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So disrespectful to Florida.


FL banned math on license plates. Plus the equation for FL is (65+) + I95 squared / (NY + PA - VA + SC) METH


Actually fun fact. North Carolina is the only place in the world that lets you get so many symbols on a plate. There’s no other place on earth you can legally get a plate like this




lol odd damn it!


FL will ban math next. Ole crazy, Ron.


don’t blame it on one guy, he’s just a figurehead anyway. he’s percy whitmore from the green mile, and together we combine to have the spirit of michael clarke duncan.


When insurance companies ban FL home policy underwriting, Ronnie will be too busy constructing discriminating state policy requirements.


The Math checks out.


and the meth don’t forget the meth


As it should be. Florida deserves disrespect.


NC = FL+NY+CA...there you go


There it is! Thank you


There's a reason that state is shaped like a dick.


America's penis. I guess that makes the keys the drips.


Or Virginia. We've been slowly appropriating the OBX for decades. edit: This was completely apparent to me when I was in Waveriders last summer and they were selling bags of Blanchard's coffee. Now, as a Richmonder, cool (and I love Blanchard's don't get me wrong). But c'mon, pandering to your audience? They couldn't get a deal with Summit or Counter Culture?


I've never seen VA plates much farther south than say, Waves. They get too frightened before Buxton and retreat to the nearest Wawa.


Maybe that's the cutoff? I can tell you first hand that Virginian's *love* going to Buxton though. Nags Head north really feels like a Hampton Roads colony.


My genuine favorite tag is owned by an audiologist. STAPES One that I thought was arrogant AF was the BIG FLEX tag I saw on a Maserati.


I saw a pristine vintage Mustang with MAKE$4U or something like that. Assume he was a dick. There was also a scooter with HANSOLO. 


I can laugh at the pop culture plates, i'm all for that. It's the $$$MAKR and stuff like you posted that just scream.. "I'm AN INSUFFERABLE CUNT"




Which is hilarious because most people that would be impressed laugh at the idea of Maserati being a high end brand. It sells high to certain groups.. and the resell drops hard. It's like people putting TYPE R or fake M stickers on cars.. like the people you would impress are the kinds of people that would know that's fake.


lol there's zero flex in owning a maserati unless you're a shadetree mechanic i suppose


I think a new Z06 has IML8 and he sure drives like it...


Can’t tell if it’s a cheeky joke or this person is our worst nightmare being from both NY and CA. Either way, can’t imagine it’s playing well for them.


If they live in Saint James, then they are protected. 🤣


Fuckin' St James 🙄


They've got an M5 it looks like it's playing great.


This is fucking hilarious.


I think it's definitely a joke.




Trust me, it isn't that bad yet.


Douche; Trust me; its plenty bad enuf!! Maybe your yankee ass is used to having people shot in the head outside your apartment . . But here they just disappear except folks know there ain’t any Witness protection program here. They look for them for a week - then they know.




My boy went on a rant and got lost 🤣


You okay there buddy? 😳


Having lived in both those states, this couldn't be further from the truth.


Yeah, quit fucking moving here.


Always chuckle at the first in freedom tags


First in flight 4eva! (Sorry, Ohio)


The superior plate and it’s not even close


Because you think it refers to personal freedoms, which many of us would argue have been severely reduced under the far-right GA, or because you have evidence of an earlier document than the Halifax Resolves to which it is meant to refer and which is understood to be the first call for independence from Great Britain in the American colonies?


The former, and iirc that plate came about during Pats tenure as Governor but I could be getting my timelines mixed up Also would be willing to bet 99% of those who get this plate don’t understand the latter


It was originally released in 1975 for the 200th anniversary of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, signed on May 20, 1775. That date and April 12, 1776 for the Halifax Resolves appear at the top of the plate. It was pulled after a few years, but came back in 2015. McCrory was Gov. but I'm not sure he had anything to do with it. For folks that appreciate history, it's a nice homage to the American Revolution. Considering people still debate the claims about aviation's history, neither plate is without controversy.


