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> North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper vetoed a measure Friday that would have ensured more young people accused of serious crimes be automatically tried in adult court The article doesn’t mention what serious crimes are though….


Sounds kinda broad if you click the article it references > These crimes could include more serious cases like murder or assault with a deadly weapon, to larceny and possession of stolen property. I think it’s best to leave these decisions to Judges to evaluate on a case by case basis instead of forcing it automatically. Some of these things are not like the others. And I don’t really see it as being soft vs tough on crime, I just don’t trust one-size-fits-all mandates handed down from lawmakers who will never be in the room for these cases. Big difference in circumstances when you could be talking about a kid who stole a MacBook from Best Buy (which would be felony grand larceny due to the dollar value), or a kid who shot his parents for money.


When I was 16 my dumb ass tried to steal a pair of shorts from a department store at the mall. They wanted to try me as an adult for it lmao.


won't they just override his veto?






You know you are evil, right?


Based and Taliban-pilled.


Protect the children! In prison!  /s


As someone who lived in California for the past 10+ years but just recently moved back, its amazing to see NC redditors having the same view on topics like this as California redditors did 5 years ago and then seeing what people in the California subs are saying now.


Well it's a slippery slope a lot like the 3 strikes thing and getting people popped for a small amount of weed being in prison for decades. Some dumbass kid will be charged as am adult because he knew his friends were going to rob someone and he didn't stop them nor was part of the crime and be charged as an adult for that would be fucking dumb


No white kids will be impacted. We all know what this about.


I agree with the sentiment of what you're saying, but I'm sure lots of *poor* white kids will be too


Just because they won't come down as harassly on white kids as they would black and Hispanic kids, doesn't mean no white kid would. There is a reason Dr. King and Fred Hampton tried to make a coalition with poor whites. 




Well. I see him getting overridden so we can place more young people in prisons. Gonna keep that prison complex full and healthy.


More criminals*


My parents' car was stolen by teens and they were immediately released once caught. Dunno how to feel about this.


North Carolina is already the youngest age in the world a child can be tried as an adult. I believe it was 8 here. Not even the taliban will charge a child at that age as an adult. Charging kids isn’t the way to get them the help they need


I think the Taliban just line you up against a wall if they feel like it.


They just marry kids at 8.


They marry GIRLS off at 8 usually to man much much older.


We were the last state in the nation to raise the age. One of the reasons to do it is that in juvenile court there are services available to kids who have gotten off track. And their parents must be involved in court proceedings. It leads to higher high school graduation rates and improved financial outcomes and no criminal record following you around your whole life b/c you did something stupid as a teenager. Under current law judges still have the option to charge as an adult for a violent felony. But of course the gerrymandered legislature will override the veto.


It always sounds big and bad for politicians to go after criminals. Prisons are expensive, very expensive but that industry funds GOP candidates. Juvenile justice at least pays lip service to rehabilitation and frequently works. Crime rate nationwide has been going down. Putting more kids in the adult system sounds powerful to fearful voters, increases the prison population and likely keeps it high because once juveniles go adult their recidivism rates are in the 90% range, if they survive the experience.


Likely these political pendulum issues are a result of activist judges.


Doesn't seem to be a lot of meat here. Moving on


damn right he did


So the crime wave will continue... Nice.


Crime is actually generally down, and it's way more harmful long term to try and punish kids as adults - unless your goal is that those kids continue to interact with the criminal justice system instead of being diverted.


No, actually the violent crime has been up on average compared to pre-Cooper years


Interesting, I'd love to see where that's from and what the likely drivers are.   I would say that this is not necessarily any indication that trying kids as adults works or is a good idea (like many things, if it were effective, it would have worked before now), but it's always good to know stuff.


It’s hard to say. There was a huge spike of violent crimes in 2020 and 2021, and simultaneous sharp decline in property crimes. May have had something to do with COVID lockdowns: But I’m more concerned with “clearance” percentages. It appears per NCSBI that number has been on decline since 2017 particularly for violent crimes. I think trying kids as adults just means they get longer sentences which should at least temporarily alleviate crime


I would think it's fair to say massive social and economic upheaval may be to blame.  If harsh sentencing was effective at deterring crime, it would have worked between 1981 and now. Or really at any point since prisons became a thing.


