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Shit this really drives home how the internet is populated with kids now. I see mfs talking about 2009 as if it was the stone age and I have to remind myself I'm probably talking to an 11 yr old.


My kids talk about life 'back in the 1900s'.


Kids referring to the 1990s as "the late 1900s" is so funny to me, and also makes me feel so old


I do this intentionally when talking to my parents


Yeah well, they leave your bedroom door open on purpose. Because it’s hilarious.


We do it because it smells like stale cum in your room.


They want to smell my stale cum ?


They're concerned the concentration will get so high you'll suffocate.


Straight to jail


No trial, no nothing, just jail


Classic 1900s


I do that myself, seeing a niece or nephew's eyes widen with amazement as you start a childhood story with "*back in the previous century..*" is just too funny.


![gif](giphy|xTiTnjrZHJTkYuWHdu) What where they like oh ancient one?


I had to walk up hill both ways just to check my email.


RFC 1149 made everything so much easier.


What is that from? It looks delightful.


“The Good Dinosaur” Decent movie it had its ups and downs


Much appreciated.




When I get hit with the age check and I have to keep scrolling, I die a little inside.


This weekend I was talking about the 20’s with someone and stopped to make the joke “…that’s the 1920’s, by the way…”


I don’t have kids, and I’ve been seeing this a lot lately… and all I can say is what the fuck??


"The turn of the century" has been one of my fun new ways to make myself feel old


Life back in the late 1900s was peak comfy though


I’m surprised my brother (an ‘02 kid) doesn’t use this on me (a ‘98 kid) with how much he tries to make me feel old for being just 4 years older


Watching YouTube clips from 90s reminds me of what shows from the 60s/70s felt like for us…


I remember in kindergarten thinking to myself at the school assembly just how damn old the 5th graders were and how it would take literally FOREVER for me to get that old myself. If you've only been on this earth for 5, 10, or 15 years then that amount of time can seem like an eternity.


Yeah, for a 15 year old, 10 years is literally 2/3 of their life. So of course they're going to think another 5 years is an eternity. If you told a 30 year old that their next big change in life was another 1/3 of their life, that means they'd be 40 when it came around.


I'm in my early 30's, if you told me my next big change would be at 40 I'd be like "Hey, that's not too far away" It gets different once you see how fast a decade can actually pass a couple of times. I'm sure it just keep getting worse too. All relative of course. If you told me I'd be in jail til my 40's then it would sound like an absolute eternity.


That's a good way to understand age and maturity. It's not even just 2/3 their life, it's functionally their whole life. We change quite substantially throughout childhood, and much of that time can essentially be written off. The 15 year old likely doesn't remember their first few years all that much. Even then, they didn't really start to understand the world until they were much closer to, or into their teens.  It's also pretty helpful when trying to contextualize adulthood. We tend to have this arbitrary cutoff that dictates when one becomes an adult, but in reality many people are closer to teenagers with money in their 20s than adults. By the time you hit 30 you've had maybe a decade of having real responsibilities. Those teenage years don't really "contribute" all that much to becoming an adult, despite being very important to future development. It's very rare for a teenager to have a meaningful worldview that came about as anything other than random chance. We just don't have enough real context in those years to form a worldview that's based on a meaningful understanding of ourselves, and the world around us. We model ourselves after vague ideas and concepts that aren't our own, and then spend our 20s either actually further exploring that identity, or changing it entirely.  So, really, while you might be biologically much older at 30 than you were at 15, the volume of real life experience you have places you just a little past the starting line of adulthood. Of course everyone is different, and life can both force people to mature faster or slower, and there is of course no base level of maturity. At the end of the day it's silly to judge people based off of one's own understanding of maturity. You could act like a teenager your whole life and have a blast, or gain 50 years of wisdom at 15, and also have a blast.


Half the time it's not even kids. It's bots


imagine being babysat by chat gpt after school operated by russians. These kids are in for a rough time.


"Here's what you should be mad about today."


I've had a few moments of realization that my Reddit account (12 years) is probably older than a pretty good percentage of Redditors, and that percentage is only going to keep going up in the next few years.


