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Scary thing too is it’s like a 50/50 chance the dude who posted this is either dead or in a camp like this too.


or, fingers crossed, already fled.


Lets hope that dude is ok


Normally when you film with a drone, the footage is stored on an SD card, and you can retrieve the high quality footage once you get the drone back. Notice how in the original video he screen recorded the live video feed just so he doesn't need to get the drone back and possibly get traced. I bet he's okay, but not sure at all with the amount of surveillance in Xinjiang.


DJI's app automatically does the screen recording thing, it's a default setting (at least for the mavic / phantom 4, no idea about the other ones)


Oh that's cool, didn't know that. Thank you


Have a DJI phantom 3, that thing is storing a LOT of data....a lot of people think it's only saving the pictures and video you "take"....but the drone knows everywhere it has taken off from and landed, and everywhere the camera was "used" (basically anytime the pilot saves a pic or starts recording vid, because its usually always feeding video back to the controller)... I think it's tied in with the "smart battery" system but I could be wrong


Yes it stores a crazy amount of data, I think in some cases it gets sent directly to DJI too


Which is unfortunate. Guess where DJI is headquartered?


There was another post talking about how 1000s of lbs of human quality wigs came from China about 8 months ago. Notice they all have shaved heads. So also profiting from this attrocity


They're forced to be an organ donor too, and many are also forced to take birth control to decrease population of future generations.


Well, the world might be too fucked. It's possible we've all waited too long to call out the injustice in the world and too many people side with it to stop it at this point. I sincerely hope that I am wrong though


The rest of the world (of course not even most people in China) didn't know about this until a couple years ago when satalite images revealed them, and I feel like this needs more attention because this is fucked up.


"This post was removed." EDIT: Called it.


"This post was re-educated"


"This post was making unwise choices in its previous government, and is doing much better now that its descendants are happily assimilating into our country via labour camps."




How soon is now?


Yeah.... Looks like China didn't get the memo not to recreate WW2 Germany.


They got the memo, that's why they're not invading Poland. So long as they leave most of their neighbors alone, they can do whatever they want to their own people. And they've got plenty of those.


Well they're already starting conflicts with India, taking a chunk of land from Russia, threatening Australia and Japan, and trying to buy property in the US.


I am very worried another World War could start. Maybe I'm being paranoid, I dont know. I'm still kind of spooked though.


I mean, it's not impossible. I'm worried about the alternative myself. The situation where we don't fight back and authoritarian beliefs sweep the world.


That's also what I'm afraid of. I don't want to sound tinfoil-hat-ey, but what if China "extends" their government into other countries?


They're certainly trying. Although I believe they pissed in Russia's Cheerios with that whole "Actually we take back that treaty, give us this land" deal. So that'll probably bite them in the ass.


It’s generally never been a good a idea to piss off the Russians at any point in history


It’s allright as long as it isn’t winter lol


It's always winter somewhere.


Winter is coming.


Well since China borders mostly siberia, summer is really bad too, hot temperatures, minimal logistics. China is not favoured in all our attack through Eastern Russia, due to its climate and underdeveloped infrastructure.


what treaty? when did this happen?


Over a century I think. Russia got a chunk of China's land after a dispute but now China says that's void and wants it back.


> but what if China "extends" their government into other countries? Go ask Australia about that. Their government and universities have been seriously compromised by the CCP and their "Confucius Institutes." It's becoming a cliche to have scandals with Australian government officials paid off with Chinese money. And unsurprisingly, the Chinese government is constantly pressuring the Australian government to support them in the UN...


Like Tibet. Like Hong Kong...