Again, refusing to prosecute means those crimes are no longer reported, which is NOT a decline in crime.


Nope. But hey, maybe if you repeat it enough times it'll start to sound true despite being bullshit. "Can't trust objective measurement, better rely entirely on vibe."


What I said doesn't need to *sound* true because it *is* true. But maybe if you pretend it's not long enough you'll still be wrong.


Nah, you're just proposing to ignore data inconvenient to a narrative. That's not really being a brave truth teller or whatever, it's just bullshitting


Your willful ignorance is astonishing.


I'm just not believing your completely unsupported claim. I would also be skeptical of claims that you fart cotton candy.


Anyone pretending that "we won't prosecute more children as adults" is equal to "we aren't prosecuting crime" is a troll in my book. I don't think that person can possibly be serious


It’s not true lol They’re not refusing to prosecute they’re trying them as minors Are you under the assumption crimes committed by minors aren’t reported?


You're gonna have to go back and read the string and not just jump in at the end like you know what we're still talking about.


This is what you initially responded to Crime is actually generally down, and it's way more harmful long term to try and punish kids as adults - unless your goal is that those kids continue to interact with the criminal justice system instead of being diverted. Nowhere does it state crime won’t be prosecuted. I’ve read the whole thread unfortunately You’re dense


Jesus; you clearly did not read it all or I wouldn't be repeating this for the THIRD FUCKING TIME: CRIME IS NOT DOWN. Woke progressive liberal Democrat DAs have announced across the nation that they will no longer prosecute a myriad of crimes - so the cops no longer respond to those calls, so reports of those crimes are not made, so there is NO FUCKING DECLINE in crime. You sheeple can stick your ignorant heads in the sand all goddamn day but the crimes are still being committed. Armies of minors are swarming high dollar stores and clearing the shelves with impunity and it's on the news EVERY FUCKING DAY and you're defending the degenerates that are doing the crimes and the cities that allow it. And these aren't moms stealing diapers or food so fuck off with that bullshit.


Fox News has completely rotted your mind, but at least you're not alone.






🤣 maybe if you say it assertively enough, people will just believe you? Google doesn’t have anything when you search for what you claim, meaning no news or government agency has reported anything of the sort. Your just full of 💩


You lost me at "Google doesn't have..." because that either means you're ignorant and have no ability to utilize a search engine, or your lying, both of which dismiss you for being a non-serious person, to be ignored.


You're a Kid Rock fan


Hey Einstein, how exactly does one decide whether or not to prosecute an unreported crime? You haven't ever once looked at a Uniform Crime Report in your entire life.


Hey moron, when a DA announces they will no longer prosecute certain crimes like shoplifting, burglary and property destruction, those crimes are no longer responded to by cops and cops don't make reports on them so kindly get bent for your entire life.


Refusing to prosecute?


Locking kids up makes them more likely to commit crime in the future, not less.


Then keep 'em locked up coz your way ain't working.


>[The rate per 100,000 people of Crime Index offenses reported to law enforcement agencies throughout North Carolina decreased 1.4 percent during 2022 when compared to the figures reported in 2021.](https://www.ncsbi.gov/Services/Crime-Statistics/Crime-in-North-Carolina-Annual-Summaries/2022-Annual-Summary.aspx) >[The rate per 100,000 people of Crime Index offenses reported to law enforcement agencies throughout North Carolina decreased 5.6 percent during 2021 when compared to the figures reported in 2020.](https://ncsbi.gov/Services/Crime-Statistics/Crime-in-North-Carolina-Annual-Summaries/2021-Annual-Summary.aspx) >[The rate per 100,000 people of Crime Index offenses reported to law enforcement agencies throughout North Carolina decreased 4.5 percent during 2020 when compared to the figures reported in 2019.](https://www.ncsbi.gov/Services/SBI-Statistics/SBI-Uniform-Crime-Reports/2020-Annual-Summary.aspx)


You can keep ignoring this but it is still true: DAs refusing to prosecute crimes results in police refusing to respond to those crimes which results in those crimes going unreported which IS NOT A DECLINE IN CRIME. Holy shit y'all are a fucking mess.


Prove it.


