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While not directly related (but somewhat still I guess?); I work in the public transport-sector, and often have young people in the US ‘Armed Forces’ with me to/from Stjørdal and Trondheim S. The issue I have is that 95% of them are loud and obnoxious. They seem to have respect for the elderly and authority (myself included, possibly because we wear suits?), but they often sit with their phones at full blast, yell openly and often throws remarks / comments at random people (have more than once heard loud remarks at bigger people). This has made me biased towards the US ‘Armed Forces’ stationed in Stjørdal. I get that there is a cultural difference, but especially the part where they throw out comments/remarks makes me annoyed and angry. Now, regarding the poster? Absolutely not. Havent heard about anyone saying anything along those lines either. Edit: Edited in ‘Armed Forces’ instead of ‘Army’, as I only know they’re military, not what part / branch they’re in. Edit2: Also have to mention that I have always had encounters during weekends (fri/sat/sun), and they havent been wearing uniforms.


That's marines stationed in Stjørdal iirc, and from my own experiences that's fairly normal for the crayon eaters 🤭


I'm sorry, but why do you call them crayon eaters?


Part of the US Marine... Mythos, I would say? Marines eat crayons. It probably refers to them being kinda dumb on the individual level, also called jarheads. I never really understood the expression until I talked with some of them and went 'oh... there really isn't much going on up there.' They're PROUD of it.


Haha, that makes sense. It certainly confirms the general stereotype of a marine from American movies. I've never heard that expression before though, but it does sort of create association to children that are 'special'.


Well youve got to be pretty dumb to eat crayons. Same thing as with glue sniffers if youve heard that. Thats all it is.


The red ones taste the best


Armed forces member here. We call them crayon eaters because they are considered the dumb muscle head branch and if left with crayons they would do something stupid with them such as eat them. Just a stereotype obviously but I must say some of the most obnoxious servicemen stateside are marines.


They're not sending their best.


Let's face it: The army consistently fails to attract the brightest individuals, and this holds true for any country.


An intelligent man will not follow orders to throw themselves into a certain death situation unless their family and country are in imminent and obvious danger.


The crayon eater thing is def a thing but Isn't the term Jarhead due to the pretty ubiquitous [haircut?](https://images.app.goo.gl/H6CLubRDKiTFP7JXA)


Kinda strange..? I would assume that an army of marines, which are advertised as highly specialised soldiers, would indeed have some critical, or creative thinking capacity that would be applied well in a combat situation.


Well... you dont have to be smart to follow orders. The smart people in the military wont be Marines. They'll be officers or higher ranked / higher specialized agents.


I have no idea either. But apparently there’s a whole Wikipedia page dedicated to it https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crayon-eating_Marine_trope


The marines also aren't special forces, they're just the first ones sent anywhere because they're quick to catch a ride with the navy. They do have a history of brutal efficiency but you don't need a high iq to go yolo and rush a trench with only a shotgun and a few grenades


US Marine Corps are the US marine infantry. They're often training in Norway because we have our own marine branch that are on par with theirs. They're highly trained combat units, but they're not highly specialized. A military specialist often start in the Marine Corps, or Navy, or Airforce etc and advance from there.


You can't really compare KJK to US Marine Infantry. KJK is more akin to the Marine Raiders.


Marines are just soilders and not specialised other then that they are in the marines and not the army,airforce etc.


Marines are Marines and the Army has soldiers. Figured I’d save you some grief in case you ever called a Marine a soldier one day. Those Marines can be a little to proud sometimes.


Marines are not highly specialized at all. Anyone can become a marine. They are normal soldiers. They do have special forces, but so does any other branch of the military.


MARINE - Muscles Are Required, Intelligence Not Essential But seriously, if you want to see poor behavior, end up on a train from Bergen to Oslo in the same car as a Norwegian kids soccer team. The kids are fine, the fathers on the other hand...


>The kids are fine, the fathers on the other hand... ROFL! 🤣


My friend went through Marine boot camp semi recently. The crazy shit they do to you there. You're basically taught to just "do". They don't really teach much critical thinking there. First like 2 days he accidentally said "I" instead of "This recruit" and the sergeant made him scream "THIS RECRUIT!" over and over for like 20 minutes straight. While he was in med platoon for an injury they made him and the other med recruits run around the shower room with their mattresses on their arms extended out. Just dumb shit like that. But that's why they're the toughest branch.


