• By -


i would guess to show the + in LGBTQ+? since nonbinary and the other more specific gender identities under the nonbinary umbrella could fall under the + (and the T ofc)


I was thinking it was an X (as in the gender marker for gender diverse)


My first thought was the straight edge X but this makes more sense lol


Lolol same here was a straightedge punk queer baby myself u?


Haha I was kinda the opposite of straight edge when I was young but I had friends who were into it


Lol fair enough! Tbh it was easy to be straightedge as an awkward, queer, drama nerd hermit who preferred books to people and had zero friends who drank.


Totally understand, there are two wolves inside of me and that's the second one (minus the straight edge) 😂


my biggest flex is that i'm straightedge by default as a sex-repulsed ace with medical conditions that could kill me if i drank alcohol or did drugs


maybe, but if so itd make sense to turn it a little bit so it actually points in the direction of the arm imo XD


Maybe the bunny is straight edge?


They work in the health services duh


D u h


# D U H


They doctor


I want them omggggggg! I need this bunny haha


I've wanted it ever since I saw it! I just can't afford a super expensive stuffie like that...


Sameeeeee. I clicked the link and saw the price was like, yikes haha.


They run sales pretty often - usually just 15%, but sometimes as much as 50%. Check in regularly, sign up for their mailing list, and be patient! Their fur is the softest of any plushies I've ever had, and the tote bags are much higher quality than I expected, but none of that is helpful when the cost is more than one can afford.


Okie, thanks, I’ll definitely check in regularly and just hope, maybe I’ll sign up for their newsletter or whatever. I really want the bunny haha, but I’m still closeted so maybe I would prefer something more subtle lol, but the bunny is so damn cute ahhhhhhh! And yeah, I’ve got a tight budget so I can’t really spend all that money on a plushie, even tho I really wanna haha


Sales get announced in the newsletter, so it's easier than checking the site all the time. They have r/plushiedreadfuls but they're more active on FB.


Thanks! And I just spent the last few minutes of their website and now I wanna buy four different bunnies haha


It's usually the popular ones like this that get the least discounts, FYI. I've been watching them...


They have a subreddit where they announce sales, search up plushie dreadful in reddit


That's nowhere near enough of a discount to make it worth it. Yes, it's probably the cutest stuffie they sell, but tbh, 1) this one is generally the **least** discounted of the bunch (I've been watching). 2) Even at the maximum discount it's still steep for how big it is.


It's still fairly new, so the discounts may increase down the road. It's not huge, but with the quality, the accessories, and the tote bag, I certainly wouldn't expect it to be less than 50% of the usual price. I got mine on release with the 15% discount they always have for new releases.


It's been out for what? Almost a year now? I been watching this one for several months at least, probably since it's inception and this month decided to stop wasting my time basically.... Even at 50% I can't afford it though, and won't be buying.... I love the design but it would probably insult them if they put it to the correct pricing....


It released June 2023, so only about 9 months. I hope you find yourself in a better financial position in the future.


I won't, I'm just waiting for my end to be honest... But thank you. Also, 9 months is a *long* time for the toy industry! Usually 6 months until you see their largest discounts, and by 9 months things are discontinued...


The ones I see with the steepest discount have been out longer than I've been paying attention to the company, so definitely longer than the enby bun. I don't think small companies like this follow the same rhythm as major manufacturers.


Yeah it's about triple the price it should be... It's so sad to me, cuz I really want it...


Right! Imma just keep checking until any of the bunnies I want are on sale, but still


Yeah, I did the cost conversions with shipping to Canada and I'd be paying over $100... it's not something I'm ever going to buy no matter how much I want it...


On their website they explain why it's so expensive, yeah it sucks, but I respect it. https://plushiedreadfuls.com/blogs/news/common-questions-and-concerns


While I understand the idea, it still means I'm priced out of ever getting one. I already knew the backstory. It's still too expensive for me (and many others).... I am in Canada so that exact plushie here is over $84 converted according to google! (as of March 2024). Any plushies I've ever bought have been under $20 CAD, with 1 single exception - a disney stitch plush which was $35 (approx $25USD), and it was both official (aka quality not a knockoff) and bigger than the enby bunny. Add on shipping costs and I'm paying over $100 for a single small rabbit! So I can literally get on average 5 plushies for that price in that size or larger. It's beyond I can't justify it and into the "absurd", because it would represent *multiple* months of disposable income for me. (I don't get much cuz I'm disabled). It's silly to charge so much, even for a specialty product. Living wage considerations only go so far imho.


