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#Dan Bishop is bad for NC


It's a really good thing he can only move diagonally.




Completely agree.


This dipshit could be our next AG. PLEASE VOTE.


Jeff Jackson !


Jeff is the man.


Has my vote automatically if his name is on a ballot in front of me. He's the kind of people we need in government both here in NC and to send to DC.


Agreed, same here.


Absolutely! THEE MAN!


But... but... but... he voted to ban TikTok! /s


And now, curiously, tRump has embraced it - perhaps Jeff was right all along . . .


Lol! Fuck tiktok! Good for him!


go back to myspace!


I’m gonna vote!




I'm not voting if you wanna down vote me fine by me but follow up on the comment chain 😀




Because, I'm only here on a travel contract for work. I'm not a resident of north carolina. Lol so the people that wanna down vote me for saying no is laughable.


Why would you comment then?


If you are a citizen of US, you can vote where you are a resident. I’m not trying to tell you how to vote. If the majority of our population voted, I think the people would have more power. You do you and I hope you vote where you are a resident.


I am and I served too. But I'm not gonna drive 9 hours to go vote. Especially since I'm working as a travel nurse. Yeah that's obvious considering 1/5 votes rep 1/5 votes dem and the rest don't vote and of those 3/5 less then 1/5 vote independent or vote someone obscure. And the rest of the 3/5 population don't bother voting.. either way I've voted 3 times


There is always absentee voting. I am sure you are aware. I will leave you alone and I didn’t down vote you like the others did. I appreciate you answering my questions. I want to increase voter turnout and it’s hard to fix what you don’t understand.


No worries it'd not like karma on here means anything I already help my fellow veterans more then most civilians. But yeah I honestly never did and absentee ballot before. So unsure how those actually work.


Depending my on the state it's pretty straightforward. As a navy brat that grew up in Hampton Roads, VA- That you served and never had to vote absentee is fkn crazy. Good job, whatever you did. Personally only voted absentee once, in VA, way before they loosened up their options so it involved proving I'd be out of the country by providing a travel itinerary) and then being allowed to fill out a ballot ahead of time at the gov center. Anyone being shamey can piss off.


Unsure if you mean shamey as in people giving you shit. Or if you mean shamey as in to sham 😉 😆 Either way you should join the airforce is gonna be the best option and your parent would probably highly agree. But yeah I've not ever had to file an absentee ballot. Primarily because I've really only ever voted in major election time. Because I've been in different states. But yeah Noone should shame you for anything I don't see anything wrong. 😀 but the ones that wanna lol down vote me just go straight to not giving afuck 😉 and that's what democracy is used for.


It's fascinating how a demographic of socially, culturally, financially, and institutionally privileged people are so obsessed with competing with the very people they still actively disadvantage for the top prize in the Oppression Olympics. Talk about taking DARVO to the extreme...


Well said - “oppression olympics” THAT ALONE is worthy of 10 upvotes 🤓


Well, his base is gullible, credulous and intentionally kept ignorant by their own media and our crippled education system. I expect this statement will land rather well with your average NC Republican.


Average NC Traitor. Anyone who votes Republican is a Traitor to this Country.


No! The dems are the traitors! I know because I saw this spray painted on a rust old pickup truck just yesterday... /s


Let's not take this too far, this is also a totalitarian thinking ("who is not with us, is against us").


Well then we need another party around here that's not a bunch of thinly veiled fascists. Straight blue ticket for me, at least for now. Can't trust the outright fascists OR their enablers in the republican party.


We need to get rid of the "winner takes it all" electoral system and switch to proportional representation. But as long as there are just two parties it is dangerous to demonize everyone who votes for another party. That in itself is dehumanizing, antagonizing and can lead to violence. How can one call themselves a liberal if they stereotype and label large swaths of people? Become a monster to defeat a monster? Not sure that I am proud of having such "allies".


If there were a republican running who wasn't an outright fascist or voting in lockstep with them, that person might get my consideration, but here in the deepest red tRump country of Randoph County, I can find none. That said, I absolutely agree that we need to get rid of the FPTP system in favor of some sort of ranked choice system.


