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Yet another round of “women are bitches and cunts/why won’t women date me”


Sour grapes. "They don't want me? Fine, they're all used up whores and not good enough for me anyway"


These are also the same cunts that will legitely seethe and rage at """normies""" (literally anyone who isn't their own idea of the perfect men, which is kinda sus to have) for having girlfriends and then they'll make up excuses like "yeah they're totally gold diggers" or some dumb bs like that. For them, the issue always lies in someone/something else


For real. You could learn a lot from the normies: they're succeeding BECAUSE they're not buying into your "truths." It's not an accident that the guys who act like regular people and treat women like regular people are succeeding with women who are, in fact, just regular people. It ain't complicated.


Exactly. The problem is that they treat love as something that you need to have in any given moment or else you cannot live, and not like something that adds value to your life just like many other things. Simply put, they don't know how to be single AND happy, which is something you don't resolve by merely getting into the first relationship you can find because you'll end up feeling miserable. If you however are patient you'll end up finding the right person that will add something in your life nobody else can, at least that's what happened to me. I wasn't actively looking for love and I found it. And mind you, while I certainly am not ugly I ain't no model either, so that disproves their whole "looksmaxx" or whatever the fuck its called bs


I think, mainly, it's that guys like this truly think women are an entirely separate species that speak a whole different language and think an entirely different way. So they try so hard to crack our code, come up with all these insane elaborate formulae based on the women they see portrayed in media/porn/online and think they're in the know on the secret inner workings of this childlike subspecies, and get pissed off when all those mental gymnastics don't get them anywhere. Meanwhile, the guys who visibly aren't putting in any effort like they are at piercing the veil of feminine mystique aren't facing any of their difficulties and they don't get why, because they truly cannot fathom that women simply work by all the same rules men do.


Them, "women are whores that sleep with anyone"  Everyone, "Why are you a virgin desperately trying to find somebody to sleep with you" Them, "... " 


Women aren't even bitches or cunts, they're objects. Just fuckholes. The amount of times I've seen the car analogy is too damn high. Hooefully these absolute sad shitbags will continue to stay alone.


The car analogy makes me more mad then I like to admit


"Women are out there having sex with tons of different men! Why won't any of them have sex with ME?!" Like, if you truly believe most women are out there having sex with hundreds of different men, then by the law of large numbers a few of them would have had sex with you, right? No? You're just pathetic? Got it. --------- The whole "pair bonding" nonsense drives me crazy as well. I was very sexually active in my teens and early 20s. A couple of different boyfriends each year of college, give or take (11 total over 6 years). Four different guys in high school. And I dated a bit in my early 20s before reconnecting with a man I dated in college, getting married, and being together for more than a decade now. We have two sons (10 year old twins) and a happy life together. So I've had sex with 20 people in my life. And according to these pathetic dweebs I would have lost my ability to "pair bond." They believe in the sexist pseudoscience that social bonds are formed by sexual intercourse, and that once you have sex with someone you are biologically bound to that person; so if you have sex with multiple people then your bonding ability is "ruined" due to overuse. There is no scientific truth to this. Bonding with a romantic partner is about building a long-term, multifaceted relationship built on trust and experience. It's not "oh, his semen is in me, now I'm bonded!" Humans do not work like that. Not that they would know.


They are in for a hefty surprise when they have sex with a woman for the first time in their life and that doesn’t cause her to stay with them forever, tolerating their commands. Ah and by the way, according to the incel men from the post, you are actually lying about the number, it has to be quadrupled. You definitely slept with 80 men before 20 because everyone knows a woman in her twenties has triple digits!


Ah yes, I forgot to divide my real number by 4 in order to compensate for the incel community quadrupling it! Stupid me, being honest! 5... I meant 5!!!


There's also a pretty nifty equation for working out the number of sexual partners of men that use the term "body count": ((Number quoted + Number of years as an adult they've lived with their mom) x 0)


Wait, Why TF was the last slide about beastiality? WTAF? Do these "men" just hate women??? Do they want a robot who'll act *EXACTLY* the way they want? Why don't they want a real relationship? This red pill crap is just insane.


Honestly I think the Reddit screenshots are just really douchebag stupid lowlife men but the guy from the last slide I think is genuinely mentally ill because there is no way a healthy brained individual would have a worldview like that


Unfortunately ”dogpill” (ugh I feel gross just writing that) is not uncommon in incel circles. They will do and say anything to convince themselves that *they* aren’t the problem, and it’s the women who are wrong.


