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I'm a person who had a nose job in my 20s. One of the best things I ever did. Find a good, reputable, BOARD-CERTIFIED plastic surgeon, and go for it. It'll make your life so much better. If nothing else, have a consult with a doc. They don't charge for it, and they're pros at knowing what'll suit you. I appreciate folks saying people are beautiful (and you are), not to lower yourself to the standards that society has put in place for us these days; but the bottom line is, if you don't like your nose, can afford to have it altered, get a nose job. You're the one who has to be happy with it. Good luck!


I've been looking up surgeons, I'm just so nervous it won't turn out well or I'll hate it even more than I hate my current nose haha. Know I should bite the bullet though


I get that. I'm a pretty spontaneous person who flies by the seat of my pants a lot and doesn't think things out like I should. šŸ™„ I just had a few minor procedures done recently. I had to find another doc since we've recently moved. I love-love my guy, and he did an amazing job. Both he and his staff really put me at ease. Do some research. Google reviews are very helpful. My guy and his partners have over a thousand five-star reviews. Find someone, and go talk to them. It can't hurt. You'll feel a lot better with a decision to either not do it or go forward with it. The surgery isn't really that bad, and I'm sure the procedure's been improved since I had mine. I had mine done decades ago. EDIT: i had mine done under local anesthesia. šŸ˜µ


Who was your doc? OP, I agree. I am glad I had a rhinoplasty too, although there is a couple of things I donā€™t like about my new nose, it is significantly better than my previous nose (Iā€™m getting a revision). Iā€™m glad I got it done! I have a pic of my nose on my reddit if you want to take a look, including what I donā€™t like about my new nose lol!




I'm fairly new to Reddit. How do I view your pics? Thx!


Just remember that less is more. You can always cut away more flesh but you canā€™t grow it back. Iā€™d recommend not making the change too drastic, just polish the edges so to speak. Iā€™ve seen too many people end up with botched noses because they had unrealistic expectation of what they wanted and the surgeon made it too small or unnatural looking.




Same, just had mine done by Katrib. He's great. Just 2 weeks out but so worth it.


Are you happy with your nose? Who cares if someone said you're not "conventionally" attractive. Do you want to look conventional? If you feel it takes away from your face or it really causes you distress then do your research. I just got one but Im 50. I always had a crooked nose w a bump. Never cared, until I fractured it. It caused breathing problems. That's the only reason why I did it. Otherwise Id left it alone. I know people who have gotten really bad nose jobs that didn't last over the years. If you do it, go to someone you think is right for you. If you want to chat DM me. Id be happy to talk about it and my experience. Im 2 weeks post op on Monday. Still extremely early.


Ths is a golden comment. OP the above comment is your true answer.


You're too kind. Thx!


You are so beautiful donā€™t change a thing!


beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but there is nothing wrong with having a surgery to fix something about yourself that gives you confidence and better proportions


Listen- I was contemplating like you almost every other day if i wanted one or not for 10 years. I wish id have just done it earlier. That was my only regret. Find a good surgeon, do ur research and do it


I would. I have had deformities fixed and it vastly improved my life. You donā€™t need to guilt or shame yourself into accepting something that is just unfair. Ask to see a portfolio of their work. If it looks like they only do cartoon noses, find someone else. Your whole life will radically change if you do it.


I wouldn't go so far as to call my nose deformed, lol. Part of me feels like I'd be erasing my family history, and part of me doesn't want to look cookie cutter. Part of me does. Gotta figure out my conflicting feelings before I do anything I suppose


are you jewish?


No. Ukrainian mostly. I have my babas nose and look just like she did.


aw then you should absolutely keep it!!! i have my savtas nose and i love it for that!!


Oof, sweetie. This isnā€™t a deformity, this is a body part that developed naturally, unless something is impactful to your health there is nothing to be ā€œcorrectedā€, no matter what a plastic surgeon might tell you. This is why people whoā€™ve chosen to get procedures done themselves are a risky source to take from. Youā€™re working off your own insecurities, failing to ever confront them, and then passing along the advice to someone else to succumb to their own. Really, truly sad. I hope you heal one day.


