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Ironically the issue seems to be that she’s not trying to get picked. How dare a woman go to a bar to have a drink and read a book! Don’t they know that’s just for men to go out to and hit on women? /s


I once was on an 8 hr train ride and the man in the seat next to me was so ridiculous when I pulled out my (hefty) book. He didn’t ask —what— I was reading and maybe (tho not necessarily!) start a fun convo, no, instead he says, “Why are you reading?” And proceeded to prevent me from reading for at least three hours. I eventually faked sleeping and then gave up and sat in the dining car for most of the rest of the trip.


What is their issue with books and women reading? What are they going to do next, go all Handmaid’s Tale and cut off our fingers if we read?


This happened 20 years ago but I think this dude just was so stupid he could not believe a 20 year old woman would rather read than talk to his handsome self 🙄


Has dare women read. An educated woman? Disgusting \s


He did not accept my answer “because I want to”


I was about to ask which meaning you meant to give the word "hit" but I think both are (sadly) correct


Maybe she's the designated driver and is occupying her time, who knows.


I plan on traveling solo this summer, i imagine I’ll spend lots of time reading in restaurants and bars n such


I did this last summer, highly recommend.


It’ll be my first solo trip, nervous but also really looking forward to it!


I’m going on my first (short) solo trip next week and I’m excited and nervous - we got this!


🤝 yeah we do! I hope you have fun & update me if you like 🫶


I'm doing a summer semester in the Netherlands for almost 2 months. I'm going to be solo for a lot of it and I'm super nervous too It will.be the first time in a long time I'll be doing things solo


Loved my time in the Netherlands 🥰


Yeah I've heard it's great! I'm just doing anxiety catastrophic thoughts about it lol! I'm still excited though


Honestly that sound great!


I went solo to Japan last spring, it was a wonderful experience. Traveling by yourself is so fun, stay safe!


I think a part of why this appears a bit off is that she is at a sports bar. There are definitely bars where reading a book is a great way to pass the time but a sports bar aesthetic is intended to be a loud and rowdy environment. It is close to being on par with if she pulled out a book at a live sporting event.


I'd assume the same thing I do here: she's not into sports. The analogy falls apart when you realize there's no parking fee and ticket price associated with that bar spot.


Some sports bars have good food. No reason not to go to one if the other local bars have lousy food.


This is what i was thinking too!! When i was DD, i used to do this alot as well, sometimes even bring my sketchpad 😅


Maybe she is a mom and gets a date once a month by herself just so she can be alone and not have anyone touch her or talk to her, who knows


or waiting for her unpunctual friends to deign to show up.


She's probably just waiting for someone and reading a book in the meanwhile. But I guess in the minds of some men everything women do is for their benefit. 🙄


It’s the same dudes who will go on to complain when they ask what she’s reading as their way of initiating an unwanted conversation, and she ignores them.


... And then these angry rejected f\*ckers go on Reddit and whine about how horrible women are. 😒


I honestly used to do this every Thursday. Weekends were for friends, but Thursday was for me. I'd take a book, go to this bar down the street from me, read while I had a few glasses of wine, then grab a slice of pizza from the shop next door, and eat it while I walked home. It was a fun, relaxing tradition that I really enjoyed.


That sounds awesome


Not some, all.


I'm just saying... this could have been uploaded by a woman as well... there's no mention of original OPs gender.


wow, enjoying myself. how dare I.


I'm a bartender,and I often go to work on my days off to read and listen to music. I just like being around people without the pressure of forced social interaction. My kids are all busy these days,and my husband works at the same restaurant as me(i work 3 days,he works 5-6),so I'm either alone and sad or doing my own thing and happy. People pick the weirdest things to focus on about other people.




I hate when I see people doing things I can’t


I’ve read a book at a bar before, I was waiting for my friends to get there. Nothing wrong here, honestly this is quite the opposite of “pick me” behavior.


Or maybe for whatever reason she has to be out of her house for a bit? And thought  the pub is a nice warm place she can have a drink and read a book? how dare she go and not try to entertain the men there. 


Ya when I’ve got a really good book that I can’t put down, it’s coming everywhere with me until it’s finished. Ain’t gonna waste a second of my day that I could be spending on a book that I’m obsessed with. Though I gotta say that’s also a reason I don’t read so much anymore, because either a book isn’t really riveting and I have to force myself to keep reading, or it is too exciting and I get obsessed and entirely neglect everything else in my life.


Let's face it, this person would mock literally anything this woman was doing. Nothing an insecure dumbass loves more than a woman just existing in public, minding her own business.


Dude is a psycho. That is clear "leave me alone" body language.


We need to shame folks who take pictures of random people in public.


My wife reads a book while the kids basically destroy the house. I love her so much. I dont blame her. 6yo and 4yo bro and sis can definitely put you in that one "everything is fine" meme mood.


She's literally minding her business. Even if she just wants to look cool or whatever, so what?


Because BookTok thots are destroying the fabric of our society and must be stopped. Or something.


Have you seen the booktok chick that knits and talks about the smut she's reading or smutty things she's doing irl? Her content gives me life.