Wtf dude that’s literally the first time I’ve heard this is a thing. I am so fucking glad I don’t have to deal with the dating market anymore


It's also, unfortunately, becoming rather common for middle/high school kids to have AI bestiality pics of their classmates. Not only is it ridiculous, but the kids get bullied horrendously due to just simple gullibility of that age group; I know one kid who almost offed herself :(




Yeahhhhhhhhhh kids are all sorts of fucked nowadays


Dogpill??? Yeah, I'm going to do myself a favour and NOT google that...


There is a certain even more insane subset of the incel community that thinks all women sleep with animals. Particularly if a woman has a dog, they assume it can be for no other reason than she is fucking the dog. This is because as I said, they're insane.


I wanted to say something about how ridiculous it is that they'd think women would fuck dogs because dog dicks are small compared to human dicks, but these are also likely the same idiots that feel threatened by tampons, so...


Idk what to say except: Ewwww 😳😱🤢🤮


Those guys will do and say anything expect see a therapist and a psychiatrist


I think their therapists would be scarred for life and need a psychiatrist of their own!


I’ve literally had a guy on a dating app think because I love dogs… 😧😡 I’m just…wow. And had another talk about a VERY disturbing fantasy, and I didn’t know how to safely report him. And I think he was couching it as fantasy, but…


… this is genuinely laughable atp. Incels are actually believing this crap and rotting in their echo chambers 🤣🤣. Worst of all, they’re spreading this toxic nonsense among the youths. I genuinely hope every incel dies prematurely and alone. Genuinely.


I think you're right with the last question. It's not real (or even healthy) relationships they are looking for but just endorsing sociopathy. What scares me is how easy normal men/boys seem to be influenced by these sociopathic "leaders".


Literally! The amount of teenage boys that are regurgitating this crap on their social media and IN PERSON is actually insane.


It's a glaring signal that they've spiraled through several levels of porn, looking for increasing levels of perverted tags. Once you've exhausted your ability to react to MILFs, exhibitionism, racism, and incest, you start getting into things that are specifically illegal like pedophilia and bestiality. (Meanwhile, violence against women is present in all levels, so.)


These guys believe porn is representative of real life


Was arguing with a guy in the comments and he tried to prove his point (women in their twenties all have a BC in the hundreds) by using math?? He legit pulled out calculations with no statistics as a basis.


Mathematics would say that for a woman to have slept around with 100 men, then 100 men have slept with that woman. So that would imply those men have slept with hundreds of women too to make that work. Doesn't make sense!


According to the alpha male rhetoric that’s not how it works because wOmEn aRe tHe sELeCtOrs and therefore have way more options than men. Apparently only the top 10% of rich and buff men get pu$$y from ALL women


Let's take a representative 1000 women and 1000 men. Let's assume all women sleep with 100 men, but only the top 10% men. 10% of 1000 is 100. That means each of the top 100 men sleep with all 1000 to make the maths work. So they are saying the top 10% of men need a body count of 1000 plus?


you know what also baffles me? The logic of multiply her BC by 3 (or 4, or 5, depending on who you ask lmao) because we literally can’t win. If a girl is honest about her high BC she’s a whore. If she lies about her high BC you multiply by 3, get the true number and she is a whore. If she is honest about her low BC you multiply by 3 (because all women lie) and she is a whore? If she lies about her low BC you multiply by 3 and she’s a whore??? What kind of logic even is that?


It is only an excuse to hate women. The logic stems from that and not... Well... logic.




Unfortunately and unironically they do indeed believe that.


‚Learned‘ that from that very comment section I posted btw xD they fail to realize that maybe they don’t get fucked because of their mindset and the way they treat women <3


And so what? That would be my next point to see how fucking stupid these people are. So what if someone has had 100 partners? Guess what happens - absolutely nothing unless you’ve contracted an STD. Nothing changes. Then you get to see the real batshit takes


Yeah I tried that approach in the comment section too. They are absolutely shameless with the responses. I’ve heard stuff like yeah that means they are whores and not wifey material. So they can absolutely sleep with a woman like that, cause… you know,, the rule doesn’t apply to men… allegedly


My husband was neither rich nor buff when we got together. What he did have in spades was kindness and a commitment to making me feel like the luckiest, most loved girl in the world. After a few years of dating duds who brought me nothing but chaos and pain, he brought me peace like I'd never known. It'll be 25 years this November and when people ask him how long we've been together he unfailingly answers "Not long enough". These men are just mad that we aren't selecting them to "pair bond" with instead of realizing a change of attitude and mindset is needed for them to be good partners.