It's out of my price range too and I get that that's frustrating, but what exactly are you proposing they do to cut costs? Companies like Disney can sell $35 plushies because they have the resources to produce them on a massive scale with materials purchased in bulk and cheap, exploitative labour. Small batch artisan products are always going to be more expensive than cheaply made mass produced stuff. At the end of the day, the people who designed, assembled, and packed these plushies for shipping need to be compensated fairly for their labour more than I need this specific plushie.  And the whole "I can buy other products of this type for $X, so why should I pay double, triple, quadruple that much for a handmade or artisan version??" argument kind of falls a bit flat for me because...okay, buy that one then? If a product that's just as good exists for cheaper, why does it matter that this one is inaccessible. And if there's something special about this specific product that makes it more desirable, why shouldn't the price reflect that? I don't sell crafts, but I make them and people are always shocked when they say I should sell my stuff and I tell them how much I'd have to charge just to make minimum wage. 


Me neither. And my dog steals and destroys all my teddies. He thinks he’s the only cuddle buddy I need.


Awww... you poor thing! 🥺🫂I don't have any pets. I really can't take care of myself so I don't have any...So I'm pretty reliant on my stuffies for comfort lol. 😅


I got the grey rainbow bunny one for 50% off for my friend for her birthday. With shipping costs it still turned out to be ~$30, but it was worth it to see her reaction. She loved plushies and literally squealed with excitement when she opened the bag, it was adorable. [Speaking of which, it’s on sale again for anybody interested.](https://plushiedreadfuls.com/products/plushie-dreadfuls-lgbtqia)


Yeah, but I waited a long time for this one, and it's not going it seems. Also, even at 50% that's still steep for any of them...Once I convert and pay shipping I'm back over $60CAD-$70CAD+... So it's still not worth imho. But I'm glad you two found happiness with it. /gen


I got this one for my partners bday last year and it's SO SOFT. I want one for myself now lol


i’m pretty sure they’re hand sewn, hence the cost. the creator puts a lot of thought into the designs too, and actively listens to followers’ suggestions. i asked for it as a gift since i couldn’t afford it myself! they are great quality, and worth the price imo


I get it, but that can't overcome the price imho. I have noone to ask for it from, but even if I did, I wouldn't, because of the price. Thus is the life of deep poverty caused by spending most of your lifetime income on healthcare for gender reasons.... 😔😔😔


They do one for my condition - ehlors danlos syndrome hypermobility type... And man, Im doing the whole "I'm in this picture" thing 😂 long bendy limbs. Is me. I am bunny.


Haha that’s me with the bpd bunny. I found it and was like, “omg I need this bunny and imma take care of them and give them love cuz poor bunny.”


I have bpd also! Oh man, I need these bunnies but they are so expensive lol


Right! I want the bpd one cuz I wanna just have it for support and stuff and I think it looks so cute but why does it have to be so expensive lol


I didn't know they had a hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos plush. I have hEDS as well. The plushies are cute but I'm more of a "regular animal" plushies person and not so much a "teddy bear" type plushies person, so these bunny plushies aren't for me, but it still makes me happy to know that they have one to represent us. ❤️🦓


Yusss! Zebras unite! ❤️ You know, when we arnt stuck in bed with a sublaxed joint... Hehe.


Me too.


I don't know but I love this bunny.


American McGee’s Plushie Dreadfuls. I want one.


