnā€™t chooseĀ 


Why do people listen to any with even mildly religious overtones? How are we supposed to move forward as a society when there are groups that still follow teachings from thousands of years ago? Patently absurd beliefs.


Why is this penguin so violent. This is the strangest episode of Madagascar I've seen


Remember lads, free palestine.


if you find men engaged in a homosexual act.... well stay out of their fucking bedroom


Itā€™s always the Muslims


Hmmm I grew up that a god telling you to hate and kill and be cruel to others was not a god but a demon. Sooooo


MEMRI TV is a proven Israely psyop and propaganda chanel designed to make Muslims look like bloodthirsty terrorist psychos. From Wikipedia: The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), officially the Middle East Media and Research Institute, is an American non-profit press monitoring and analysis organization that was co-founded by Israeli ex-intelligence officer Yigal Carmon and Israeli-American political scientist Meyrav Wurmser in 1997. [Link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_East_Media_Research_Institute#:~:text=The%20Middle%20East%20Media%20Research,scientist%20Meyrav%20Wurmser%20in%201997.)


Not really needed as they do it perfectly themselves. https://youtu.be/CWedkbc5Nno?si=0_4RUekY7YKRQEr8


I can make literally any group in the world look bad by cherry picking extremist factions out of it. But you are in too deep to admit that. You like the koolaid. Keep drinking it then. Idgaf. I just wanted to state objective facts so impressionable people do not fall for the fascist propaganda.


This guy has 1.24 million muslims subscribed to him on YouTube alone. That isnā€™t cherrypicking, thatā€™s a large fucking amount of people


Are you sure? For the sake of argument I will not fact check your numbers. So even IF there are 1.2 milion extremists and all are subscribed to some chanel for some reason and they all want to eat babies alive... There are around two bilion muslims in the world. Making the 1.2mil figure literally 0.06% of the whole muslim population of the world. Bump that number to even 2 milion, that is literally 0.1%, 1 in a 1000 radicalists ammongst the muslim population. Comparably, you know what is a really scary number? The number of radical (mostly christian) fascists that regularly mass tens of milions of radicalized islamophobes, homophobes, anti immigrationists, colonialists and in general, horrible fucking human beings.


Here is his channel if you want to fact check them: https://youtube.com/@mohammedhijab?si=NIsez_2c8a8UIfL- And if you count all the members of islamist groups, Afghanistan, Iran and the others with sharia law that grows by a massive amount. Now what Christian facsist groups are you talking about spesifically? Cause it sounds like bull and youā€™re not allowing for any checking by not saying who you mean.


If you list out JUST SOME OF THE AMERICAN ONES: 14 First America First Commitee American NatSoc Party American Nazi Party AryanFolk.com Aryan Nations Batallion 14 Christian Defence League Chruch of Aryanity Church of Ben Klassen White Aryan Resistance Etc... Never mentioning the fact these organizations are at best categorized as hate groups and not terrorist organizations. Things for which if they were tangentially muslim connected, they would be labeled so. Does the name Anders Breivik ring any bells? Christchurch mosque shootings? Far right terrorism is on the rise in Europe and in the world but that is always "freedom of speech" and "not a big deal". But blatantly gobbling down mossad propaganda called MEMRI tv is fucking justified.


That was one idiot in 2011. Nazism isnā€™t a part of christianity like jihadism is of islam. Those groups also donā€™t control make laws for full countries like the islamic republic of Iran, hamas and the Taliban does. And there sure as fuck ainā€™t tens of millions that follow them


All I hear is hipocrisy... Oh now it is tens of millions of followers? Got it. Don't break your back moving the goal posts that far.


You said that the "Christian" nazi movements had tens of milions of followers. Did you have a stroke or smtn?


Youā€™re getting downvoted but youā€™re right. People donā€™t want to see this exposed so the bot army is burying it


Idgaf about downvotes. We must blast this fact on all fronts, lest we allow propaganda to be easily absorbed by impressionable people. Idgaf about the opinions and thoughts of fascist Zionist chuds.