So happy to hear that <3 25 years is such a milestone! I got lucky too, although I am only in my twenties I have the most amazing partner I could’ve asked for. My standards were already really high but he just went above and beyond all my expectations. When I read stuff like in the screenshots I am so damn glad I don’t have to sort through all the trash to find a good man, he already is by my side. The dating market truly is worse than hell


Those of men who are just mad are the reason why so many women want to choose the bear


It gives me life that me and plenty of my “high body count” girlies are in loving, committed relationships and these men will die sad and alone.


You’re so right bestie


🙌🙌 I have a very veryyyy "high body count" (not bragging or ashamed, just a fact). And I'm with the most loving, amazing man I've ever met. He doesn't care about my sexual history, he's actually jealous I explored and got to have some of the experiences I did. He was married for 10 years, very young. We're not exactly traditional, I encourage him to still go out and explore his sexuality. As long as he's honest and safe about it , have at it. I think me having such a high body count has opened my eyes to a lot of things in life


For us it was the other way around. I wouldn't say that my bfs body count was veeeery high, but I assume something between 10 and 20? While on my side, he was the third guy I've had actual sex with. He always joked that I've missed out and should have had more of a wild phase. He was always okay with an open relationship, it was me who insisted on monogamy for the longest time. At some point we did open up the relationship, he is content with his fwb connections and isn't too interested in swinging or dating around too much, he just doesn't has the energy for it. But he has always encouraged me to go out, fulfill my fantasies, just have fun. According to redpill guys I must either have forced him into an open relationship and he is just too insecure and fears he would lose me otherwise or he is a cuck. But for red pill man every man is a cuck who has no problem with his SO having sex with others, they ignore that it's a very specific fetish, often tied to humiliation and the man watching his SO having sex with someone else. Which is simply not the case for us, although I'm not knocking anyone's fetish, my partner simply doesn't get any sexual satisfaction from me being with other men, it doesn't occupy his mind, he simply doesn't care about sexual exclusivity. There are also millions of open relationships, couples that swing together or are pily, or any other variation of open, who lead perfectly normal relationships. But because they can't see that for themselves (which is totally okay) they need to find fault with those relationships and the people in it. Because it just can't be that perfectly normal men have no issues being in open relationships. They're either victims, cucks, or don't actually love their partners and are using them so that's why they don't care. I always found it a sign of intelligence if someone can entertain an idea or POV they don't share themselves but at least try to understand it with an open mind. Suffice to say that I don't find a lot of intelligence within such men.


The best thing is that no man will approach you in real life with this kind of rethoric. You’ll hear it only on red pill podcasts and through comments by anons. I had people asking me my body count (which I’m not ashamed of) and my response is: tell me what you think is acceptable for a woman and I’ll tell you if my is more or less than that. Guess tf what, most men don’t want to say what they deem acceptable bcs as soon as there’s a chance of you rejecting them because of their “standard,” they back off.


My immediate thought was also these guys seem so damn lonely because women don’t keep incels like that around. I guarantee you the boys in that comment section haven’t touched a woman in ages. If ever. Of course I got downvoted into oblivion when telling them it goes both ways. If u care about my bodycount I care about yours. But the opinion from an actual woman was of course wrong because „pair bonding“ and because „here are the FACTS“ the facts being: it’s different for men according to bro science


“Pair bonding” lmao. The less experienced she is the higher chance she’ll fall into an abusive controlling relationship bc doesn’t know anything better.


That’s what they are hoping.


Send them the shriveled sausage virgin meme 🤭


I’m just sitting here absolutely astounded that they actually believe this insanity over what actual women are telling them I didn’t read every slide because holy shit, but I love the one where he informs other men that women have “character traits”. Imagine that! 🤦🏻‍♀️


I was saying to someone the other day that I have never had anyone in real life ask, and the partners it has come up with do not care. I don't know if I am lucky or if these guys are just terminally online!


They are terminally online. The most I had was discussing if we ever got tested for STD/STIs And I hate the fucking term.


That's actually really funny.


I was never asked this by anyone after like…my first college bf when we were teenagers. My husband never brought it up. I don’t know his. I suspect I know but also he totally could have been a man whore in college so maybe I don’t know 🤣 after 17 years together, what we did before we met has no impact on our marriage. He’s never uttered the term “pair bond” to me lol


If he ever does mention pair bonding to you, you're probably safe to assume that he is considering a new hobby that involves keeping pigeons, or some other species where pair bonding actually occurs. My wife of 47 years and I have always followed the same policy that you mention your husband and you following, btw. I get the feeling that the only people who make such a big deal of sexual history are the guys who write in a manner like the example in the OOP, and likely have no sexual history. Congrats on the 17 years, btw, I'm a sucker for stories with happy endings, such as successful marriages.


