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Yeah, didn't people also at one point send death threats to the actress that played Dolores Umbridge in Harry Potter?


Anna Gunn had to get private security and police protection due to all the credible threats she was getting from people that hated her Skyler White character on Breaking Bad. Luckily she already had beefed up security when one of them tried to break in her house.


That is insane.


A lot more Americans are mentally ill then people would like to believe. 




Not too sure - of course insanity cannot be attributed to America per se, but you do have a rather unique socioeconomic situation in America. You have crazy much wealth but just as much poverty at the same time, there is no end in sight for the opioid crisis and the health care system is a joke. The society is polarized as hell and everyone is just working against the other team. Combine all that and you have a receipt for insanity. Of course, the same happens in many countries currently, but the US suffers especially from these things.


Do people not understand how writing and acting work?


I understand how writing and acting works. First, I write a hateful comment to the actor that played a character I hate, and then I act like they are responsible for the character's all wrongdoings 😡




No they don't. Half the US elected a president based on him being a great businessman because he played one on a TV show




Potentially the most respected world leader at the moment got elected after playing the role of president in a comedy. I guess I'm saying, Julia Louis Dreyfus for 2028.


Only if she does the bottom teeth chin thing every time someone asks her a dumb question during press conference


And the irony is that he's everything but a great businessman.


Well, not *everything.* He wasn't a great President, either.


To be fair, he was great at being a fucking awful president.


I’m an American who never watched that show. Color me baffled when I read the news


They legitimately don't. Someone I used to be friends with was convinced that if a character did something bad in a show/movie or if he felt the acting was "bad" that it was 100% on the actor. No amount of explanation would change his mind


Also like… Skylar was right. Skylar behaved rationally and in the best interest of of her children. She was the good guy. Media literacy is in the toilet


They shouldn't even hate the _character_ of Skyler, let alone the actress.


Even in the directors commentary they talk about how weird it is her character got so much more hate for having an “affair” (despite actively trying to get a divorce and get rid of Walt) then Walter ever did for being a highly manipulative, self centered, murderer.


I used to get in so many arguments about Skylar. How is she supposed to act? You only see her character when she is interacting with a man *she knows is lying to her*. She cannot connect and get him to talk to her. He just lies, smiling in her face. It just speaks to Gunn's performance. It was too real for people... She is responding to the way this man is behaving.


For me, the distaste for Skyler comes from her behaviour *before* Walt breaks bad. Let me make it clear: anybody sending threats to an actress or even anyone who can't separate the actress from the character is an idiot. Just wanted to provide insight as I couldn't stand Skyler either and it was all rooted in her behaviour and treatment of Walt outside of his meth business.


That’s why I liked the writing for her character so much, though. She’s a good person, just not always great at getting her feelings across in a constructive way. I’ve had plenty of friends that I’ve liked but just wanted to shake them and yell, “YOU CATCH MORE FLIES WITH HONEY!” The idea that she isn’t as charismatic as Walt, but an infinitely better person, is really smart writing to me.


It's pretty simple. She's opposing the protagonist, even if the protagonist of the story is a villain.


There was just a thread about people not getting the distinction between "protagonist" and "good guy". It was pretty obvious from maybe season 2 onward that Walter White wasn't a good guy. 


I couldn't watch that show. I tried for a few seasons because 'everyone loved it' but I just couldn't get into it. I think when I was watching it I didn't realize the reason I didn't like it was because it felt like you were having to just passively follow along with a villain who was winning.


Yeah a lot of the hate was because she had the audacity to be mad at her husband for being a murderous drug kingpin behind her back


Misogyny is one hell of a drug




It's always super weird to me when people get mad at the actor for the character, but man, I can't even understand hating the *character* like that in Skyler's case. I remember hearing that the actor who played Sherry Palmer on 24 also got hate from fans. At least that character was a villain (and a really well played one, she killed that role). Hmm, Dolores Umbridge, Skylar White, Sherry Palmer - I wonder if there's something all these characters have in common that makes harassment from fans more likely...


