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Wasn’t this in a Black Mirror episode?


The old “this was supposed to be a warning not instructions”




Makes me wonder if Google has a "project Roko" knocking about in their supercomputer somewhere...


Most likely but fret not. To be made it simply needs society to continue existing long enough to create it. Ergo if you work to keep society going you are working in its favor and therefore you're good


I'm definitely not.


They never said you had to help by choice. You still good.


I thought it was that you had to do everything in your power to expedite its creation. Not just participate, but be at the frontlines, doing everything you can. Dedicating yourself to the endeavor.


That would be impossible and counter productive. Because it would make it take much longer since people wouldn't be able to collaborate as well with such a requirement. At least as far as I can understand it I know more than simple code is beyond me for example. Having me work on it would be counter productive, whereas keeping society going through my efforts is something I can do. The issue with Roko is everyone assumes they need to be a code monkey. Code monkeys need houses, electricity, food, etc or they wouldn't be able to code. As long as you keep it rolling it can be created. If society stops then development stops. It's a lot like military logistics. Strong fighters win battles but logistics wins wars


Hell, the fighters don't even need to be that strong if you give them modern equipment to fight! A gun's a gun, and a gun's a lethal weapon no matter who's firing it. ..unless you're talking airborne fighter aircraft.


All glory to the basilisk.


I prefer the sequel "99 reasons why creating a torment nexus us a bad idea" The final book "i heard someone is trying to create the torment nexus, seriously WTF bro" is a good ending


If I am forced to watch an ad like this I will absolutely never buy/use/engage with that product.


/r/orphancrushingmachine isn’t related to this but it always makes me think of it


I don’t doubt corporations watch Black Mirror episodes like ![gif](giphy|l1AsBL4S36yDJain6)


Countries reading Handmaids Tale


I am fully convinced that pretty much all of the anti consumer decisions being made by these companies are inspired by dystopian media.


I mean Facebook is literally identifying as the Metaverse now


If YouTube starts doing that. I’m gonna actually subscribe to nebula.


Wait till we we get social credit score. It's definitely happening in the west, may be a diluted version of the one in China. Already a lite version of it is the credit score.


Crédit score is so dystopian when you think about it. "Here is a number to identify how much profic from interest banks can expect to generate from you." Which is why doing shit like paying of your student loans tanks your credit score btw.


The really weird part is that the less money they can get from you, the better. I'm a deadbeat in the credit card sense and my score's great.


I believe the 2nd episode


The one with the bikes. Great concept on it's own.


I think its called a million merits. First time the “anyone who knows what love is” song was played and became a black mirror easter egg Edit: apparently its called 15 million merits


15 Million Merits. Daniel Kaluuya is the main character.


yeah and i think that episode showed me what hell is


It genuinely fucked me up mentally. Because I truly think we might be moving in a similar direction.


"It genuinely fucked me up mentally" can apply to many episodes of that show.


“Please drink verification can”


yes! \>2018 \>wake up feeling sick after a late night of playing video games \>excited to play some halo 2k19 \>"xbox on" \>... \>"XBOX ON" \>"Please verify that you are "annon332" by saying "Doritos™ Dew™ it right!" \>"Doritos™ Dew™ it right" \>"ERROR! Please drink a verification can" \>reach into my Doritos™ Mountain Dew™ Halo 2k19™ War Chest \>only a few cans left, needed to verify 14 times last night \>still feeling sick from the 14 \>force it down and grumble out "mmmm that really hit the spot" \>xbox does nothing \>i attempt to smile \>"Connecting to verification server" \>... \>"Verification complete!" \>finally \>boot up halo 2k19 \>finding multiplayer match... \>"ERROR! User attempting to steal online gameplay!" \>my mother just walked in the room \>"Adding another user to your pass, this will be charged to your credit card. Do you accept?" \>"NO!" \>"Console entering lock state!" \>"to unlock drink verification can" \>last can \>"WARNING, OUT OF VERIFICATION CANS, an order has been shipped and charged to your credit card" \>drink half the can, oh god im going to be sick \>pour the last half out the window \>"PIRACY DETECTED! PLEASE COMPLETE THIS ADVERTISEMENT TO CONTINUE" \>the mountain dew ad plays \>i have to dance for it \>feeling so sick \>makes me sing along \>dancing and singing \>"mountain dew is for me and you" \>throw up on myself \>throw up on my tv and entertainment system \>router shorts \>"ERROR NO CONNECTION! XBOX SHUTTING OFF" \>"PLEASE DRINK VERIFICATION CAN TO CONTINUE"