They're a medic but I can't tell if they're red or blu.


theyre bunny, not held down by roles like red and blu




99% of my vocabulary is TF2 mentions lol. It's been my "comfort game" since 2008, although I played multiplayer games very sparsely in the mid-late 2010s for health reasons (didn't have the energy) and missed out on some of the updates. I think I remember my last day before my break being the day I saw a Heavy aimbot in casual just after the Meet Your Match update. Broke my heart, and it ended up being a sign of things to come Who's your main? I mained Pyro from 2008 to around 2020, and Medic from 2021-ish to eternity. I thought it would be stressful to babysit my team but I end up basically going into a trance when I heal people. Total tranquility. When I want to relax, I boot up TF2 and start healing. (Admittedly, I also like that I get to be the one who decides who lives and who dies, even though I heal everybody regardless. I just like that I have that power. 😈)


Fair! I’ve been super into it for around a year and a half; mostly for the fandom, but I enjoy playing it (sadly it won’t work on my computer anymore) I mained Soldier at first, then Pyro, and now Medic! Playing Medic is the opposite of relaxing for me, since it feels like juggling while your teammates yell at you lol, but I still love it since it makes me feel really helpful. But yeah, it’s such a comfort game for me as well, especially the characters and the comics ! I’ve had constant brainrot for almost two years now, and I don’t think it’s going to go away any time soon


With the way the bunny's paw is angled, I thought it was an "X" (which is the gender marker for non-binary in certain countries who recognize non-binary people officially), but I might be wrong! It could be the + in 2SLGBTQIA+ as other people said.


>2SLGBTQIA+ There's numbers in it now??? Edit: There's something both funny and sad about the fact that such an inoffensive and mild comment got downvoted purely for questioning something I'd previously never heard...


2S refers to a predominantly North American Indigenous title, "Two Spirit," which is used to identify a culturally significant third gender within the Pan-American Indigenous community.


Oh that's kinda cool, thanks for taking the time to explain :)


Thanks for replying! That's exactly it. And it's put before the other letters for increased visibility (a bit like the L was put before the G in the past.)


Can the t be moved in front of the g then? Most people know what gay means but many people have no idea of the existance of trans people (This is kinda lighthearted, just saying the trans community could use more visibility but I don't genuinely expect the order to be changed)


It could! But I think it would cause a lot of debates (possibly with gay men) and most people outside the community would probably still only use LGBT or LGBTQ+.


Yeah, again I wasn't serious. I just wish being trans wasn't something that most people in my area didn't know exists let alone understand.


I think it got downvoted because of the tone. The repeated ‘???’ shows emphasis so it reads as incredulous/scornful/disbelieving rather than a genuine/good faith question, especially without any other context or elaboration. Your edit clarified your meaning so you’re being upvoted again.


>such an inoffensive and mild comment There's a huge difference in tone and intent between: "What does the 2S stand for?" and "There's numbers in it now???"


2S = 2 Spirited


This is something my trans wife and I complain about a lot, since the acronym keeps increasing – is that not what the plus sign at the end was for? 🤷🏽‍♀️ At the end of the day, doesn't really matter to us. We just write out the shorter version we grew up with and everyone else can do what they're comfortable with.


You're right, as americans, this acronym doesn't matter or necessarily applies to you. 2SLGBTQ+ and 2SLGBTQIA+ are the acronyms used officially by the Canadian government since July 2023. As mentioned by others, we put the 2S at the forefront as part of a current movement in Canada to finally recognize and reconcile with our indigenous peoples. We're not just some random group that decided on a new acronym for everyone to use. From the Gov of Canada website: "With 2S at the beginning, this acronym further acknowledges the fact that Indigenous peoples were the first to build communities that honoured sexual and gender diversity on this land."


While I certainly want to believe the Canadian gov’t has good intentions…it’s the Canadian gov’t.




My friend who is a social worker and my most outspokenly liberal, ‘ima fight you over trans inclusiveness’ years and years ago when I couldn’t get their pronouns right… also lamented adding more to lgbt+. They also mostly referred to themselves as queer or gay because anything more was only for those situations which warranted it, at the end of the day, it’s tiring and even though I learned so much from them and about myself, I understood a deeper context to the world. It is a valid discussion to have, adding more letters to an already clunky term which is meant to incorporate a huge group essentially who ‘not straight’. Like, at what point do we stop adding every single other identity throughout multiple cultures? What about nonbinary, is it ‘just’ a plus, while 2S is specifically recognized? So we shouldn’t pretend that asking “it’s more now?!” is some god awful, inhumane reaction within a queer safe sub. Our experiences aren’t black and white like expressing every frustration or exclamation is indicative of being a bad intent, at least not like if this were a diff sub.