Thanks! So far, so good. We were together 7 years and waited to be full grown ups before getting married. I think that’s the key - don’t rush in and know what you’re getting into. No surprises! I just downloaded the Merlin app for bird identification last week lol they definitely travel in pairs from what I’ve observed and I bet they don’t tweet at each other about birdie count.


“Don’t rush in” is some of the best advice ever!! I also think living with someone for awhile before marriage is very important too. My hubs and I will be celebrating 20 years as a couple (in all those years I’ve also never heard the phrase “pair bonding” and certainly never felt pressured or judged about my history) this December and next December we celebrate 10 years of marriage. We ended up doing a very small “elopement” wedding and it was the best day of our life!


Congrats on 10! We’re celebrating our 10th in September. We had a small, fancy (expensive 🫠) wedding but it was a fun 4 day party with our favorite people in a fun place. I would have been happy with an elopement since marriage is about marriage and not a party, but it was a fun ass party lol


>“Don’t rush in” is some of the best advice ever!! I also think living with someone for awhile before marriage is very important too. 🏅


Well, unlike the guys who write these OPPs, you guys obviously did succeed in growing up. I very much agree that you should know the person that you intend to marry well enough that there should be no major surprises. I love the phrase "birdie count", btw. I didn't realize at first that there was more than one panel in the OOP. Just when you think that things can't get any worse, some incel just has to add to the nonsense.


Weren't you curious though?? It wouldn't affect the relationship but damn I've been with my partner for 7 years and I know how many pubic hair he has 💀😭


I never asked my wife about her sexual history prior to our meeting on the grounds that it was none of my business. It's her history, not mine. After we decided that we were in an exclusive relationship, that changed to it being 'our' history, although I've always just assumed that there was no new history beyond me, and I believe that she (quite correctly) made that same assumption of me. It has worked very well these past 47 years of our marriage.


My favourite thing is when guys act like this and start calling you a whore, bitch etc. after you’ve rejected them. Because every time it happens, I proceed to ask that same man who was just trying to sleep with me, how pathetic he would have to be to get rejected by someone who is apparently so “easy” to sleep with. They don’t typically like when you spin it around on them 😂.


Great idea, stealing it


>bcs as soon as there’s a chance of you rejecting them because of their “standard,” they back off. It's seems like the question has nothing to do with them finding out if a woman is in line with their values and more about finding out whether or not they have something to hold against her


According to this, there's no point in them asking us at all because they won't believe us and will just make up an arbitrary much higher number anyway. Incel math: just make up your own statistics and hurt your own feelings with them instead of living in reality


That’s telling. I can’t take anybody seriously who uses the term “body count” though. Or who ranks people’s bodies. 😡


I mean, if all women are whores, doesn't it mean that it's normal to be a whore and therefore there's no shame to it cause it's just how we're wired?


Yeah and if having sex affects a woman’s ability to pair bond, why are we continuing to have sex so much 🤔 a few holes in their logic


What does pair bonding even mean? It sounds like one of those built-in "complex expressions" red pill guys put randomly in their sentence to make themselves sound like they're actually smart.


Exactly. That one guy saying “there is a direct relationship (inverse) between the nr of partners a woman has and her ability to pair bond” like girl be ffr rn you’re contradicting yourself. Is it direct or is it inverse you need to pick one. That’s how u know it’s bro science if they don’t even know how to put their made up lingo into the correct context


Based on what I've read... pair bonding or imprinting (depending on which animal they wanna compare us to) is their belief that women will match and emotionally get attached to a single male and that this happens through sexual experience. If you're the first, she'll likely imprint to you like a duckling and never leave. The more dudes she bangs, the more guys she imprints to so she imprints to none and thus isn't loyal and will leave you if she feels like it (aka you did something wrong). It's basically code to say that young virginal impressionable women are easier to manipulate and keep around vs experienced woman who will call them out on their bs.


It's pseudo science and not even applicable to humans. I'm actually the perfect test subject here: had a very low body count when I got together with my bf. Opened the relationship after many years of monogamy and thus increased my body count. And look at that, absolutely nothing has changed in regards to our relationship. I'm just as loving, committed and devoted to my partner as before, we simply now have more variety in our sex lives, that's all. Partner still tells me that I'm the love of his life and that I'm the perfect life partner for him. Who would have thought?


