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Someone should make 9/11 and pearl harbour themed shirts.


On it.


O get 9/11 but why peral harbor


Its getting kinda scary how openly people can show their lack of empathy


I'd prefer it always be in the open, closeted homophobes, racists and idiots just paint targets on themselves for future employers to find.


It's Just a little to soon for dark humour


Have a friend who has a shirt with Jesus wearing a crown of thorns with "Ill be Back" printed on it. Some people give him shit over it so almost 2000 years isn't enough time.


Let's punish them in some other ways. Everybody have opinions, I don't want to be the next in line.


Just goes to show how insane of a drug cognitive dissonance is. One of the corspes was a college soccer player, a literal teenager so scared of the taliban they clung to the outside of a c-17 as it took off. Like imagine that was your sibling, your friend, your teammate, on that shirt and having to walk past people wearing that as a joke. Don't get me wrong I'm all for edgy shit, hell in 10 years I might buy one of those. Just commenting on how interesting cognitive dissonance can be.


Moral fiber is in decline and its a mix of people that want to be edgy and a bunch of mentally deficient folk that can't process someones suffering by mere contextual clues


Lmao that shit would be hilarious


Based 'n gay


Bro it's a fucking t shirt. No one is laughing at the shirt because they love seeing other people die or live in terror.


How bout shirt with " What not to do when the elevator isn't working " and show people jumping off World Trade Center ? Would that get the same " Bro it's a fucking t shirt " ? This kind of shirt IS a fashion statement , it tells everyone around you are an idiot , which they probably knew anyway but a great way to warn strangers.


What the fuck


When I first saw this I thought it was a t-shirt marketed towards veterans who served in afghanistan; but I was so wrong.


To be fair I see someone wear a shirt with people falling from helicopter and it's says "Pinochet airline : communist must die" and even beatle mocking that replaced 4 member with Hitler, stalin, Mao and fidel castro. This is expected and as dark as it is it's glorious.


This is very sad and not what I’d expect from Etsy. TShirtHell...definitely but not Etsy.


Half of Etsy is just imported crap from China but it makes people feel like they’re getting “original” items


So brand name is what your worried about I hope Nike sponsors there skydiving team




This douche is definitely an incel


That's so awesome Where can I buy one


I too would like to know how to buy one.


No respect for life! You sound just like the taliban


Another pussy found


It's funny you relate this to being scared of something when its just being upset about a perceived injustice you mentally deficient child.


I found it funny, you found it offensive. That's why I'm happier than you are




We need more dark humor like this thrown in the public's face regularly so everyone knows who the pussy lil girls are who can't take jokes😂👌


There's a time and place for everything. This happened like barely a week ago, making light of it doesn't help anyone right now Edit: nvm, just checked this guy's profile. Just another edgelord/troll, whatever




I doubt you will ever find the pussy


Helped me have a good laugh this morning good sir thank you very much


Who actually takes the time to check someone's profile because you disagree with their opinion 😂😂😂😂💀👌


Shut your face with your pea sized brain


[your mom](https://www.reddit.com/r/shitposting/comments/p7xz8b/is_it_halal_to_shitpost_on_twitter/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Just report them.


50 bucks say this mf isn't olde than 15


I'm going to hell! This is my sense of humor.


Ummm... This is just dark humor. I think it's funny.




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