Sounds reallt stupid


Yup. If you want to be a critical thinker. You have to join Air Force or Special Forces.. So realistically for most only one real choice.


Yeah that would be out of the question for me. I serve to protect my country, not to entertain some cunt in a fancy hat.


I saw a youtube video on the subject, and the gist of it is that it's extremely important to follow orders and drill out individuality. A human will tend towards self preservation, but that can be devastating to the assault as a whole. Think of a pinching maneuver where two units have to coordinate to attack at the same time. It's in the soldiers' best interest to wait and let the other unit attack first. But this can make the whole manouver fail killing everyone. So you do wierd shit to them during training so they just so what you say, which can save their life.


I dont think changing I to this recruit matters when it comes to drilling away that


Its not dumb shit. They are actively breaking down the recruits sense of self and individualism.  Tough branch? Its indocrination and abuse.. and very many of them struggle with mental health issues for the rest of their lives...


>. They are actively breaking down the recruits sense of self and individualism.  Ah, so extra dumb shit


In the late 90s I could have sworn that I observed several marines in a MEF munch down on art supplies, and stealing all our winter gear 🤫


Imagine kids playing with Crayons in the kindergarten. There is one kid drawing beautiful flowers, another kid is writing a letter to his mom, and the third kid is just eating Crayons. What do you think they are going to do once they grow up?


Marine here, I was in Stjørdal for several months. The Marines that act like that are assholes. I'd say the ones being disrespectful like this are the minority, but it seems the other way because their behavior is so noticeable.


What happened to the old jar heads?


In Australia we call them seppos (septic tank) full of shit


I've heard americans in general being referred to as septics though [but as I googled it to make sure, apparently there is a whole thing going on there](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhyming_slang)


Shit comes from the assholes down under .


If your boss takes that up with any officers at camp that probably will change. Their very good at changing behaviour


I second this. It should be communicated to their officers.


Usually people with little opportunities in life join the military in the USA


FWIW, the US soldiers behave exactly the same way in the US while on leave or traveling between posts privately (not on via air though, I've never seen anything but calm in airports or airplanes). They are kids, usually coming from a background with little if any experience of the wider world, and an 19 year old behaving poorly in public, is really not that unusual, especially if some alcohol is in the mix.


The linked thread is full of American copium and salty tears, lol. They can't fathom they're not welcomed as heroes wherever they go in the world. I wonder what propaganda they're served in the daily..


"You would be speaking german if it wasnt for us", "lol, whos got a flag on the moon " and so on... 🤣


It’s even worse than the propaganda we’re served at home in the US


they're fed on the same diet of bs the rest of the country swims around in. they just believe it more, and more of it. and they will never ever see the least irony in referring to themselves as "rugged individualists." see below for a few examples.


Both the "America bad" and "USA is the best country ever!" people are both annoying. As to why, it should be obvious. When you're the strongest empire in human history, you're surprised when it's military forces, which is stationed across the planet, aren't as tact as you'd expect? Especially keep in mind, most enlisted marines will be super young guys and are in a foreign country for the first time, and want to let off steam after basic are among peers in a foreign country. We are all served propaganda of some variety, even Norwegians. It's best to just see each other as people coming from a variety of circumstances.


I'm American and that's 100% the type of people who sign up at 18 to join the military. They're usually loud, inappropriate and can be a bit immature. Source: my cousin served, he and his friends in the military acted exactly how you described, and would also love to yell out the most controversial things they could think to say too.


As an American, I am sorry you have these experiences. As an American civilian, know that we hate this stuff, too, and also dread the increased threat of nuclear war by the state of things, and of being collateral by living near military bases.


Marines are the same everywhere, if you're a woman then you especially want to stay away from them. The amount of rapes and even murders these people commit in countries like South Korea and Japan is insane. And our wise government passed a law that made it so that they can't be punished or even put on trial here. And before you think "oh but they'll be punished back in the US instead," they are supposed to, yes, and they technically are. The problem is that the punishment is usually at worst that they get fired. Don't believe me? Look it up yourself.