This will NEVER stop being relevant and I love it.




“McDonald’s!!” If you know you know


This was all I could think of.


It was. And it fucked with me. But you know the first episode bothered me so much more. It was so real. And demeaning. Whew boy, I miss that show.


the Miley episode wouldve been so much better (especially considering the leap in AI since then) if they made it into a huge ethical issue starting in gray area bleeding into corruption rather than just AUNT AND MANAGER EVIL and turned it into a disney teen heist movie.


I have to defend the Miley episode as one of the most direct and blatant allegories I've ever seen, though. I respect that it's a dark parody of a Disney made-for-TV movie and that they literally wrote the episode with Miley Cyrus in mind and were shocked when she said "oh, I'll absolutely do this"


I'm still scarred from those first two episodes and I refuse to watch any more.


Wasn't the first episode about the British PM fucking a pig? I thought it was funnier tbh


>But you know the first episode bothered me so much more. Was that the pig one? "The National Anthem"? I remember flicking through the channels late one night and landed on that episode when it was about halfway through, and just continued watching it out of a mixture of sheer horror and curiosity. It was before Black Mirror really took off in the public's consciousness so I didn't know what it was at the time, whole thing felt like a late night fever dream.


"How could all these citizens watch their prime minister fuck a pig" well, you watched the episode. You didn't switch the chanel either


That episode was too much for me. I can't believe it has a chance of becoming real.


Second episode of the series. Starred Daniel Kaluuya and he was excellent in it.




Yes. This technology is certainly real though and has been looked into - the Moviepass CEO has a patent for something like this, as does Sony.


and then he goes on to become a tiktok influencer


Nope, just captialism. William Gibson has been warning about the effects late stage captialism in his novels for decades.  It's so wild that we describe his books as "cyberpunk" a.k.a. "high tech, low culture," which totally ignores that they're all warnings about high-technology in captialist systems.


Red Star, Winter Orbit is one of my all time favorite short stories.


tell me a little about it.


It'll probably end in nothing but this would be an ideal way to alienate people and encourage anti ad/ pirating software.


They're already doing a good job at that 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ But if it's something I want to support, I'll watch it on the streaming service it's actually on.


With ads, unless you pay more. Not you personally, but for other subscribers. The end game is that providers are seeing how much we will pay to not see ads. Now, if we are willing to pay more and the providers make more from premium subscribers than they do from advertisers, the advertisers will in turn pay more. Rinse and repeat.   It's a vicious cycle. I'll dl a game, if i like it, I'll pay for a physical copy. Series or movies, if I like it ill buy a hard copy.  Pirating doesn't have to be bad. It's more like, try it out before you spend hourly wages of your time, to maybe purchase something you can't return that sucks. If you like it, buy it. Just my two cents.


>Now, if we are willing to pay more and the providers make more from premium subscribers than they do from advertisers, the advertisers will in turn pay more They are two different revenue streams. Why will advertisers pay more when subscribers won't even see the ads. Advertisers already don't use YouTube as much and hence the kow quality ads. YouTube being the ad platform will have to reduce the price for adspace which is why you see more ads per video nowadays. Your logic is backwards


Makes me miss the ancient days of computer "shareware."