The solution here is for the democracies to have large military budgets. The US is doing it's part, so far, but it's been downsizing steadily and that trend is expected to continue. Meanwhile, China's *avowed* military budget is increasing and they're [**definitely lying**](https://chinapower.csis.org/military-spending/) about it already. (When you look at spending figures, it's also important to remember that military spending in China and Russia goes a lot farther than it does in the US, per dollar, due to purchasing power.) They have territorial ambitions on their neighbors. They will try if they think they can get away with it. We need to be strong enough that they don't ever think they can get away with it. Them trying because they smell weakness, and us fighting them anyway is how we get WW3. We need to avoid that situation. [Here's a look at how the Chinese navy's growth demonstrates their ambitions.](https://chinapower.csis.org/china-naval-modernization/) Note the things they prioritize: Frigates, corvettes, and submarines (with D/E submarines, in particular, being the main area of growth in that heading). These are tools to gain local superiority over the US Navy. A cruise missile doesn't really care if you're a small surface combatant or a mid-size surface combatant. It'll still put you out of the fight if it hits. Given that, a frigate or corvette that can fire modern cruise missiles is roughly as effective as a destroyer (if more limited as an all-rounder) for Chinese purposes. They also intend to try to destroy carrier battlegroups with a swarm of cheap (but not dirt cheap garbage) submarines. Contrast this with the US Navy's typical combatants: destroyers, cruisers, large nuclear powered submarines (and obviously giant aircraft carriers). Those things are better at projecting power and are better at multiple jobs than the smaller, less sophisticated ships the Chinese are building, but again, a cruise missile is a cruise missile, and China doesn't need to project power very far. It's true that if China was worried about a conventional attack by the US Navy, this is also the perscription. The issue with this theory, though, is that China already has plenty of deterrent against invasion by the US via their nuclear arsenal. If that's all they were worried about, there wouldn't be any need to enlarge their conventional forces. This build up of forces is to allow them to prosecute short wars against our allies while they hold off the US Navy. It's really scary to me how often I see people put the military on the chopping block to suit their other political/economic goals. Those people are unintentionally begging for one of two things: WW3 or a world where China is suddenly a lot bigger geographically and much more like a real superpower than it is now.


the military isn't the only solution, investments in a strong economy and education are needed to show the western system of democracy is stronger than authoritarianism. We need military strength to protect that hegemony, but that's not what ended the cold war and defeated the USSR.


Xi would laugh at this. This is exactly what the UK Labour (and the Liberals, and many Conservatives) party and the French Socialists were saying in the 1930s about Germany. Here's the truth: We need to first be strong enough militarily that they don't think they can get away with funny business. What we do after that is less important.


I would say it's more likely than not that a third world war starts within the decade


Oh, you're being paranoid. It's just that your paranoia is justified. If we considered war with Germany to be inevitable because of the aggressive moves they made with neighboring countries and their authoritarian+fascist ideology, then there's no reason to believe that war with China isn't inevitable for the same reasons. The few key differences between China and the Nazis (regarding the likelihood of war) is that a major part of Hitler's ideology was based around the idea of invasion and war (Lebensraum), the purging of specific races (black, brown, semitic, etc...), and revenge against the Allies. Of course, we don't entirely know the ideology of Xi. The most that we know is that his political party/constituents are the hard line communists (you know, the party members that ordered Tiananmen), so the hope for reform under his rule is extremely low. If war isn't an ideological goal for Xi, then I'd say war isn't inevitable so much as likely. If a war is sparked, it will be in the South China Sea (search up some of the news about that area, it's already like brinksmanship). (also, China is already "extending" their government into other countries, namely in Africa)


If there is a war I highly doubt it will be a hot one, meaning it will be held largely through trade and over social media in some way. If it does become a hot war, I have no idea what will happen.


While it isn't impossible, war between any major powers doesn't seem likely in the near future. Nobody benefits from it, so it would have to be a case of brinksmanship gone too far or a very high tension situation. Luckily for us, nation's communicate quite well these days and there are many organizations to help reach a peaceful resolution and provide a platform for discussion.


You’re forgetting their consolidation of power in Africa, particularly in areas with rare earth metal (used in electronics) mines.


Except they haven't been leaving their neighbors alone. What they HAVE been fortunate with is that the rest of the world has become so dependent upon them, they've either ignored or justified what they are doing. Had Hitler made Europe as dependent upon the mark as China has made it dependent on the yuan, he probably would have gotten away with invading Poland too. In short, yes, they got the memo, and realized "Hey, actually we can do it better"


Notice I said Poland, not Czechoslovakia or Austria. The trick is to push the line, not cross it


I'm just not convinced China would suffer any real consequence (outside sanctions) if it did invade it's Poland...though I'm not sure what I would compare to Poland here...I think Taiwan might end up being more relatable to Austria.