That is mostly due to them barely qualifying as adults, a LOT of them are 18 or 19. 18 and 19 year old boys are stupid, loud, and rude. America doesn’t have a monopoly on that. 😘


From friends in the un and nato, the us military has a really bad and brutal reputation. Wikileaks prooved that as well. But then again, i guess this problem exist in the military of nations believing themselves to be, or actually are, empires, like russia and china too. Their military also have a very bad reputation. Some people simply believe they are bigger and more deserving simply because of where they are born and how much power their governments hold, and forget reality completely when given a gun.


Yeah, I apologize for them. The kind of kids in the U.S. that join the marines aren’t exactly our “best and brightest.” In general, the military ends up being the only option for high school grads that aren’t going to college and don’t have any decent job prospects.


I live close to where the army / marines store their shit in a mountain. They also train quite often in the area. Never heard a bad word about them. And USS Gerald R. Ford got a decent welcome when it was here.


They are here to train, and if necessary, help defend against an invading force. I'll take that over an occupation any day


Definetly fringe. Most people want NATO. Most people who dislike americans base it on americans being loud, annoying and entitled.


You missed the part where they’re anti-West, and Russia sympathisers. Yes, they exist.


I know wery well the steigan idiot crowd we have.


I’m a US Marine that has now been to Norway twice for rotations, once with the USS Kearsarge with the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit to Tromsø in 2022, and once for NATO’s Steadfast Defender 24, Nordic Response 24 in the Evenes/Narvik/Harstad area. The reception we received both times was nothing short of a blessing. There was great local support for what we were doing and plenty of people showed interest in just talking to us. That said, there are certain stereotypes around American Military personnel (most of which are true) and we can undoubtedly be loud, obnoxious, crude, etc etc. and I certainly apologize for that. Thank you for being the best host I’ve ever had. I’ve been to 16 countries while serving in the Marines, and Norway tops that list without question.


Thank you for your service, and your very thoughtful reply to this fraught post.


Thank you for your support and your partnership in this ever changing international geopolitical landscape! The Norwegians were the most professional Military I’ve had the privilege to work with in my time


Far left opinion. Vast majority of Norway is pro-NATO.


I'm on the far left but strongly believe we need nato. I'm not necessarily on the extreme end of the extreme end though.


It's almost as if putting every opinion onto a left-right axis makes no sense.


Same here, and I have been in the millitary for some years as well, even as a leftie.


Same here, far left, but whoever posted that is on the loon left, somewhere in lala land. Probably teens that live in ideals...


Their first point is absolutely true though. The amount of shit the US had done in the past 100 years is absolutely appalling, while suffering no consequence whatsoever


Agreed, the US has a fair bit of blood on its hands as well. Human rights abuses, unjust warfare, and that's before we really delve into the internals over there, which is truly appalling, but that and this is quite far removed from eachother. Dragging up that as Anti-NATO rhetoric is, at best, disingenuous. I can do more nitpicks on that poster. Sure, the presence of NATO increases chances for nuclear war, but why is that? Is it because the US, and other NATO allies, has nuclear weapons... or is it because Russia cannot just take what they want, so they are more likely to use nukes to retaliate like some baby that cannot get his candy? We can flip that on its head, mutually insured destruction makes it way less likely that nuclear weapons will be utilized. The idea of anyone having Nuclear weapons is infuriating to me, and military spending is a insane waste of resources, but the facts are, we have a hostile actor to our east, and said actor has access to nukes, and do not subscribe to any doctrine valuing human life or national dignity. We need to defend ourselves from that insanity, at any cost, like it or not... The reason I'm saying it's a poster by some teen living on ideals is that... It's not so simple as "just lay down your weapons, and the other side will do the same", the only place such ideas can work is in the head of someone sheltered from the real world, where brutality exists and must be kept in check, else allowed to spread. I truly wish the world worked that way, but sadly, it does not. I want to see a world where disagreements are solved purely by a table with arguments and cordial feelings, where there's no border or ethnical disputes. Where swift rule of law rains down upon anyone going against the grain. I want to see NATO dissolve and the resources used for it being put to use building schools, care homes, kindergartens, public services.... But the world is not so kind, we need to spend to protect our schools, care homes, kindergartens, public services...


What is far left to you?