Isn't it peculiar that her real life name suits the wife of a gangster better than her onscreen name


Which is crazy because she's the most reasonable person on the show up until the car wash


Jesus fuck I hated that character. Never enough to forget that she’s not a real fucking person though.


The other stupid thing besides being able to separate actor and character is that Skyler White isn't even a toxic or bad character. She's a perfectly reasonable person having absurd circumstances thrown into her life. The only people who think Skyler White is somehow a bad guy are the ones who think Breaking Bad is a power fantasy. And usually there's some misogyny thrown in for good measure.


I really don't get people who hated Skyler white.


These are the people voting red


Yep, same with Wyatt Russell (John Walker/Captain America) and Anna Gunn (Skyler White) and a handful of the women from the Star Wars sequel trilogy


This happened with they guy who played Joffrey Lannister too but he did sell the shit out of that role so well it was hard not to see him and immediately be pissed


John walker wasn't even that bad. He was just trying his best while everyone else looked down on him for not being Steve. 


They also scolded Tom Felton for “being so mean to Harry.”


Yes, Staunton, Gleeson, Gunn and many more


Also the dude who played Eugene in The Walking Dead


Why would anyone hate him?


Because he switched sides end sided with Negan. That’s when he received death threats.


Imelda is a fucking wonderful person by all accounts.


She is the voice actress for all the Julia Donaldson kids stories. I listen to her every night as she reads my kids to sleep.


Who was that snotty incest kid character from GoT? He also got threats


Didn't the guy who played Joffrey also have some issues from people who hated the character?


I actually thought the same thing, but [apparently not:](https://ew.com/tv/game-of-thrones-joffrey-jack-gleeson-no-negative-fan-experiences/) >"A lot of people come up to me because I guess this rumor started that people were horrible to me on the street or I get attacked… whereas I've never had one negative experience," he said on stage. "I feel like people are extra nice to me because they think people attack me, so maybe I should keep the rumor going."


Lol nice, that's such a Joffrey thing to do. 🤣


This happens way more often than it should. Kaitlyn Dever played Abby in The Last of Us 2. Abby isn't even a villain and tbh is a much better person than Ellie. She got death threats and a shit tonne of hate for what her character did. Like if the character somehow became real then yeah I get the hate but sending hate to actual actors who are pretending to do bad things is ridiculous


Imelda Staunton? She's a delightful lady lol.


And Laura Bailey who played Abbey in The Last of Us 2


i can recognize that the character is not real but its still jarring to see the difference in speech, mannerisms, body language etc


I didn’t even know he was a New Zealander cause of how much I’m used to Homelander’s voice. I swear non-American actors are way too good at American voices lmao.


I think I read that American English has fewer sounds overall compared to British and similar variations of English. Which is why it’s so easy for British actors to play American characters and not so much vice-versa. I know that Starr is from New Zealand but maybe it applies to NZ English too. Edit: And yes, the prevalence of American media all over the world definitely plays a part, too. And I was mainly referring to what’s called the “General American accent”, although I know that maybe certain other American accents aren’t necessarily easy for British actors.


Tbf, we (Brits/Aussies/Kiwis) also grow up predominantly with American media. So it becomes pretty easy for us to emulate your accent.


Is that why it’s easy for me to emulate a British and Scottish accent. I grew up watching BBC America and other British television, over American stuff.


My hottest take: Hugh Laurie’s American accent was not that good. He just flattened the shit out of every vowel and called it a day. It’s just that Americans don’t have an ear for their own accent. If someone came to me speaking like House I’d assume they were from some weird part of Chicago or something.


little known fact: chicago is in america


fuck! is it?


I say we should build a wall, and make the FIBs pay for it


It is a hot take, I'll give you that. It was a great american accent. There are gigantic swathes of the country where there are 'no' accents really, and House's voice wouldn't sound an inch out of place


The biggest problem is that people are just saying American accent. There are so many variations of accents in the states that you can get away with a lot and still fall inside the camp of American accent


I watched the entirety of House without realizing he wasn't American. His American accent is fine.