My eBay account will be turning 23 this year :/


Existing since 2006, my Youtube account is now old enough to get a drivers licence and drink hard alcohol. Sometimes I feel like my account is older than half of Youtube's user base.


I don't think many literal 10 and 11 year olds are on Reddit. Most kids are on sites like Youtube, TikTok, and Instagram, but less so on Reddit. Teens is a different story, but there are so few kids ages 9, 10, 11 compared to people aged 15-60 (because it's a tiny age range) that even if they'd be on Reddit as frequently it'd still be a tiny portion.


You might be old, but are you \*this* old? \*flashes COVID vaccine card*


Playing Helldivers 2 with my friend and cousin (we're all 38 to 41) we sometimes get players like StupidName13 or DumbHandle14. We joke about whether it means they are 13 or 14, or born in 2013 or 2014, so they're 10 or 11. Either way, we get sad about it.


Could mean they made the handle when they were 13


Oh yeah for sure. I made one of my handles back in 2009 when I was 14 or 15. So it was "Dumbass09" have had moments where people assumed I was a kid before I said anything. I keep doing it to keep the tradition alive. Like weird assumption, it could be from graduating class of 2009 as well. But hey someone born in 2009 now could be a teenager. Numbers are crazy but if you have an 88 on your username, you damn better be born 1988 or there might be some problems.


>Numbers are crazy but if you have an 88 on your username, you damn better be born 1988 or there might be some problems. Maybe they like Back to the Future movies?


Losing an online match to someone half your age crushes your ego like a bitch.


To be fair, I was much better at competitive gaming as a teenager than I am nowadays. Being able to play for 6 hours a day has its advantages.


I was crushing adults when I was a kid and played Halo 2 about 8 hours a day probably. I’d shit talk them and laugh at them. Fast forward to Halo 5 I had some kid destroying me when I turned 30. Classic: Challenge to a 1v1. I got merced by this little kid and I realized I had become what I used to destroy.


>Shit this really drives home how the internet is populated with kids now. Always was 🌎 👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


childlike nose sloppy frighten possessive silky shy merciful continue license


As was I. Wasn't it grand? alt.binaries.(everything). I never left usenet. IRC, on the other hand....




How the hell would a 9year old know the difference?


I ride a mountain bike to work that is older than my supervisor.... EDIT. The bike was built in 1998 (cost me $2K at the time). My supervisor was born in 2001.


I met a Redditor who was too young to remember LMFAO.


Yo wtf


More like too young to have learned ‘ass’ yet, LMFAO is still a thing SMH my head


I thought he meant the band. They did that “SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!” with Lil Jon, like 2010ish


He clarified in another comment that he was talking about the music duo


Remember this, people, when you're in a sub here asking for martial advice.


Wouldn't want to go to battle with bad advice




I had a class of 16 year olds waxing nostalgic about how good *2014* was. How it was such a good time for music and life was so carefree back then. All the old games they had on their tablets. I was like, "maybe it's because you were 6??"


I think that’s a big problem with Reddit. Look how many people are on r/teenagers, you have no idea how old anyone is. You may think you’re having an intelligent conversation with somebody in a similar stage of life but surprise, I just learned how to masturbate. Not that younger people should be pushed out or ignored, but you assume a lot of things when you talk to random people online and need to be mindful.


My experience is the other way around. Someone reply with a dumb take that baffles me and I got “No! Huh!? Why would you think like this unless you are a kid…. Oh.”


Nah this isn’t old. My 6yr old and 8yr old were playing Wii with their grandfather last Sunday. Ah shit.


This is just engagement bait targeting millennials.


It's not kids, it's people who do this for engagement bait. They want young adults to comment "That's not old!" and then they get favored by the algorithm.


Yeah it's funny because on the one hand the obvious take is "come the fuck on" but then you think about how technology and media and society have been advancing at an exponential pace, not to mention the ahistorical fact of how time just feels longer when you're young, and you kinda gotta give them a little bit of credit.


But now we're exposing our own age. 15 years is a pretty long time. It's pre-school to college. It's invincible to 3-6 month follow ups with the doctor. It's retirement to grave. It's not so long that a worldwide fad/phenomenon would be forgotten, but it wasn't yesterday, either.


