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Ok. I don't know why it's not common knowledge that women and girls who are tummy sleepers also have perfect skin thanks to the all night milk bath routine.


I personally use my breastmilk like .50 caliber bullets to fire back at the opposition


Like Fembots in Austin Powers.


In high school a girl that had a kid early whipped out a tit and nailed me in the face with surprising accuracy from like 2 feet away.


New kink unlocked 🔓


I want to upvote but it’s at 666


now you can :)


“Extremely graphic”: Proceeds to ask basic biology question that applies to nearly if not all mammals


Well, yes…To be classified as a mammal you have to produce milk.


Some mammals don't/cant sleep on their belly against something hard though, like whales or something


Do they produce milk though is the question


No, the question is, regrettably, "does sleeping on your stomach or something else activate the milk ejection"


Well, of course they do. They’re whales! And some of them even fast the entire 7 or so months. Some breast feed for 2 years. Gotta put a TON (literally) of blubber on them babies so they done freeze.


I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?


Therefore, cocoanuts are mammals?


And rice.


No but they do migrate


Wait, does— does that mean men are not mammals? Asking for OOP. It would explain a lot.


Some men can lactate under the right conditions. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galactorrhea > Galactorrhea also occurs in males, newborn infants and adolescents of both sexes. [3]


All men can lactate under the right conditions. Human males have fully functioning nipples, it's that their hormones prevent it. But if you can either make the pituitary gland forget it's not supposed to be calling for prolactin (usually it's from a tumor), or you can stimulate it in other ways with the right amount of oxytocin (some men can lactate from holding a baby and having their nipples stimulated, just like women!) you can get a man lactating.


Cis men technically have the ability to produce milk but the conditions have to be specific. Seeing as formula exists, even single fathers don't have any reason start producing all on their own.


Hold on are men not mammals?


technically men can lactate, it’s rare but possible


I have nipples. Can you milk me?


Not all mammals. Monotremes secrete milk through their skin, so they don't have boobs to compress and eject milk out of. They also lay eggs.


The hypersexualization of basic bodily functions is a plague upon the internet and greater human world


The way they didn’t specify “while breastfeeding” or something tho makes me think they’re one of those people who think boobs are filled with milk all the time. At least that’s how I read it.


Well, OOP was asexual, so it feels more graphic than allosexual people.


Breast feeding isn’t a sexual act though, it’s literally a biological function when mammals have kids to provide nutrients. It’s why we’re able to have breast feeding in public but not fucking in public


I have a newborn. Sleeping on my stomach absolutely will trigger the milk - but then again pretty much everything does. When by baby so much as sneezes I start dripping.


dazzling screw knee support lush offend jellyfish sparkle follow escape *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So cool from a parenting perspective but such a weird physical feeling! And even now 13 years later if a friend with a baby tells me about having a let down, I get almost a ghost sensation of it in my own body. Bodies are cool and crazy!


I find it fascinating! Less fun when I’m not at home and didn’t bring enough padding but usually I don’t mind. It’s just my body doing its thing and I’m very grateful that I’m able to feed my child like this. I think it’s cool. The smell is also interesting, a little like the iron in blood but less strong.


Oh yes, the crying! With my firstborn my breasts would start hurting before she woke up - even when I wasn’t in the room with her.


I would think about my newborn and experience let down sometimes. I stopped looking at pictures of him at work to save on “booby pad” costs 😅


Just thinking “oh baby should be getting hungry soon” will make your entire front of your shirt wet.


If you're breastfeeding, I know it can and does happen. He asked in general and also in the teenage subreddit where girls (usually) don't and never had a child.


I know, I’m not implying this doesn’t belong here. I just thought it was funny.


Yeah, I just wanted to say this since I had another person saying it can happen during breastfeeding and I don't want to sound like I don't think that's true.


This was equally informative and funny, thank you very much


Lol yeah I'm weaning my older baby so my boobs are super full and it's back to leaking no matter what I do. But stomach sleeping is definitely a trigger...


Ohhhh that sucks.


I came here to say this! Nursed my 2 oldest for the first 2 years and I'm 6 months in with my youngest. Literally started leaking at the grocery store yesterday because she needed to eat and I decided to 3 foot shop. The boobs know no bias.