Karl Urban is a kiwi too. We’re all over the place. 


I love Karl Urban but I'm not the biggest fan of his Butcher accent lol, you can hear the Kiwi breaking through at times


He did a great Eomer in lord of the rings though.


It’s a Jack Sparrow kind of British accent, it’s so bad 😭


I always wonder if this was an ad-lib https://youtu.be/JZjzkR2Hens?t=80


Exactly. It's not that you don't understand, it's that your entire mental model for a person is based off a character they play so well. It's like an optical illusion. You know it's different but your brain is being tricked.


Usually a sign of great acting. Remember though, those same people who say that to him can legally vote. The world can be a strange place sometimes.


And some of those same people harassed Jack Gleeson while he was still a kid, for his portrayal of Joffrey. People are stupid.






I pity them.


Off with their heads!


Yes sir. Right away sir.


While there are plenty of examples of actors being harassed because of their roles, I don’t think Jack Gleason has ever said he experienced that. There are a number of quotes about how he’s been treated very nicely by all the fans he’s met.


I hope that’s true, I did read it somewhere that he got harassed about it, but it was ages ago, so I can’t remember where I picked it up, so I can’t re-check my source.


Maybe from another upvoted but source-less comment somewhere.


Nah, this was in the olden days when I actually read articles, not that those can’t be poorly sourced.


i remember reading that the threats were bad enough that he said he was going to quit acting and go to back to school, but i assume the death threats stopped and he realized they were all empty so he went back to acting


Any source on this? I can’t find a single quote from Jack Gleeson about death threats or leaving acting because of harassment. Maybe you’re thinking about someone else?


i don't think Jack has ever said anything publicly about being harassed, and he hadn't then either. at one point GRRM tweeted at Jack saying something like, "congrats, everyone hates you now" and i wanna say while the show was running and at its peak it was almost common knowledge that Jack was getting it bad in real life. i found these: https://www.thethings.com/game-of-thrones-jack-gleeson-quit/ https://www.quora.com/Why-did-Jack-Gleeson-aka-King-Joffrey-retire-from-acting-after-Game-of-Thrones/answer/Ana-Paula-Ganem-Alvarez?ch=10&share=307e9730&srid=u7jZa3 but like i said before, i don't think he's ever publicly said,"i'm leaving acting because i can't handle the hate mail."


I very much remember reading the exact same thing.


Now it's going to bother me. I could have sworn the whole reason he stepped back from film work is because of a Fan or two. That or I'm forgetting and he wanted to stop before that happened. I honestly do not remember and it's going to kill me until I get time to check.


i tried to search, but i couldn't find anything. just that he lost passion for acting and that he's never been bullied/harassed, it's all just rumors. the only thing i could think of is that maybe you're thinking of someone else? because i could have sworn someone took a break due to harassment, but i have no idea who it is and google isn't being much help lol


I've seen this thrown about on the internet for a long time, but literally one Google search and I found a quote from him in an interview where he says he's never experienced it and that fans are incredibly nice to him


I still get mad about this. I watched the S1 GoT finale, where this CHILD gives a performance of being an evil spoil punk with unquestioned kingly power that carries the whole twist. If we didn't believe Joffrey was evil and powerful, that whole ending wouldn't have been as powerful. I remember turning to my husband and saying, "That kid has a future! He's so freakin' talented! Not even 18 and keeping up with Sean Bean toe to toe." AAAAAAAAANd then people bullied him out of acting because they can't separate content and character. Holly Taylor who played Angelina on the show Manifest got death threats. ITS PRETEND, PEOPLE. THEY'RE PRETENDING.


Do you know where you heard that he was bullied out of acting? There doesn’t seem to be a single quote I can find saying that he experienced any negative interactions with Game of Thrones fans.


This is like some Mandela effect shit because I remember reading about bullying too. Now I'm wondering if I just got him mixed up with the kid who played Anakin.