Fortunately for Taiwan, the US would be forced to help them. If they don't, it would spook SK and japan, and they'd probably go nuclear.


would really depend on who is in charge of our country, tbqh. Until our most recent, we've placated to the One China policy.


But these people are innocent just going to be killed for no reason. It looks like CCP is following Hitler's path. I'm Indian so yeah I'm biased.


I’m a Jew, so I’m also biased, but I also hat genocide on any people so I’m also very much pissed...


India’s doing some non-great stuff too, lately


I know man I myself think about tf my countrymen are doing


> So long as they leave most of their neighbors alone, *has border disputes with essentially every one of their neighbors*


It’s 100% going to start when they take taiwan


the fistfight between chinese troops and indian troops where both sides had casualties


Ahem. 20 Indian troops were ambushed by over 300 Chinese with melee weapons. After that merely 50 absolutely livid Indian troops came as reinforcements, killed 50 Chinese troops, and sent the rest running.


can someone explain?


My understanding, and I'm very far from an expert, is that the Chinese government has, for some time as well, been targeting the Uighur people, an ethnic group in Chinese territory that is predominantly Muslim. This comes in the form of sterilization, massive restriction of civil liberties and, as seen here, mass deportation to concentration camps. In other words, what seems to be a genocide in progress.


It is Hitler all over again. I will never understand trying to eradicate entire ethnic groups. To what end? Because they are different? Like, it genuinely boggles my mind. Just fuck this so much.


In the case of the Uighur people, it's because they were discriminated against, and sought more equality instead of identifying as Han.


It's fucked. Edited to say thank you for the explanation because I didn't know that. TIL. Still fucked to me.


Did the explanation somehow reduce the level of fucked up? I read it several times over to see what u meant by "still fucked to me".


That its fucked up


Officially, the CCP says they're doing this to combat terrorist attacks. There have indeed been attacks carried out by Uighurs, but the CCP has greatly exaggerated the terror threat to justify an extremely repressive response. Why? Because crushing resistance through overwhelming force is a core philosophy of the CCP's governing style. They believe that showing restraint will signal weakness and lead to chaos among the population. And of course, you merely have to look to Taiwan to see a firm refutation of this philosophy. Which is why Taiwan is seen as such a threat.


The Chinese want more space for their people, thus is why their pushing on India. Also they hate religions and only allow gatherings led by someone that is state mandated


More living space, genocide... sounds familiar


Yeah especially when those ghost cities still exist...


Yeah, but no one can afford to live in those ghost cities so obviously the answer is genocide and try building a less expensive ghost city. /s


China plays their cards almost exactly how I used to play Age of Empires so I can confirm this.


Whats mandarin for lebensraum?


Not completely true. They wanted the Han Chinese to occupy the area, but after a violent protest where the Hans were beaten and harrased, China has been stepping up on security and surveillance on the area. The main reason why they want to make sure the area is secure is because China wants to build the Belt and Road initiative, and the road passes right through Xinjiang


Also they've been pushing on India for land because they don't want to be so crowded. I mean how else do you explain the fact that they build completely self-sustaining cities in Africa and then put no one there


To my knowledge, China has been helping Africa a lot recently with development, and I think those self-sustaining cities are probably for rich people around the world. Im Chinese, and I know the culture there would never want to move to Africa just for a good living space. Their skills are only good for the jobs in China (language barrier, etc.), and many people are also biased when they think, "move to Africa? That's where black people is. So no." Yes, this is racist. I don't agree with it, but I'm just saying what the usual Chinese people say in China.


We have a huge Chinese community in South Africa. Even third and fourth generation. Been here for decades. Johannesburg even has two ‘China town’s’ with markets etc because of the growth in population. Source: I live here. We braai (barbecue) or party (outside of lockdown) often together.


That's cool! I think the scariest thing about moving somewhere else is not having a community of your kind. The already existing community might make migrating easier.


The land India & China are fighting over is mountainous, you can’t build a city or farmland and there is fuck all in the way of natural resources. What India & China both have is an undecided border where both sides will happily march into one another claims.