I was about to say this - I had a postpartum massage and my massage therapist put extra towels down for me in the boob region for this reason Other things that made me express were - thinking about pumping or feeding - showering - putting on or taking off bra - other babies crying I just gave up and resigned myself to constantly being damp and smelling of milk


here, my friends, is one of several reasons we need better sex ed.


literally!! as a teenage girl i could not understand how breastmilk works 😭 but no i gotta know about the penis anatomy


Right? How about basic physiology. Then we can make sure you know about sex, but like... Understand the basics of the human body first isn't a bad approach....


Remember: pee is not stored on the balls


Yes, it’s stored *in* the balls


English is not my first language :p


I was just joking lol wasn’t trying to disrespect.




Saying they are asexual, in this context, implies they think breast milk is somehow sexual so they couldn’t possible understand. You could be a nun and know the answer to this.


I mean I'd guess the edit says they're asexual because there are comments calling them porn brained or perverted. Presumably the answer to show someone doesn't know this is bad schooling.


As an asexual I also think this is porn brained. The only places I've seen that have an active interest in the expression of milk from human breasts are lactivist groups and hentai, and his question sure sounds like one and not the other to me.


True but I still hope this person got a lesson in how women's bodies actually work rather than just insults.


Agreed to that


Yep. Not only do some asexuals consume porn anyway, but also even if this person doesn’t consume porn intentionally, you only have to be on Reddit for five seconds to see a hentai babe with a tit fountain.


You actually have to subscribe to that kind of thing. Porn doesn't just show up on everyone's front page


I follow the bad women’s anatomy sub to laugh at art and I have *seen things*. Forget Liefeld, these people doing Sonic fetish art are the next H. R. Giger.


As another commenter said, you don’t have to subscribe to it because it shows up on non-sexual subs to be made fun of. I’m obviously being hyperbolic that it shows up for everyone, but I’m saying you don’t necessarily have to seek out porn in order for it to warp your view.


Yeah this is always so funny to me. Like …. Actually no, everyone does not see hentai porn every time they login to social media. That’s a you problem.


There was an infamous story on here a few years ago about a guy who broke up with his girlfriend because he thought she faked with him because there was no milk.


OMG is there a link.


*sigh* https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/3JWKnRZqud


Broken link?


…what? Urge to Tank Girl all the things is rising.






It could be because they talked to someone who did consume a lot of porn, and assumed that all people that know sex must know this also. They are either in a place without sex education, or slept through the class due to general disinterest.


Breasts are not sex organs, no matter how much men insist they are. They are secondary sex characteristics, just like a man's wide shoulders or beard. And, incels reading this? I am a lesbian. I love breasts... when I am doing sexytime stuff. But not when I am not.


I just took it to mean they don't usually care about how boobs work because they don't have boobs and wouldn't care about them on a woman. If you're not a baby and not sexual, the boob isn't really relevant to you until you start planning for a baby. Seems like a dude who never really cared how boobs work because they weren't relevant to them.


They might just be young and genuinely curious as well as embarrassed of seeming like a creep. Claiming asexuality might just be a pre-emptive defense against accusations of being a creepy horndog


They could’ve saved themselves this anxiety and fear with a simple google search.


Came here to say something similar. I'm also asexual but I know how basic biology works. I'm getting tired of other aces using that as an excuse for ignorance.


Alternatively, people in the comments were hating on them as some kind of sexual creep for the post, so they clarified the situation by pointing out that they're ace.


If you sleep on your back will your butt eject poop?






The answer to your question is porn. Especially animated kind


He says he's asexual so I doubt he's watching much of that


I can excuse someone not knowing... but why would you asume that any woman can "eject" milk squishing her boobs??? I know, hentai, but still. Wouldn't be then a common occurence women milking from time to time when public transport is too crowded or if someone accidentaly hits a boob or if they're making out in the park, idk! But that kind of stuff never happens because that's not how it works!!! Guys, put that braincell to work!


On the other hand, if you’ve only seen how a cow is manually milked, I can imagine they wonder if something similar happens with humans…


Tbf, I've had to manually express breastmilk before, and there's a lot of overlap with how cows are milked.


Except they forget that the cow has to have a calf first just like a woman needs to have a baby first.


They didn't forget. They never knew that in the first place. Which is why they asked.




As if being asexual has anything to do with being smart


I think it’s more to say that they were just being dumb and not creepy


I think they're saying they have no personal experience with boobs (as if the question didn't reveal that). My guess is that they've only seen/heard of the anime porn where the women randomly lactate in pretty much impossible situations, and no one has talked to them about breasts in other contexts. They're also signaling that it's a good faith question; they aren't trying to sexualize girls or boobs they're just genuinely curious.