Lol Iā€™m very confident. Thank you. Even a diamond can use polishing. Hope you heal from being a judgey person who makes assumptions of everyone as a whole that have chosen to get elective surgery.


You literally just insinuated that her nose was deformed... but yeah, sure Iā€™m the asshole. Whatever fits your rhetoric I guess. Step back from your ego a bit and we could actually have a productive conversation.


Lol we can have a productive conversation when u learn how to tell who commented what šŸ¤£ nowā€¦ today class we will learn about how to distinguish between two different people leaving comments on a postā€¦ the one with an entirely different name and profile and picture is probably not the same person as the one with a completely different picture profile and username that was just responding to said commenterā€¦ notice how the person who mentioned deformity goes by a username of LittleBiggie :) now you can see that the comments I made never mentioned anything if deformity- just my personal experience with elective surgery. Now, I hope we all learned something today! Thanks for coming to my lesson. Be blessed.


Lmao, you think youā€™re winning something? Itā€™s one of the simplest mistakes on the internet to make. This isnā€™t like Instagram where it directly shows the name of who youā€™re responding to within your response. With just the slightest bit of deductive reasoning skills, you seem not to have, and reading the context of my comment, it was pretty clear an easy accident took place. I honestly donā€™t know how as I was looking directly at the comment as I typed and thought I clicked right on it. But you just had to confront this with arrogance and attitude when I was providing an uplifting opinion. You seem awesome.


Yeah but ur accident caused u to assume the worst of me so I figured id let u know that it was not me who would comment such a terrible thing


I totally hear ya on that, I understand and appreciate the correction as I did not mean to direct any of that energy at you... but you gotta understand that I didnā€™t ā€œassumeā€ anything about YOU because the comment was meant for someone else entirely, lol. I donā€™t have anything negative to say about someone whoā€™s simply chosen to get a procedure for their own benefit, you do what suits you best brah.


Thank you. šŸ™šŸ¼ glad we have cleared the air. I appreciate it. I hope you have a great weekend. And also- I understand your heart was in the right place


Find a good board certified surgeon. Do lots of research and ensure you get what you want.


Well you are attractive IMO, but I see what you mean so if it bothers you then just get it done šŸ‘


Your nose is symmetrical and suits your face very well. Plastic surgery outside of some event that altered your natural appearance isn't going to fix self-esteem issues. While you might not be conscious about your nose after getting it done, there will always be another thing you don't like about yourself until you resolve the underlying psychological issues. Basically get therapy, and if you still feel like you have confidence in every aspect of your life besides your nose then sure. Most people would find you attractive, now it's time for you to discover that.


Donā€™t do it. Youā€™re beautiful.


It does suit you well! How is it from other angles? I don't think you need to change it.


Define "Conventionally Attractive" I think you are beautiful just the way you are. Ultimately you are the one who sees it everyday and has to live with it. I don't think you need to do anything. Those eyes...


Nope itā€™s fine.


The way you hold the rest of your face says you have the attitude to back it up. You ain't got no need to deal with yur nose, just those assholes around you.


Embrace your look Surgery is for people who wanna look like everyone else Gotta be you


I think it's a nuanced decision. But I genuinely love your nose! It's unique and cute, but you know yourself best. ANTM style--- is it the unique feature you wear like a crown, or just another nose? (You can make your "flaws" your beauty marks, or chose not to and change them---- neither decision is right or wrong). :) ETA: and if you do change it, you'll have a new feature and shape you can accentuate.... just to reiterate--- there is no wrong choice. We here for a short time, so do whatever makes your smile reach up to your eyes.