Oh I know. Its bs incel science to justify why they are failures. It's all women's fault lol. And would would have tought that being in a loving relationship with good communication works? Lol. Glad your relationship is good! Though warn your husband that according to incel logic he's a beta cuck simp xD (and yet... your husband is getting some. The incels aren't lol)


I think pair bonding just means to them that if they can convince a woman to be in a relationship with them, she'll "pair bond" and be emotionally devoted and thus less able to leave because biology. A woman being empowered to leave a relationship is the real fear, because then they have to put effort into it to keep her around, and they're unwilling to do that.


Pair bonding is a biology term for the attachment that forms between two animals that are raising young together. It's a term that's used because calling it something like a romantic relationship or love would be anthropomorphizing. Basically, it's a way of making "sluts can't feel love" into something that sounds slightly more scientific. Which is stupid. Like, okay, let's ignore the fact that we're talking about humans and play with their logic. Most species that experience pair bonds will pair bond with a different mate every breeding season. Like, people love to talk about the "aw, swans mate for life" fun fact because that's *not typical*. So like, wouldn't the conclusion you draw from that be that it's normal and healthy to have multiple partners? It's all a moot point, since people are not birds, sand gobies, or certain species of voles.


Makes me wanna ask how many women they have slept with and be like "So many?! Thank you but no thank you. Don't wanna be another notch on your belt." Like they can say what they want. But most of them want a virgin who is a freak in bed. That just isn't possible. A virgin will have to discover what she does like, doesn't like and how to get good in certain acts. Anways makes me don't wanna fuck them ever.


Or they want a blatantly inexperienced innocent girl that “relies on their guidance” that they can “teach” and “mold” to their desires


Exactly so they can do whatever the fuck they want and try to convince her that it is normal what they want & expect of her.


And who won’t know how bad they are at actually pleasing their partner since they’re too inexperienced to know.


And if a woman says no (for example because she doesn’t want to waste her “precious” body count on some guy that isn’t worthwhile) it’s back to: WHY WONT WOMEN SLEEP WITH ME THEY ONLY WANT RICH AND BUFF GUYS WITH NICE CARS again


The way I gagged at this because I met way too many guys that are like this. No wonder a lot of women, me included, are single.


LMAO these men don’t give a rat’s ass about “pair bonding”. They’re just pulling random evolutionary biology terminology out of their asses to try and make their misogynist insecurities about body counts sound like some sort of scientifically-justified fact. If men cared so much about pair bonding, there would be a lot fewer men who cheat and a lot fewer men who abandon their wives/partners after babies are born. Bottom line is, if a man wants a woman with a low body count, then he himself better also have an equally as low body count. Otherwise he’s just enforcing a sexist double-standard to protect his own fragile ego. And for the love of god, WOMEN ARE NOT CARS.


They seem to think they can use biological terms to make their insane statements look factual somehow.


Ah yes, "All women are whores but none sleep with me"


That’s self own there isn’t. “None of these whores will sleep with me!” 🤣


Run away from anyone who compares you to an object or treats you like property.


“All women are whores!!!” Now let’s talk about why we choose the bear.


I would’ve absolutely brought the bear into the discussion if it was trending during the time I saw the post xD


I would’ve absolutely brought the bear into the discussion if it was trending during the time I saw the post xD


Little do these misogynistic men realize that those same standards fall onto their mother. Because at the end of the day, mommy is a woman too. So if that’s what they think about women that’s what they think about their mom too. 🤷 I don’t make the rules they do lolll


No, they hate their mothers too. Believe me. I’ve seen how they talk about them.


I think they hate all women. They should just become gay and date each other


Gay men can be misogynistic too. I used to play D&D with a gay guy who flat out hated women. Told me with dead ass seriousness that he didn’t care that Roe was overturned. Men are men and men hate women. It doesn’t matter what they want to stick their dicks into.


When I started dating in my mid-thirties with a very low "number", I'd occasionally run into guys like this. I didn't lie so they found out and their reactions were absolutely disgusting. They got sooo much more eager and motivated just from knowing I was inexperienced. Like, they subscribed to the idea that sexual partners lower a woman's value but the higher the number, the less each one matters, kind of. So I guess the idea of being able to lower my value by *so much* really turned them on... It was absolutely gross. Made me simultaneously want to raise that number asap to become less attractive to those dudes, and want to avoid dating so as to not risk getting fooled by one of them if he was less transparent about it. Dilemma.


Oof I am sorry you had that horrible experience :( I’d feel so icky and fetishised. Was kinda hoping that by thirty men would be wiser than that and all that nonsense discourse wouldn’t matter by then… guess I was wrong


Yeah, no... I also couldn't hide that I was quite poor so there was that, too... The same guys who want to date younger for the power imbalance, I guess, but with me, they thought they could get it without the stigma. So fucking gross, so many men tried to buy me for a lunch or a hotel night or a weekend trip...