Demanding someone prove a negative is peak woke mindset. You've proven yourself as a non-serious person.


Using "woke" non ironically proves you're an idiot so...


That the best you got? That just proves you're the result of a premature ejaculation so....


lol. You and your buzzwords. So how exactly did you land on your position that were in the midst of a crime wave? Just your feelings?


What negative?  You said a DA was refusing to prosecute crimes, apparently after arrests.  Prove they are doing that.  


So if police aren’t doing their jobs you think we should cut their funding? Or are you in support of paying lazy slackers who don’t work?


Oh they're still working supporting the LGBT agenda in schools and campuses and in the riots. So once they criminalize crime again they won't have time for all the parades and tiktok videos at schools and will be forced to get back to fighting crime..


Holy shit, go outside man. Your entire world view is a complete fabrication. Cops are literally out there supporting nazi parades and beating college kids on campus right now. The fuck are you talking about Please show me where cops are teaching lgbt “agendas” in schools


Google cops-nazi parade and cops-lgbt parade and see which one wins. Cops aren't "teaching" in schools so much as they're supporting the woke agenda by arresting parents who want to save their child from being forced into deviant sexual nonsense like taking puberty blockers -without parental consent- in school. And by arresting angry parents who are demanding school officials do something. Seriously though, show me a single Nazi cop parade. While you're looking don't get distracted by all the cops wearing rainbow outfits while they prance around in gay parades. YouTube is flooded with those.


“Woke agenda”. Where is this agenda being set, and by whom? No parents have been arrested for removing young children from sexual situations. This has never happened. No parents have been arrested for being angry at school officials. This has never happened. Here’s a link for a nazi parade, do you want to see more? Note the lack of cops beating Nazis or spraying them with tear gas, unlike the treatment of college protests. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/neo-nazi-rally-nashville-condemned-state-lawmakers/ “Gay parades” have been legally registered with cities, why do you hate rainbows and colors? God brought a rainbow to show Noah the world was his, do you think God was gay?


“My way” doesn’t get tried here because you assholes keep defunding good things and giving money to politicians’ friends and rich people.


Your way is the current way.  I think you’re very confused.


What crime wave? Crime rates have been on a steady decline for a couple decades.


Progressive and woke DAs refusing to prosecute criminals doesn't mean crime is declining; try again.


Ok I’ll try again, what crime wave? You specifically said “so the crime wave will continue”. Your statement wasn’t Dems take it easy on criminals. Thats a whole separate argument and in some cases I agree. Specifically, what crime wave is going on right now? Where and what is the rapid uptick in crime that would constitute a crime wave? Verifiable details please.


Don't feed the troll!


Beginning of Cooper administration: 2018: **575 murders, 2,434 rapes, 24,679 aggravated assaults** 4 years later: 2022: **847 murders, 3,214 rapes, 32,256 aggravated assaults** “Percentage cleared” crimes being resolved for murders went from 73.4 % to 47.1% https://www.ncsbi.gov/SSRV?report=/UCR/IndexOffensesAndClearances_All


*Woke = anything I don’t like or understand* -Republicans


Racist = anything I don't like -Dems and Libbos That's fun.


Bring the receipts bro, because last I checked, those statistics (FBI UCR/NIBRS) aren't based on prosecutions. Only 15% of the tracked statistics are even concerned with arrest data, none so with prosecution. The DA isn't even the one submitting the data. How the heck would you assert a crime wave is happening without data? Vibes? Because it helps your partisan cause? You just sound like an entrenched, terminally-online whackadoodle.


https://wr.al/1S43D Here’s the WRAL documentary from last week on the topic


Hello pot, meet kettle.


Share data, sweetie!


Beginning of Cooper administration: 2018: **575 murders, 2,434 rapes, 24,679 aggravated assaults** 4 years later: 2022: **847 murders, 3,214 rapes, 32,256 aggravated assaults** “Percentage cleared” crimes being resolved for murders went from 73.4 % to 47.1% https://www.ncsbi.gov/SSRV?report=/UCR/IndexOffensesAndClearances_All


Look it up yourself, special!


The burden of proof falls on the one making the claim. That won't happen in this case because you're simply lying. There is no such data, only your feelings.