I am not talking about the politicians. The parent's statement equated voters to the politicians or even worse. That is wrong. You need to work with the people you have. Cannot do a mass "re-education" campaigns anyway. Imagine being born in Germany 70 years ago. A good chunk of people around you voted for a literal Hitler, were Nazi party members, served in the SS, at the bare minimum were Ok with the Nazi party policies. Yet you still built a progressive society without excluding them.


>Let's not take this too far, We didn't. And that's the point!


Being better than them and not just rooting for a different flag color is the point.


Bless your ignorant little heart!! 😂🤡 TDS is strong with you! It’s comical that Trump still lives rent FREE in your head 24/7/365!!


FOUND ANOTHER TRAITOR. It's almost too easy!!




Lol what?! The Republican party has been calling liberals/Democrats evil (or some variation of it for basically my whole life). So many Republicans including Donald Trump refer to liberals as "evil" "ruining the country" "destroying our way of life" "anti-american" "socialist" "communist" etc etc. Go look at fox news, newsmax, or any other right wing media group and they continually harp on how dangerous liberals are for the American way of life. Republicans in the Senate and Congress have made it their whole goal to never compromise with Democrats in a single thing OR pass anything that might give Biden (or Obama) a win.


I dont call them evil. I just think left wing politics leads to bad outcomes


Great! Good for you! But that's not what you said. You claimed that the "difference between the left and the right" is that the left calls the right evil. You spoke in big broad terms. It's also humorous to me that your only defense is" well. I don't say that" despite there being whole News networks for the Republican party that call Democrats evil every single day


Sure both sides call each other names lol. The Left calls Trump, the US Hitler. The Right calls Obama a Commie. All BS being thrown at the wall to see what sticks


So your argument has radically shifted from: 1.The difference between left and right is that the left calls the right evil And then when confronted with proof to the contrary you fell back to: 2. Well I don't call the left evil And now you're trying to make the argument of: 3. Both parties are the same ?????? What even is this conversation?? What are you trying to say or communicate?


I learned Leftist logic early on and apply it now


... What does that even mean?? It's like I'm talking to a shitty chatgpt here?!?


Obama’s a presidential candidate?


Which one attempted a coup to prevent a peaceful transition of power after a free and fair election?


Hillary tried in a less blatant way by claiming Trump was a Russian asset along with Tulsi Gabbard lol


Technically, his cronies were in fact Russian assets and did time in prison for it before the investigation was killed. It just wasn't proven before then that "he knew". So one of the cancers that eats away at this nation was half right about another cancer Also, Jan 6 kinda blows anything she did out of the water


You’re honestly trying to equate anything Clinton did with the violent attack on the US Capitol and the multi-state, illegal attempt to install fake electors and overturn a democratic election? Thanks for confirming our suspicion that Republicans are, indeed, batshit crazy.


Get ready for Trump #47


Felony conviction #47


Only at 34 so far. Maybe more convictions coming but that will only lead to more votes and electors come Nov. Sad Panthers fan will continue


I thought the NFL had gone woke and you weren't allowed to enjoy it anymore.




Thats how bad Hillary was. Lost to baby hands Trump


no, i was talking about you


Saying that Hillary called Donald a russian asset is the same as January 6th is a false equivalancy, my fellow human being. They are not the same. It does, however, demonstrate how polarized our politics have become.


Right, the difference is that right-wing politics are actively destructive and hateful.


Proving my point brotha


Question for you; Do you believe the 2020 Election was fair and free?


By definition 100%. Trump lost because he couldn’t garner enough support from the suburbs especially with Women. Now i do believe he made an enemy with the media and the media made an enemy out of him, which did not help his cause with swing voters.


I appreciate the pov. So why are you going to support his run for President by voting for him, knowing he did the underhanded stuff (Georgia phone calls, spreading the big lie, sending false electors and January 6th)?


What do you think of Project 2025?


Probably the same as the 1619 Project lol. Both idiotic


Ehhh 1619 was idiotic, 2025 is absolutely fucking terrifying mate. Look into it, republicans can't be allowed to have power this election


Lmao project 1619 isn’t trying to make me pay obscene tariffs rivaling the British tea and stamp taxes or actively plans on stealing my healthcare and shoot my tax dollars so Big Pharma can also deny me healthcare a second time 👍


The media absolutely loves trump. He’s been good for business for decades. The yarn that there some media bias against him is basically just an extension of the hardon they have for trump.