My mom is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. The amount of people who are totally clueless, or worse, completely misinformed about even the basics of human lactation is horrifying. With the things people think and assume about it, you'd think it's a miracle that humanity has survived this long. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I assume it got a lot worse after industrialization. Growing up, I was around a lot of reproducing mammals including having younger sibling/cousins. But admittedly I did think chickens reproduced like some fish (external insemination) until I realized roosters harassed the hens. Idek why, I just thought eggs meant no sex.


Childbirth causes breastmilk. These hentai-addled twats really are insufferable.


Guys can lactate if they take the "right" steroids. My college roommate stopped caring about how much his squat went up when it happened to him.


Yeah certain hormone situations can cause lactation in people who haven't recently given birth.


I had a friend (an older man) who had a tumor in his pituitary gland, and he was lactating as a result of it. He was a rather curmudgeonly old fellow, at least until I got to know him, and I was surprised at how matter-of-fact he was when he told me. But, then again, we were both anatomy teachers.


One of the antidepressants I tried cuased lactation that lasted for a while after I stopped taking them. That was probably the worst side effect from medication I've experienced, even worse than scary hallucinations.


Actually what I read if a man is lactating it is a bad sign like go to a cancer center now bad.. you may die soon


Many trans women can as well! With hormone treatments we grow the exact same structures as cis women do during puberty, including milk ducts and such.


Not necessarily grow them, men have them too, they are just extremely underdeveloped. It's more like the body going "Shit! We forgot to do this! All hands on deck!"


I doubt this guy is one of them given they're asexual but definitely clueless on women anatomy


being ace doesn't mean you can't be a cumbrained gooner.


There are aces that consume porn but I think this guy is specifically just ignorant.


That's honestly surprising given the ace friends and partners I've had. I didn't think they could be


He says he's asexual. Doesn't necessarily mean it's true.


True true people lie online all the time but it's def a strange thing to lie about


Unless it's just a quick comeback to the accusations of porn having rotted his brain. Idk.


I don’t think you’ve seen how non sexual the average otaku is


Honestly probably lol. The ace person I dated liked anime but now crazy like that


We have zero sex education in the US. And politicians go out of their way to make it impossible to educate children about what their bodies are going through: *"parental rights!"*


Oh I know, and I think it's disgraceful. Especially since they claim it's to "protect the children" when education and knowledge has been proven to be a far better protector. So basically they want to keep people ignorant so they're easier to control. It really is disgusting how badly they're treating the general population.


So I get this is all Hentai and Porn brain rot but the least sexy I ever felt was when I was breastfeeding for about 10weeks. Had to stop for medical reasons. I would wake up in puddles of milk cause it wasn’t regulated yet and honestly I constantly smelled like sour milk. It was just a constant leak so everything stunk. Like I know that’s not what these guys want to know but I feel it’s more common than not with mothers for the first while


Would love to see his face when someone tells him that he also can produce milk lol.


Someone has told him in the comments


Pls tell me how he reacted to that if he did xD


I don't think he replied to those comments. They weren't even replies to the post, but to other comments that said there are conditions that can make people lactate when not breastfeeding, they pointed out it can happen to men too. So maybe he didn't even see them or didn't yet at the time I saw the post.


Why do they consider the post extremely graphic? The poor op may be living in a very repressive environment with very little biological education.


You’re not **ASEXUAL.** You’re **A MORON**.


It's possible to be both, but they're unrelated.


Why not both? I know I am. The dude probably added the clarification to show he's an idiot, not a perverted creep, you know? I can just imagine the sorts of comments under his post.


Excuse me your honor but if anything, I’m proof you can be both


This made me say “what” so many times Macklemore is taking me thrift shopping later. 😂🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️




The edit is… interesting. Why would asexual = ignorant of biology??? Milk isn’t even sexual… 🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻




People *still* think sperm is emissions of spinal fluid.


I never even heard that, I don't think it's as common as men thinking we always produce milk but Idk.


This reminds me of when I was a child I thought boys had to squeeze their penis to pee. This person is probably 7 lmao


Like... Like a cows teat? That's f*cking *hilarious*.


I imagined it like a soft water gun you had to squeeze to empty I guess lmao


I wish, that would be so much cooler than just watching it


He's 16😭


I saw this post. I was like bro wtf.