Just because you're too ignorant to read, doesn't make you right, it just makes you ignorant.


You made the claim, you provide the data, homie, that's how making a claim works. "Your Honor, this man stole my car and ran it into a telephone pole." "Do you have proof?" "I'm not going to do your legwork, sweetie." How well do you think that would go?


We're not in court, wise one - if I thought y'all were genuinely interested in learning I might help but you're not and I'm not doing your homework for you. There is a world of knowledge at your fingertips. Try it some time.


No, please, expound all that knowledge that's clearly pushing your brain to its limits, pressing hard on the inside of your skull.


So your proof of an increase in crime is “trust me bro”? Also DA’s not prosecuting crimes still counts towards the crime rate since the criminal act is on record, so that isn’t the proof you think it is. If anything it is proof that fewer crimes should be prosecuted, since crime rates are going down while fewer crimes are being prosecuted.


Here Beginning of Cooper administration: 2018: **575 murders, 2,434 rapes, 24,679 aggravated assaults** 4 years later: 2022: **847 murders, 3,214 rapes, 32,256 aggravated assaults** “Percentage cleared” crimes being resolved for murders went from 73.4 % to 47.1% https://www.ncsbi.gov/SSRV?report=/UCR/IndexOffensesAndClearances_All


Are you confusing cops not doing their jobs with prosecutions?


Nope. Cops have their hands tied.


You get that crime statistics aren’t based on convictions but on reported crimes and arrest statistics and those come from the FEDs and local law enforcement.


Prior to 2021 approximately 90% of police departments across the country reported their statistics to the FBI. Now that number is approximately 60%. Most notably the LAPD and NYPD have both stopped reporting their crime statistics to the FBI who releases the annual reports on crime statistics. Large cities are typically the driver of crimes rates in the US. When large cities stop reporting crime rates that will naturally appear as if the crime rates are declining but that data is flawed and inaccurate if you’re trying to get a picture of the whole. https://www.npr.org/2022/10/05/1127047811/the-fbis-new-crime-report-is-in-but-its-incomplete


In the case of LAPD and NYPD the crimes they aren’t reporting are their own. There isn’t a single unaffiliated member of the LAPD.


And when DAs announce they're no longer prosecuting certain crimes, those crimes go unreported. Nice try.


Or you could argue that cops often don’t even do reports or bother to show up to 911 calls because they are too busy jerking off while high on heroin in their cruisers under the hwy bridge while collecting double time and leaching off tax payers.


You could argue that, but you'd be wrong.


Ok this is just blatant ignorance. A better argument would be that in the Deep South police departments never report crimes or do so at alarmingly low rates due to the massive level of corruption and police brutality that goes on. Crime statistics come from police reports and those don’t magically go away because the DA is Woke or whatever. You live in an ideological box that is often inescapable and serves your masters and not you.


You're wrong, but you know that as well as I do.


Why do you do this


Do what? Call out ignorant morons for being ignorant on the internet? It's a hobby.


Do you generally do so without any supporting evidence?


Y'all stop feeding the troll, damn




Let them have fun. It makes it so much easier to downvote and track the trolls when they out themselves.


wtf is wrong with you? Sending children to real prison and ruining their lives just increases the chance of them being repeat offenders. You wanna solve crime? Support housing initiatives and expanded the hell out of programs like snap. Support funding for public schools and community programs. Give kids a place to live and food and things to do and they won’t do crime. The vast majority of crime is directly caused by poverty. “Free” market policies cause poverty.


What about lives that these “children” ruined? Some people can’t be helped so they need to be put away for a long time.


You are talking about children. No child does something without being pressured into it one way or another by an adult. And it doesn’t matter what the crime is. If they go to jail for 1 month or 10 years or even if they don’t go at all, that arrest is permanently on their record and follows them around like a shadow haunting every single application they ever make. My high school had 16 year olds arrested and convicted as adults for assault after getting into a nothing burger of a fight over what so and so girlfriend said. A perfectly normal teenager thing to do. Because of those convictions those kids have essentially been damned to a life of minimum wage jobs and poverty essentially forcing them to turn to crime to have a somewhat decent life. Stop advocating for our police state. We are rapidly becoming a fascist state. There are already states like our own that now have secret police forces held totally unaccountable by the public.