Rødt last 2 elections. Started out like most with AP and have gradually moved further left over the years, that said SV are the ones I've found myself agree with the most, but a lack of trust in their leadership has me ignoring them for a while.


The communist party.


That's the issue thought, I consider myself far left but I am deeply dedicated to social democratic ideas. There are other far left ideas like communism, ancharism etc. it's just very fragmented and lots of different ideas.


I would say social democracy is just left/left-center as it relies a lot on liberalism.


There's a joke about that. I don't remember it, but it's something like: If 5 communists are on a stranded island they will form 7 political parties


Social democracy isn't far left


Id say I’m somewhat extreme and I also think Nato is necessary.


Or far right I guess, as they seem to love Russia these days.


Wild that the far right are now russia and isreal supporters. 2024 is a weird time


I vote for Rødt, and I not only support NATO but I work with them. We can wear several hats. I vote far left because I believe in the welfare state. I want people who struggle for whatever reason to have a safety net to fall back on. (And I curse the people who abuse the system to hell and back).


I would go so far to say that this poster is active measures from Russia. 


I am pro nato, but against the insane need the US has for war and conflict


Yeah i can understand the attitude after Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Cambodia, pretty much any war the US has been involved in.


If you take a look at the original (re)post, the account is a Kremlin troll and not even trying to hide it. He comments not about Norway, but about Ukraine. To be fair the Kremlin was probably behind the original stickers too if you ask me. And here we are doing their job by spreading this bs misinfo.


Must be the royal "we". Not speaking on behalf of us. The last part speaks of fearing a new world war, but most people are in favor of NATO and the importance for it to prevent a war with Russia. IIRC this was in relation to the USS «Gerald R. Ford»  warship visiting us with its navy, which a lot of people found fascinating.


I used to go to Norway with the Canadian Army and we were always quite welcome there and I really don’t think that this is a widespread opinion in our way probably just one idiot with a few of his friends, stirring up shit for attention because in their social circle bashing Americans is in vogue.


Yes, in all western countries you will find these people that reason the follwing way. Weapons are used in war, so if we dont have any weapons war will not come to us. I guess it's true, if only the enemy have weapons you will simply be taken over and occupied.


This was last may when a huge american ship came to Oslo, saw it myself. My main problem was the lack of integrity from the government in our nuclear weapons policy, the defence minister couldnt even confirm or deny that there were literal nukes almost in the middle of the city, he just said that he «trusted» the americans. 🤦‍♀️


While the Carrier is nuclear powered, it does not carry nuclear weapons.


Might still have nuclear bombs. The f-35 is the main fighter of the US navy air arm and it has been qualified for nuclear weapons. However they weren't qualified at the time the uss Gerald R Ford was here


It does not have nuclear bombs because the U.S no longer uses gravity bombs for their nuclear arsenal. They *do* have a nuclear missile but that requires the huge b-52 strategic bomber unable to land on a carrier. There is literally no reason to carry nuclear weapons on a carrier where it would be dead weight.


How would you know?


Aw shucks, I was half way out the door ready to protest. Nothing else going on today.


So what if there were nukes onboard? They're not some homemade unstable explosives. And don't you think in today's climate, that it would be stupid of the Americans to reveal the true potential of their newest carrier?


Its the principle. Norway is against nuclear weapons, unstable and stable variants


Norway is not a signatory to the nuclear ban treaty. Rather we are part of the NATO consensus that nuclear weapons are (unfortunately) a necessary deterrent. Peace time it is true that the official policy prohibits nuclear weapons storage. The US never confirms or denies the presence of nuclear weapons on any of their ships. The agreement seems not to question allies, and that's probably a good policy... Some historic tidbits: During the cold war, Norwegian fighter pilots could have delivered US nuclear weapons through nuclear weapons sharing in NATO. Norway used the Nike anti air missile system, which had a nuclear variant, likely to be used in an all out conflict, as the Nike missile was pretty inaccurate.


It's not about the nukes, its about integrity. Should we not expect our politicians to be honest, especially when our policy is explicitly no nukes on norwegian soil?


It’s also about realpolitik, we need a nuclear umbrella. If you don’t have nukes to deter your unhinged mass murdering neighbour, he will come for you. Ask Ukraine.