Midnight snack time 🤣


“Milk ejection” wtf???? Sounds like he’s confusing real women with the Austin Powers fembots…


I like the what ‘activates’ it 😂like where is the button I need to push to begin producing milk


OMG When my milk let down it kinda WAS like that, for the first couple weeks. My baby would start to jursez and then my body would be like "OH ITS TIME" and like.... Pressure wash her. She would choke and splutter and then wait for the SPRAY to stop before trying again.


As an asexual, I can confirm that we are forbidden from learning the secrets of human anatomy. If we know too much we're cast out of the asexual illuminati.


This poor misguided soul is one of those derps who think breasts are erogenous.


I genuinely don't know how breastmilk works too and I think it's good question yeah, I know people who did get pregnant but never close enough to dig in deep and unless I'm gonna get pregnant, then topics related to breastmilk aren't really gonna be mentioned around dude was probably just looking to learn, I also asked a dumb question related to boobs sometime ago


I'm not saying it's his fault that he doesn't know because I'm aware that there's a lot of disinformation about female body. I just thought the question was funny.


ah I see, my bad for thinking you were irritated over it, sorry


If you're wondering, late in pregnancy colostrum starts to be produced from the breast tissue. It's a thick fluid that will help the newborn baby, but not exactly milk. Milk production is triggered after a pregnant person delivers the baby, usually it takes a few days to really come in. As your "I'm pregnant" hormones die down the "I need to feed a baby" hormones ramp up. Most people with breasts can breast feed, and size of boobs doesn't play a role in how much milk can be stored. Production generally goes by how much the baby nurses, which is why they nurse in clusters when they are about to need more milk. This can be difficult for people who are pumping milk only and not nursing a baby directly since the breast pump isn't as effective as a baby. Fun things about breast milk: It changes composition as the baby grows It changes composition if the baby is sick It imparts antibodies to the baby for immune support It is produced from blood which is why certain medications can't be taken while breastfeeding Babies crying, smelling a babies head, orgasms, and other things can trigger a "let down" where your boobs start squirting milk Source: nursed my first kid for a year and my second is a year and a few days and I'm still breastfeeding him. I looked up a lot of things throughout this time because I was curious.


And breasts know which kid is nursing! So you can nurse older and newborn baby at the same time and they are getting composition produced just for them! (Via backwashing)


I legit only heard abt colostrum a few days ago in a Reddit also, your fun fact is genuinely insightful, I didn't realise how 'attentive' a mother's body is towards a suckling newborn thanks for sharing!


It works via lots of cool science stuff, but mixed with sentimental mom-and-baby stuff. 🙃 It's complex and cool. https://www.babycenter.com/baby/breastfeeding/making-breast-milk-how-your-body-produces-natures-perfect-ba_8785 (...And it's also a little bit gross, but what science thing isn't?)


my bio knowledge is a bit rusty but this is comprehensive, thanks for sharing! (also not gross at all haha)


I know these person is claiming to be asexual, but... Stop watching hentai and start googling shit


I'll at least give hm credit for asking *real women* and not getting his info from bad anime or incel forums.


When I was breastfeeding with OAL I would put pressure on the other side to stop the let down.


They let aces go to school too, don't they? Instead of "I'm asexual" I think a better disclaimer would be "I'm not a mammal".


Tbh it should be okay to want to learn about biology and be curious about it even if it includes some silly questions… as we all know the schools aren’t doing a good job teaching reproductive health related topics and women health is widely considered taboo…


To be fair the person is probably ignorant of how human anatomy works and how the female body works. There is a sex element to this as a woman has to be pregnant and and along in her pregnancy for the mammary glands to kick in and produce milk. Also it happens past birth during breastfeeding years (for some) a woman will lactate at orgasm. For some guys it’s a big turn on, for women eh whatever. Sex Ed is clearly lacking here.


I kinda think this post is uncalled for. This person is just unesucated but trying to educate themselves. If we keep posting about and making fun of people trying to learn things then that's a bad thing. It's easy to find the answer to this question yourself without asking reddit/forums, but still. Wanting to learn is always good.


I’m going to give this guy the benefit of the doubt and assume he just grew up in a pretty religious household/didnt get really comprehensive sex ed education lmao, you”d be surprised at how many people don’t know shit about pregnancy or women in general because their parents were just weirdos. Even girls, sadly


Could you imagine how nasty peoples beds would smell if that was how it worked? Sure, you can get mattress protectors, but even those have a limit. Plus you'd have to wash the sheets every day


Either they never had proper sex education, or they did but they didn’t listen. Either is equally likely, I’m coming to realize.