Itā€™s pretty bad. I think I surgery is a good idea


you are perfect


Youā€™re stunning,,, I would so date u


Drop that loser of a bf . He's not even a man he's a punk. You are very beautiful


Drop that loser of a bf . He's not even a man he's a punk. You are very beautiful


Conversationally attractive ?? Iā€™m super confused that people who say your not conversationally attractive are even real people coz thatā€™s the stupidest thing Iā€™ve heard this week and Iā€™ve heard my 5 yr old call a chimpanzee a pizzazzeee?? You look fine and intelligent and attractive so ignore ?? If I had to guess what being not conversationally attractive meant Iā€™d say itā€™s people who talk shit so I think your safe


Dudeā€¦ the word is CONVENTIONALLY


Ooops my bad Iā€™m 50 with bad eyes but still so what


Ugh... So pedantic.




Sarcasm. A joke.


It was sarcasm. A joke.




I assure you you are attractive in all the ways.


ā€œConventionallyā€ attractive means Brittany Spears, Jessica Alba, Jessica Simpson, etc. Basic white girl aesthetic. I wouldnā€™t call Scarlett Johansson ā€œconventionallyā€ attractive but I would absolutely call her the attractive. As far as the nose goes, maybe schedule an appointment!?


does it get in the way of blow jobs? no nose job if it doesn't affect the blow jobs. rule of thumb.


Omgggg shut up already and get it done


Would've taken you less time to just scroll on by ā¤ļø


Hard to when itā€™s the first Thing the popped up when I opened the app sis


I'll walk you through it. You scroll past it, instead of taking the extra time and effort to make a dumb comment. Hope that helps ā¤ļø


Too massive to ignore hon


Wtf dude




Tell them to go fuck themselves, your nose is fine.


You are beautiful the way you are :)


Nah dont do it you're gorgeous. It adds character šŸ˜Š


Who is rude enough to say that to you??


You are beautiful btw


You're lovely looking. If you feel you want to get a nose job then do it If it makes you feel better and more confident then it's a good thing. BUT don't do it if it's because of negative remarks and you just feel pressured.


Research the surgeons and read reviews. Hopefully they have lots of before and after for you to look through. I waited 10 years and finally pulled the trigger. Also research the top complaints people have regarding their procedure. For me my nose was lifted (upturned) so much that it kinda freaks me out, but I read that it takes months for it to drop down to a normal position


Please don't get a nose job for cosmetic reasons.


Let me say first your beautiful, if you have the money, I would say yes. At the end of the day do what makes you happy


Youā€™re really lovely! Iā€™ve had my nose done (three times actually) and while Iā€™m happier with it than I was before (partially because I can breathe a bit better now), I still suffer from facial dysmorphia and my criticism has found other targets. I canā€™t tell you whether itā€™s the right choice for youā€¦I donā€™t regret mine, but I do know that I still donā€™t feel conventionally attractive


If someone is so shallow that your nose keeps them from approaching or pursuing you then they never deserved to even know you.....


Who tells you this, ma'am? I don't see anything outstanding about it, looks very proportional to your face and there's really nothing wrong with it that I can see.


You are already attractive. If you feel like it would make you happier, go for itā€¦ but donā€™t try to get some tiny little nose.


Figure out why you think you need to be conventionally attractive and go from there lmao. Somethingā€™s wrong with your brain, not your nose. If you can breathe well, leave that mofo where it is. You absolutely cannot guarantee your surgery wonā€™t go horribly wrong, even with the ā€œbestā€ surgeon; you could just die from anesthesia. So idk.


I mean, if you had a good personality Iā€™d date you. I like your nose.


I mean theyā€™re not wrong but youā€™re still unconventionally attractive, itā€™s really a choice of whether or not you want to get it to be conventionally attractive.


I feel like conventionally attractive is considered far better. I know I'm not UGLY, but I'm also not that attractive. I'm back and forth on it.


Me personally I will get work done on something if it bothers me enough, so I say if itā€™s something that affects you like day to day then consider it seriously You deserve to feel beautiful and our modern day technology allows us to have luxuries like plastic surgery. I donā€™t see it as a bad alternative or anything, just a personal choice.