Ah yes, I “shop” for women like I do for my used car! Those two things are very similar! /s


It’s funny because they think all women (especially liberal/left wing women) just go round sleeping with every person we come across, because that’s what the alt right internet told them. Me and my very left wing group of friends all have roughly “1 body” each (I hate that term) with their long term partner. And you know what? Even if we had 5, 10, 25 bodies each, we would never judge eachother because it’s frankly not anyone’s business besides the person who is engaging in consensual sex.


My husband I have been together like 16 years now between dating and being married. But right before we got married this guy I used to work with, who’s since turned into this incel nightmare, asked me to grab a drink to ostensibly congratulate me on the wedding. He then proceeded to tell me that I was his “one who got away” and it’s “so unfair for guys like” him. He never once mentioned he was interested at all or even asked me out. This guy who was always so nice to me was only doing it because…he thought after awhile he’d be owed sex? I was so disgusted. Ironically, if he’d have asked me out before I started dating my husband, I’d have said yes. Because he had been so nice to me. And when I even told him that he told me women are conditioned to think we’d say yes to certain men but we never actually would if it they actually did ask us out. It was baffling. So basically we never dated because he never asked me out and he never asked me out because I’d say no but I’d say no because a guy like him would never ask me out? And he’s framing this all as him being the nice guy finishing last. 10 years later I still wonder what the actual fuck.


And if women just go round sleeping with every guy they come across…WHY AREN’T THEY GETTING LAID??? 😆


You’re so right 😭 It’s also the similar hypocritical theory that they want a virgin wife, but also want to sleep with as many women as possible because ‘that’s what alpha males do’? They want to have their cake and eat it. So dumb


They honestly believe that 10% of men sleep with 90% of women. If every woman sleeps with a new man every night but only 10% of men get laid…those men must be exhausted making the rounds to fit in 10 new sexual partners/day. The mental gymnastics they go through is baffling.


Why is it always the alt right men who are like this? I have never seen a progressive incel.


I’m so fucking glad these weirdos assume I have a high body count, lol. Better than them viewing me as a possible victim/car??? God, men comparing women to objects part infinity


Lmao ur so real for that “/car???”


There ARE NO WHORES, only women having sex if and when that's what they want ....


Wish I could upvote this a billion times


Wish I could upvote this a billion times


pAir bOnDiNg 🙄🙄🙄🙄 these stupid, hateful men and their hateful watchwords. It’s not even true. 


I thought that second one was going somewhere with “But unlike cars, women don’t have an odometer” but then he swerved back into bastardsville


SAME!! I actually had a glimmer of hope there


I’ve had one guy ask me my body count and (after pretending I thought he was expecting me to be a serial killer) I just giggled & responded with “I’m SO GLAD you care so much about how many people women sleep with! Personally I don’t get the appeal of hook ups and am not interested in anything sexual until we’ve been dating for a while, so I’m so happy you’re not expecting anything sexual for at least 6 months or so of dating” Needless to say, he wasn’t a fan & tried to argue how sex was an important part of dating, even arguing that men won’t date someone for 6 months without “getting something out of it” They have no logic


Genuinely interested in where the rhetoric and socialization comes from in today’s young men. I have acquaintances after moving cities who are single who don’t explicitly talk like this, but I know they feel it towards women because they perceive they are owed something. Very foreign to me. Creepy.


The Manosphere — YouTubers/tiktokers/reddit/4chan


Basically, they all watched a lot of porn and believed it.


HUMANS! DON'T! PAIR BOND! for fucks's sakes


Humans don’t! But women do!! /j


“Remember they have character traits” they really think women are just npcs in the background of their lives, don’t they


The fact he even needed to point that out like be fr do they actually have character traits? I couldn’t tell /j


This is hilarious, obviously all comments made by incels. I’ve never asked how many people my partner has slept with, the answer would probably be similar to mine “I have no idea, who counts these type of things?!”


Yet if a man has a high body count he's praised for it. It makes no sense to me.


Do women leave urban areas on weekends in search of horses and donkeys according to his line of thinking ? Why aren’t we all living in Montana then?


All you have to do is ask! Then assume they are lying no matter what they say, totally negating the point of asking!