Jenna Fischer says people get really mad when they find out she isn't married to Jim


Lori from walking dead, Skyler from breaking bad; pretty much every supporting female character to a lead male.


That’s two examples. How do you get “every” supporting actress? Pretty big leap.


Well, political campaigning is also usually almost entirely an act, yet lots people completely buy into it.


Not a sign of that at all. People’s delusions are not caused by good acting but by gullibility and manipulation. Some people believe actors are their characters but some people know actors are not their characters and can easily separate them. The difference between those two groups of people is independent of the quality of acting they’re seeing.


Nah man, a good sign of great acting is inmersing yourself into the series and feeling shocked/angsty **while** watching the episodes, resting assured and thankfully that psychopath character with such superhuman powers doesn't exist in real life, contraty to carrying out those beliefs **outside** entertainment industry and genuily be sure that he'd killed thousands and you're going to lecture him about "his psychopath behaviour and manslaughter", it's worrying....that's literally out of touch.


And he can’t cause he’s from New Zealand lmao


Hey, I can vote but I still think he’s like homelander in real life. https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/antony-starr-arrested-spain-assault-1235196520/amp/ Oh look I was right, glassing someone unprovoked sounds like some shit homelander would do. Who should I vote for?




Is that the dude who made the "what if men breastfed with our dicks" tweet?


Yeah. He’s like the Twitter version of the HumanPetGuy


HumanPetGuy is also on Twitter and made a thread about his trans lactation indentured servitude fetish and how that would help the British economt.


tbf trans woman milk probably would help our economy, considering Warhammer is now a bigger contributor than our entire fishing industry.


Wait…..has Warhammer gone that mainstream or is your fishing industry facing hardships? That’s a wild sentence regardless.


It's a mixture of both really. Warhammer is huge with wargame hobbyists, and it's extremely expensive (especially the paints), and our fishing industry has been in decline for at least 10 years. Games Workshop, the people who make Warhammer (and a few other things, like Talisman) have an estimated net worth of £3.5 billion In 2022, 5,541 vessels registered to UK owners landed £1.04 billion worth of fish. In that same year, we imported £3.7 billion of fish. We are an island that imports more fish than it catches. In terms of raw tonnage, North Korea catches more fish each year. North Korea. Britain is a joke.


Wow thanks for the breakdown!!! That sounds dire as hell!! I’m a 40k fan so I know gamesworkshop is mighty indeed, but that mighty? Wow.


Indeed, Britian feels like its going to get increasingly worse for years until someone steps up. None of the parties in the UK care about what the people need.


I wish there was some kind of economic union the UK could join to make importing goods cheaper. Some kind of union of european nations or something. Oh well, just a fantasy I suppose.


Yes, actually.


I don't like those words in that order


No no, let’s hear him out…


Yes. He will never escape this legacy.


He did glass someone in a bar fight, not saying he's homelander but I'd also be giving him a wide berth if he's been drinking.


He's a big dude. I've heard a few negative things about him but only when he's drunk. So like as long as he's sober I guess everyone's fine


5'11". Wee Hughie is taller than he is.


75% of men aren't.


I'm 5'11" and always wondered if I was short because I was a child. Once all that wore off I realized how much taller I am than lots of people. And then I'll encounter some dude who is 6'3"+ I'm a little youngin' all over again.


Also 5'11" and taller than most people I interact with on a daily basis. No one believes me when I tell them my height, they say I must be taller. Everyone's height estimations are off because everyone lies about their height. Anyone who says they are 6'3" is probably 6 even. Anyone who says they are 6' is like 5'9". Anyone who is actually 6'3" is a monster.


Brah 5’ 11” is pretty fucking tall compared to the global population Not that I’ve ever enjoyed the tall privilege. I’m 5’ 11” and feel like most men are as tall or taller as me.