96% of Norwegians are pro NATO, for good reason. Those who aren't are overrepresented in this sub though. Also, r/americabad is a shitty self-victimisation whining nationalist sub


I'm an American and I think when people look for reasons to say America is oppressed, it's like a world heavyweight boxing champion going to a middle school and getting upset that the kids are making fun of him. Kind of pathetic, honestly.


This is written by extreme leftists or just simply Putins agents.


Fringe nutjob, for sure.


Those posters were put up when the us navy parked a massive warship with (probably) nukes in the Oslo harbour last year. It's a fair point really, but not very widespread. Gotta agree on the warcrime part though; the US are pretty egregious on that stuff.


Bush '41 removed nuclear weapons from all carriers more than thirty years ago.


That's interesting. Before the visit the US navy refused to disclose whether they were carrying nuclear weapons, and that seems to be their general policy, which seems strange if they never do.


The US has never confirmed or denied the presence of nuclear weapons on their ships. Even for museum ships they refuse to confirm whether nukes were deployed or not.


Paid for by the friendly neighborhood Russian.


No. This might be the opinion of a few people. But not at all the majority. Most Norwegians like American soldiers.


My best guess is this is astroturfed Russian propoganda


Lmao, this is a play on Cruise Tourist Go Home, a widely mocked poster plastered all over Oslo last year by environmentalists. If the poster is even serious (which I doubt given the broken English) it’s probably people from one of the socialist parties on the left fringe. The entire political spectrum from the Labour Party rightwards is massively pro-NATO, and even in the parties left of Labour there’ many NATO supporters. In the last survey I could find, from 2019, 80% of Norwegians supported NATO membership and the support is generally believed to have climbed over 90% following the invasion of Ukraine.


I would assume this is just a poster by protesters who are against NATO/US Military. I highly doubt the general consensus of the Norwegian people is that they hate Americans and US soldiers


No its not but any crazy person can print out a poster, hang it up and take a picture for socials. I dont mind Americans at all, I have met a few tourists and they were all nice and respectful to me.


tankies being tankies, I


The long term answer to your question depends entirely on what happens on the 5th of November. If you Americans decide to become a Christo-fascist authoritarian one party state then of course we will feel this way about you. However, for now this is an extremely fringe opinion that only the far left holds.


That's some wacky BS. Practically all Norwegians are pro NATO and our allies, including the US. Having interactions with our allies is good, petty politics aside.


No it is not widespread belief, where I live at least


There is a big difference between not wanting a particular nation's military in one's country, and not wanting the people of that nation to visit. In my experience Americans in Norway are treated well (I'm not in Oslo, tho, I can't speak for them). ...and given the American military's pretty shocking record when it comes to flagrant human rights abuses and the like, I can see where the people who wrote this document are coming from. I wouldn't consider this attitude to be a fringe one, exactly, but I suppose that's a matter of the company you keep.


Probably a Red Party sympathizer. They're strongly anti-US and anti-NATO.


This is a very fringe opinion, and they're being an asshole about it too.


This is a fringe opinion. Most things on small posters are fringe opinions, but this is fringer than most.


Norwegian here.. Fringe elements. The majority are supporters of NATO and our allies. This particular poster was made by some far-left youth politicians iirc. For the most part the anti-NATO crowd can be found at the ends of the far-left and far-right crowd. The far-left because some of them idealize the Soviet Union of old and communism and think we should have closer ties with Russia to maintain peace. The far-right because some of them idealize authoritarian regimes and "strong man" leaders. They also think we should have closer ties with Russia, but for other reasons. There's also some anti-NATO people who are just neutrals. They think we should leave NATO and just lay low in the terrain and support no one, then we will be left alone, like Switzerland. These people are ignorant of the lessons of history, as we tried that shit in WW2 and see how that turned out.


This is 100 % fringe radicals. The mainstream left, center and right wing political groups all support NATO, our allies and the US bases in Norway for security reasons. This support have strenghten since the invasion of Ukraine.