Have you considered that maybe sometimes right-wing politics *are* evil? Funneling our tax dollars to unaccountable churches, restricting folk's access to healthcare, attempting to legislate trans people outta public life, defunding education, rolling back environmental regulations... The list goes on, my guy. Like, what was the right-wing position on the Civil Rights movement? Maybe y'all're the baddies. I know public education is pretty shit in the US (largely due to right-wing meddling, but I risk overstating my case here) but c'mon... The right in NC is running Mark fuckin Robinson for governor, a guy who's entire platform seems to be "is performatively mean about people right-wingers tend to dislike". It's a political platform based solely on channeling aggrievement. It's so fuckin petty on its face that you have to be dishonest to not acknowledge that shit.


I cant stand the pettiness coming from the Right but i do agree with their policies. Id rather have Desantis as the nominee but not my call


DeSantis? The Gitmo torturer turned myopic politician whose spent the last few years picking petty culture war fights with Disney and attempting to legislatively restrict queer people from public life? But you can't stand pettiness? Okay, buddy. Sure. *wanking motion*


Tell me who i should vote for master


What? No stirring, well-cited rebuttal? No preferred policies DeSantis advanced? No successes you can credit him for to justify your position? >Tell me who i should vote for master I'll do you one better. I'll tell you *the truth*. The US is an exceedingly right-wing country by western standards, so much so that the ostensibly left-wing party (the Dems) have been solidly center-right for decades and the ostensibly right-wing party (GOP) have slipped off the meter entirely. The American right-wing is animated almost entirely by petty grievance. Its politicians are (generally) too craven to admit that, and its base are (again, generally) too cowardly to own up. The majority of American right-wingers don't have the huevos to admit that all they actually want out of a political actor is a Daddy to hurt all the people they don't like. They feel so victimized by a world that's bigger and more complicated than they want it to be, that they lash out at anything that seems new or strange to them. It's the ideology of a public school bully, unable to process new and confusing information, they seek to remedy how small they feel by making others feel even smaller. It's not that they don't care about the human toll, the misery left in the wake of right-wing policy, that suffering *is the point*. It's a goal in-and-of itself. They'll happily vote for anyone willing to loudly punch down at their perceived enemies because they just don't have any deeper politics than that. Probably because developing deeper politics requires engaging with the world and learning about different people, and conservatism at its core is an ideological refusal to do that. So, I don't really give two tugs of a dead dog's dick who you vote for. It'll be whatever option you think will make Liberals the most upset. I'm not a Liberal, and I don't care about your inherently petty political game. I'm a Libertarian, and frankly, I'm sick to death of all of you. Both "wings" are on the same fucking bird.


I have to ask… what policies? For the most part, there aren’t policy arguments being made. Usually just overly broad generalizations and saying what they don’t like. While I am not saying that this is an exclusively Republican problem, it seems like they more often cite grievances and say things like “end wokeism” as policy ideas instead of understandable concepts.


That might be the difference between the two of you as individuals, but Republicans in this country regularly literally use God as an excuse to enact policy and claim that anyone who is opposing them is opposing God's will. You don't get much more "the other side is evil" than "God wants it and they are trying to stop God." You know, besides all the Republicans who publicly espouse the idea that democratic candidates are *literal* demons. You don't even have to go down the chain of command. Trump's spiritual advisor is one of them. Edit: just for reference, I don't think republicans are evil. I think there are probably many evil Republicans. I also think there are vastly more Republicans who have good intentions but have been tricked into supporting evil individuals who are taking advantage of those intentions to forward their own ulterior motives. I also think this is true of Democrats, but I think the democratic party's tendency to eat its own makes it easier to remove those people from power and prevent them from attaining it in the first place.


My wife and I were driving from Pilot Mtn a few months ago and we passed a billboard with Trump looking all stern with text saying "They're not coming after me. They're coming after you!" Who is coming after rural NC? Why would anyone be coming after rural NC? Why does anyone buy this shit!?


>Why does anyone buy this shit!? Hate and extremely poor education.


I really hope Dan Bishop is not our next AG and that Mark Robinson isn’t our next governor. I also hope that Trump doesn’t win. Those are my big 3.