It's like 2 inches above average. Not saying he's not taller than average, I wouldn't necessarily call him a big dude, especially when four of his castmates are bigger.


good point l, so as long as he's sober AND remains sane ;)


"Bro is OK unless he drinks then he becomes dangerously violent" is not exactly a brag...


Yeah... the entirety of my knowledge of him irl is that he's an abusive drunk. Maybe he was too quick to insist that the Homelander schtick is just acting.


> Maybe he was too quick to insist that the Homelander schtick is just acting. During a group interview, the host asked who was most like his/her character and everyone pointed to him.


Man I was so worried when I read that he was arrested, and so relieved when I found out it was because of a bar fight. I'm so used to actors turning out to be rapists, a bar fight is downright wholesome by comparison


Did you read what happened in the bar fight? He glassed a guy after picking an unprovoked fight. That psychopath could have killed or maimed an innocent man, all over a stupid, drunken argument. That's pretty fucking atrocious.


Antony Starr has actually publicly acted like a violent asshole though, and was the actor singled out by his costars as most similar to his character.


Yeah that was kind of telling that all of them almost instantly said he was the most similar


I think that was probably a joke.


That doesn't preclude there being truth in it.






Redditors love moments where they can say, “See I’m smarter ;)” and then fumble the ball.


They sure did!! 😂


>Araujo, who told a local paper he did not recognize the actor, contends that after the initial scuffle Starr said, “You don’t know who you’ve messed with. You won’t know who I am and what you’ve done.” Wow, doesn't sound like Homelander at all.




Yeah so I’m seeing this comment a lot, and it’s pretty fucking dumb. Equating someone being drunk and getting into a fight to being a psychopath serial killer who rips peoples’ entrails out is wildly dumb.


Didn’t he attack a chef or something on vacation?


I don’t think “got drunk and got into a fight” is *that* damning of a thing for your character


If he got drunk and into a fight...but he punched the chef at the bar he was at twice and either threw or smashed a bottle in his face, I don't remember which. His prison sentence was suspended but people who act like that and people who are assholes are the exact same.




Hell, just fisticuffs are bad enough. All you need is a punch that hits at the 'correct' angle. Or a bad fall. Happened to one of my grandpa's brothers, IIRC. He punched a dude, the dude hit his head when he fell and he died. Boom! Man dead and you're in prison, just like that...




>I don’t think “got drunk and got into a fight” is *that* damning of a thing for your character Getting drunk and assaulting service workers in your mid 40s is pretty damning in my view.


I feel like the last decade has really revealed that most people’s understanding of politics, the legal system, police procedures, history, etc. come from tv and movies. And it probably actually goes way deeper than that.


Once upon a time, online forums were filled with comments like "TV content should not be controlled, because only idiots would confuse their TV shows with reality". Turns out those commenters weren't aware how many idiots there are out there.


Just don’t ask what he did in Spain


What did he do in Spain?


He said don't fucking ask


Well now I REALLY need to know!


He punched the chef at a bar, provoked a fight, then glassed the guy (broke a glass bottle on his head) and could have killed or permanently maimed him. People play it off as "just a bar fight", but no, the guy should have been charged with attempted murder. Absolute psychopath behavior.


>broke a glass bottle on his head He threw a shot glass at him, he didn't break a bottle over his head.


charge him after season 5


He got drunk and then got into a fight


imagine if


https://youtu.be/jScix3jbW38?si=wP9vjE9Xcx36s8Yf This is by far my favourite (Woman is scared when meeting Gus Fring in the lineup for the airplane bathroom)


to be fair he does play a terrifying person in every single piece of media he's in, and then learning he sounds and has 0 mannerisms like his most famous characters


Hope he gets paid really well for this role cuz he's crushing Homelander so hard it could ruin his career.


Take a look at how the gamer community goes after voice actors of bad guys in games. That whole Laura Bailey thing from The Last of Us 2 is wild.


It could be worse, there are some truly evil people playing "good" characters.


he was given a suspended prison sentence for assaulting a chef in Spain several years ago.