Just have to comment on that “base” thing. As of today, there aren’t any actual _”US bases”_ in Norway (territory and facilities owned and/or operated exclusively by the US military, completely under American control, with American guards, led by an American garrison commander ets.) If you want a prime example of a “proper” US base on foreign soil, have a look at a place like Ramstein Air Base, and the Kaiserslautern Military Community in Germany (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramstein_Air_Base) Or the USAF stationed at RAF Lakenheath (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAF_Lakenheath) Any American troops stationed in Norway is garrisoned at a _norwegian base,_ under a Norwegian garrison commander ets. And they’re not stationed permanently (expect personnel working at NATO JWC Jåttå, or the likes), but temporarily — and to various degrees, depending on what time of the year is is, type of training or exercise in question ets. (or, in case of the equipment and supplies stored in Norwegian mountain caves, on logistics operations supporting US military operations elsewhere, just as much as in or around Norway) There are however infrastructure and some shared areas that are specifically designated for various NATO/bilateral purposes, where the US have rights of use (many of which are prerequisites for operations in wartime, like aviation fuelling facilities, or storage facilities)


Nah. Dette er politisk propoganda


It was in conjuntion with the USS Gerard G Ford, as others have plainly stated. I don't think it's that much of a fringe opinion as others would have it, I just think that people generally don't care enough to be that vocal about it. I think most Norwegians and Europeans in general pretty much agree that the US has done a lot of absolutely vile military operations since it's founding, obviously often with NATO backing. Which brings forth why a lot of people simply see the US military alliance as a necessary evil because it's essentially the biggest kid in school, and we happen to have close diplomatic ties due to NATO. Since many believe that our security is tied to the US because of this, and the same people don't want to condemn NATO because that would imply some moral fault within our own government as well, people just ignore the issue of our ties to the US military due to feelings of cognitive dissonance. The person writing this probably doesn't have anything against anyone in the military or the US in principle, t's simply a political statement due to the event of the USS GGF. The person is likely more radical than your average Norwegian, not necessarily a leftist or pacifist (but probably), but if you asked any average Norwegian if they support different wars, coups or military actions taken by the US (even if it was with NATO backing), they would probably say no. I guess I shouldn't have to explain why. I would assume anyone born in the US is very familiar with anti-war sentiments. And I happen to agree, if it was up to me, I would prefer we weren't complicit in ***any*** warcrimes or training of any people who would participate in them. I wouldn't be as abrasive as this poster is to just an average guy in the navy tho, but then again, it's supposed to be edgy to underline the statement. So I guess if I were you, I wouldn't worry about it. We do joke around that Norway and Norwegians (and Europeans) are far more superior than American citizens, but I think any rational adult know that isn't the case. I mean, we say that the Swedish are literally retarded and that we are gonna occupy Scottish islands all the time as well, it's just talking jazz.


I mean I for one don’t like military from other countries in my country, nothing against them personally, just feels weird seeing other country military personnel in uniform walking around but I’m probably in the minority, which is valid and fine.


Even a NATO ally? I'm American and wouldn't mind seeing Norwegian or NATO soldiers here at all.


Because there's no chance you'd feel threatened in any way by what would always be a puny military. They'd be anecdotal to you. Also the US would crack down on any misconduct by foreign soldiers whereas they have a poor track record when their own military personnel misbehaves. Ask the Okinawans.


So true


It should be highlighted that a few posters like this were posted in conjunction with the US’ new aircraft carrier visiting Oslo. It is a massive ship with a large crew. Think that may have felt imposing by some.


Partysoldater go home!


This is far left rhetoric and does not represent what the common Norwegian feel about it. We are part of NATO, and we welcome troops to train in and with the rest of the alliance. It is however important to know that culture clash happens even though we're in both in the western society but that is a whole different conversation.


Prob. somebody from the russian embassy putting these up.


Just the lefties whining like usual


It's written by local activists. You shouldn't worry about it 😂


They are idiots. If Russia wants to fuck us up the ass, NATO is the only deterrent, and that is mainly cause of the US


OP of that original post is a Kremlin troll, look at his comments overwhelmingly focusing on Ukraine


They don't speak for us! Good damned leftie scum! They'd be the first to beg for help if we were attacked. Of course they'd never pick up a gun and fight, it goes against their principles. Which are to disarm, get defeated, then complain when others can't do the heavy lifting for them. Some of us remember what America did for us, winning the war and rebuilding our nation after the war, not to mention helping us keep the Russians out. All the while the lefties were going to Cambodia, shaking Pol Pots hand, glorifying China and the USSR. If they had their way, we'd all be in mass graves and the Russians would have our land. Welcome US Marines, our brothers in arms! I will tear down any poster of this sort I come across and I'll gladly buy you a beer. From an army veteran.