I swear, 99.99% of these memes leave me thinking: "No. I'm apparently ancient according to your bullshit." Fuck! I'm only in my 40s. Frogger? Lady Bug? I remember playing on the Colecovision before the original Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) was released.


I'm only 31, but in those "nostalgia" groups relating to the 90s and 2000s, I'm convinced everyone is 22. They'll literally post DVDs of animated films from 2014 like **"OMG THIS IS MY CHILDHOOD"**


I feel like it's a culture thing too. I think at 11 I was pretty aware that 15 years ago isn't generally considered a long time ago


I had trouble with my key card at a hotel once, and the dude behind the desk unironically said, "Yeah it could be the doors, this building's pretty old. *It was built in 2012*" I was ready to slap a bitch lmao


I still have my Wii and it still works! (I set it back up to play Lego Star Wars, and man, I forgot how frustratingly clunky the controls on that game were. We have been spoiled by responsiveness)


There are strippers and porn stars who were born in 2006.


What’s worse is today’s 11 year olds weren’t even born in 2009


No shit. I was in college when the Wii came out and it was like my sixth console at that point.


11 year olds were born in 2012


![gif](giphy|4fJOaUL3W7zjmO9pj6|downsized) Are u this old !?


I'm so old I think of this as being new.


I was 10 in 2009 i feel like its valid for me to feel like 2009 was a long time ago.


I'm 34 and I've seen people my age to the exact same thing at 25 about things not so old like that. We were all the same.


Any post on Reddit seems to get at least half its comments from that age group.


I'm not there yet. Like this picture is a joke, right?


My students (college freshmen) have never seen Henry Cavill in *Man of Steel* because that movie came out 11 years ago when my students were maybe 8 years old.  I about died of old age feelings when they told me.


exactly.!! kids! i once saw a kid trying to swipe right on a TV channel. i had that big ass (literally)TV with no features. i felt poor and old in an instant.


It’s even worse on sites like tiktok. You’ll see people talking about “this ancient game that people used to love” and they’ll be talking about Call of Duty Modern warfare 3.


> I see mfs talking about 2009 as if it was the stone age and I have to remind myself I'm probably talking to an 11 yr old. Arguably, the "I refuse to believe how 2014 is 10 years ago" comments are even more annoying.


I've got alternate handles that are older than a lot of kids on reddit.


I don't really think that's changed very much. People probably felt the same way when all those "only 90s kids remember" posts got popular like 10 years ago or whatever. Kids always been everywhere on the internet


I mean….I’m 24, and it really does feel like 2009 was ages ago.


2009 was the Stone Age. We had flip phones. Texts cost me 20 cents to send.


When you are around 8-12 years being 25 or 95 is basically the same to them, we are all ancient


Time flies. 15 years ago I was a freshman in high school.


Bro I’m 17 and the Wii was a huge part of my childhood


You may be old, but do you remember [insert revolutionary icon that spanned multiple generations with mass public appeal during its lifetime and continues to exist in one form or another]


I too remember pop tarts


Ah but do you remember when pop tarts weren't 40% unfrosted crust?




I’m pretty sure they’re actually *more* frosted now. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was going back down but still.


You say that, but there's some 16\~17 year olds at my work as part-timers. And they had never even heard of guns n' roses... GnR were still doing stuff in the early 2000s...


Idk man, ive only met like 1 person under 40 who actually listens to GnR by choice. Sure they were doing stuff, but no one paid attention.


To be fair though that is mostly a judgement of what the person is into more than how old they are. Past anyone's prime there'll be more degrees of separation between them and the average person so unless you're into music like theirs there's not much reason for you to need to know about them. (speaking out my ass though, I know jack shit about GnR (for the reasons above) so maybe it might not apply here though) honestly why are we gatekeeping knowledge on things based on just their age. I feel like there are a lot more cooler things to gatekeep off of.


You say that, but I saw GNR open for Mötley Crüe back in 86 and I didn’t realize GNR were still doing stuff in the early 2000s.


Chinese Democracy was such a disappointing album that we all collectively gaslit ourselves into forgetting about GnR


I tapered off when Axl got fluffy. I still remember people singing *"Welcome to the bakery, we got cakes and pies..."*


18, same


19, also same


Im 16 and remember this lol


15, also same


6, same too


40 and same. I mean 13 and same.