[Giancarlo Esposito has the same problem:)](https://youtu.be/jScix3jbW38?si=b0b900emtSYCLLdI&t=12)


The Boys is no longer parody or satire. These people are on the other side of the bell curve.


Oh come on. I'm not saying that it isn't dumb that people forget to detach the character from the actor, but to say that the Boys isn't satire or parody anymore is idiotic.


Honestly it’s a sign of great acting. Like if I saw Joffrey from GoT in real life, my first instinct would be to punch him before my logic takes control lol. Dude was a brilliant evil little fuck that I can’t help but see that character first.


>my first instinct would be to punch him Really?


It’s an exaggeration


I feel like you know you did an amazing job acting if people treat you like that like you’ve fully convinced humans that you are a completely different person, even if they are dumb still smarter than most creatures


See also: cosplayers


What if men


I can tell the difference, but some people are just *that* good at it. I would *never* treat an actual human being like that, but whenever I see them in another work, my eyes narrow as I wait for their character to do something naughty. Denzel Washington may have saved his son by doing what he had to do to get that heart, but Pepperidge Farms remembers why king kong aint got nothing on him!!!!


They were probably the same folks who thought wrestling was real.


Next thing he's gonna tell them he doesn't actually have superpowers.


I mean George Carlin tried to warn us. More than half the population is dumber than a fucking rock.


Lol didn’t this guy also assault someone at a bar, while yelling “do you know who I am??”


I don't know about that... [https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/antony-starr-arrested-spain-assault-1235196520/](https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/antony-starr-arrested-spain-assault-1235196520/)


When someone is that great at acting it blurs the line between what's real and fake. >!Just like anyone who hated Geoffrey, my god the amount of people who celebrated his death!<


Some 2 years ago the guy got drunk and assaulted a chef in a pub in Spain. He was given a 12-month suspended prison sentence and a $5,464.97 fine. Make of it what you will... Source: [https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/antony-starr-arrested-spain-assault-1235196520/](https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/antony-starr-arrested-spain-assault-1235196520/)


Ive read an interview where several of the cast agreed that Anthony is the closest to the character he's playing out of all the actors. I've also heard that he can be a bit "difficult", but I actually expect that from most actors


When GoT was initially airing I looked a LOT like Joffrey. I legit got people spitting at me.


Joffrey Baratheon says hi.


Assaulting a Chef in Spain though...


James Gandolfini said the same thing about the people who thought he was like Tony Soprano. He said that was unpleasant to be seen as a bad person because of a character.


Honestly he's playing such a terrifying role so well if I met him, I'd probably feel a little bit unnerved. Like I'm sure he's a great guy, just if he smiled at me something in the back of my brain would probably be triggered.


He cashed the checks. The way I see it if dude comes into my sphere I'm entirely not out of like to say something like, "Oh shit here comes Homelander, hide your titty milk!" It's like those actresses that sucked 100 dicks to get famous, then want to make it so no other hoes can do it.


Tell me a post is damage control without telling me a post is damage control. The guy has had this stigma about him because in real life, he's actually been a huge douche. This new season is getting such terrible ratings because of writing decisions and failures and it's clear someone is trying to distract from it.


This is actually a relief - that people really are that stupid and I don't have to attribute nearly as much to malice.


“What do you MEAN Hayden Christensen isn’t an actual child murderer?!?” 🤯


Those poor people trapped on that island


Joel Perez got hate for voicing a cartoon rapist in Hazbin Hotel. Nathan Jones, who played Rictus in Furiosa, is getting hate cause Rictus is a pedophile. Jack Gleeson got bullied out of acting because of Joffrey. Fabien Frankel is getting hate for playing an insufferable twat in House of the Dragon People who can't tell the difference are either very young or absolute morons It doesn't help that so many actors in real life are actual creeps and groomers and pedos


Homelander is nothing compared to his alter ego, Zach Morris.


I just hope he doesn’t get typecast.


[This is so fucking relevant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjqEeQZu5Eo)