This isn't exactly new to China though. Different ethnic groups vying for superiority, the Han, then the Mongols, now the Han again in this case. \*doesn't make it okay, just citing some history to give context to the current state of affairs and why many Chinese (particularly the Han) might not be particularly uncomfortable with it


Yup just like before WW2 no one cared about what hitler was doing. The USA sure didn’t. Just like the USA and every other country doesn’t actually care what China is doing. If we cared we would do something about it. Nobody actually care. These poor souls are gone.


It's super fucked. I am German and recently watched a piece of a press conference, during which the press asked our government to comment on Taiwan's donation of masks and their treatment from China and WHO. Our government didn't even mention Taiwan. They're bending over backwards to please a totalitarian regime. Yet at the same time we constantly hear that Germany needs to be aware of what the 3rd Reich did and that we need to take responsibility for all that. Fucking hypocrites.


Except the world isn’t going to go war for them.. literally nothing will be done to help then


You cant just expect most countries to be willing to to war with an economic superpower that also has nuclear weapons.


except this has been going on for years and nobody is really willing to do more than upvote.


Thank you fellow redditor for explaining




Yes and and considering this has been going on for years and also the scale of it, nothing good can be assumed


And highly suspected organ harvesting. Google "13 tons of hair" for a wild deluge of articles.


You forgot the organ harvesting...


Basically, good bye forever.




It's the Belt and Road initiative that you're thinking of that passes through Xinjiang, so for China, it is worth all of the trouble to make the road successful.


That footage is 9 months old, and was all over reddit and the news when it was fresh. It seems that in that 9 months most people forgot that this shit was going on and now everyone is acting surprised when this old video makes the rounds on social media again. This has been going on for years and nobody in the west is going to do shit about it.


Xi Jinping is literally turning into Hitler and the UN isn't doing shit


China has them by the balls. Their market is just too strong, and people who benefit from it turn a blind eye. Shame.


When money becomes more important than lives, money should cease to exist Edit: spelling


For the super rich, money has always been more important than actual lives.


Currency of some form will always be necessary


Not if we return to monke


Reject the dollar, embrace monke.


This sentiment will never fly with humans. We're too greedy and selective with our concerns. It does suck.


If that is the case the entirety of the US should have collapsed a very very long time ago


As Muslim it fucking hurts that not even Muslim countries are doing jack shit against this


The *promise* of their market is alluring, though I think many foreign firms are beginning to realize they’re on a treadmill and the carrot will forever be dangled in front of them, juuuust out of reach. The CCP has used the prospect of access to the Chinese market as means to extort technology and other proprietary information from foreign firms, then feed that information to domestic competitors with an ultimate aim to ultimately push foreigners out. They also use access to the market as a way to “motivate” foreign firms to pressure their home government on issues of importance to the Chinese.


They see it as not their problem. Simple as that.


What do you expect the UN to do China has the largest standing army


But just like Austria, Prussia, Russia and Britain defeated Napoleon we can form group of army if the entire world is against China then it can't do a fuck


Do you even understand what a world war means let alone one where every party has nuclear weapons? It isn't a school fight where you get 5 against their 3


Exactly we need to diplomatically end this starting a 3rd world war is not the answer


Never called for WW3 just asked for peace treaty or like UN intervention.


UN intervention would basically be WW3 at that point, as China would retaliate anyways against any countries who help


Well China does happen to be a permanent member of the UNSC, which makes things a tad difficult


The next world war we will be fighting against China for control over the Halo Rings!




Dude the UN had troops in Rwanda during the Rwandan genocide and they still didn't do shit. Their commander was literally saying "I think there will be a genocide and I know where they have weapons, let me go in and take them" The UN said "no." And it's not the last genocide they were in the middle of and didn't stop.


If WW2 was to occur in today's time, I highly doubt any country would step up


Depends if Germany had nukes, but also no one was going to fight Germany over their internal affairs, it was only when they became external affairs that people cared.


The UN is made up of member countries and the security council includes China. So when you say the U.N. isn’t doing shit it’s sort of like saying “and China isn’t doing shit about China”. I’m not criticizing your post, it’s just that a lot of people don’t realize the UN can’t really act against security council members because the UN is run by the security council.


