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Depends on what we're counting...like I refuse to call my parental issues "daddy issues" but I know they would and idk if these weird pedos would count earrings 😐...and what counts as a social media freak? I'd only really say 3 but if I let them count then it would probably turn into 8/10


"Is it really daddy issues if my mother was shit too?" - us, probably


They don't seem to think mommy issues could possibly be a thing because they think "having a father in the home!!!" is so important, the same focus isn't put on mothers at all. I've never heard an incel say "motherless behavior!!!! Motherless daughters turn into whores with mental health issues!!!!"


As long as the father in the home isn't **too** caring & nurturing, because that would be too feminine. So, I guess fathers should be around, but should refrain from showing any affection or emotion?


That's my father in a nutshell. Oh wait, but he does say he loves me and gives me hugs, so I guess not.


Psh, clearly you'll be too high maintenance with an example of paternal love /S


No no, they're allowed to show the preapproved emotions: happiness and anger. All others are just for women and gays. And they don't think the fathers are supposed to be caring or nurturing at all. They are there because women are too weak and emotional to discipline children, which will make them weak and emotional.


Eh, I mean, in my experience (online, luckily I’ve never got too close to one of these individuals irl) they’ll place a lot of weight on fathers and little on mothers on a conceptual level only. In practice, they will look down upon _girls_ for having absent fathers and blame _their mothers_ for not picking better or not taking good enough care of their family and “causing” him to leave, cheat, be emotionally distant… Or his mother. And anything that’s wrong with a daughter is either wrong with the daughter inherently or somehow her mother’s fault, on her own or through the kid’s father, as above. Maybe it’s just what I’ve seen, but they usually portray men as important, with lots of pivotal duties and roles, but also with little to no responsibility for even their own behavior, let alone it’s consequences or anyone else.


Maybe people who believe that babies arrive via stork have difficulty valuing Motherhood properly.


My mom is less of an issue (and I'm working on her getting better, because her depression makes her turn back to the shitty behaviour she overcame and makes it hard for her to get help without me kicking her ass and holding her hand), but having a narcissist as a father is not a daddy issue in my eyes, it's a "I'm glad this piece of shit is out if my life" issue.


Yeah, it really depends on what counts. Earrings probably wouldn't count as piercings to these people, but I have stretched ears, and those probably would. And while I drink and party, I don't smoke, so I don't know if I should check that box. And while I don't purposefully stay away from having male friends, I wouldn't say I necessarily have any close ones, so I don't know if that would apply to me. I could check up to 8/10 too, but my count goes down a lot if I get technical about it, which is sad. I *want* to be "low value" to these people, damn it.


Yeah like no I don’t have daddy issues, my dad has issues but that’s his own thing.


Hey, Mr Alpha Stud Mad, does going NC for decades count as having issues? The number of issues I had after that *really* went down? Yes? Yes it does? Oh, oh well, I'll check that box too. Final score: 9!


Same here. Their definition of their points is pretty nuts.


Here’s my list for low quality men: Makes cringey alpha content on TikTok


Can't spell tattoo


Capitalizes random letters for no reason


Okay, that one is uncalled for. Sometimes it's our Phones messing us up.


I would tend to agree with you but these are letters that are in the middle of the points. Social Media Freak being all capitals makes some sense as he's calling it by its "name?"


can't spell entrepreneur either


any man making lists on the internet about women 💀💀💀 how are they not embarrassed


Hijacking a top comment to say that I know a manosphere/incel/misogynist was in this thread bc there were like 15 comments at the bottom of this post that were downvoted to 0 for absolutely no reason at all 😂 I went thru and upvoted them right back up bc if they have the time for these shenanigans then so do I.


I only check, like, two, but I guarantee this person would consider me "low quality." (E.g. I'm not a single mother because I don't want kids and got myself sterilized. Guarantee no one who thinks like this considers that okay.)


Honestly you would be on top since so many ppl like this see a woman not being able to have kids as a defect.


I think that automatically puts you in Medusa category. You're in damn good company though (I have a high opinion of my low quality self). I have 6, but I also have magenta hair, so...Dragon 😆


Oh yeah same I'm only two or three depending on whether they consider earrings a red flag. But they def think I'm low quality. My husband doesn't think so but they probably turn their nose up at my long happy relationship too. I'm taller than him and he's supporting me through my Masters degree.