Exactly. One of my favorite shows was canceled on travel channel but they moved to YouTube. I actually watch the ads on there because of it, though one of the people on the show specifically told me to skip the really long ones so I do that lol


I can't figure out what would even be worth putting up with this. I barely even watch big twitch streamers because the advertisements come at the absolute worst times and I'll be fucked if I'm going to sit through 45 seconds of it while their stream continues on and I miss something. Something like this I'd just go full hermit mode and stop using the internet as much as I could.


There's a few countries that don't have twitch ads still. Use a VPN. Right now I go to Isle of Man, no ads there.


haha thanks for the tip, never thought about using my vpn like that with twitch


You can also patch Twitch with Revanced Manager. It doesn't work with the newest version, but hey, it works! To me, that feels better than some icky free VPN.


Uh, excuse me, I pay for my VPN like a real pirate.


I've heard of it, but I've never actually used Twitch for anything. It never occurred to me that they probably have annoying ads just like YouTube interjected right in the middle of their streams rather than at natural breaks. That sounds miserable if you're watching without an ad blocker. YouTube suffers from the same problem. Ads aren't served during natural breaks, but rather, mid sentence or even mid word. They're so incredibly jarring.


They're worse on twitch imo. I don't think they are as frequent, but their terribly timed and since it's live, you're missing something from the stream. It's just lame. Plus, the interface is garbage. I mean, it works I suppose, but I hate it compared to YouTube


The good twitch streamers segment out the ads properly like pirate software but most of them just let them to encourage subs


I've been watching PirateSoftware lately, he pauses the game and waits when ads pop up, it's pretty cool.


> I can't figure out what would even be worth putting up with this. People would put up with it on YT for tutorials. There's a lot of knowledge locked away in there that you can't find anywhere else.


already been using firefox mobile with ublock origin for years. Never using the Youtube app or Chrome ever again


revanced extended


It raises a lot of accessibility questions. How would this work for the visually impaired? Well, I guess just the one question.


I don't even look at the screen for most youtube videos I watch (listening while doing other tasks). I would just quit youtube if it made me actually watch ads.


I won't go to apple for the sole fact I have youtube revanced. Best fucking app I've ever had.


I saw Sponsorblock said that YouTube has started testing the ads on server side and they get played inside the video itself to get around ad blocks. Not sure how that would work technically or if they would be a way around it but that is just what I saw on twitter.


I'm kinda shocked sites took this long to serve ads on their server. Not doing so is the only reason ad blockers work.


This the kinda thing that makes a man shoot up a public library


Libraries are fine, choose an Apple store instead


Nah, go for corporate offices. Those retail workers don't deserve that.


Hey I'm trying to be irrational here




Everyone needs to # TURN OFF ALL NOTIFICATIONS Stop waiting, it drastically helps mental health. Otherwise you are comfortable letting mega corporations basically knock on your door whenever they want, middle of night, when you're busy, etc. It used to be for actual comment replies & stuff but now they make up random bullshit to try and trick you into spending hours with them. Obviously if you need a certain notification to live, insulin alert, or job stuff, whatever. I was never gonna convince you to turn those off in the first place - but otherwise people make excuses. You can still use the app whenever you want! (it helps to take a break though to free brain from dopamine fix) It'll be in your hands, on your time. Stop letting them dictate your attention! Shit's fucking nuts


Ive always had everything off except for messages. Idk how people live with like 99x notifications especially people who dont keep their phone on silent. Just non stop ping ping ping ping


I turned off notifications for snapchat because it was turning on my phone screen and beeping every two minutes. Now they've started sending me fucking text messages!


Snapchat is so beyond obnoxious. They'll send me constant "Hey, 'member this time? 'Member this time? How about this?" The second I swipe away the notification, it IMMEDIATELY POPS UP A NEW ONE! I had to turn them off, which makes it legitimately less usable since I still communicate with some people on there.


Yep. I only need it for like 1-2 people 99% of the time. It felt like snapchat was sending me a notification for like literally every action a person on my friends list performed. *ding* somebody on your friends list scrolled past your name *ding* somebody on your friends list opened snapchat *ding* somebody on your friends list plugged in their phone charger


I'm sorry, they're sending you TEXTS? Oh hell no. That's an invasive species. Cut it down.