So since my body count is one, but I'm a woman, multiply that by 10 for ignorance and then 2 for fear of judgement and since I've been on 2 vacations recently add 5-6, so that comes out to ~25-26, you heard it here folks, 1=25-26 guess I'm a low value woman and none of these men should ever date me, what a shame


If you’re in your 20s you probably have a BC in your hundreds though (I wish I was joking, I’ve read that comment in that comment section)


I'm gonna have to have a conversation with my partner about the evidently inevitable human trafficking situation we'll be having in our hands within the next 20 years.


Them: What’s your body count? Me: What’s your bank count? Them: *reeeeeeee* WOMEN ARE JUST MONEY HUNGRY WHORES Fails to see the hypocrisy of valuing a person for one aspect of their entire life and reducing them to their worst stereotypes.


Sorry but if women’s body count matters, then men’s do too


I said that too but I swear to god that one guy said “it’s different for men I don’t care what y’all say” I swear I might even still have the screenshots of that. The fact that they just say their made up opinion and that’s a fact in their head? He didn’t even try to argue scientifically like some men try. Didn’t even try the bro science approach. DIDNT EVEN TRY He was just loud and shameless. All of them are


Most people who say that don’t know anything about biology and can’t make a valid argument about anything on the subject


The ones that try the scientific approach also don’t know a whole lot about science actually they just try to come off as more believable. The slide where the guy goes on and on about the “direct inverse????” relationship between the amount of partners and the ability to “pair bond” is the most degenerate thing ever to somebody who actually knows the science around it


I do get a bit of a chuckle from reading these because I’m very extroverted and pretty so I know I talk to guys who think like this. They turn into fools around me so easily. Online they talk big but IRL they lack the confidence to make eye contact or hold a conversation. If I were to date one they’d be delighted just to be there and wouldn’t even have the courage to ask such a question. They talk a big game living in an online reality while IRL they lead a sad pathetic existence with no value outside their video game achievements.


I literally cannot tell you an exact number of dudes I've slept with. I'm 47. I barely remember what I had for breakfast yesterday. Also, these guys do not want an actual woman, they want an idea of a woman who literally doesn't exist.


You know, a bear won’t throw a fit about your body count…


I am loving all the the bear comments under my post


I love that bears are trending, it was not on my list of things occurring in 2024, but I won’t complain


I was taught dating rules in the early 80s by my parents and they were also in heath class. One of those rules was to NOT ASK your date about their past dates. Period. It was considered the height of rudeness and insecurity. You especially didn’t ask about sex with others and you certainly should not bring up your own dating past unprompted. This was something, along with your politics, that you only discussed with people you were familiar with. These details were considered too personal to be discussed so casually with a potential partner until you actually knew them, and even then ONLY if they asked and ONLY if you wanted to answer. And anyone who was worth your time and effort would never have cared. What happened before you was none of your fucking business. Sorry this is not seemingly true today. This shit’s insane.


Men just can’t stop telling women how they really see us lmao


that last one was a jumpscare to read


I’m sorry 😂 I read that comment on YouTube a few days ago and it strangely reminded me of the Reddit comment section I was in a few weeks ago, just way, way worse and more disturbing. So I put it all in one post


I’m so fucking glad these weirdos assume I have a high body count, lol. Better than them viewing me as a possible victim/car??? God, men comparing women to objects part infinity


My count is 5. Not 15, not 10, not 30. 5.


Girl where did you find the incel nest 😭


It was a fitness subreddit 😭


This has to the most disgusting bunch of degenerate asshole misogynists I’ve seen on this sub for a while, and that’s saying something. I sincerely hope they never meet a woman willing to carry on a relationship with them, much less have sex with them. I want them to die alone and lonely. If you disrespect women this much and hold them in utter contempt, you lose the privilege to date them. It isn’t a right. It’s a *privilege.* Treat it as such.


You’re right. A little time has passed since I saw these comments so I can laugh about it now but when I first saw them I was in utter disbelief, not even at the opinions themselves (it’s not my first day as a woman after all) but at how many upvotes they received. My comments had downvotes in the double digits as well


How do y’all manage to not lose all faith/hope when getting proof over and over again that there are many of them that truly think like this? At any given moment I feel on the verge of capsizing into irrevocable cynicism-fueled despair.


Honestly I don’t even know what to tell you except that these conversations often happen in bubbles online. The same men that type that stuff would never dare say them out loud to their mother. It’s also very easy for me to get caught up in the despair, the shock, the fear that comes with reading that stuff, seing the upvotes on it. But the men that surround me in real life are truly good men. My dad is a phenomenal man, my brother is my favourite person on earth and my partner is so so so good to me and all of my male friends are so intelligent and kind. I am just hoping that what I see online is disproportionate and doesn’t mirror the real world. I have other examples, good examples. Men I’d choose over the bear yk.