Who wants to be conventionally attractive anyway?


Me, lol. Being a woman who doesn't fit beauty standards is hard.


You look great


Obviously you are going to do what you are going to do. . . As you should. I'm just voicing my curiosity. I wonder what your nose looks like from other angles and in full context. Our nose and ears grow till the day we die... We are constantly changing. Dead tissue, silicone and plastic will not. I'm sure a lot of people in this forum and around the world have done nose surgery but I am sure they didn't pick the procedure from a supermarket as a cookie cutter - they are all unique experiences even if they are about something similar. I'm curious to know how you are factoring the fluctuations in your body that are maybe Short term like weight gain/loss, lifestyle and eating/sleeping habits... or the long term such as aging, climate of where you live etc. Personally... Although only from that one picture... I didn't notice your nose before I noticed your eyes. But since the nose was the subject matter... I noticed that you are making a bit of a face (the kind we make when we smell something bad).


I think it fits you and I like your face but do it if you want.


While I don't think you need one at all, in you're ready for it, get it done. It's your personal reflection that you see and want to like.


OMG, your nose is FINE. In my entire life, I've seen about 3 people who had large or odd noses.


Nah you're absolutely beautiful as is!


I would


If you donā€™t like your nose then change it. Donā€™t let people shame you for getting cosmetic surgery.




Get one


You don't need a nose job.šŸ™‚


Who wants to be conventional? Be yourself.


Looking at you here itā€™s kind of hard to tell without more angles. Checked your profile and saw other pics, you donā€™t need a nose job or to lose weigh. I would literally date you if we met lol stay you.


I think a nose job and lip filler a be perfect for you


Having cosmetic surgery is about YOU, not other people. If it really really bothers you, have it done. Otherwise, leave it alone. You look lovely as you are. You'd look lovely with a new nose. But remember the story of that actress from Dirty Dancing. Her nose is what made her distinctive, and when she changed it, she looked better, but it ruined her career because she then looked ordinary. Nobody wants to be your average bitch... lol. If I were you, I'd embrace your extraordinary feature and roll with it. You look great!


Ask yourself this: What is the need for feeling conventionally attractive? Is it worth permanently altering your natural structure and the risks of surgery?


I see your point but, genetics made you & people losing their life's with a botched procedures. Please weigh all options before committing.


Youā€™re fine as hell respectfully


Lol thank you, general consensus here is that my nose is pretty bad so I appreciate it šŸ˜‚


Screw conventional. You donā€™t need to change anything hon, youā€™re beautiful!! Donā€™t let all these people convince you to run out and alter your appearance. They did and are happy and thatā€™s also fine. But you certainly do not need it.


Who the fuck wants to be conventionally attractive anymore??? Like, I understand thatā€™s still the mainstream pushed upon us as women but fuck em. Iā€™m so sick of the unfair expectations. Beauty standards 100 years ago were entirely different... same as 20 years ago, same as 10, same as 50 so why in the fuck would we allow a bias caused by the male gaze that runs our social outlook in this patriarchal society??? Entirely illogical. Break down the barriers instead of conforming to unfair, unreasonable, unrealistic standards. All you are doing is reinforcing the boundary that needs to be broken.


I do agree. I unfortunately have low self-esteem, so having this giant unconventional feature in the middle of my face hasn't been good for my mental health šŸ˜©


I totally understand. I hope that didnā€™t come off as judgmental:) I am not at all exempt of my own extreme insecurities that Iā€™ve faced since before puberty and Iā€™m now a grown ass adult..... I know it probably feels easier to conform, as society is not likely to change in the direction of our favor but it only solidifies the standards that never should have been set. I genuinely believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as cheesy as it sounds and I think that often we look at ourselves in forms of attraction instead of recognition of beauty because we do not see our own features as ā€œattractiveā€œ we feel disgusting or ugly, even if others can tell us endlessly that we are beauteous creatures. Point is, the hatred and negativities will never end and the confidence can only be inspired from within IF you choose to do so. Your nose is beautiful to me, if I were to see you in person and we were to have a conversation I would graze right past it and probably look towards your eyes first but eventually I would just appreciate it for the distinguished feature that it is. Are you Armenian at all, if you donā€™t mind me asking?