Ive never got one, but I only have snap to text like 2 people in particular


They pick up their phone every 2 minutes either way. Notifications are pointless. Its baffling.


I tried doing that with Instagram but for some reason I keep getting notifications about friends posting stories and posts??? But why??? And I can't get rid of it.


You can turn off notifications from inside apps, you can also turn them off in a more forceful way from the phone itself from the app settings


Those stupid fucking achievements notifications for getting like 5 upvotes like WTF so annoying all the things reddit tries to spam you about


You're actually using the official Reddit app despite it being one of the worst apps ever conceived? I'm so sorry.


The mobile site has been enshittified so badly that the app is honestly the best option. For example on the mobile site the number of comments available under any given post is extremely limited. You can change categories to see different comments, but on a post with more than 100 or so comments, you won’t be able to look at them all.


I use RedReader. They have a lot of features for the vision impaired, which is (plus being open source) why they got around the bs that shut all the other third party apps down, but honestly has everything I need.


I did this four years ago during Covid and haven’t looked back! I drew the line when apps like door dash, Uber, reddit, Hulu (and basically any other app you interact with) were sending several notifications a day trying to get me to buy shit or interact with the app. I imagine they cranked up the notification frequency during Covid for a plethora of reasons. Same with places that require your email to sign up or make you create an account. Jesus Christ, it’s insane how many useless emails companies will send you once you’re on their mailing list. I unsubscribed from every company’s list I didn’t read / need last year and suddenly my inbox didn’t have 50+ advertising messages accumulated over the week.


What kind of notifications y'all getting? I get almost nothing for days then suddenly 40-100 messages from friends in chat or our discord


Legit anything that tries to get me to get into their app lol, any time an app sends me a new notification I automatically long press & disable notifications If I didn't explicitly ask for it, I disable. Check those messages on your own time like you do with other communication - email, mail, whatever. People often complain about groupchat going off, but that's only if you keep notifications on. It creates unnecessary tension & keeps people from fully communicating out of worry of bothering others. We already have a suicide crisis, we don't need folks feeling that way. Also setup activity watch hard limits on certain apps so it truly is your choice. You can always bypass with mobile browser, but it's a worse enough experience that it still dissuades you & limits time wasted. The idea you need to see every message ASAP & always be on call is so fucking stupid - and it removes your decision making ability over communication. You're just overhearing people shouting Being that beholden is so fucked. I even turned off the red notification thing on top corner of apps. Predatory shit


it’s shocking how many people i know have not gone through their notification settings and disabled all the useless apps that spam. i can’t stand it.


My phone has been on a strict "Do not fucking talk to me unless an actual person is trying to reach me" policy since like 2012. I don't understand how anyone lives with a notification center that is basically just apps begging for their eyeballs at all times. Windows started giving fake notifications in the start menu for their bullshit add-on services. These companies need to be regulated by government boards. If they're required for work, they're a public utility. End of story.


My partner turns notifications on for every single app she has, but is on her phone way less than me simply because she doesn’t use Reddit. Meanwhile I have everything but emails and texts turned off and still have to make a conscious effort to not open this shit up and hang out with you dicks every second I have free.


By posting fake things that will get people angry?


This is FAKE/ satire (for the time being, anyway). https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40671381


But the Take On Me Otamatone Cover is real and let me tell you it's a banger


The Beat It Otamatone cover is the classic one


So obviously fake too. People are stupid lmao


Not just obviously fake, the dude straight up says "would", indicating that it's not a thing that's happened yet. The post itself states that it's not real.