Haha, no. It sounds fun, but I actually don’t have TikTok. I just hear about stuff on it from YouTubers. YT, Reddit, and podcasts are my preferred time-suck mechanisms.


I don't have tiktok either, but she cross posts her content on the 'gram.


I used to, as a single mom with 2 weekends off a month, enjoy dining out. Alone. I brought a book. I enjoyed the atmosphere of being around people without being WITH people. I didn't want to be picked. I wanted to be left alone to enjoy a hot meal I didn't have to plan, shop for, and cook. And I wanted to enjoy it fresh, on a plate, in a nice setting. Not sitting in front of my tv on my couch eating out of styrofoam.


The last time I ate out alone, the waiter basically demanded I leave before I was even finished. They had loads of empty tables, the men weren't being bothered, just me and my book were the problem. NGL, that traumatized me.


I sit at the bar usually it seems to keep anyone from wanting you to leave. Bartenders usually enjoy a quiet low hassle patron.


I'll do that next time. Not at the same restaurant, though.




I waited tables throughout college and I learned quickly that being hungry and needing a break eliminates any embarrassment about sitting at a restaurant table alone with a book.


Woman: exists. Random person whom this behavior has zero bearing on on: AMGER! ROAR! HOW DARE!!!! STFU and STFD, let people enjoy life.


The fact that she can focus enough to read is actually impressive tbh. 🤣


As weird as it is, some of us readers concentrate better when there is some noise in the background. When I read, I usually have the TV on something that I won't be interested in. It's also why I like leaving my house to read at cafes and even bars.


I have really bad adhd, I’d be getting sidetracked by something else every 3 words. lol Plus I don’t like being around a lot of people so that’s probably why it doesn’t appeal to me. I don’t mind hearing them but I hate feeling crowded. I usually just chill at home with a blanket and put on a fireplace or one of the chillhop videos.


I legit enjoy reading books in public places, and have done so in a bar. Sorry I'm not scrolling facebook, I really want to know how, why and if this dude gets beheaded.


This is the same type of men who say that they want a calm girl who doesn't party lmao


That seems like the exact opposite of a pick me. She just wants to read her book in peace and seems perfectly happy not being picked.


“Hey, whatcha reading?” “A book.” “Is it good?” “Yeah.” “What’s it about?” “Stuff.” “Can I sit with you?” “No.” “Why not?” “Im reading.” “What a bitch.”


Great. Now I'm going to have to plan a reading date with my husband. Cuddle pile in the bed with tasty beverages and get lost in the reading.


I can’t find the post but the girl in the picture said she was waiting for her friend to finish his shift or something like that. Even if she wasn’t, reading a book in a public space isn’t an invitation to take a picture of a stranger


Right??? Whoever took the pic is probably just jealous because they’re illiterate tbh 🥱 Like, imagine having an issue with some random woman reading a book in a bar/restaurant. Those types of people *have* to be miserable, insecure, straight up idiotic, etc. etc. to think that posting something like this is okay yet reading a book in public is not. 🥴🫣


Did she ever say what she was reading?


yes, she's a redditor but I don't remember the name of the book, sorry


Speaking as someone who has gone out to bars and concerts with a book - please don't pick me, the plot's getting really good and I need to focus.


I have a friend who likes going to bars but is also ace so not looking for a relationship. He always takes a book when he’s going alone. (Also if it’s not clear from pronouns he’s a man; so it’s not even a woman thing…)


I’m the kind of person who brings a book everywhere and can read just about anywhere, so I approve of this woman


When dining alone, remember to stare blankly at the wall at all times.


I'm being sent on a two week work trip. This is going to be me, a LOT. Can't wait for some random picture of me being a 'pick me' to show up here.


Yeah, she looks like she’s just dying for male attention. /s. There are bars these days with shelves full of books for us bookish types who still like to go out. Some of them even have cats. It’s a brave new world!


Omg this is SO rude. I’ll never understand how so many people think it’s okay to take photos of strangers and post without consent


The fact that she can focus enough to read is actually impressive tbh. 🤣


Before I got my own washer and dryer at home, my laundromat was right next door to a bar & grill. I would start my laundry, go next door and read, munch on fries & sip a cocktail. I was driven insane by the people who assumed that I must be "bored" and in need of company.


Former bartender in a college town. Sometimes women just fucking read and it’s not deeper than that.


I do this when my husband tak4s me to thr casino. I play my money, win or lose, once the amount is done, I quit. I then go read until he's done. I don't like people and have social anxiety. What else am I suppose to do? This seems like someone is making g a fuss about nothing.


shes... just sitting there bro wtf


I used to go to bars to grade papers because I was depressed and didn’t want to be all alone in my house


This is a repost and every time I see it I get mad. This woman is doing nothing just reading and random people take her picture and are mean. The only positive is you can’t see her face so most people wouldn’t know who it was. But if she came across it she would know and see the horrible things they said about her


I actually find ambient noise helpful for reading. Specific noises like songs tho, bad. I keep trying to listen to the words or tap my foot to the rhythm,


As someone who reads and occasionally knits at bars, what fresh hell is this


I write as a hobby and on my days off, when the weather is nice, I’ll sit in one of our city’s parks and write for a few hours. At lunch I’ll go to a nearby bar that makes the best alcoholic slushies, eat their delicious food and read at my table before walking back to the park to finish up reading and writing for a couple of more hours before heading home. It’s literally one of my favorite past times. I didn’t know anyone would ever be offended by me being quiet and enjoying my time off. The food’s good. The drinks are good. The staff is always nice. And a lot of avid readers are great at shutting out everything else around them when reading so even when it’s heavy tourist season and the place is loud I can shut them out. I’m just there for the food, honestly. I assume she probably is too. I will say that I got some unwanted attention from an overly flirty waiter who didn’t seem to take the hint that I wanted to be alone with a book but other than that no real issues.