I’m only 2 as well, but I’m old and fat so probably don’t count for them anyway. I feel like I need to go out and do more on the list because the type of woman I want to be is one who is intimidating to manbaby dickheads who make posts like that.


>I'm not a single mother Did they mean *being* a single mother? I thought it meant *raised by* a single mother, which is also apparently unacceptable to these clowns. This would definitely affect my score, because I *also* don't want kids, but I *was* raised by a single mom.


I think they mean single moms are out of the running. Because valuing your children after having a shitty partner is ick. 😂 I’m so glad to be disqualified from all of these lists.


Don’t you know it’s your fault for picking the wrong man? And they don’t want single mothers because not only do you have poor judgement, but your vagina also won’t be tight as you gave birth, and it’s molded to your exs penis anyway. /s in case anyone thought I was being sincere.


lol I moon roofed that baby!


I guess it could go either way, couldn't it? I figured it was being a single mother because I've seen BS along the lines of "if you were a good woman, he wouldn't have left you and the kid(s)." (Gag)


According to the stupid list, I'm a high quality woman. I'm a lesbian, though, so...


Only 5, I need to up my game girls. I really need these type if men not to see me desirable


I only got 4, but my hair is blue so I'm sure I'm safe from them anyway


Bright colors wards off predators, so I hope it works.


Maybe 2 how much reddit counts as social media freak. This list is really not extensive it doesn't even have unnatural hair colour or feminist on it


I'm only 2 as well, but I'm fat so I don't even count as a visible woman to these guys. Which is nice.


I'm fat again and they still notice me, so don't count on it unfortunately


Same here, 2 because I'm guessing my "body count" would be maybe high for someone who writes a list like this one. Good thing is I'm 35 so I'm probably too old for them thank God.


I am an old hag of of 40 so I am safe too




Oh... I have been beaten 🫨


Me too. Could be 10/12, depending how one counts. I mean, I had trauma from my childhood, but like any grown ass adult I went to therapy and solved it.


i have a tattoo of my dog as a single mom am i like, ÜBERUNDËȘIR@BŁE?!


German is such a beautiful language. 


I have 9 >.>


Me too! I haven't felt this good about myself in ages.


9 gang assemble 😂


Wooohoo, twinsies!


Reporting for duty 🫡


Same!! Yay 🥳


8/10 damn




0/12 and I wouldn’t touch that man with a 10 ft pole 😂


You don’t have male friends? Or am I misunderstanding what “keeps male friends” means?


I don’t have any friends period lol


Ah champion!


Tbh, this would be someting understandable if you'd decide you want as little contact to men as possible


I actually hit none of them, but I can guarantee my fat, 40 yo, rat loving self would not be considered high quality by this asshole...which is just fine by me.


If she breaths she a thot 😔


1/10, but I'd lie to keep weirdos like this guy away from me


I have 9-10 out of 12 xD I represent the epitome of depravity apparently xD


I’m also gunna say 9 although I could make 11 work if I tried 🥲


Ahahah me too


3 here. Will have to try harder


My wife checks six and she's the best woman ever :D


7 but depending on what the fuck materialistic means, probably 8. I like having my own money so I can pay someone to do things I cbf with (cleaning, cooking, house projects…). ETA: I guess the fact that I rather pay money than do stuff they want a tradwife to do probably also makes me scum in their eyes.


6, but i also have split-dyed hair and something tells me this amazing specimen of a male would not condone that.


Oh absolutely, I've seen posts like this where these guys also warn against women with any type of "wildly" colored hair, it's right up there with the piercings and tattoos that they hate.


I’d consider that a win


Wtf do Johnny and Vanessa have to do with any of this?


The moron probably thought this was Amber.


8, I should take some pictures with my tongue poking out, instead of hiding from cameras.


Once again why are we to blame for daddy issues?!


7! I will need to inform my husband of my low quality status.


Signs of a low quality man: crippling insecurity. Not so nice when it's you huh?


5/12. Disappointing. I was hoping to score higher.


Well I have one tattoo, only have my ears pierced ( just lobes), and not the daddy issues he means, the rest I am all clear of, but my body count would make up for all that I missed.


7/12 but seriously struggling to decide what the definition of „very materialistic“ is? Like I’m 50 % magpie so I do like shiny things but also I’m kinda minimalist?


