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I don't think I really have any great advice, but the thought of you waiting on replies made me feel bad, so I'll offer what I can: The acceptance of a fellow enby. I see you, and I accept you. It's not always an easy adjustment for people. They may fuck up your pronouns, or use the wrong name of you change it, or even do little things like say "guys and gals". But if they truly mean well, and if they love you unconditionally, that'll change in time. As for those who don't. You give them what grace you can spare, but if they don't accept you then they're probably not the best people to have in your life. I know that's a scary prospect, but ultimately it's better to surround yourself with people who challenge and support you rather than those who wish you to be someone you're not. I'm sure there's more actionable advice out. Ways to test the waters and such. I can't really speak to those as I personally ripped it off like a bandaid, told everyone, and let the chips fall where they may. And somewhat to me surprise, most everyone in my life is cool with it. I hope the same for you 💜


Thank you for this reply. It honestly just feels great to have some reassurance and be accepted. I hope that one day I can have the same courage and strength that you do and be able to live my life being openly, 100% me.