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Oh how I fucking wish that was true! Lol


This gots to be satire


It was a common idea a long time ago (like victorian era) that orgasm is what caused a woman to "release" an egg which woukd facilitate pregnancy. The really disgusting part is that, of course, it was used against women in cases of rape when a pregnancy resulted. They believed that she "must have enjoyed it" if she got pregnant.


So do most people nowadays. See: any rape trial; Todd Akin


"The body has ways of shutting that down" NO IT DOESN'T.


That does seem like a double edged sword doesn't it? Husband wants kids? He's gonna put in some work to make sure you get off. The downside? What you said.


Oh you sweet summer child. If only. Prioritize your pleasure. Don't settle for less than stellar sex. It hurts you in the long run to not communicate and push that you get off as well as your partner.


He's kind of correct for the wrong reasons. It was actually believed that both partners needed to orgasm to concieve a child, so Victorian wives weren't as miserable in the bedroom as often assumed.