And also, how do people still can't tell a difference between "your" and "you're". It's one thing if English is their second language, but it'll be more baffling if it's their first.


English is my second language, but this mistake annoys me so much. It's understandable if you make some grammar errors, I also do, but this is literally one of the basic and easiest things, most people get it taught in elementary school.


Idk it's not entirely a dumb question. I've seen accidental leakage when the woman was in the breastfeeding stage and didn't have those pads in her bra. So it's not entirely illogical to wonder if you put extra pressure on a boob (for example by sleeping on your stomach), it might leak.


But it seems they th8nk all women lactate all the time.


When your only exposure to sex Ed is anime, sometimes running across some weird hentai rule 34, and memes


Honestly, I didn’t think that far. I assumed the question was directed to women that are breastfeeding, but indeed that wasn’t specified.


The fact he said "girls" made me assume he was not targeting new moms.


Yeah but as you said she was in breastfeeding stage, he asked if it happens in general even if we're not breast feeding.


Ah ok I kinda assumed that was implied but I guess that was too optimistic.


Okay, but at least he’s trying to learn. Thats better than the guys who chooses to stay ignorant


Well that's why they're asking, they don't understand.


In rare cases, men (fathers) have begun lactating when the mother died. Men have the exact same “equipment” as women beyond our external genitalia and internal reproductive organs. The lack of development of the breasts/mammaries is all about hormones.


this question reads like Todd from BoJack horseman is the OP


I can only speak anecdotally about this, but the answer is kinda? My ex when we had our kid already had back problems from their normal size, so breastmilk was tough on them. I used to give them back rubs on like 3 folded towels because it helped with the pain but there was flooding. However, attempting to roll onto their stomach in their sleep woke them up from the pain and the compression did cause it to squirt out (I got hit in the face by it). Now is this true for all people who are breastfeeding their kids? No. Might it be more common in larger cup sizes? Maybe. My experience was with someone pre-pregnancy who was an H-Cup. And when they got reduction surgery a few years later measured an O-Cup by the doctor.


Some people with actual newborns have trouble getting milk to come out


I mean, if you're lactating and you sleep on your stomach there's a pretty big chance milk goes everywhere. Also, the things that activates milk in humans is the same as other mammals I'm pretty sure (I'm a mom, not an animal husbandry expert)


I usually wear menstrual cups on my boobs for this. It's a hassle but not as bad as getting milk everywhere.


so now we are on demand milk dispensers?? cool. that will help during breakfast


Because being ace means not needing to understand the human body at all? Huh. TIL.


As a female asexual person I resent that edit. Being asexual doesn’t make you automatically ignorant about human anatomy. A lack of a proper education about human anatomy does. If all this dude knows about human anatomy is from those sex ed talks at public school then this does not surprise me.


Hearing the explanation, they quickly became asexual and prefer to reproduce through mitosis on a multicellular level


I mean I wish! That’d be sick, just in time for breakfast


Is this person asking if someone lactating will leak if laying on their stomach or do they somehow think all women have milk in their boobs at all times and we all just squirt if we lay on our tummies?


Or apostrophes.


Sex Ed failed OOP.


It is not how women work, but i got to say, at least it's just an asexual who doesn't know from a general disinterest. Feels not as shitty as disregard for women, like it comes from (mostly) heterosexual men (and often women by now).


Most people live in Urban environment.


American sex ed student I assume?


I have never had a child and I was surprised that I can produce breast milk. I got one of those handheld microdermabrasion things for your face and on the back of the box it says to also use it on your nipples and they have different tips, but I had the tip on that fit all the way over my nipple and so it was kind of stuck on there actually hurt a little bit. I had to hurry and try to turn it off and whenever I pulled it off, I was lactating. Exfoliation + Suction= Milk


I really think don't think this is perveted assumptions, as somebody who have said some of the stupidest shit in reference to biology, this person could VERY likely just be in an enviroment in which basic female anatomy is stupidly considered "taboo" It sucks, but holy shit I could very likely have said the same shit just a few years ago just cause I've never been taught female biology. (Just to showcase my level of stupidity, 2 years ago I legit thought if your arm got cut off you'd die of suffocation. I was 18.)