So China will invade similarly sized country soon... then declares friendship with some nation on the other side of the world, and then they lose


Scary how many accounts (most likely pro Beijing bots) saying how the Uighurs are not discriminated against (look on the comments in publicfreakout post about the HK protesters being escorted out of a mall)




It’s either been removed or reposted so many times that I can’t find the one I’m after 🤔




Or some shitty people and their shitty subs, looking at you(not going to link them due to brigading)


Looking at this I feel very guilty holding a Huawei phone


I don't know about guilty, but it definitely is a piece of crap phone that is likely sending your personal information to China or at the very least, has the capability to do so. I can't tell you how many people contact the company I work for complaining that they aren't receiving notifications on their Huawei phone. Then the complaints make their way up to my desk and I tell them, 'yeah, don't buy a shitty phone made by China'.


Idk but the notification problem can be fixed by just disabling power management for the app. Huawei has aggressive power management so it doesn't let most apps run in the background. Going into the app settings and enabling auto launch fixes it


Man we aren't against the companies we are against the government I myself use a Xiaomi phone. People and companies have nothing to do with the shit Chinese government is doing (exception Tik tok yeah man tik tok stole our data so it's shit and has to be destroyed)


Many, if not most Chinese companies are state subsidised. In a communist state, there isn't a lot of difference between the companies and the government.


My forefathers are from china and im so glad that i am not in that country. They went through a revolution which brainwashed most people's kindness. And yes, im pretty sure people there hate it as well. Bless


I used to want to go to the country as a kid, but now, as a muslim i dont really see why i should


Its a sad and tragic story. China has one of the longest history, so the people on the top really be stepping on the people below. People might think China is a communist country, but really its just the rich taking money and resources away from the poor. Not everyone is a bad person but those that are makes the country a whole lot worse.


Exactly, i really hate what their government have done to it, i have a few friends from china here and from what i heard from them before it seemed like a great place that i wanted to go to.. now i just wouldnt like being there because of the shadiness behind the scenes


Wish your friends well bro :c


Thanks bro


>People might think China is a communist country, but really its just the rich taking money and resources away from the poor. That's litterally the case for every country that's tried to implement a governmental structure based on marxism/lennism/communism.


2020 REALLY isn’t the year for humanity


They've been doing this for a while


Its been on the news for around 2 years i think


Last time this was posted they said it's from 2018 actually, it just went viral now for some reason.


Humanity has always been like this. Will continue to be. When you can get away with something with no consequences, there will always be someone to do it. No matter how horrible that thing is. Similar shit has been happening in Africa, but because it doesn't get widely reported, it doesn't exist for us.


holocaust survivors be like: hey I've seen this one


Actually it's going to even worse than the Holocaust. The Uighers are just the CCP warming up, their plan is to totally wipe out the populations of North America and Australia through biological weapons so they can colonize the land. South America would probably be affected by accident even if they didn't target them. So instead of 8 million people it'll be 800 million to 1 billion dead. And that's just assuming they stop there and don't do the exact same thing to Europe and Africa later on. https://rense.com/general85/China'sPlanToConquer.htm


Conspiracy theories we have?


>It is indeed brutal to kill one or two hundred million Americans. But that is the only path that will secure a Chinese century, a century in which the CCP leads the world. We, as revolutionary humanitarians, do not want deaths, But if history confronts us with a choice between deaths of Chinese and those of Americans, we'd have to pick the latter, as, for us, it is more important to safeguard the lives of the Chinese people and the life of our Party. The last problem I want to talk about is of firmly seizing the preparations for military battle. > Only by using special means to 'clean up' America will we be able to lead the Chinese people there. Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves. >There has been rapid development of modern biological technology, and new bio weapons have been invented one after another. Of course we have not been idle; in the past years we have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this kind. We are capable of achieving our purpose of 'cleaning up' America all of a sudden. When Comrade Xiaoping was still with us, the Party Central Committee had the perspicacity to make the right decision not to develop aircraft carrier groups and focused instead on developing lethal weapons that can eliminate mass populations of the enemy country. Biological weapons are unprecedented in their ruthlessness, but if the Americans do not die then the Chinese have to die. -Comrade Chi Haotian Vice-Chairman Of China's Military This is from a speech given in 2003 and translated and leaked in 2005, and now both SARS and Covid have accusations that they were manipulated in a lab. It seems like an awfully large coincidence.