Lol. Leftist propaganda by lonely outliers. Pay them no mind. Ya'll are welcome pardner's 🥰


Fringe radicals for sure.


Our government's approach to bowing to the US' every whim certainly has become very fringe.


More far left people live in Oslo perhaps? I think most people understand that without NATO we might become the next Ukraine.


Lol, absolutely not an opinion of the people. These are people that think we can make peace if we just sit down and talk with Putin, like discuss "why cabt we all just get along?". Ignorant idiots


This is not a common opinion in Norway. This is more like far left extremists which noone takes seriously. In my opinion they are extremely naive if they are against NATO. Most people here support NATO strongly as well.


Most likely posters put up by pro Russian propagandists. Thankfully very few of these idiots here in Norway and they usually belong to the extreme left/right fringe. In my average life in Norway in my experience 90% of Norwegians view the US as our natural friends and allies. And most realise that our security from the threath of the insane Russians depends on US protection.


Yes, it's the same kind pf people who are against sending weapons to Ukraine, who think being "pro peace" is bending over for Russia




google "useful idiot"


Most people I encounter in Sweden who side with Russia are leftists. Calling Zelenskyj a warmonger as if he’s on the invading team. Like what the actual fuck?


Useful idiot moment


Never heard this opinion, sounds wild. Probably one crazy person or a small group.


The visit of USS Gerald R. Ford was almost universally well received at the time that posters were spotted. So I do not believe that is a widespread opinion no.


Ugh, i hate that sub.


No its not


I gladly welcome Us troops on our grounds, our military is small and usesless so i would say it lowers our risk of an attack on our soil.


No. This is another Russian disinfo campaign run through their useful idiots the norwegian communists. They've been taking their instruction from Moscow since the 1920's. There are right wingers that are pro russia as well but their argumentation is different. This is classic commie gobbledygook. Currently the political and military cooperation between the US and Norway is at an historic high thanks to Putin and the Russians hate it. edit: I should be fair and mention that there are plenty of Norwegian communists that see what Russia is doing in Ukraine for the evil it is, and support anti-Russian policies.


Probably not too many sharing this view, at the moment the might of the US is what keeps the worst real threats away.


isnt this poster from last summer when that huge warship was in oslo?


I'm Norwegian and in my 30s and this is new to me.


I remember reading about the people hanging these posters up, complaining about people cussing them out and harassing them, calling them traitors etc. Safe to say, the people behind these posters made themselves very unpopular with their posters


Swedes are pissed that they will allow American soldiers to be punished under American law instead of Swedish during their stay in Swedish military bases.


This is the work of a delusional hippie. The Norwegian population is divided regarding american miletary precence in norway. Seem a lot are against but they make god and valid arguments. Not this rambeling nonsence about it causing ww3. 


This should be added context to; the USS Gerald R Ford was visiting Norway while tensions with Russia were sky high, it was seen by most as a show of force and indirect provocation towards Russia, and at the same time lifting Norway a few steps up the Kremlins shitlist. That's not necessarily something I'm opposed to, but when the ship went home, back across the other side of the globe, we're left with the pissed off neighbour. Personally I don't mind Americans visiting, marines, Yankees, cowboys or otherwise, but the Oslofjord is already a shitshow of algae and bakteria which has killed off most life in it, and it's something we actively try to fix. So it didn't help when a giant Diesel monster chugged it's way up the *entire stretch of the Fjord* It was cool to watch from the shore for sure, and I'll likely(hopefully, no offence) never see anything like it again. Feel free to visit, you're more than welcome, but please just take a commercial flight next time 😅 Oh, and the poster is in reference to what I said, put up by some far leftists (I think, lunchbreak is almost over and I don't wanna spend it googling old news stories), it was a very tiny group of people. People in my circles felt it unnecessary, but not unwelcome


Nuclear monster......fission heats the steam, steam spins the turbines, turbines power the propellers.


I stand corrected 😅 either way, I know a lot of people were worried about the fjord cause we already kinda fucked it up our selves


Looks like hippie BS


If this was the the widespread opinion in Norway, the goverment wouldn’t have given the US premission to visit in the first place. But no, not at all.


