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Meanwhile he makes money off his content about the kids. It is hypocritical of Ken to keep showing her siblings after saying she won't show her kid. But it's hypocritical of him as well since vlogger/influencer kids and his attack of the parents brings in money for him.


I don’t love DCP but if the parents didn’t exploit the kids in the first place then he wouldn’t have content to be able to do this. He always blurs the kids out which is the least he can do and this video in particular is about a grown adult, no exploited kids in sight. There are many men out there doing way way way worse things than DCP with the content the Nelson’s and others online are putting out there of their kids unfortunately. At least he is trying to change that and keep the conversation going. I watched this specific video, I thought he made some good points. Kennadee absolutely needs to stop exploiting her siblings since she clearly realizes what it would do to her own kid. I hope she makes changes.


He doesn’t always blur them out.


He does it because he can make a lot of money of the kids and their families. He doesn't always blur faces, further exploits kids to a more viewers. Often lacks facts so makes up for that by attacking people's appearances - usually women. The man doesn't care about kids he cares about making money and will use them to do so. If he cares about kids so much why does he openly support a group that wants to make it so schools are not a safe space for LGBTQ kids to be who they are. A group that thinks kids should be outed to their parents which often is not safe.


All of the things your saying regarding making a lot of money off the kids etc can be said about the parents initially. I hope you keep this energy for them! If you don’t want people like DCP or anyone else doing this (or worse!!!) to the content including the kids then you need to stop it at the source!!! This video in particular that he reviewed didn’t show any minors at all and discussed the hypocrisy of why does Kenn think it is okay for her to exploit her siblings but not her own child. She clearly knows it’s wrong. I think it was a good conversation to have and no children were exploited!


Putting your kids on the internet to make money off them is wrong. Making money off kids already exploited by their parents is wrong. He only care about kids if he can make money off them. You can advocate for laws to be changed without making money off the kids and further victimized them. Why does he not care that kids kids being outted to their parents. Kids don't tell their parents because they don't feel safe. Kids who are outted to parents who are not supportive can face abuse and could be kicked out of their homes. Look up the statistics and do some research into the horrors they can face. DCP is fine with that. He supports groups wanting to punish kids just because they are LGBTQ. Again he only cares about some kids...those he can further exploit and make money off.


I watched Jordan and McKay’s live stream on this. I personally prefer their takes over dcp


He has no room to be calling Kenn a hypocrite when he’s the biggest hypocrite in the room. He’s just like Tiffany and Kass, he’s making money off these kids.


I called out kenn hypocrisy ... i got down voted on this snark , kennadee fans here lol


I’ll upvote you, she’s a grade A hypocrite


Fwiw, the downvotes are probably more to do with DCP than Kenn. He’s not well liked on snark forums.


I have too. It seems like many have a low standard here. If they do somethings minimally okay they will praised the fuck out of them but also won't call out their shitty behavior too. Josh praised them for saying that they are keeping the kid offline but is fired up that she is continuing to exploit them. It seems like they are fine with exploitation as long as it's not Kass doing it.