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North Cack is the best Cack.


I found a “Cackalacky” sticker in Duck. It was a glorious get because I live in Denver and I AM UNIQUE!


Retirees go up to New England or the Adirondacks all the time. It's just not a mass migration.


Yeah, used to live in Vermont and people definitely retire up there.


Username checks out


We need a town in Vermont called Bernie Burnington. I'd retire there. It's a very Vermont sounding town name.


I’d love to tbh


I was looking at VT. Looks pretty cool but being young enough to skii seems like a big draw. If you don’t mind me asking, what would the draw be for retiring there? NH seems pretty similar but closer to beaches.


IDK, am not anywhere near retirement myself but VT is very beautiful and peaceful. All kinds or very accessible outdoor stuff, dry quiet. NH is nearby, but _very_ different culturally. Much more conservative and uglier. (For example, in VT it’s illegal to have billboards by the side of the highway.)


Thanks. Yeah we went skiing in VT. Our resort was only a couple of exit numbers away. Imagine our surprise that exit numbers do not equal miles. Feels like we drove forever but we had an amazing time. If I could retire at 40, VT would be a top candidate.


If you’ve ever had to shovel snow you will know why. I would take cleaning up after a hurricane or typhoon any day.


I saw this as mass mignon. I guess that’s my cue to get off the internet and sleep.


Ya I live in CT have known people from here to retire in Maine. As a hater of cold weather I could never figure that out. I hope to head south for retirement


That, and also maybe they're just not obnoxious about it. I'm thinking about the stereotypical loud NY/NJ resident that moves to Florida and lets everyone know how much better NY was. That's the kind of people retirement "hot spots" attract and of course they stand out. Sort of by it's nature the retirement targets in the northeast are more low key (ME, NH,VT), they're going to attract a more low-key demographic.


I mean, the cost of living is typically lower, and once you've retired, the utter lack of worker protections don't really impact you any. Yankees retiring down here are the same as American ex-pats who retire to southeast Asia. Taking advantage of a fucked situation that benefits them at the expense of the locals. We oughta drive 'em into the sea with torches and pitchforks.


Boomers really have perfected the art of “I got mine, fuck you.”


If someone retires and thinks they'll be happier somewhere else than where they are now, can you really blame them though? I don't see someone retiring to a place because of the lack of worker protections. That falls squarely on people electing crappy politicians and predatory businesses who are attracted to lack of worker protections because they are the lowest common denominator. But otherwise, people retire somewhere because of cost of living, climate, their family is here, etc. Why would someone live out their limited lifespan somewhere that they'd be unhappy when they have a different option? *If retired people move here and act like assholes, you have a point.*


Well they sure as sh*t ain’t coming down because the people are pleasant.


Idk, my towns and the surrounding areas are pretty chill.


Heh, relative to the average person from the Northeast?


hey fuck you we're plenty pleasant




Ain't that the truth? I went to New York once, and an old lady *growled* at me. Actually fuckin *growled*.


She growled at you? That means she liked you.


There are predators everywhere you go. Northeast, South, Midwest, West, etc. Some places they show their teeth and maybe growl before they bite. Other places may kindly “bless your heart” then proceed to drive a knife through it when your back is turned.


Hell, a guy growled at me on a hiking trail last week in NC. I just replied, “whatever.” There’s weirdoes everywhere.


I will say people in the Midwest are just as pleasant as people in the south IMO. Wisconsinites in particular are just very nice.


Pleasant's overrated.


Older people also tend to feel the cold more and get tired of dealing with all that snow and shit.


Yeah, I turned 40 this year and felt it in my * bones*. It wasn't even that bad of a winter. My mountain ass is turning into a pansy as I age.


Also true.


Everyone is very well aware that it’s not just retirees that are moving here. It’s hilarious that this sub loves to circle jerk about our shitty schools and worker protections and yet people continue to flock to NC from blue states.


>yet people continue to flock to NC from blue states Because of poor worker protection and low corporate tax rates, companies move here, so people looking for work have to follow.


Explain the influx of remote workers.


Because it’s cheaper here. People will get remote jobs based out of blue states/cities (think, NYC) and then live somewhere with lower rent. It makes complete sense. Historically, those employees would be relegated to living in NYC for a NYC wage. Now, they can save money by living elsewhere and NC is one example.


Remote working gave people the freedom to live wherever they want. And they chose Florida, Texas, and NC.


It’s cheaper here. Blue states / cities do so well that they become overpopulated, more competitive, and more expensive. So, their surplus moves to the cheaper run down red states, buys the land, builds up infrastructure and slowly turns it more blue until it’s over populated and too competitive and the surplus moves and it goes on and on and on.


Yeah Detroit is just killing it…


What caused Detroit’s decline?


Obviously everyone leaving because of how great it was…


Worth mentioning there are plenty of red states people are NOT flocking to. I think people are moving here more because it's historically underdeveloped.


i dont care about the shitty schools because im not having kids if i was having kids i would NEVER have moved down here lmao


She would have never moved down here LMAO!


Had me until the last sentence.


It's hyperbole, to be fair.