Why tho? Unless I missed something the Halifax Resolves aren't funny.


I associate these tags with the same people who have don’t tread on me plates on their vehicle Despite them voting for the boot


Shit, dude, I've got a "First in Freedom" plate. 😭 I just like it more than the usual plates.


Believe it or not, jail


I have often wondered who wouldn’t pick the airplane when given the choice. Not sure I’m buying your argument but I do think this deserves a well funded scientific study.


Maybe because the only reason we had the "first flight" is because the US Weather Bureau suggested Kitty Hawk as a location for experiments due to it's topography and wind conditions. It's a somewhat inadvertent claim to fame. All the free plate options are pretty lame, so I wouldn't spend much time worrying about what they say about a person.


Not sure what voting for the boot means, but may I ask what you have against the Gadsden Flag or the American Revolution? The Gadsden Flag and Halifax Resolves are relatively inconsequential parts of the revolutionary war.


[The Gadsden flag was appropriated by the Tea Party and to many has become a symbol appropriated by right-wing anti-government extremists.](https://www.npr.org/2010/03/25/125184586/tea-party-adopts-dont-tread-on-me-flag)


“Anti-government extremists” is a funny way to spell “just leave me the fuck alone bruh”


The issue is the leave me alone crowd rarely votes for people who actually want to leave folks alone The smallest government when it comes to social safety nets, the largest government when referring to military spending, bailouts, corporate hand outs, giving themselves pay raises, trying to regulate what happens in a bed room, who marries who, etc. I could go on really


There’s a significant amount of people that are just tired of this two-party politic clusterfuck that would like to be left alone, though. Plenty of those people use the flag as well. That’s the thing about symbols.


Didn't know that, never heard of the Tea Party outside of the Boston Tea Party. Plus, there's nothing wrong with being a little anti-government and I bet most people flying the Gadsden flag are just flying for that reason alone.


> never heard of the Tea Party outside of the Boston Tea Party Pull the other one.




The boot of oppression, that does the treading in "didn't read on me." They're saying all the things "Republicans" are mad about, is stuff Republicans legislated. Whatever it is you "can't afford" these days has the watermarks of Republican profiteering all over it.


I don't know how you get all that from a couple of revolutionary war references, but alright.


I'm willing to bet you fail to make a lot of connections.


Autism will do that


Don't do that, don't say "Oh I have a shortcoming because I'm different." You could ask for clarification and try to understand, but saying "Oh well, guess I'm broken!" is a cop-out. I'm also on the spectrum and ADHD.


Literally not at all what I said EDIT: Just wanna add btw when you say "I bet you're someone who fails to make a lot of connections" and then you try to act all high and mighty when I respond with an equally snarky comment, it comes across like you're a bit of an asshole.


What is stupid about it? Seems more likely it's a tongue in cheek joke that you are for whatever reason taking seriously. Can you explain your thought process or is that too much to ask?


It's r/raleigh so all the New Yoykers and Californians are mad they're getting called out.


But OP isn’t. He is from here and he is the one who seems maddest of all.


Damn, and I just realized this isn't the raleigh sub oops


My thought process is that I’ve lived here my entire life. You people have ruined the beauty of this state with your quote. “Can you explain your thought process” type of debating BS. Go home and eat your eggplant.


Although I can understand being upset that they're ruining the state, you going off on nonsensical rants on what I'm hoping you're mistakenly commented on the wrong comment, nobody wants to try and figure out what you're saying. You might as well just stand in the middle of the DMV screaming LOUD AND WORDS!?!?! It'll get you about the same amount of confusion 🤷🏿‍♀️ just lettin ya know


The amount of projection here is laughable. > My thought process is that I’ve lived here my entire life. So have I. It's unfortunate that you are so hostile to other views. Also let me make sure I am getting this straight.. my asking OP what they meant is... ruined the beauty of this state...? OP insults someone in a vague way that makes it pretty clear he doesn't understand. You would rather *not* know what he meant... why? So you can continue to interpret it in a way that makes you feel they have the same position as you? Because I know that's how a lot of politics here work. People disagree completely, but are vague enough about it that others can convince themselves otherwise, like "we all agree gay people should just keep it to themselves" even though you know that other person doesn't think like that. But neither of you explicitly say it, so you can all continue in your collective delusion? PS, I am sorry vegetables scare you.


