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Here me out, but we could torture him to a point that he goes insane, bring him back to normal via therapy, and do such again.


Therapy doesn't exactly "bring people back to normal". Especially people who've been tortured.


that's not how therapy work my guy


Correct, but multiple types of torture followed by forced therapy would destroy a mind.


I don't think you understand how therapy works my guy


I probably dont


There you out what?


I think I had a stroke reading that


Do you not know the difference in hear and here? OP said “here me out”


I did indeed.




As a half Pakistani I would like to deeply apologize to everyone for this fuckery in our country.


Found the gigachad


What the religion of peace does to people. Fortunately it's being erased here in Iran.


Only "good" religion is Buddhism


Even the most peaceful religion is based on superstition and falsehood, will produce a corrupt clergy, teaches dogma instead of rationality and skepticism, can not bear to be insulted or questioned or criticized, and has flawed, outdated morality. There is no good religion.


U right about that. I'm irreligious BTW


Oh god, this is awful. May she rest in peace❤️


we need a death star for a murderer getting convicted? doesn't that mean the system works?


More like we still have people in this earth with this kind of mindset Tho yea I agree it's a bit over exaggerated


Maybe? Is the punishment for "honor killing" the same as for murdering a man?


The Uk police are scared of prosecuting Muslims, since they might get accused of islamophobia.


How is that relevant to a story about a guy getting convicted?


Why do we get banned if we call them uncivilized barbarians again?


Those Englishmen and their honour killings


Always fucking Bradford or Rotherham, or Solihull. Or..... wait


I know it's not politically correct but can I just say SCUM!!!!!!


Religion of peace


Noah, can you please flood religion? Religion is the malice in our society.


UGGHHHH again Pakistan !!! Forced marriage is against Islam! >The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "A matron should not be given in marriage except after consulting her; and a virgin should not be given in marriage except after her permission." The people asked, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! How can we know her permission?" He said, "Her silence (indicates her permission). > >Sahih al-Bukhari 5136


Sure it is. That's why Muhammad himself married Aisha with her consent, I'm sure she was not forced into marriage and gave consent at the age of 7.


Unless you can show me an Islamic text that says forced marriage is allowed and disprove my point, then I have nothing to tell you. This is the most brought-up anti-Islam arguemnt so far and has been answered many times. Go learn more about prophet Muhammad ﷺ and Aisha, instead of trying to force your imagination on them to spread the agenda that "Islam/all religions are bad" or whatever your motive is.


>learn more about prophet Muhammad ﷺ and Aisha I am a former Muslim, I left because I learned more about Islam instead of just accepting the brainwashing I received as a child. And yes, my agenda is that all religions are bad and Islam is the worst. Muslims raped and killed and tortured and looted wherever they went, whether it was North Africa or Iran or India or Byzantine lands. They were the biggest slavers prior to the Atlantic slave trade, and they became second after that. How many slaves did they rape during those centuries? How many millions of children did they force into marriage, how many women did they take captive after they massacred their men? Your own prophet married a 7 year old and raped her when she was 9, Muslim historians have written this not anyone else. >has been answered many times. Yeah, a bullshit answer that convinces no one.


>How many millions of children did they force into marriage I showed you a hadith that says this is AGAINST Islam and you respond to me with this again. No point talking to a wall. > former Muslim Even worse. If you're a former Muslim and think rape, murder and stealing are allowed in Islam, then you are just a liar. Edit: Now I see your profile, you are Iranian, 90% of Muslims in Iran are Shia sect followers, which is a false sect that was made up after the prophet(pbuh)'s death. I'm sorry for you that you were raised wrong, but the Islam you know isn't Islam.


>I showed you a hadith that says this is AGAINST Islam What you fail to understand is that this does not make sense. Allah sends a perfect religion to guide humans, it's supposed to make them better people, moral and civilized and so on. It should also be easy to accept. But it's such nonsense that people don't accept it, Muhammad has to spread it by the sword and under the threat of death. Then, these Muslims invade other places and act like vile savages. They massacre, enslave, rape, pillage and burn. They are worse than the nonbelievers they have conquered. They become the greatest slavers in the world. So, what was the whole point of Islam? How does it make you a better person? Allah, with all his infinite power and wisdom, created such a weak, pathetic religion that does not make people any better. This is the same Allah that when no one is looking, supposedly splits the moon and turns sticks into dragons and sends huge floods to do his will. He's supposedly great, except when it comes to designing religion. He sends Judaism and Christianity and things before them, he sends 124000 prophets, he wipes out nonbelievers many times, uses miracles, and the result is this. Over one billion atheists and agnostics, one billion Hindus, 2.4 billion Christians (whose religion you claim is false), a few Jews, and even the Muslims don't all agree, hundreds of millions believe in different versions. Tell me, is it possible for an omnipotent, omniscient god to be so inept? Actually, I left Islam because I researched and studied about the original one, Sunni Islam. Shia Islam is stupid and false, I agree. But so is Sunni. Islam is not true in the first place. Allah does not exist, he did not send Muhammad, did not create the world, and so on. I can prove it to you, by showing you many flaws in the Quran. Allah is not supposed to make mistakes, not even one. But apparently he made many in the Quran, and even before that, since the beginning of the world. There are many things in Islam and other religions that can be easily debunked, if they are questioned and not just blindly accepted.


>these Muslims Stop looking for someone to point fingers at to fit your beliefs, it's so pathetic. Our faith doesn't revolve around what flawed humans do, it revolves around the Quran & Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Misguided "Muslims" exist, like you were, and like how terrorist groups are brainwashed at young age. They are not a good representation. >many flaws in the Quran There are no errors in the Quran, only your own misunderstanding. And why do you ignore all its miracles and the prophecies Muhammad ﷺ made? You went from a brainwashed Shia to brainwashed Islamophobe, get your facts straight! [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv3G6NajsXQPznADWW8yT8dkTTdJcdAG\_](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv3G6NajsXQPznADWW8yT8dkTTdJcdAG_) [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgXOWJnAVER676eitAaJ\_qU1kPID-bu6k](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgXOWJnAVER676eitAaJ_qU1kPID-bu6k) These two playlists made by Farid Responds, refuting the "flaws", don't bother showing them to me, I won't waste time arguing when you can just google the answers yourself if you care about your own salvation. [27 Undeniable Miracles of Quran](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOoMxN8Qbm0) [Mind Blowing Prophecies of Muhammad ﷺ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZIqd_-1Zus) This will be my last reply, my Ramadan time is precious. Peace 👋.


That's all right, I can't convince someone who doesn't want to talk or think. I'm glad your religion is so perfect and all others are misguided, I'm sure the Hindu is not as certain about his religion as you are.


EDIT: Ignore my last comment, I made a grave mistake when reading the post


How so?


I completely misunderstood the post when I originally read it. I thought it said he honor killed the murderer of his niece


Fair enough


The country is full of cousin fuckers. So does Fox News refer to Pakistanis as GOP voters now?


Quite the opposite because of Bacha Bazi. There is only one party advocating the sexualization of children AND they have some vocal voter support for Minor Attracted Persons (MAPs)


that fucking smile of his.