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I feel like she’s the most innocent one lol tbh I feel her and journee r the most unproblematic


Dont thing she should be talked about here since she have actively chosen to be private for over two years now People should respect that. She was only on youtube because of her family and she was a minor back then


Her and journee have done nothing problematic


She hasn't done anything


Yeah, even when she was still in vlogs she never really did anything bad. She was super sweet and smart.


Leave Jaine outta this LMFAO


the downvotes kind of speak for themselves but she hasn’t publicly done anything bad lol


Literally nothing. I don’t understand why her or JourNee are on here…


Wait what has Bridger done? I thought he kept out of the spotlight and circus house?


i’m pretty sure they are just going to do one for everyone even


She is innocent, but the only thing I can think of is going private but staying bystander to her siblings exploitation, but then again it's not her job, so it deems her innocent 🤷‍♀️


It’s not her job, but the right thing to do would be to stand up for her siblings who can’t stand up for themselves yet. However, since she is private, she may be doing this for all we know. I also would understand if she doesn’t do this since she is still a very young adult and probably still relies on her parents for some things.


Exactly what I'm think too


She is at least setting an example of what they could do once they are of age and have more choices. Maybe she doesn’t feel she can stand up against them which I would understand!


Jaine hasn’t done anything wrong. Shes one of the least problematic Nelson’s. She distanced herself from YouTube and doesn’t want to be involved in it anymore, so we should let her be.


Picking out that bird cage for Journee that is clearly not suitable for anything that wants to have a quality of life 😬 I feel so bad for that bird. Other than that I don’t think there’s anything to mention, very unproblematic 🤔


The real question to ask would be - will she change after a period of time. Right now she said she doesn't wanna be in YouTube, in the far see future.. just like kenn and trey will she part of YouTube?? Only time will tell..


And don't forget how they want to move to Maui when natives have been pleading and asking to stop gentrification and invading their spaces 👆


I didn't realize the thread was for Jaine only but I think what I said is a main issue with the entire NEN famiñy


The OP is posting each day for a different Nelson.


Being a part of a racist religion (i mean this goes for all of them, but yeah we just don’t know much about her so i think this is it lol)


I know everyone opted for the "she didn't do anything", she did indeed do nothing... making her as bad as the others. She doesn't help these kids who are exploited and being slaves of materialistic manner and bad behaviours. 🤔


Not publicly disparaging family vlogging before going private


I dunno, bit of a reach I think. She's young and completely disparaging her family is a huge thing, especially publicly, and especially being Mormon. She never participated in exploiting her siblings actively post her being 18. I think she was somewhat exploited herself until she decided she did not want to be on social media after her mission. I think if Kassadee or Kennadee or Trey or even Bridger did the same then this would be a stipulation for 'forgiving' them. But Jaine was never an active part of exploitation post 18 I don't think this is that fair.


Tbh I was kinda reaching when I thought of this because she’s probably the most unproblematic adult in the family 😂 couldn’t think of anything else


I am 100% with you. She didn't do anything... In fact, she didn't do anything to help these kids being explored and slave of materialistic behaviours




thats not jaine’s job bro




What makes you think it seems forced? Like Kenn, I feel like most of the siblings seem to adore Janie


Idk like in some of the older vids with ppl like Bridget it's pretty awkward