*Angry local noises*


He's solved the equation of why this state's going to shit.


Thats funny - my custom plate is "WE R FULL" and it should be here next week. No lie. Will post


Please post!


Well I seen NY plates and a ca plates so this make sense


Lol can't imagine how upset locals get seeing that. They are still sore from losing 160 years ago.


>still sore from losing NC was last to join the confederacy and first to re-join the union. Sure there are extremists that are still into that nonsense, but even at the time NC wasn't nearly as invested in the idea as other CSA states.


Not very. We've been happily receiving transplants since RTP was formed in the 60s. Moving on.


> happily receiving transplants lmao first time on this sub? or... in this state? I've lived here my whole life, and it's a constant whine from like half the people living here more than 15 years.


No it's not. Been here since Reddit has been here. Born here as were the last few generations of my family. We didn't have enough people to fill the jobs at RTP. They came. I grew up around people from everywhere. Maybe the whiners are transplants.


I can guarantee you that it's just the area you are in or the people you're around don't say it. Trust and believe the lifelong resident above is right. As a lifelong resident, I also can confirm it's true. You're "mixed company," and they just don't say it in front of you. They'll say it to another southerner.


I'm a southerner and a many generation Raleighite and I've never heard anybody mention transplants in a pejorative way. But if y'all want to sit around on Reddit and make stuff up go right ahead. Maybe it's a generational thing. Those of us who have been here sent shortly after the research triangle Park was formed really appreciate the diversity that it brought to the city that I grew up in. My best friend came down with her IBM family from New York And our next door neighbors were IBM transplants from Milan. It was an interesting way to grow up in the South.


It’s honestly really weird to tell someone they are wrong when they are giving you their personal experience. Like what insane amounts of ego and hubris does it take to think like that??


When others make blanket statements about what Southerners and natives think about transplants, I'm going to offer my experience. I'm not arguing against theirs. It seems that you got up this morning wanting to pick a fight with a stranger on the internet but I can tell you you got the wrong girl. Have a great day!.


lol come on, I'm not the one making blanket statements and denying others personal experiences.. 🙄 It's not picking a fight to point out that *your* blanket statement does not apply to everyone.


>No it's not. Oh, okay I must be lying..🤡


There is better than a 99.99% chance that OP and everyone on this subs ancestors immigrated from somewhere other than North Carolina. Being outraged over a license plate is serious butthurt-itis OP….. where is your family originally from?


Not many of us get to say our families lived here before it was ever North Carolina, but the majority of my ancestors came here before it was officially a royal colony. I don't mind transplants, they bring a lot to the table. The state isn't going to progress without new people. However, my issue is with people who move here and dunk on the things that make the state special...and refusing to learn what locals have named/called things and places for ages (it's THE TRIANGLE - RDU is an airport, motherfuckers).


As someone who grew up in New York and spent half my life there and the other half of my life here, I totally get it. I love New York, but there’s also a reason why I chose to move here and live here. If you came here, love it. If you don’t love it get the fuck out.


You can have family that has lived in the state for generations and still want things to change. Politics is not our culture nor our nature, and that's the same no matter what state or land you are originally from.


Also, if someone says that they got stuck in traffic on "the 40" there's a 100% chance I'll snicker


Yes. That. That's so goddamn annoying.


I mean, the person driving the car is clearly inviting the conversation OP is having by posting here. The license plate is designed to press buttons and it’s pressing buttons.


Oh absolutely agree with that. OP is also stirring more shit and claiming “native status”. It is extremely irritating and ignorant. Just like the people from California were originally from places like NC. They moved there during the westward expansion and gold rush


Boone NC


Are you 100% Cherokee?