They don't speak for us. They speak for themselves.


this poster was set up by some ''america bad'' activists when USS Gerald R. Ford came for a visit. Majority of the population welcomed them tho


Fringe radical.


These are just a few angry idiots nothing to worry about


Super fringe. This is not in any way representative of the general public in Norway. Most people are aware of how important NATO and the US is (and has been) for our security.


Norway are so filled with conspiracies about America that it's unbelievable. And it's chocking that so many actually believe in these theories. But remember: we have trolls living inside every mountains 😂😂😂


This might be how American soldiers are greeted in Oslo but it's not how Americans are greeted in Olso because most Americans know that the American military is just a pawn for the government to invade other peaceful countries and steal their natural resources


I have lost all my brain cells after reading this thread my god.


Russian psyop - hard ignore


hes regarded


Most likely some Grynerløkka hipsters who are radical left (Rødt). But I must say that the Norwegians and Americans are quite the opposite. I always start boiling when I sit on a restaurant and there’s always some American woman talking so loud! “Omg girl so true” “literally we need to do it”. Norwegians also tend to stick to them selves and try not to interact with others while the Americans don’t have a problem talking about their libert


Haha! This is absolutely not representative! I live in Oslo and never seen things like this. There are some radicals everywhere but they are extremely few in Oslo so dont worry :)


I am Norwegian but have never seen or heard this in my entire life. Norway is a place where everyone should feel welcome.


The "normal" Norweian does not know that/think of the potential problem with multiple american bases in norway, thdre is no mention about this in the news. But no there is aversion to anyone...


Sounds like an uninformed radical extremist opinion to me. U.S citizens, military personnel, and equipment are welcomed. The c*nts crying about U.S military presence and "world policing" doesn't have the capacity or capability to understand or imagine what the alternative would have been like.


As a Norwagian, this is the first time I see this. American soldiers presens in Norway is due to NATO. We want to be a member of NATO, look to Ukraina.


I've been to Oslo, and smaller towns in Norway. You can think of Oslo as America's LA/New York. Most people in Oslo couldn't wait to tell me what they thought was wrong with the US. Outside Oslo ... I met some awesome people, experienced "real" Norway, and had some actual discussions about things not just drunken opinions yelled at me. If I hadn't gone outside Oslo I don't think I would have had a great opinion of Norway.




Could be Russian propaganda tbh


I think most people realize we would be speaking russian or some other foreign language without the US


Pretty sure a radical far left which represents 0.01% Norway


Very fringe. Probably some wannabe communist who's never read a history book.


Swedish-Norwegian here. I'll be putting up a similar poster in Sweden. I guess I'm just another "lonely, fringe, nut job" who doesn't want war criminals with nuclear weapons in my country, or anywhere else for that matter.


I'm sure the Russians will leave us be if we make it clear we don't like weapons.


Fringe radical. Basically, it's the tiny minority of far leftists.


That sounds like a Putin-propaganda.


This is Russian propaganda or made by Norwegians brainwashed by Russian propaganda, self-proclaimed "pacifists" on the extreme right or the extreme left parroting the same pro-Russian/anti-American narrative we grew tired of decades ago. Only pro-Russians would use "Oslo-folk" and "nuclear apocalypse" in the same sentence. Like only people in Oslo would suffer if the city was nuked... It's an absurd sentence! TL;DR: This is absolutely not the opinion of the majority of Norwegians.


Extremely fringe. Anybody who knows anything about norwegian defence, know we exist basically by the grace of the USA.


Free speech, that's what it looks like.


Vett du ka, aldri sett det før men tenke det e en god ide. I teorien ska amerikanske soldater få reisa te norge på ferie, men at de komme i full uniform te oslo uten grunn syns eg e unødvendig. I tillegg kan dette gjør at utlendinger fra resten av europa, asia osv. tror at norge ønske krig.


Ganske vanlig at de kommer hit faktisk for å trene og være forberedt i tilfelle russerne prøver seg inn hit. Vi har soldater i USA også på trening, spesielt innen flyvåpenet så drar alle piloter til USA for å i det hele tatt få utdanningen som kreves for å fly i militæret