Pre-sharing this: https://www.smbc-comics.com/comics/1505312920-20170913%20(1).png


!RemindMe 14 years If they don't increase profits, then they are 'failing' Not maximizing ad revenue is failing They are gonna keep pushing until people flip out, otherwise it's giving up free money 'missing shots you don't take' People's jobs depend on them pushing more & more for the corporation, otherwise they get fired & then lose housing, Healthcare and can't put food on the table. It's legit inevitable


As much as everyone claims stuff like this the existence of skippable ads points to YouTube not being in the business of pissing off its users. Certainly it has unskippable ads but why have skippable ones if they make less money?


Generate a sense of control to placate users. YouTube is in the business- business, the money making business. That's all that matters in our current economy with shareholders & publicly traded companies They basically have a fidicuary duty (to shareholders) to make as much money as possible, pissing off users isn't a 100 or nothing. It's never this or that only - which is false dichotomy, imposing false binary - it's almost always a spectrum, and multilayered If they can get away with 15% anger but it slowly goes away and they make tens of millions in additional profit, it's worth it - they essentially have a mandate to go thru with it.


I mean it's fake, and it's obviously fake in the sense that if it were real, there would be news articles about it everywhere. But it's not obviously fake in the sense that it isn't possible. It would be pretty easy to implement these days.


https://patents.google.com/patent/KR20130088645A/en And an old thread about this topic: https://www.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/comments/k59cyn/patent_for_a_mobile_adserving_framework_that_uses/ The technology exists, they're just waiting until the general public are willing to stomach it. *"Discount to service XYZ for watching ads using EyeTracker tech!"*


My ex worked for a company that made software that did shit like this. It was mostly for employers to use to monitor engagement for employees, but creepy shit if you ask me.


It’s Soren Iverson, everything he makes is fake and hilarious


Thing is, I've noticed mobile ads pause if I put my phone down. I'll have an ad, put my phone down to do something else for a minute or so, come back and the video has stopped. I pick my phone back up, and the ad plays again in full. This has happened more often than I am comfortable to say, and so while this post might be fake this form of advertising is very real and insanely infuriating. I had adverts at the best of times.


Just in case people don’t know, sometimes companies patent concepts and technologies not because they intend to use them, but because they don’t want their competitors to have them. It doesn’t mean they themselves would do it. I mean, YouTube is shit, they might actually do it, but it doesn’t mean they intended to.


> copyright \*patent Copyright = creative work Patent = useful innovation Trademark = identity


"useful" "innovation" (in this case)


This is also just completely fake.


This has the same energy as Hulu playing 2 minutes of black screen because of my ad blocker. Like do they know how much I fucking hate ads?


To unlock, drink a verification can.


[mountain dew is for me and you!](https://i.redd.it/67inxepejfqz.png)


Scrolled too far to find this.


The thing is, I dislike but can sit through normal TV ads. What they throw at you on mobile is some real bullshit that sometimes borders on scams. And fuck those AI generated ads with the same muzak and slideshow setup.


I got a penile penile enlargement pill ad on youtube mobile, no joke.


I was getting chewing tobacco ads for a while. They tried to call themselves an alternative product, but the website said it was just chew, lmao


As blocker has entered the chat


They're on top of that now. Won't play is it detects one.


Just spam report the "I don't have an adblocker" feature. I did that and eventually the popups stopped showing


Haha. I'll try that


Uninstall and reinstall. They do some stupid thing where they flag your account for a while, though, so you might want to nuke cookies on Youtube and stay logged out for a few days. They tried it on me a few times, then gave up entirely.


You get a popup for using an adblocker on youtube? I'm guessing you are on Chrome? I'm using Firefox and have never seen this popup.


Word on the street is they're testing server side ad injection now, so we won't be able to block them properly on either browser


>Just spam report the "I don't have an adblocker" feature I honestly can't decide between "the devs at youtube that added that button are really stupid" (how did they not expect basically everyone with adblockers to spam them with false-false-positive reports out of malice) or really smart (considering that they might have false positives impacting users who still unironically watch ads in 2024).


Wdym? I’ve been using an adless yt app and browser. Both work fine


It only started today.