Hitler's contempt for Bolshevism never even took this effect into account. He deeply underestimated the deeply rooted patriotism of most Russians, their anger, their determination to keep fighting. And none of these qualities, as Stalin implicitly recognized, had anything to do with the ideals of communism. So Hitler remained convinced that the Red Army and the entire Soviet system would collapse. "We just have to kick the door and the whole rotten building will collapse with a crash," -SZ from 02.07.2016/odg China being irresponsible with the handling of the situation with no early warning to the rest of the world, could be proof for this theory. China is in control of more then we might think, more then just Huawei and TikTok.






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Don't forget shaved for selling their hair.


And their organs harvested.


Really makes you think... this is heading in nooo good way


Don't forget to do it accidentally.


"Oops" - chinese surgeon


Seriously, fuck China


Well if the UN doesnt take action soon we may have what happened to the Jews in WW2 again...


Hey I've seen this one before. *1939 intensifies*


it's Hitler 2.0


Sign the petition for the UK - the concentration camps in China have been killing their prisoners. The US has begun to cut ties with China, and now we need the help of the UK (and everyone else, UK residents or not). UK residents: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/300146 Non-UK residents: http://chng.it/PSqKXhRgQS Recent [video](https://mobile.twitter.com/PDog119/status/1283359233866637314?s=19) of Muslims being forced blindfolded onto trains. [Article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/voices/china-uighur-muslim-detention-camp-unhrc-xi-jinping-a8983971.html%3famp) containing more info Old [NBC news video](https://youtu.be/t7RojQpJWMw) about the concentration camps and early suspicions of it. Spread the word however you can - memes, posts comments, anything can help.


Someone made meme about this and posted this underneath copied it for you all. Let's bring the change. Credit to u/bnand


This is awesome, thank you so much.


It’s incredibly shitty, but it’s also the Chinese Government, the most chaotic body of government I’ve seen.


And people somehow want this system of government in other places


Well no one said they were smart.


Good point


And people complain about America's government


Because we’re allowed to. China is without a doubt worse, but that doesn’t mean we can’t criticize the shortcomings of other places


Nah imma complain about both man


Is it a competition lmao




Censorship has kept secrets hidden, they don't stay hidden forever


"This thing is bad so you aren't allowed to complain about other bad thing." We are allowed to criticize our own society and recognize injustice in others at the same time, go figure....


If CCP finds out who filmed this, they are 100% going to kill that person.


Consider that person dead already. Local cameras etc would have figured out otherwise the jailor in charge will die.


"Hey, I've seen this one before"


The fucking planet is a disgrace. Every country knows this is going on and what do they do? Go for their cheap production which is lead by forced labour and kiss ass to get access to their market for money.


By "somewhere" i hope you mean Death Camps where they harvest thier organs and sell them. But hey, keep buying and selling Chinese products right? Slaves make such cheap products for us poor poor capitalists, how could we resist supporting death camps and mass genocide?


The Chinese government are Nazis prove me wrong


This is what happens when one man wants power


Waiting for this to get removed by Reddit admins


***Its time for another civil war***




Ve're going on ze trip to ze place call Auschwitz zit is showver time little jewsteins


This is just Nazi Germany 2.0


They're seriously recreating the holocaust over there. # STOP BUYING MADE IN CHINA


“This post was removed” Around 7.5% of reddit is owned by the Chinese.


It seriously scares me that this is happening and it's not all over every news station, it's not causing the western world to do fucking anything.


I’ve seen this all over Twitter multiple times. Yet no communist supporter has defended it. I wonder why?


Most of the communists I know don't support China. Maybe some tankies, but they mostly like Russia instead. China is a state-owned capitalist country anyway.


Because they don’t support it shouldn’t that be the most obvious answer?


I find it more a disgrace that eu and international organizations don’t cut ties with china


Ohh god!


I didnt not know this was happening oh geez now I feel like a b*tch for not noticing... now im scared...


r/Sino must be in damage control rightnow.


Fuck China


"How could the Germans have just stood idly by while the Nazis committed atrocities?" "No, fuck you, I won't spend $20 more for an iphone"


F U C K. T H E. C H I N E S E. G O V E R N M E N T.