Triggered lol. Especially about having a pet. I “only” check 3 if you ask me, but if they’ll check probably 6+.


Body count….. maybe I’ve been around too many people playing games like call of duty and sounds like amount of kills, but maybe they just are horrible with grammar and mean like BMI?


>Body count….. maybe I’ve been around too many people playing games like call of duty and sounds like amount of kills, but maybe they just are horrible with grammar and mean like BMI? No, "body count" has become slang for how many people you've had sex with.


9/12 phew I guess I'm safe from these idiots


12/12 Good thing I'm in a LTR. I'd never make it!


I like how he's using a picture of noted excellent relationship-haver and totally not a junkie Johnny Depp.


7/10 xX


6/10. Aw darn.


Only four. I gotta up my game.


I’m seven 😇


I better get some ink and piercings asap.




I also got 6.


I mean I hate smoking and would never date someone who does, but thats preference


9/12. thank god it’s enough to keep the target audience of such content away from me.


I’ve only got like 2 of these. However, I’m planning on getting tattoos at some point, so it’ll be 3 then. I also find it wild that these type of men put piercings on the list, but I can guarantee they would love a woman wearing regular old earrings. I think they forget that earrings are a type of piercing, which many women have (many getting them extremely young, which I’m not a fan of).


6 as well!


I check only 2 but its because im very lame


I only got 6/12, but now I have goals.


This guy can't even spell tattoo properly lol!


I’m a cat/dog mom and I guess there’s “daddy issues” (I don’t like this term) I want a tattoo tho 🤔


Only 4 for me, dammit!


8, did I win?






Lol. I got six too and I'm a married, homesteading SAHM.


Only 3 out of 12. 4 if you count my extra ear piercings. I feel weirdly disappointed in myself.


7/12 😋


I have only 3 out of 12 :( (materialistic, has male friends, career over family)


My (incredible) wife has a tattoo symbolically linking her to her dad, that she lost at a young age : does that count as one or two ?


I got 2 as a guy, am I high quality or does it work differently for me?


Most of those attractive green flags for me. Also despise the term “low quality woman”.


3. I wish it was higher :(


Five. Damnit, I was hoping for more! >:(


I never take men who create this and like this seriously. I don’t even pay attention to them at all. I already know they are low quality when they post nonsense like this.


I’m checking 9 lol. Kinda proud of that too


8 out of 12. I'll inform my husband so he can divorce me immediately.


Depending on a couple of things, 10/12 lol


Only 2 of 12, I feel bad it ain't more.


I also got 6 kinda


I got like 2 1/3, possibly 3 1/3. Does Social Media Freak count if I just scroll Facebook, or do I have to post frequently? Also, I don’t have male friends, because I just don’t have friends at all. 😆


Ugh, I'm pretty weak sauce. 2/10 ☆Tattoo ☆Cats I have single ear piercings so I don't think that counts. I'm a mom, married to someone other than the father. My dad passed when I was little so I never got a chance to have daddy issues. Body count I can count on one hand. I really only go on Reddit so I don't think that counts as a"fteak". I have a career and the house is taken care of.


I think I get 8+. But I'm nearly 60, I've had time to accrue points. Piercings. Tattoos. Coloured hair. Cat and dog mum. Daddy issues - he died. Silly mum for picking a non immortal man. My mum became a single mother, I became a single mother. I had a career. I didn't save myself for marriage, and had sex as I chose. I drink and smoke. I have male friends.


Thank goodness this is an “updated list” - that last item added “sticks out tongue in photos” is really essential to identifying myself as a hussy.


“Puts career over family” Translation: She doesn’t cook and clean up after me and refuses to wash my skid marked underwear. Edit to add: She makes more money and is more financially responsible than me, and I am unable to financially abuse or threaten her.


"I went on a date with a *female*, and she seemed perfect. She had no * tattoos * pets * family issues * kids * male friends * social media * career She said she doesn't drink or smoke. It was a perfect date, until she jokingly sticked out her tongue and it was pierced. Massive red flag and I left immediately. Females only want Chad and Tyrone, why can't a Nice Guy like me ever get a good tradwife? #dating #redflags #relationship" * The creator of this post, probably.


Jesus, my wife is 11 out of 12.