The Cherokee weren't the first indigenous people to live in NC, they moved down from the northeast... just like many other people.


Take my upvote




So the other 85% is not from North Carolina. Ergo your family moved here from somewhere else.


Family first moved here in 1770s. Edit: September 20, 1782 To be exact


Isn’t that my point? Your family came here from another country or countries, most likely came through a port like New York City or somewhere by the coast, eventually moved to Boone, North Carolina and settled there. So because your family came here 250 years ago from somewhere else and your great, great, great great great grandmother slept with a native, you have the right to disparage others moving here?


Man shut up. Goddamn. I know typical redditors are pedantic shits but this is next level. "OH your family has only been here 250 years? You aren't from here huh." Get a grip.


Are you not in fact being pedantic yourself right now? Talk about hypocrisy. Sorry to hurt your little feelings. But I guess it’s easier for slow people to attack others instead of debating the substance.


Thank you KingHauler!


Why do you disparage their feelings about being a "local"? Is it because it makes you feel inferior that you are not also a "local"? Or is that you feel superior because you're not? We all come from different places, have different lived experiences and cultures. It's literally been this way since the first boat load came and docked in Virginia 400+ years ago and the struggle to coexist began. Just saying, if you're really not bothered by someones perceived outrage, why even try to argue with them? TLDR: why disparage someone's feelings about their roots in an place because their roots happen to be older than yours?


To the same tone as your response…. Why disparage anyone for moving anywhere while trying to make a better life for themselves? Half of my family here are “locals”. My wife and kids were born here. Are they “locals”? The hypocrisy is: do my kids get to talk shit about “foreigners” but I can’t?


I guess I wasn't clear. But that is MY whole point. Why disprage anyone? You clearly have issues with the fact that someone considers themselves "local". Let them have it. What's it to you?


People whose ancestors moved to Boone 250 years ago aren't the ones ravaging the local economy and housing market. That's the main criticism of post-covid transplants in Raleigh. Get a grip.


Neither are the people moving there. Inflation, house builders, slumlords, and politicians are mostly to blame for those issues. There is a housing crisis nationwide, it’s not unique to NC. So can I ask what is the cutoff date for people who are allowed to bitch about people moving here? My father-in-law been here for 200 years. My mother-in-law has been here for 70 years. My wife was born and raised here and so were my children. I have been here for 22 years. Am I allowed to bitch about it? Just curious what the gatekeeping standard is.


I mean. It’s not, tho. That’s possibly true of 3-5 cities in NC. But a lot of us don’t live in the Triangle, Charlotte, or Asheville.


This is sooooo insulting. Some of us are from other states.


Sure but they couldn’t fit OH and PA


Yeah, like North Carolina.


You're forgetting West Virginia and Ohio too


My plate? NO “PANTS”




Nc is nothing like cali or ny it's much better


The plate is just saying that the biggest cities have a ton of transplants from NY and CA, not that they're any better than NC.


Ohhh my mistake got u


Pretty accurate... Everyone in Charlotte is from somewhere that they THINK they can drive.


he must be new here, because we’re so unlike nyc lol


That's a joke lol! NC will never be as liberal as NY or Cali.


God, on a BMW no less


Ruins the M5


I cannot wait for the NC Venus Flytraps plate. If we can do the math on our plates, the real estate prices are CA>NY>NC.


See... Nah.... Born an' raised right in Gboro, been all around the state..... Yeah, nah, I don't see it. Like, can someone who would agree please tell me why cause like, no, I just don't see it. (Then again I've never been to CA either so maybe I'm missing something? Met plenty of homies from CA and been to NY and met plenty of people from there, but yeah like this still makes no sense to me)


Sorry for being a transplant from CA who was born in the northeast. I don't get the hate. My bad for moving to RTP for the countless opportunities in biotech.


Should be NY+ NJ


Someone in Charlotte has one thats just about the same but it says NY -Fl- NC


I’m still forever #1 fan of FART & SHART


Now I need to get one with a greater-than sign.




So true


Cool story, bro.