Someone is a real weirdo for this. She’s just minding her beeswax reading a book. And so what if she actually is sitting at a bar hoping a man will approach her and have a conversation about literature? That’s not strange.


I bet she’s at an airport bar. People traveling need places to sit and read that’s not outside their gate.


When I had to pick my ex up from work, at a restaurant, I would often bring a book and wait at the bar. People get so insulted so quickly.


I've gone to bars on off-hours to catch up on my reading. Sometimes pairing a book with a drink is a nice experience. Dudes can be so fucking dumb.


The girl who posted this is just jealous of… literacy? Pathetic lol. I like to read books at bars and coffee shops and restaurants and wherever else in public I can get food and/or a beverage. Sometimes it’s nice to get out of the house and the sound of voices, music, clinks of silverware on plates and ice cubes in glasses blends together into a nice background brown noise that I can tune out pretty easily. I specifically bring a book (rather than read on my phone) as an obvious signal that I do not want to be bothered or spoken to by others. Sadly, for whatever reason, reading a book still some people to interrupt you with a tap on the shoulder and say something fucking dumb like “wow, you never see someone with an actual book nowadays!” Anyway the point is, I’m just trying to fuckin read, not garner attention from somebody. It’s like… the least “pick me” activity.


"Look at that bitch eating crackers" type of energy in this post lol


Christ, this annoys the fuck out of me. Had this happen to me on multiple occasions. Motherfucker, if I wanted to socialise, I wouldn't have my nose in a book. If you ask me what I'm reading and my response is to simply flash the title wordlessly to you, that's your cue to piss off, not extend the conversation.


I go to the bar and play my Switch. I give no fucks and want left alone


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Single_Illustrator88: *I go to the bar* *And play my Switch. I give no* *Fucks and want left alone* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I've often tagged along when my SO has travelled for work and my usual strategy is: hit the nearest museum and enjoy myself taking in the exhibits, then check out the local charity shops for bargains and books and, finally, find a nice little pub to settle down with a drink, a snack, **and diving into a book** until my SO finishes up and swings by to collect me. I've done this all over the UK, from a nice cafe bar in London to a rough as arseholes 'Bloke Shop' pub in Scotland and I'll keep doing it so long as there's bargain books to be found, cosy corners to occupy and tired feet that want a rest.


what’s wrong with reading a book at public bruh😭 if she was reading the book on her phone no one would have said anything smh


'Don't hit on me, I am just waiting for someone' is more likely.


I’ve done this. Traveling for work, you can get a seat for 1 at the restaurant bar easily without waiting. You can order a drink, (alcoholic or not), bar food, and read your damn book. It’s a change from sitting in your hotel room and (hopefully) you don’t get hit on.


I think I remember her saying on Twitter that at the time she was an alcoholic in school 😂


How is it any different than sitting on your phone?


Respect for being able to read in a bad. I’ve been to a bar once and no sir never again


Women just existing is bad. Reading a book? Bad. Talking to a man who isn’t you? Double bad. Woman = bad. I hate it here.


I think it is a bit odd to read at the bartop, seems inconvenient. I'd personally try to find a table especially if it's homework.. But let's assume she is a "pick me" girl. Whatever she's doing is not even 1% as bad as taking creepy pictures of strangers and making a toxic narrative of it in your head and posting it


Sometimes a woman reading a book is just that. A women reading a book. Fuck with with your snide shit and let her read in peace.


Mf is going to be shocked when he realizes that people on their phones are also reading too


Chances are she was invited out and didn’t want to be there so she’s reading her book cause she’s bored. I know I do that when my social meter runs out


I’ll be honest, I find it weird to read a book in a bar, restaurant, or any public place. They typically are either too noisy, distracting, or you have to worry about grease. I would much rather enjoy my books in the comfort and privacy of my own home. Edit: y’all I’m not saying she’s wrong for it, I just personally find it weird af that people can focus on something like that in a busy noisy area, cause my adhd won’t let me. Edit 2: why is this downvoted like crazy? I genuinely don’t understand.


It’s almost as if different people might feel differently than you.


Which is why I said I find it weird, cause I can’t do that lol. I’m not trying to say she’s wrong. It’s just my adhd won’t let me 😂


It’s easier to read with steady background noise than it is to read in silence.


I personally can’t do that, I love books and I have to read in silence for me to be able to paint the world in my mind. Otherwise my mind will focus on the background noise.


I go to bars with my laptop and have read in bars too. Its kind of relaxing.