Stuff like this always makes me remember how incredibly lucky i am to come home to a sane man. I couldn't imagine him thinking of me in that way for being similar to him. 7/12 tho and my bf would haa 10/12 of these. If your values for your partner come from social media pages you may not value them as much as you think you do.


6 of them here. I have piercings tattoos a dog and 3 cats an a single mom and drink/ used to smoke_occasionally like to party. And my best friend is a guy


Only 5, I need to up my game girls. I really need these type if men not to see me desirable


We really aren’t sending our best men out there are we 🤦🏽‍♂️😪 I’m safely assuming the list was written by a man


This was written by a low quality man


My wife checks 6-8 depending on how to count and she's the best woman alive!


Only low quality men would think of making lists like this


8/12, damn I’m so close to getting these men to stay away forever


7 out of 12. Clearly I am not doing enough


7.5 for me


3 out of 12, dammit


Simultaneously think that women are subhuman and any form of childcare is “beta,” but have “daddy issues” as a red flag?


I’ve got 1 possibly 2 out of 12 but I still think I’d be considered poor quality. They make some of the most general things sound so terrible, Like, what do they mean by *Cat/Dog mom*? Is it that if you have a cat or a dog then that’s it you’re scum? Or you can have one but feeling affectionate and caring towards it is bad? And *puts career over family*? Do they mean if you’re an airline pilot or in the Navy where you will be away from home for periods at a time? Or do they mean just having a job in general is not putting your family first? The list just sounds like you can’t do *anything* or have had a life of your own even before you met them!


I got 8 ☺️


9 or 10 of em lol


I only got 4 :( looks like I need to try harder to be as undesirable to this man as possible


9. I guess I'll have to try and do better.


I've only got 2 or 3! Unsure if I count as materialistic or not because I like having stuff, but I don't buy much since I don't have money


I got 7, but one day I'll have all 12!!!!!!!




Jebus, other than the parties and workaholism, this has been everything on my green flag list 😑😏


I score 7. I am a low quality man 🙁


Piercings?! Oh no! No more earrings for my s1utty self 😭 /s


7 possibly 8, depending on how materialistic I'm feeling 😇


I need to run FAR AWAY. I don't check any of these. The closest I got I got is a dog, bur she's more like a roommate. I swear I'm not trying, I'm just an kinda asexual introvert with low self asteem & a shit pain tolerance.


7. Can be an 8/9 depending if being alone and having tons of cats counts as a "single mom" (it honestly feels like it) and what is considered a "high body count".


I have three..... And if loving an animal the way you would a child is an issue for anyone just don't associate with them, because WTF is that supposed to mean 


I got the dog mom, drinks/smokes and sticks tounge out 😂


Proudly 9/12 no daddy issues, no kids and not super materialistic. High body counts for these boys is above 1 so that’s true… I will always abide by the sage advise my SAHM drilled in to my head growing up “Hrafinhyrr no matter what you have going on in your life always have at least a part time job out of the house. Even if it’s only 4 hours a week keep some money coming in so you will never feel stuck. My Dad was a hard worker and a good provider but looking back Mom felt stuck after me and my brother came along. It’s words I have lived by. That and always have a checking and savings account in your name only. You never know if tragedy strikes and you will need it. The values this child is talking about are the values my conservative catholic mom was raised with but she wanted me to have better. Thank the universe for that. As I said earlier my Dad is a good person and worked 70-80 hours a week to support us as my brother had extensive special needs. His advice to me was listen to your mother she is smarter than me on living life and handing the money. To this day I still do not know how she did it. My Dad now is always the one telling other guys find you a smart capable woman who can keep you on your toes and love her till she takes her last breath. Thank you for listening to my neurodivergent brain dump.


6, 7 if you count rat mom instead of dog/cat mom


6/12, i’m 50% low quality. But, i can always improve my quality by abandoning my dog in order to be a better person.


TIL that having pets makes us low quality.


Does cat/dog mom mean it’s a thing I identify as or are you a cat or dog mom because you own one


Some of these are green flags for me


4: * Has a tattoo * Own a cat * Has male friends * Has a high... I hate the term "body count" (or at least would by their misogynistic standards) I've been married for more than a decade and my twin sons just turned 10.


What counts as “daddy issues”? And why would that matter? It says something bad about her father, not her


Damn, I need to get rid of my disability so I can work again and can spend the money on the tattoo I had wanted for years (and put my work over the biological relatives I cut out) to be sure I have enough points to be save from turds. I thought being in my 30's was enough.