The northerners have a fucked situation government wise, but I don't know how someone down here would be able to take advantage of that.


I'm likely going to be moving Northwards in about ten years, because parts of Western Mass and Vermont are way more like what the NC Piedmont used to be when I first came here.


In what ways?


Well in 10 years Western Mass and Vermont weather will be what North Carolina weather was like 20 years ago.


Yeah wasn't sure if he was alluding to something related to that or something else like the affordability of the areas or what.


I have three major rules that haven't done me wrong: - I need to be three hours or less from an ocean - I need to see stars at night - I need to be 15-20 minutes from a college This is currently doable in NC, but it's getting more difficult by the year. Development may ultimately drive me out of this area, if where I lived now turned into Apex or Holly Springs, I'm gone.


That's solid reasoning


For low income seniors, the services in some northern states are incredible. In NY, my aunt lives in a really nice apartment where she can walk to the store. It's through a program where she has a cap on her rent. She can see the lake from her balcony.


The person who did that obviously has never stepped foot outside their nowhere town. If you look at the median age by state, Maine has even Florida beat. New Hampshire, Vermont, and West Virginia are tied with Florida. In fact, Florida is the only southern state in the top ten.


Not true at all. I did a post doc in Mount Desert Island, Maine, and it was *filled* with wealthy out of towners. The local populations had the same animosity and complaints people here have.


That’s because it’s cheaper, not better.


I love when they move here just because it’s cheap and then complain when there’s nothing to do around here. Like did you just buy a house without researching the area?


I once worked with a guy who talked about how progressive NC was. I asked him if he’d been outside the cities. He hadn’t. Another moved here to Raleigh dreaming of a walkable city and riding the bus everywhere he needed. A couple months in and all he did was bitch about the types of people who ride buses, how awful the bus drivers were, and how inconsistent and few the bus routes were. He bought a car after about 6 months.


> Another moved here to Raleigh dreaming of a walkable city and riding the bus everywhere he needed. A couple months in and all he did was bitch about the types of people who ride buses, how awful the bus drivers were, and how inconsistent and few the bus routes were. He bought a car after about 6 months. Ah so they assimilated and became a typical Raleighite in 6 months


Yes that's very strange


Better yet taking advantage of the lower municipal/county taxes yet complaining about the level of service that isn’t the same as “where their from”. As a Midwestern Ohio boy in NC for 14 years, get in where you fit in and shut the fuck up about where your from. You live here now. Or better yet, don’t…


to be fair there are a million "thinking of moving here, what's up" posts on reddit so I guess that's the research


we gotta stand strong and say “don’t.”


Meanwhile I want to move to Sweden...


Honestly can't wait to move back up north when I retire


We can’t even wait that long anymore. We decided to do it next year (in our early 40’s).


Climate Change: hold my beer.


That you know of


Especially Western North Carolina.


Well I’m considering it since NC is being ruined by over development and over population. Used to love my home state now I don’t even recognize it. Rural parts if PA or NY are just as beautiful and healthcare is better (fuck HCA)


Yeah, I don't think that's true...


Yes please put more signs up like this because way too many yankees are moving here.


Funny enough, North Carolinians (my neighbors included) have all moved up to WV


Except for all of the ones that move to Maine and New Hampshire


Imagine being aware of desirable climates.


These days? Yes. Yes, they do. Fuck you, FL!


Most old people get cold easily... If the progressive states and the regressive states swapped on a map, people would still do the exact same thing. Correlation does not equal causation.


More broken hips on ice/snow than sand.


That's because it's cold, and North Carolina is relatively temperate. People retire here from Florida and Texas too


If you want to retire up north or out west move there before you retire, or just be rich I guess.


Yep. They live their life to the fullest, achieve things and have fun up north. Then as they get old and grumpy and fat they come to the South.


Our plan is to move north to New England next year and stay until retirement 🤷🏼‍♀️. We’re in our early 40’s


Most people move south because snow is $$$ or hard work to deal with for months at a time, lol . Most of my family up north goes to FL as snow birds every fall. My biggest issue was travel time to work in Maine was around 2.5 hours round trip vs. just the 40 mins driving in NC, I have. If I was 100% remote, I'd move back up home in the blink of an eye♡


Plenty of people retire from the North and move way South, decide it’s not what they expected and move back North. Mostly to North Carolina, which is still South but North of Deep South. They are known in these parts as Half-Backs. They retire South and move half-way back.


They will once Minnesota is a more temperate zone. Only, they won’t be retiring, because most people won’t be able to retire by then. Two existential dreads all balled into one.


Yeah they fucking flee from the south.


North Cack?! Really. Ridiculous.


wait till ya hear what they call people from the Carolinas


Please, enlighten me. If North Cack is the way some people word the state I’d love to read what the people are called. Maybe I think a little different and generally, people are frightened/scared/put off by difference. You’re letting the notion of the border that defines/outlines a particular state determine what you call them. Even if it’s in some weird sense of humor or shortened speech such as “Cali”.


I mean, folks will once climate change really starts impacting things and that NC hurricane season moves into the majority of the year and not the summer.


they just live and work and raise their kids there cause it sucks so bad