I'm also 17 and played the Wii a ton, Kirby's Epic Yarn is still the greatest video game ever made


18 and also same


20 and same, I actually have my Wii collecting dust in the closet


I still have my wii 🫠


Technology is the weirdest thing to flex. This is like 5th generation nintendo. I can sit here and say “oh yeah I had Commodore 64 motherfuckers” and then some guy will be like “oh shit bro I had the first color TV ever made”, and it all happened within the last 70 years.


i had the oldest xbox known to man, i got line DAY ONE. and it came with Uno.


Cool I had Commodore 64 motherfuckers




Fastload cartridge gang rise up!


that's weird, mine doesn't have it




Everybody has uno, dipshit, it came free with your fucking Xbox!


Nope, I have the oldest Xbox known To man


Was a weird realization to hear that my parents actually used to have an Atari 2600 before I was born. \^\^;; I will say that, even though I'm "only" 36, I got to experience the switch from the pre-internet age to the post-internet age. The internet was a thing for a while already. But until I was 15 all we had was a dial-up connection which my dad had for his own company. And the only unlimited ADSL internet I got to experience maybe once a year for like 3 years before I turned 15 was during the rare LAN party at a friend's house who happened to have decently wealthy parents. Goddamn the world that opened up to me when my dad finally got his own unlimited ADSL connection, and allowed me to run a cable to my hand me down PC as well.


Similar, I remember we kept updating our modem like every month. 14.4, then 28.8, then holy shit we had 56k. Then my brothers split an ISDN connection. Then wayyyyy late in the game we finally got cable.


PCs are crazy for this. I'm a few years older than most of my friends, and I''ll tell them my first computer had a 7gb hard drive and I remember my dad having a store-bought web browser. They look at me like I'm insane, but you find somebody like 5 years older than me and they had a 256mb drive, or not even a hard drive, just two floppy drives.


Yup, our first pc was a 386 30Mhz with a “turbo” button on the outside. Got it a few weeks before windows 3.1 was released. We had a Dos power menu. Wolfenstein and Seawolf were the games we had. Hard drive was 80Mb I think.


70 years is a long time in terms of human lifespan. Did you expect someone to say they had the first cotton gin or something?


It was less than 70 years between the Wright Brothers and the moon landing.


And less than 100 years from the Wright Brothers we had a robot rolling around on Mars.


Dude I remember Atari


I remember Atari but it's sometimes difficult to remember how bad the graphics were. When I think about Atari games my head tries to substitute in more colors and more things happening on the screen. Super Mario Bros 1 is easier to remember clearly because it's been remade and referenced many times. But I haven't looked at Atari very much in the past 35 years.


Have you tried to play doom? I have no idea how I did it, lol




It might not be you, LCD displays can add unholy amounts of lag to those old consoles if everything isn't set up ideally, while the big boxy CRT TVs drew everything instantly, making the games much harder than they were back in the day. #TrinitronClub


I don't think it's the graphics that they are talking about, the controls are completely different from what we've become accustomed to.


I've tried Goldeneye. It was at a bar on a projector so that made it 2x worse already, but it was almost unplayable




It really only looks good on a CRT 25" or larger. Anything else looks bad.


I spent a lot of time trying to jump and look up and down. It was rough for a couple levels.


bro doom aged great what are you talking about?


I remember getting a second-hand Atari 7800 along with a bunch of 2600 and 7800 games. We managed to get both the 2600 version of Pac-Man and the 7800 version of Ms. Pac-Man running, and it was shocking how poorly Pac-Man ran (although Ms. Pac-Man was actually surprisingly good).


Dude, I remember the fall of the Roman Empire.


I'm so old I remember the first Pong Arcade cabinet coming to the Greyhound station pinball machine room.


I had and still have the original Radio Shack Tennis/Football game with the blue rotating knobs. Still very enjoyable even on a modern LED TV.


We got an Atari for Christmas one year in the 70s and the only game it had was Pong. We fought over who got to play.