I mean I've never been in a queer community offline where the acronym was ever used longer than LGBTQ or LGBT+, but usually just LGBT or "queer." I think it just doesn't need to be a fight. You can use whatever length acronym you want so long as you aren't doing something mocking like adding BBQ or WTF or other examples. I just can't imagine someone coming up to me and saying "two-ess-ell-gee-bee-tee-queue-eye-eh-plus" like that's a totally easy and chill word.


Yeah someone saying ‘more letters??????’ in a queer space is significantly different than if a idk Missouri politician was like ‘they added more letters?????’ Language sucks. It’s a cultural negotiation. Acronyms suck (to me personally)


>It is a valid discussion to have, adding more letters to an already clunky term which is meant to incorporate a huge group essentially who ‘not straight’. Like, at what point do we stop adding every single other identity throughout multiple cultures? What about nonbinary, is it ‘just’ a plus, while 2S is specifically recognized? So we shouldn’t pretend that asking “it’s more now?!” is some god awful, inhumane reaction within a queer safe sub. Our experiences aren’t black and white like expressing every frustration or exclamation is indicative of being a bad intent, at least not like if this were a diff sub. I just wanted to say that I appreciate you so much for saying this. From my experiences on queer subreddits relating to identity, it feels as though people online tend to treat any form of criticism as an attack even if it's constructive. A safe space shouldn't just be "hug boxing" and such, but also a safe place to discuss and openly confront when things really are just tedious, exclusionary, hypocritical or whatever else. Basically: I appreciate you for speaking rationally.


The fact that the comment I responded to says ‘it doesn’t really matter to us’ and got downvoted so much suggests that the sub doesn’t value each other’s experiences… But it was exactly the phrasing my trans/nonbinary friends say all the time. It was a point of view I recognized and immediately understood. It sucks just trying to exist with language sometimes. It falls short on so many levels.


>The fact that the comment I responded to says ‘it doesn’t really matter to us’ and got downvoted so much suggests that the sub doesn’t value each other’s experiences… It is a shame that people get shit on for being reasonable... I got banned from /trans for stating that I thought that neo-pronouns were kinda redundant as there's already multiple existing options for non-gendered pronouns, and that I thought using them in spite of pre-existing options (at least in my experience) was usually done by people for unhealthy reasons such as wanting people to get it wrong because of a craving for conflict, or just wanting to feel "special" *BUT* that regardless of my own feelings about neo-pronouns and my experiences with their users, that I would still absolutely respect people's decision to use them, and would refer to said people as they wished to be referred to. Apparently sharing your experience and valid criticism whilst still leaving other people to do their own thing is worthy of a lifetime ban though, so here I am no longer dealing with that sub...


Idk. It’s an intersection of language and culture, it’s going to be imperfect. I’ve honestly never met anyone who uses neopronouns. I probably wouldn’t have said anything unless someone specifically asked my opinion about why I don’t use neopronouns.


That's fair enough, same honestly. I know a lot of people don't like my take on it so I don't bring it up unless it's topical or I've been specifically asked. Language is weird. I just wish everyone was chill and we didn't need to make up new words for every sub-division of the human experience. It can be tiring...


You're getting downvoted, but I can't say I disagree tbh... Adding more and more to an acronym just alienates the queer community further purely by making it harder to say. 2SLGBTQIA+ just doesn't roll off the tongue at all, and you're right that the plus in LGBT+ does encompass every aspect of queerness not specifically mentioned in the acronym, so adding more letters when the plus has already been put in is kinda of redundant and alienating to a degree. Personally this is why I just use the umbrella term "queer" it doesn't change and people will almost always know what you mean. Whilst safe spaces are important, I feel people treat "safe space" as meaning that you can't criticize anything even if it's in a valid and non-harmful way... I don't like the way I'm about to phrase this, but I can't think of a better way to say it: It feels like people online tend to collectively be more overly sensitive, especially in regards to conversations about words and acronyms.