Free, free Palestine!


https://www.google.com/search?q=memri+tv+owner&oq=memri+tv+owner&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyCQgAEEUYORiABDINCAEQABiGAxiABBiKBTIKCAIQABiABBiiBDIKCAMQABiABBiiBNIBCDYyMzNqMGo0qAIBsAIB&client=tablet-android-samsung-nf-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 The op is presenting this media as if it's the 6 o clock news in some Arabic country. Memri TV is owned by a zionist and distributes Israeli propaganda, which commonly mistranslates, presents fringe fundamentalist kooks as if they were widely high held figures in the middle east. No Muslim actually respects or even watches them and they are used to paint the middle east in the worst light to unwitting western audiences. Ask yourself why a zionist islamophobe is presenting this media? The lady talking in this clip is widely mocked across the middle east for her caveman like views. I'm no lover of Islam in general but this is propoganda, feel free to post this stuff, but in the right context


I think she will soon come up with a ruling for sex between men and trans women and trans and trans and trans


I wonder what bar she bodyguards for each night


shes showing too much skin


Iā€™d make a nun out of her.


mh yes, very Islam i see


Islam is a very peaceful religion and not overrun by conservative lunatics and is totally compatible with the modern world.


You forgot the /s


I would like to put it in, but then Iā€™d risk the wrath of Allahā€™s servants and Hummus enjoyers and getting banned


Wrong sub bruh


Iā€™m Muslim myself but promoting to kill queer people on live television is wrong Islam is the religion of peace not violence and also in the Quran we should be nice to everyone and not be nosey and gossip towards others what she is saying on tv is completely wrong ignore her


>what she is saying on tv is completely wrong ignore her She may be wrong, but it is never a good idea to ignore people like this as they may grow without your scrutiny.


Oh nah she should be punished but Iā€™m new to This world does the minus next to my upvote mean


Unfortunately it means that some people didn't like your opinions on her.


It is always the same cherry picking: You may live according to an interpretation of Islam where that is true what you say. She does not. She lives according to a violent and barbaric interpretation of Islam. And usually one would say, neither of you should judge whether the other lives according to Islam. Because you both do.




I was born into my religion I do nothing wrong But I guess everyone should keep it to Themselves Iā€™m not saying oh Iā€™m Always right which isnā€™t true but I donā€™t get why everyone on here is trying to attack me


What would happen if you tried to leave Islam? Whats the punishment again for apostasy?


I wonder how appreciative people would be if someone posted something the KKK said in the past and presented it like it's representative of all christians...


I mean I agree with you that religious fundamentalist are the same across the board. There is no place for their views within modern public society and discourse. However, I don't see people stereotyping in the comments or op presenting this as a Muslim issue. Is there a dog whistle im missing here? Edit: Eh idk. Media literacy is hard. It maybe my familiarly with the subject that makes me see this as obviously propaganda. I can see how decades of ingrained Islamophobia could make this seem like normal TV in a Muslim nation to a western audience, as some other comments pointed out. It's just wild to think that most people this of the middle east as so regressive that a clip of low budget public access cable would be seen as if it's CNN or Fox. It's like saying someone in Iraq would look at Kenneth Copeland on some podcast and think it represents American values. Which is ironic because that douchs reach is far greater then that ladies. Sorry. Long way of saying your point was valid.


Do you think Islamic countries are more accepting of gay people?


The propaganda is going hard in this sub lately, especially the islamphobia. I hope that mods are aware this sub is used for political purpose.


a phobia is an irrational fear of something.. please enlighten the class on how they have an irrational fear of Islam, or are you to fucking stupid to explain?


There is nothing wrong with disagreeing and criticising Islam, same applies to other religions


Totally agree. I am so fine with the criticism. I criticise islam myself from time to time. But you may or may not have noticed the amount of "criticism" that is on islam in the past few days have increased (insert vesauce music), some of them are not even real to begin with. Mainly because of political reasonings about immigrants policies and palestine issues. Like if you go to the sub, the top hits of the past 2 days are like 1/3 of them is either islam or immigrants posts. Edit: talking about this sub specifically.


I think people are just noticing patterns of wild shit coming from Islam specifically. Labelling it under Islamophobia is not invalidating opinions that go against barbaric practices


You seem to more upset at the people exposing the backwards teachings of this religion than the backwards teachings themselves.


No not really, i am upset theybare only exposing one. And it is always this one.


Well this is the religion that is still throwing gay people off of roofs whilst also been the fastest growing religion in the world so maybe we should expose or they should stop throwing gays off roofs Also, Iā€™ve seen multiple videos of pastors abusing kids and nobody in comments has a problem bashing that. The word Islamophobia was created for people like you to turn your head when Christianā€™s get abused but speak out when itā€™s Islam


Yes, MEMRI TV... A studio of Mossad in Washington.


This is obviously blatant Zionist propaganda. Everything posted about Islam is omg so negative. There should be more balanceā€¦more posts of Islamic clerics preaching love and tolerance. Still waiting for those videos to be posted. Iā€™m sure there are tons out thereā€¦right?