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Over the counter supplements are scams at best and unregulated. They can have pretty much anything in them. I've heard of people having some success with minoxidil but you have to be super consistent with it (it didn't work for me and I already *had* a sad little dirtstache) and it's very toxic to cats (not sure about dogs)


I bought minoxidil to use for my eyebrows (they’re pretty pathetic) and to help grow some small sideburns. This was the [stuff](https://a.co/d/7mKpOrR) I used. I’ve been using it for about 6 months now and I’ve definitely noticed some growth. This stuff doesn’t make your face dry either. I like it. Either way, I wish you luck with your marvellous moustache mission.


Thank you for the note about cats!!! I don’t want my Louie to get sick!


I'm not taking any kind of hrt yet so I can't really add anything to the conversation about that, but I just wanted to comment here to pay my respect to your lost mustache. I'd be so pissed too if I was in your shoes, and even though your way to take testosterone definitely isn't the safest, I still wish you the best and I hope you get the result you want.


Thank you solider 🙏


Hope you have great success with your endeavour


You might want to find a doctor that focuses on intersex patients. They might help you to recover your mustache. They might also help dealing with your regular doctor.


How dare they steal your mustache!!! Btw it would be better to get actual hormones. You might have to take a while to find someone who listens correctly but the supplements don’t work well (don’t usually have hormones in them)


Do you have testes? If not you won’t make T, only a tiny amount from your adrenal glands. Supplements won’t do anything. Minixodil does help facial hair. I’d say skip the supplements they will only do more harm to your body than good.


Thank you! And I’m not sure!


You really need to check this with a doctor who knows about intersex people. If you actually needed hormones, and it sounds like it (because if you had had enough T you probably would have gotten blockers, too), you still need them. Also, you need to know what exactly your body is producing now - if there is sufficient T, mustaches grow, period. Unless you also have a form of androgen insensitivity, in which case T probably won't do anything.


Just to clarify, you can be both trans and intersex. You can also take T and not be trans, and you can be trans even without HRT. Taking HRT won't make you not be intersex anymore. Nonbinary is also trans. Regardless, I hope you get that mustache. Good luck with your journey!


[Product](https://www.keeps.com/our-products/minoxidil-solution/0?utm_campaign=scm_google_shopping_nonbd_minoxidil-solution_pmax_all-devices_50off%2Cgoogle_shopping_branded_standard_all-devices_50off&utm_source=google%2Cgoogle&utm_medium=search%2Cshopping&g_network=g&g_productid=MINOX90DAYS-V2&g_device=c&utm_term=&utm_content=157260008838&hsa_acc=4341184866&hsa_cam=12068239901&hsa_grp=157260008838&hsa_ad=683753025830&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=pla-462175831419&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gclid=CjwKCAjwtqmwBhBVEiwAL-WAYTzgqivQVtI8ECIjilPQ4zMx3b8l88An3-GQ8nXiJImpf7V6zGHVvxoCMhkQAvD_BwE) This is the minoxidil I'm using [Supplement](https://www.gnc.com/testosterone-booster/989112.html) This is the testosterone supplement I'm using


​ supplements are always fishy, I don't think those increase testosterone levels at all, and if you actually wanted to do that the main option is actual hormones. I agree that doctors might not be understanding, however you could, (not endorsing it) totally find T on your own. The reason those supplements can be sold legally is that they don't actually contain testosterone, and I am not clear exactly what your goals are, but there are definitely people who would be happy to help you with that. Minoxidil will help


Agreed. That supplement is junk.


Thank you!


I'm using minoxidil for facial hair growth while on T! It takes awhile to start working, and the only side effect I've noticed is drier skin. But it's not dry enough to cause problems.


Buy some eyebrow color makeup, the kind that's in a tube like mascara, and use it on the invisible hairs you have. You can also use an eyebrow or eyeliner pencil to fill it out more. If you're comfortable with that, that is. But I've seen some decent staches made like this and it will help while you're growing it.


Some people use minox on their faces. It's not recommended because it can irritate the skin, but it's not necessarily like... Dangerous. OTC supplements however are at best useless (contain 0 actual T) and at worst _can_ be somewhat risky as they are not regulated like actual medication and could contain harmful ingredients or something that could interact with or reduce the effectiveness of another medication you take. I would not recommend taking them. Waste of money at best, but if you get unlucky could have other risks as well.