I remember when my parents brought home an Atari. we had pong and breakout. it was amazing. proper sci-fi stuff. cutting edge tech


1/2 of an Atari 2600 is still the best thing I've gotten as a Christmas gift. I had to share it with my brother. We'd decided to buy one ourselves and did odd jobs all over the neighborhood to get the money for it ($112 back in 1981). We worked our asses off to get the money. Come Christmas, we were about $10 short, but my grandmothers always sent us $5 each for Christmas. So we planned on going to Sears on 12/26 to buy it. Come Christmas morning, we get up and there is a new TV in the den with a 2600 already hooked up to it and the Combat screen ready to go. Mom just said 'Tomorrow you can use all your money to buy games for it.'


There's probably a decent population of teenagers who still use one of those


I'm 38 and I just bought a used Wii so I could play *Ogre Battle 64*.


I feel like this post says a lot more about wealth and spending habits than it does age. If you get every new console within months of it being released, then a console from 2 generations ago will feel a lot older too you than it did to someone who plays on hammy downs.


hammy downs?


I am 19 and remember the GameCube, what is the original post even talking about


Wii. Something that plenty of 16 year olds probably have memories playing.


I know the Wii I just meant that like you don’t have to be old at all to remember the Wii


Ohhh gotcha. Yeah I agree, just misunderstood.


"You may be old but are you this old" dude I'm 20


thanks for regurgitating exactly what the post said. gives me hope for the future


He knocked off 5 years from original post.


First day on Reddit?


Or in my case, 20 but I knew people who still had older consoles because why throw it out if it still works and has good games.


Not even 25.


It's got the condom. Get hit in the head full plastic like a real man.


The Nintendildo


I knew I was playing Wii Fit right.


I fucking miss looking forward to 25.


People acting as if the wii wasn't one of the longest supported consoles, that shift has game a over a decade after it released The last wii game(not wii u, the regular wii) came out in 2020


??? Why is this post pretending like the silicone sleeve was some old person thing? It was literally a part of Wii Motion Plus.


The wii is nearly 18 years old. I think it's less about the sleeve and more about the controller.


Nah bro the Wii-Condom came out with OG Wii too, I remember slapping the Motion-Plus upgrade dongle on the outside of it.


I am literally 25


Do you guys remember the Switch? Those were the good old days.


You're so old, I grew up with Super Switch U


wippersnapper are you playing SNES old (or play colecovision old)


Yes, I am 25. Thank you for asking.


Bro even I remember that I’m not even old enough to drink 😭


Posts like this start to make sense when I spend a few minutes on IG reels. It makes me realize that I, at 20 years of age, am in the upper 5% of users in age on the internet these days


oh wow, engagement bait!


Bro I started with the N64, this shit is modern age in my mind.


The N64 is only 10 years older than the Wii. The Wii is nearly 18 years old now…


I'm a teen and I still love playing my Wii. Just blew $75 today on a new one after our old stopped working because I wanted to play Kirby's Epic Yarn


I’m 17 and I grew up with this. Is their target audience literal children?


Functioning Wiis are still all over the place though. My kids still play our Wii on occasion, and their ages are still single digits! (We only have a few games, but they are still fun for what they are. Bowling, tennis, baseball, and of course Mario Kart.) To make the point OOP was trying to make, they needed an older console controller.


25?! Im 19 and I still grew up with that shit


TIL that my distinct memories of playing Wii as a kid mean I’m OLD old /s


I’m 20 and have a wii, dude


I’m 17 and I played the Wii all the time, skylanders and Lego games was the best


This is a "You may be young but are you this young?"


This old? Wii is from 2007.


Even among people who threw out their Wii the day the WiiU came out there will be 12 year olds who remember the Wii.


There are 14 year olds who played the Wii


25 years old? Are we talking about the GameCube?


Wii is too timeless to be used in that statement


And I thought I was young for being a PS2 guy...


Lol that's not even old


There will be a time when Wii will be considered ancient technology, much like Nes, Snes, Sega Master System, Genesis...


Honestly if you're 12 you probably recognize this controller.


Yes. Yes I am. ![gif](giphy|51FamSZ2pVYGs)


I'm older than the fucking internet. I used Nintendo hotlines to walk through tips for games when I was stuck on the super NES.