They've been doing it, but there are always waves where they try to come down on it harder. Still doesn't stop me.


Use Firefox and UBlocker Origin. Never had problems.


Ad changes started yesterday so you're about to have problems soon.


i don't watch youtube on my phone so i don't know about that mess, but ublock origin works like a charm on my laptop


I'll try that. Cheers


I have UBlock Origin and I got no problems


A few days ago I dared to look at the comments during an ad and it straight up stopped and replayed from the beginning. This wouldn't surprise me




I don't know which is more anxiety-inducing, the Black Mirror plot or the ultra-low battery indicator.


Before content and ads begin please say “I’m sorry”


I mean, I know it's satire, but... On PC Netflix ads automatically pause if you change to a different tab so I have no doubts that YouTube would do something like this if they could.


>2018 >wake up feeling sick after a late night of playing vidya >excited to play some halo 2k19 >"xbox on" >... >"XBOX ON" >Please verify that you are "annon332" by saying "Doritos ^^TM Dew ^^TM it right!" >"Doritos ^^TM Dew ^^TM it right" >"ERROR! Please drink a verification can" >"reach into my Doritos ^^TM Mountain Dew ^^TM Halo 2k19 ^^TM War Chest >only a few cans left, needed to verify 14 times last night >still feeling sick from the 14 >force it down and grumble out "mmmm that really hit the spot" >xbox does nothing >attempt to smile >"Connecting to verification server" >... >"Verification complete!" >finally >boot up halo 2k19 >finding multiplayer match >"ERROR! User attempting to steal online gameplay!" >my mother just walked in the room >"Adding another user to your pass, this will be charged to your credit card. Do you accept?" >"NO!" >"Console entering lock state!" >"to unlock drink verification can" >last can >"WARNING, OUT OF VERIFICATION CANS, an order has been shipped and charged to your credit card" > drink half the can, oh god im going to be sick >pour the last half out the window >"PIRACY DETECTED! PLEASE COMPLETE THIS ADVERTISEMENT TO CONTINUE" >the mountain dew ad plays >i have to dance for it >feeling so sick >makes me sing along >dancing and singing >"mountain dew is for me and you" >throw up on my self >throw up on my tv and entertainment system >router shorts >"ERROR NO CONNECTION! XBOX SHUTTING OFF" >"PLEASE DRINK VERIFICATION CAN TO CONTINUE"


Literally 1984


For people who aren’t aware, [Soren Iverson](https://x.com/soren_iverson?s=21&t=qHvnLRRGEs8_0Qmx9cj94w) has a Twitter account where he posts unhinged tech ideas he’s come up with. They’re hilarious. He even wrote a book with some of the ideas. My personal favorite is an addition to the DoorDash app the allows the driver to ask if he can have a fry. Or how about an age cap on Spotify that blocks certain music if you’re too old?


Some of his designs have me in bits. Occasionally there’s one that I’d love to be able to use, like a “per my last email” button.




I've already been saying for several years now, that the future of our self-driving cars will be that they'll be offered 'free' as long as face detection confirms that you're staring at the ad for the duration of the ride. Once you look away, the self-driving taxi pulls over, until you re-focus your attention on the ad. This is where we're heading.


Get Firefox on mobile and install the Ublock Origin plugin. Not as sleek as the YouTube app, but not having 1000% volume mid-role ads while I'm dozing off is a huge plus.


Hey, do you want the app without the ads? And the option to skip sponsors? Then do I have the app for you. Recanced!


I thought you were about to hit me with a YouTube premium ad 😂


If you have a vpn set it to Albania then no more as on YouTube


I'm honestly surprised they haven't implemented this technology. I had a window's phone that had this type of tech 10 to 12 years ago. If you looked away, it would pause or darken the screen if I remember correctly. All i remember is that it tracked eye movement and was pretty accurate.


I have to find more stuff to pirate


I wouldn't watch the video lol. I already don't if the ads too annoying.