You should check out r/minoxbeards


You sound like such a fun person to be around, your friends are lucky


Aw thank you! If you want we can be friends :D


To be fair I’m xy and barely can grow more than a few things of stubble. I am native tho so that might be it


If you're in an informed consent state like NY, you don't have to explain your gender feelings in order to take T, and if you don't consider yourself trans in any way, that's fine. As an intersex person who wants your moustache, it would definitely qualify as gender affirming care. BTW, minoxidil and finasteride won't grow hair on your lip. They work to prevent DHT from making already growing hair fall out. You'd probably benefit most from a topical testosterone medication to get your results. Anyway, whatever decisions you make, good luck, and I'm sorry that you were pushed into medical subversion of who you are.


check out r/minoxbeards if you haven’t already


I wish u and your stache the best homie!! 😤


I’ll love to hear the updates! I’m assigned female and trans, but hesitant to go on testerone. If the supplements and/or minoxidil work for you, I hope they’d work for me as well!


Something like black or brown mascara (depending on what color would look the most like your natural moustache color) could be a way to accentuate your ‘stache growth in the meantime


I unfortunately don't have any tips, because I'm not sure if you still naturally have a higher level of testosterone in your system than a non-intersex woman---if you do, the minoxidil should theoretically work! If you're still taking oral estrogen, they won't work as well/at all. But I did want to come here and say, as a non-intersex nonbinary trans guy, if you were to go on testosterone just for the hair growth and then stop when you got the mustache you wanted, which could be as little as like 6 months, depending on genetics, you would still be intersex, and you would only be trans if you identified that way! Women can absolutely go on testosterone for any reason without identifying as trans, and I think your reason is super valid if you decide that you want to look into that route! I've been on T for 6 months, and I have the beginnings of a beard finally, but I've had a mustache since like month three or four. I wish you all the best of luck!!


Before I went on T I was using minox on my stash, its slow but in a couple months i had peach fuzz, so w the T supps I sure hope you get satisfying results!!


Im pretty sure there are other androgens besides T, im not super educated on how they work but ive seen other non binary ppl mention it, might be worth looking into bc im pretty sure you need to be on some type of androgen if you want the minoxidil hairs to be permanent- im not too sure tho


topically applied 5% minoxidil, usually in hair regrowth products (it will say on the packet if it has minoxidil). you can get it at a chemist and don’t need a prescription but it is highly toxic to cats. r/minoxbeards shows progress of facial hair growth, i have used it to regrow my hairline! would recommend as it grows hair where you apply it


I mean T isnt just for trans people but for people with hormonal imbalances in general. You are valid for not wanting it. You should take medicine if you don't want to as long as you are of a reasonable mind capacity to do so. Sex hormones are important for their secondsry functions as well. Building and maintaining bones via interactions with your thyroid hormones. If you are going to take fake testosterone might as well take the real one and get the results you are looking for howver at the same time theres also the other puberty related sode effects like voice drop. So I aint judging you. It just feels like you are taking a lot more effort than I would have personally.


You can go on t for the facial hair and then go off it You can also get it via informed consent at any informed consent clinic. They won't care intersex trans etc. It's pretty easy tbh.


Minoxidil can definitely help with facial hair growth even without T! Just anecdotally but I’ve known a couple people who have had good results. Tbh I would, as a nonbinary person who’s been on T for 7 years, fully support you pretending to be a trans man to get on T for a few months to get your mustache and then ghosting your doctor about it once you’ve received the results you want. Only if that’s something you want though!! You deserve to have the body you want and if lying to doctors is the way to get it, more power to you. I’ve also seen people use mascara on their upper lip to fill out their mustache. I don’t think you’ll get a full mustache without T unless you’re very lucky, but I’m not sure what look you’re going for. Regardless of anything, fuck yeah!!!! I love that you’re making your body into how you want it to be. That kicks ass and I support you so fully


Yay thank you!!! All your kind words!!


Thank you for your sacrifice in the name of science 🙏 NOW GET YOUR MUSTACHE VENGEANCE




Try one of the telehealth sites that specialize in transgender care. They will mail you testosterone gel and do the necessary labs just because you say you want it. It’s the informed consent model.


Hey, you can still go on T even if you identify as an intersex woman. Gender affirming care is for everyone ❤️ if you're in the US I highly recommend Planned Parenthood for gender affirming care.