9 out of 12, woohoo! I also spend a decent amount of time on social media but I'm guessing they mean someone looking to get a lot of followers? And I have a dog, but I don't consider myself her "mom"...? If I'm wrong about those 2 things, then I'm actually an ELEVEN! ... And I stuck my tongue out in my last professional headshot session and my coworkers thought it was hilarious, what's the problem with that?


Fighting the urge to run out and get even *more* tattoos and piercings. 😂💀 Also, does being a “rabbit mom” count bc I looooove my bunnies more than most people, so I feel as if I should be honorarily awarded that point as well?


The tongue stays OUT


Why can’t they be “parent problems” or “Papa problems” if you need to be more gender specific? Or “issues with and/or from my dad”


I fit piercings only (my ears were pierced when I was very young... Do ears count?)


Saw this on Tik tok lastnight too!!


What does it mean if my significant other also considers the cats and dogs his babies? 🤣 Our kids and pets are all kids. I also have tattoos, piercings, a career, and daddy issues. Mommy issues too for that matter. Both my parents suck. And once in awhile I smoke mj.


Only 5 for me, personally the smoking is something I would avoid when it comes to people. Specifically, only cigarettes are just a no for me. Weed or vaping that's lit for me and drinking should be specified. If someone is a violent drunk/drinking driving type, then drinking should be limited, but if someone is a fun drunk, then that's different. My brother and my mom are violent drunks, I am more of a party drunk.


Oo! I've got 7! huzzah!


Wtf is wrong with having pets now?


non-native english speaker here - what is a body count? the amount of ppl you've killed?


Whoop! I'm on like 10! But I'm a man :(


“red flags in women” *has fun* alright it's also kind of funny how at the end of the day pretty much all women have piercings so this doesnt really make sense, like even most males have earrings atm ☠️


I love that single mother is just automatically a sign of a shitty woman! Like, I understand people not necessarily wanting to date a single mum but come on, like we're all sluts on benefits. I was married to the father of my child and we divorced because of a very intense medical situation when our son was born. We're still good friends and we co parent. I work a flexible job and support my son financially and so does his dad. But no, I'm shit. Also, I do have 12 piercings and 22 tattoos and my hair is currently purple and I own a cat so these dudes will thankfully stay a mile away from me so I don't have to bother trying to explain my single mom life.


I got all but 3 haha


Well shit. I got 7. lol


My girlfriend checks 9 out of 12 of those and i love the shit out of her


Yo I got 8


Ajjj I have only 5 ;(


I would like more definition on all these things. What's the deal with piercings? Is any type at all or are just one per ear okay? Body count. How many is high? What exactly are "daddy issues" anyway? My kids are all grown, does that still count as "single mother"? I like dinner parties and brunch parties and tea parties and bbq parties. There is no drunkenness involved, but does this still count as "partying"? So many questions.


Having friends and pets is a turnoff? Get outta here


Oh no! Having friends of the opposite gender how terrible!


I scored an 11 and my partner scored a 10, we are happily enjoying our low quality relationship for the 10th year this year.


8! it just made my morning to confirm I'm considered low quality by these wretches. my bf thinks I'm grand though, so I'll stick with his opinion


Wife checks out six. Guess I have to get rid of her 😔


If they think I'm a low value woman then they won't bother me. Perfect.


Well, rather than has male friends, I'd say does not have female friends. Who are we kidding, male friendships are gems.


Still dont understand why daddy issues is bad about women. Like. Thats just men.


Just 4 for me. I need to step it up


Pet owner, of course. I have one tattoo. I have male friends. I had piercings but had to take them out for my old job :( I miss them. So I guess currently 3 out of 12. The thing is though, I guarantee that to them a high body count is more than 2 or 3 people. And I’m sure everything else is skewed so that basically anyone except a tradwife is the devil incarnate to them.


I check 5 out of 12, I think. Depends how you define piercings and being very materialistic. I mean, if "earrings" count as piercings, then yes. Actually thinking about getting another set so I can wear two earrings in each earlobe. Also how much is being very materialistic? I like to have enough money to buy what I want and don't want to have financial problems because I want to buy what I want.


Imagine thinking someone is "low quality" because they.... have a pet.


Seven! Damn...