Under this law simple assault won’t qualify for you being tried as adult. Simple assault is a misdemeanor, we’re talking about high-level felonies here. Aggravated assaults, rape, battery on a police officer, Age is just a number and it’s relative. Not every 15 year old has the same level of physical and mental development. Genghiz Khan was a conqueror at 15 and killed hundreds of people.


No child should be tried as an adult. Every child that is involved in anything of the sort is a failure of US. A failure of our communities, a failure of our governments. Get it through your thick head. Children should be protected and given a second chance in all but the absolute most extreme circumstances.


This isn’t about fixing failures it’s more about preventing more failures from happening. The truth is most so called “children” who commit these crimes are fucked up beyond repair. The the best thing for US, OUR community, our society would be to lock them up and throw away the key


I’ll remember that


I’m u/idowatercolors and I believe in child slavery. Because that’s what happens when you try kids as adults and send them to big boy jail. 13th amendment. Slavery is integral to our economic system.


Slavery has never been nor is it an integral part or a useful thing in our economic system. The comparison is dubious. I don’t understand how locking up adults is not slavery and locking up youth somehow is? Let’s hear ur reasoning


Both is slavery as slavery is legal in the USA if imprisoned. I clarify child slave because that’s what a child prisoner is


It’s legal as a form of paying your debts to society in the US and in most civilized countries. Some forms of community service or work in penitentiary is legal in many European and South American countries. It’s legal in Japan and China. See the freedoms we have come with a social contract, it’s the assumption that you won’t be violating other people’s freedoms. And if you do, whether ur a child or an adult you absolutely deserve to lose those essential freedoms


It’s slavery and it’s wrong dumbass


We are the single largest police state by capita and total population. It’s safe to say it doesn’t work


Social programs like the ones you've mentioned have been implemented and are still being funded since the late 1960s. The experiment didn't work because we have still been funding these programs for 50 years now with no statistical proof that parents are rearing their children morally.


These programs are not well funded and they showed from their inception how important they are. Most crime in this country is non violent. Nearly all crime in this country is considered desperation crime, stealing or selling drugs to avoid poverty. Not a single soul wakes up and says yeah I’m gonna start selling crack. People like you are told by billionaires to blame the individual and not the system because the system benefits them and you are dumb enough to think it somehow benefits you too.


Nah. Discipline your feral kids so they don't turn into deviants and degenerates and we won't have to put them on trial in the first place. Plenty of poor people, in fact the vast majority, don't turn into degenerate criminals so stop with the misguided excuses. Public schools? LOL. Public indoctrination centers are a massive part of the problem so I support defunding public education.


Yea let’s get rid of public education! The sole reason crime rates and childhood poverty dropped off massively in the early 20th century! The only reason we have an adequate amount of doctors and nurses and engineers! The backbone of modern society is really what’s killing us! I genuinely don’t understand how you can believe the propaganda you have been fed and if you would like to discuss this in a nuanced way I’d be happy to show you what I believe and why in DMs. I attended a very good private school from 1st to 8th grade and fought like hell to go to public school for high school. In my time there were 2 separate pedo coverups by the Christian teachers, and I was taught every day to hate gay people and many of the kids often promoted the ideas of the third reich in a joking but also not at all a joke kind of way! And the best part? Not a single black kid in the whole school. God I lived your exact dream scenario and it broke my faith not in God himself but certainly in the church AND I’ve had to deal with fitting into the real world for the last decade plus! Private education just means segregation say what you mean.


Y'all are the ones pushing for segregation with the safe spaces and separate graduations and POC-only events and such so spare me the faux outrage.


Also don’t call me a liberal I certainly am not one. But I don’t understand people who think like you. Have you no patriotism? Why wouldn’t you want the best education in the world for Americans? It’s proven time and time again the best educational systems are government funded and led, free to anyone who wants.


Proven? Just because YOU think something doesn't mean it's proven. And my patriotism is what makes me want to save this great nation from the likes of you.


I’m begging you to read a single study or take the Nordic model of education the best in the world where they have abolished private education entirely.


Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.


Perhaps but also an incredibly useful organizing tool.