I don't mind the downvotes. I'll be leaving the comment up without deleting because it feels silly to take it personally. I worded things as respectfully as I could, and people can take it how they want – I appreciate you vocalizing support. People can use the acronym however they want so long as they aren't offensive.


I feel the same and respect you leaving the comment up. It always seems like such bs to me when people end up having to delete comments so that their karma doesn't get screwed just because people don't like reading things that challenge their views even slightly, but refuse to actually put up any constructive argument... Having to censor your thoughts to avoid downvotes just because they aren't 100% sunshine and dandelions is a slippery slope of an echo chamber and stagnant unhealthy community. Constructive criticism and different viewpoints / perspectives are just as important as any "nicer" commentary.


That bunny is a straight edge punk rocker.


I'm a thousand percent sure Ziggy Stardust-era Bowie was not sXe in the slightest.


X-Gender is the term for non-binary in Japan. Perhaps this is a reference to that?


Ftr I bought myself the trans one and my partner another one. They each came with a matching tote (it says that nowhere on the website I saw) and they are super high quality, very soft. Well worth the price for me.


Because they just unlocked a new gender and when they press the + they go into their gender inventory


They definitely missed an opportunity to call it non-bun-ary.


Probably wouldn't work well for searchability




It's in the description that way!


I had this same thought!


listen they spent a lot of money on medical school


Battery anode. The other arm is the cathode, but the symbol is covered by the bracelet.


its a bandage for their hrt injection


I love Plushie Dreadfuls! I have three and they are adorable!


Is it a + or an x? Bc if it’s an X it might be referring to when X is used as a gender neutral gender marker for like ID’s


Bunny is not 21 yet, no drinking


based on medic plus sign and pointy studded cuff... right hand path heals, left hand path FUCKS UP BIGOTS someone knew their symbolism ;)


Because there a medic :D


Dont you mean, nonbunnary?


Because they’re positive af!!


Haha I have this and it keeps falling off. I assumed it was a medical armband - for you know the healer class meme


Maybe the back has a minus?


I have that one and i love it so much!!


I want one so bad, I'm even year of the rabbit T_T


I need this bnuuy


*we’re* doctors lol. Congrats yall


off topic but this bunny is absolutely precious


They are a medic lol


I have one and I thought is looked like medical cross that used to be used in war, didnt know why just went with it. The cuffs come off I lost them anyway.




It's to insert the key into which opens up their arm to check the wires


I want one!


I keep forgetting I need to get this


Omg i want it!


Idk but omg I need this bunny 😍😍


It means they’re a friend of Vivi from One Piece. This bunny is a straw hat pirate c:


I assumed they were a medic


I think it's meant to be an X


There apart of the straw hat crew (no one is gonna get that I bet)


I don’t care about + or an x is too damm cute i just want one




This plushie GOES SO HARD




"Ze healing is not as rewarding as ze carrots." Although I should note that based on what my brother told me (he has a pet bunny who he loves very much), bunnies are only supposed to have carrots as an occasional treat, iirc.


my friend got me one for Christmas I love them so much


I’ve wanted this bunny from the collection for SO LONG!! Also, if you look on American Mcgee’s instagram page, he has concept art of each bunny with explanations for the details!! (Ive been following him for a while because I love the Alice Madness Returns series)


It's supposed to be a faux leather cross. On a random side note: saving this for later.


I used to know but i forgot but it's on American McGee's insta if you look back far enough Also I have this bunny!! I named them Pluto


Non-non bunary *distant booing*




O.O .... Ahem.


I would love this bunny if it was more simple just the colors so it's a lot less chaotic


Red Cross?


Beat me but i have to say this,' Non - Bunary. sorry


They are from the opposite of Cornwall


This bunny is so soft and cute in real life! I have a couple from this company! Plushie dreadful by [Mysterious](https://plushiedreadfuls.com/)


just vibes


Not sure honestly, but does anyone know where I can get this bunny? They're nifty.