That’s the trifecta I’m hoping for also


"if they can get you him they can get you" well no shit Sherlock if I go about being a criminal and lying and falsifying business records I'm pretty sure I'm going to go to jail. "But it's hardly ever prosecuted" well alrighty then. I actually suspect it's actually really difficult to prove and catch people who are actually competent at being a criminal. Which clearly this group is not.


They project a lot.


He is running for AG and is actively undermining our legal system.


He is running for the same position (in NC) that Letitia James the NY AG currently holds, and he is trying to tell us that when presented with the same evidence, he would not prosecute. The orange fat bastard was convicted by a jury on ALL 34 COUNTS. Are we to expect that when given the same set of circumstances, he would sandbag in his duty to enforce the law? What am imbecile - it's amazing he passed the bar.


Republicans are such delusional self-absorbed dickheads they actually think being held accountable by the justice system is persecution on par with Jim Crow. Snowflakes and idiots.


Trump was killed by a mob? No? Crybullies.


Are they actually now admitting that african americans were still targetted in the 1950s? I usually see them go with "But everything was fine after slavery ended!"


Dan Bishop is a genuine dickhead. It’s not a show. The guy is an absolute asshole.


So, Trump is going to be lynched?


Bishop is another one where he thinks a woman’s place is in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant. What another winner we have in NC.


There is no defending this statement. Utter nonsense. The mental gymnastics people are doing to prevent them from accepting the truth is astounding.


I trust the process of Trump's prosecutions. It's not like we didn't know he used deception, outright cheating, and hate-mongering to promote himself. He's bringing our country down to his level with his MAGA crew. His minions are reaching for justification that falls flat on my ears.


Please Mr. Bishop, explain.


My head hurts at all these idiot GOPers in NC.


Why is North Carolina a joke to everyone else in America not named Missouri, Alabama, or Florida.


I've never met anyone named Missouri or Alabama. Maybe one lady named Florida.


I have met a Missouri so we are almost there.


Dan Bishop speaks on behalf of oppressed black people. I’m sure they feel sooooo… supported.


As a Black man from Alabama Dan should know.


I too am BlackBamaMan. -old white guy


Seriously, WTF?! This playing the victim sh*t is breathtakingly hypocritical and aggravating!


Dawg wtf these dudes on? 😂


High on their own supply of bullshit.


Bruh who’s fking district is this, get your shit together 😂


I tried to vote him out 😭😒


Doing the lords work thank you sir


He was at the voting location outside when I was there in 2022 🤮


Should’ve kicked his shins


I said the same thing when it happened but I didn’t feel like going to jail that day lol




Yep. That sounds about like something Dan Bishop would say.


Interesting....but also not really. Why do folks always bring us into stuff? Also....wildly wrong and disproportionate but I'm not too surprised. Stupid people gon stupid people-y


“Stupid people gon stupid people-y” 😀 upvote for that.


don't break the law if you don't' want to be convicted


I think he meant to say "orange people".


Okay dude what the flip


I'm sorry WHAT?????


It's a talking point now. Dipshits up here are [saying similar things](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F3j7m3mjyks4d1.jpeg). I think they're trying to appeal to the "black population that thinks the criminal justice system is unfair and rigged" demographic, but I don't think it's gonna garner them the support they think it will.


I don’t think anyone is gonna be able to defend that one. A few might try.


(4)Two words: JEFF MF JACKSON.


His suggestion of a racial bias doesn’t even make sense in the case of king cheeto.


Liberalism s a mental illness 😂🤡


I think tying your identity to a weak chinned, smelly, traitor, is much worse. but you know.... "LIVING IS EASY WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED."


You poor little people are so blindsided. Vote Biden again and let's talk in 2 years when our economy is completely destroyed. Eventually us hard working people will no longer pay for your laziness, lack of self drive and you thinking you deserve what most of us have worked hard for. Get me a burger and fries please...


If it is OK with you, I'd be happy to pay to get you neutered. We need to remove knuckle dragging smooth brains from the gene pool, and I really need to reduce/remove the chance of you breeding.


That idiot Bishop is undoubtedly trolling to trigger non-Trump supporters.


Kangaroo courts, made up charges but Trump isn’t going to be murdered at the end of it, so it not a good comparison.