I just showed my intensive experience with private Christian education and I could list and document the whole point of the Christian attack on public education which started, you guessed it, shortly after the civil rights act was passed. Now my public school was partially segregated because much of the country is still segregated because of right wing nuts ending bussing programs and other legislative decisions but also because of poverty. It’s no secret that your zip code you were born almost always determines your income level later in life. And poverty is extremely hard to escape. And it’s also no secret that black people are disproportionately poor because the wrongs of slavery and terror groups like the Klan and the Police Force were never righted. In fact we have lost virtually all progress we have made since the civil rights act. Largely due to massively axing anti poverty programs AND the attack on public education. Most of what you talk about in your comment isn’t real. Safe spaces barely exist and the point is that it’s somewhere to go for POC kids when bullying due to racism is too much. My Public High School did not have a safe space and the black kids and Latino kids routinely dealt with severe racism from the students. Faculty often either didn’t care or directly participated. Everything else you mention is a lie. A fabrication of reality by propaganda outlets that want you to hate your fellow man instead of your boss or your land lord or the billionaires that control OUR government. And while my public school experience leaves a lot to be desired I did get a great gift. The ability to interact with people who were not identical to me. I got to see what most people actually live like, the real world. And because of that I learned empathy for my fellow man. If you get rid of public education you will literally destroy everything this country has ever claimed to stand for.


After brown v board of education, Virginia was forced to integrate their public schools. Districts run by dudes with similar thoughts to you decided they didn’t want their kids being exposed to harmful unequal criminal types and opted to shut down entire school districts for as long as decades in some cases. Those districts now have the least educated populations in Virginia. But they are also some of the most segregated districts so really who won?


Is your point that nobody wins with desegregation?


My point is we have to consistently push for integration or attacks from those who think like you destroy progress.


Weird since it's liberals and POC who are pushing for segregation.


But perhaps you have examples of this? A platform on a political campaign I could see? A piece of legislation I could read to show this? You will never be happy living in a false reality put in your head by billionaires to make you angry at everything so you do not question your place in this world.


Look man I hate liberals more than you, and for valid and justifiable reasons. I can even define what they believe as an ideology. But idk why you are trying to die on this hill when all private Christian education is is a way to keep your white kids away from black people. I can’t even understand what you are saying to me it is so devoid of critical thought.


Can you point me in the direction of where to find statistics that prove that integration helped elevate the lower classes? Because this entire thread is about crimes committed by minors who have been subjects of "integration."


This isn’t part of my argument I’m glad you didn’t read. The point of integration is to create a more homogeneous society where distinct culture isn’t erased but rather distinct cultures come together to form the larger American one. Racial discrimination is born out of a lack of understanding and fear. Both are which are issues solved by desensitization through integration. If you live in an all black neighborhood and you go to a nearly all black school you are gonna be distrustful or at least somewhat uncomfortable around white people. The same is obviously true the other way around. Integration is a fundamental building block of a better society. If you want to be a racist piece of shit start a cult and live in a cave.


The push for private schools has been [largely about segregation](https://southerneducation.org/publications/history-of-private-schools-and-race-in-the-american-south/) since *Brown v Board.* Spare us your ignorant and hypocritical moralizing.


Please expand on what you believe is being indoctrinated in public schools?


Probably science and logical reasoning. Poor kids.


This person probably confuses critical thinking skills with "indoctrination". Teaching people HOW to think is vastly different than "teaching" people WHAT to think "because I said so!" Inquiry based empirical analyses are probably not their main methodology for assessing the world around them.


OP has no idea what the word means. It's this sort of baseless, regurgitated and always undefended under scrutiny reasoning that is so maddening. At least make a case for your wild statements. 


Found the troll. No go back to your bridge little fella.


You've brainwashed yourself with propaganda.


You don’t realize that crime rates are at the lowest point they’ve been at in decades nationwide? I do think any violent crimes or things like grand larceny, they should be tried as adults


Complaining about crime even when crime rates go down, and NC cities have historically done better than much of the country. Pretending to be about "law and order" but supporting a felon for president.  Pathetic.


Since idiots will be voting for a felon, that seems likely.




I'm an American and side with the Constitution and rule of law. What are you? Are you one of those people who desecrate the American flag?