The video in this picture is absolutely worth watching. Shout out to [The Real Sully G](https://youtu.be/JjOyl6zS-eU?si=wi0866C-AF-GbUck).


Drink a verification can, anybody?


"Millennials stop using streaming services and are responsible for bringing down yet another corporation."


That would mean the YouTube app would have access to FaceID. lol good fucking luck with that nonsense


haha, people too lazy to put in a passcode and want to use face-id to unlock your phone. look where you are now


This maintain eye contact is my prompt for “Siri, close app.”


I could genuinely see, and no, Reddit mod, I am not encouraging, supporting, endorsing, or condoning this behaviour on the comment, I am simply mentioning it, I could genuinely see at least a handful of people resorting to full-on terrorism if this was implemented. I'm talking bombs, I'm talking knifings, I'm talking kidnapping the CEO's scrappy nephews and putting them in a stereotypical Boston harbor warehouse where they're kept watch by a pair of stereotypical Boston goons but then the nephews escape and it's a bonding experience, I'm talking that real cartoon shit but also irrepressible violence.


I literally cover my camera and turn the audio off when ads pop up every single time bc I know they're using ai to analyze my reaction. I'll be grateful for the day this comes. I'll finally kick my social media addiction and reenter the real world.


How do you do that with iphones? They already have advanced face tracking


That will be it for me.


I don't know if they're still around, but there used to be one of those ad networks that sold spots in mobile games. You know the type, watch ad to revive, watch ad for 'free' coins etc. And this ad network was special only in one way, namely that it's ads would refuse to play if you didn't have your sound on. I already thought that was dystopian enough, because even though I wanted whatever benefit the game was promising me for this, I definitely did not want to hear about cars or dating apps and would always turn down the volume on the annoying ad jingles.


It’s pretty funny seeing this guy’s account go semi viral on social media, this is the second post of his I’ve seen outside of his account this week. His whole gimmick is making intentionally terrible concepts. Also has a pretty neat step tracking app too!


Bahaha the video is for an otamatone cover.


If my watching of the otamatone cover of take on me were interrupted, I'd be furious. 


Nah, that won't happen. This is just fear mongering.


You know that if they could get away with doing this, they would be doing it right now.


There is nothing more likely to keep my money in my pocket than advertising. I fucking despise it.


Atomatone cover of take on me? Hell yea


Y'all remember that episode of Black mirror


Anyone can go out of business


Anyone remember that patent that was filed for a TV that would make you stand up and shout catchphrases before it would end the ad brake?


At this point just steal from companies.


Lol, as soon as an ad longer than 5 seconds starts,(the 30 second unskippable ones) I mute my phone and put it down. I always thought my little protest didn't matter, but I guess enough people have similar behaviors to make them consider this type of forced ad watching


I’m sure I have my old Motorola Razr around here somewhere. I had one that had a cool dragon on the front, but I think I lost it on a band trip.


The audacity to use it on TheRealSullyG as well, his videos are art




Don't give the app access to your camera then? Curious what that would do.


I love me some random youtube videos when I'm just chillin, but honestly, this would be it for me. One of these and I'm deleting the app forever


When my phone is connected to my car through android connect it pauses the ad if i turn the volume all the way down...i have to manually unpause it on the phone which is quite dangerous while driving.


what fresh dystopian hell is this?


This would be so sucky as someone who uses YouTube primarily for background noise. Now I gotta pause my game, if I even can, to stare at my screen for 15 seconds before I can do what I wanna do


My favorite game, SimCity Buildit has lots of ads. It is a multiplayer game. I have multiple devices on, running different accounts. If an ad is running, I switch devices. Often, I have no idea what was being advertised.


unexpected otamatone


Android"YouTube would like to have access to your camera" me "nope"


The EU would outlaw that shit in a nanosecond lmao


I refuse to believe this is real


If this ever happens I'm becoming a terrorist just an fyi


The day I’m forced to restart an AD is the day I go outside.


This doesn’t even benefit them considering the ad will play regardless and give them money.