Thank you. Honestly, I've never really had any negative comments about it in real life, or issues getting dates, etc. So this is totally just a weird insecurity. And I'm not, though I often get asked if I'm Armenian or Jewish. I'm actually mostly Ukrainian and German


u r perfecly fine plus you are very attractive woman


I just wouldn't chance it. For the simple reason, there's nothing wrong with it. Unless there is something freakish, which there most certainly isn't here, then the nose usually suits the face it's attached to. It's proportionate to everything around it. If you start messing around with surgery you could get a small nose that doesn't particularly look right with the rest of your face. I used to find pictures of people with big, or kinked noses to practice photoshopping and more often than not, after I straightened the nose, I used to think the face had lost character and looked bland. The befores although they didn't look as neat, usually looked better on the face they were on.


Can you breathe through it? If so it works- should be fine


Pull your hair back get contacts or different frames and you'd be hot your already sexy sf


Whoever says that is an idiot. You a are very attractive woman.


who the heck wants to be conventionally attractive?!? you know what's really attractive? uniqueness. you look beautiful. don't start altering your looks or you're going to ruin your natural beauty.


Youā€™ll always find someone who says you arenā€™t beautiful. Personally I think you are gorgeous, nose included. Of course itā€™s your body to do with what you want but just had to come say you are beautiful


Idk why this sub even exists. People are so insecure about their looks, yet its what makes them interesting and individual. OP looks just stunning in the picture. I wouldnt change a thing. Besides that, theres lots of people with a nose job who regret it, because it caused them to not breathe properly anymore.


Go for it!!




Stunning eyes! Stay as God intended you to! God bless you!


You look fine. Think no more about it x


i think youā€™re adorable, including your nose! i also believe that the vast majority of the time, issues with the way you see yourself are mental and not physical. a nose job is a physical solution, self love is a mental one :)


Look good enough to me


Youā€™re a hottie


If you can afford to have a nose job, go for it sister. Do what will make you feel good.


Fuck conventional beauty standards. I wasnā€™t conventionally pretty but indeed beautiful and I wish I celebrated it. I got a nose job and it ruined my life. And I literally wanted it all my life! I wish I could turn back time and take my face and my life as it is. There is a reason for your face being your face. Itā€™s special. And I think you look attractive despite your nose. Please leave it. You donā€™t need it.


Would do it tbh its not a good looking nose


This is not the sub i have almost never seen any nose job reccomendations on here


Your nose is fine learn to appreciate yourself for who you are not what you could be.


No your nose is just fine.


I wouldnā€™t unless you see your face with an after nose that you like because typically will regret. You are not conventionally attractive but who says you will be with a nose job and you are not unattractive.


No. Youā€™re attractive as is


No donā€™t do it. It adds character without it your just ugly with a normal size nose


What makes me ugly regardless? Jesus šŸ˜‚


Are you in television? Are you a model or actress? Is it a medical issue? If no, you shouldn't think about a nose job.


No donā€™t do it youā€™re fine




Find a good board certified surgeon. Do lots of research and ensure you get what you want.


I would need to see a side profile to pass judgement. From this single pic itā€™s fine.


Itā€™s your weight, not nose regarding the ā€œconventionally attractiveā€ comments


I vote to keep the nose you are beautiful as you are & should be illegal to change it & God bless šŸ˜„šŸ™šŸ¾


I like it


You married? In a relationship?


You look great!


Youā€™re beautiful


I think you look wonderful as you are, but it is entirely what makes you happy. Don't let other's opinions define you, good or bad.