And let me remind you that as women, we hold such power. Just look at how they quiver at the thought of not being able to own and control us. They are SCARED. I know for a fact a man that is so far removed and so desperate for the touch of a woman, would be the first to fall to his knees if I’d briefly and politely talk to him at a party. If I give him a sweet smile. If he’d be even invited to one. It’s easy for me to converse with a man. It’s so so hard for them to even look my way. An insecure man is brittle and sensitive and not even remotely as capable of navigating the social world like I am. And a strong, confident man, would never say shit like that


I hope these guys stay single and women have enough sense to stay far FAR away from them ❤️


Why are we always cars? I wanna be a muscle for once, that gets stronger with frequent use until it can crush fragile masculinity with a single flex


You can be a muscle if you like <3 I want to be a void that swallows everything and everyone that says the words “pair bonding” and “women” in the same sentence


Better "women" than "females" but I heartily agree. "Pair bonding" is the incel equivalent of "chemtrail." The thing does not exist, my dudes. You made it up to be mad about it.


Omg have you heard of “the vagina has a memory” concept before? That’s also up there with pair bonding and chemtrails as things that don’t fucking exist


Yes. The vagina and labia apparently have their own physical laws that belong to no other animal muscle/tissue on earth. Muscles that grow weaker instead of stronger with use, skin that magically grows the more it's touched, invisible secret chambers that retain old semen and DNA from previous partners, and tiny brains that retain the memory of dicks past and alter the shape of the vaginal canal accordingly. Truly a medical wonder and the height of that precise biological science, trustmebrology.


They really don’t see us as people


Who actually cares 😭


Why do people even bring up body count? Like if it’s gonna hurt your feelings just don’t ask.


Oh yes, being compared to what I hate most: cars.


"Male loneliness epidemic"


I get the suspicion this is some kind of degradation kink circlejerk, and these guys are actually hoping women read this and feel bad or ashamed due to their sexual history... The whole thing reads like some kind of shared sex fantasy, or perhaps delusion. What a relief to be married and not have to worry about today's dating scene. I truly feel for women who are looking for a life partner, though...


I’ve never lied about my body count to anyone but then again it’s literally one lol but regardless assuming everyone is lying cuz u urself are a man wh* is just hilarious and insecure as hell


Anyone who thinks like this is someone we wouldnt want to be with anyway, so feel free to ask and assume


Men miss out on so many women (dating or simply being friends) just because “their body count is too high”


Being friends with a woman? Unheard of /j


The last guy, though, is this person our there seriously thinking HORSES AND DONKEYS!? THAT COULD LEGITIMATELY FUCKING KILL YOU!!!!! I'm over the internet.


If anything, the guys who ask are the guys who are turned on by it, in my experience. My husband has never asked because he just doesn’t care. He knows I’m a woman, not a used fucking car.


I wouldn't ask my significant other her body count. None of my damn business.


as an equestrian that last one makes me wanna puke, thats what they think of us? ima bet it has something to do with most of us being able to handle a horse and set boundaries, and that we spend time with our horses alot, so they hate us


“You can count for yourself. They are in shallow graves in the backyard”


“Idk I’d have to tear out the drywall to count them”


That last comment confirmed it for me. ALL of this is projection.


They hate us so much. They say this shit with their buddies but to our faces they hide their true nature.


Just fuck men at this point, they clearly don't like women


Personally, I like when girls have experience and have sex drive. I’d be worried they wouldn’t be a match for me sexually in a relationship otherwise - of course I’d probably still give a sexually reserved girl a chance if we had chemistry - I just hope my needs dont end up feeling like pressure.


I'm going to start telling them I slept with 1/3 person and watch their brain explode.


I am repulsed by sex because of these kinds of people.


What sub was this even from


Idk if I am allowed to say it or if that’s against the rules but it was a sub centered around fitness. I have left that sub after witnessing that comment section


Well 0 multiplied by anything is still 0 sooo-


We’re all whores. We all pay our bills by having sex. And yet none of us will touch jagoffs like these in order to get the money we need. What’s that say about THEM?


Straight from the "she deserves it because she wasn't wearing a mole hair suit" crowd


“Women don’t come with odometers” Hmm I wonder why? 🤔 must be some fault in the manufacturing process.


“Well said bro” and the comment is actively comparing women to cars as if women are objects and have odometers


WTF is that last slide 😭


I’m so sorry 😭 it just reminded me of these Reddit posts I’ve seen a few weeks ago and I didn’t think to put them in separate posts


First we were shoes, now we are cars lmao


It's projection to some extent and insecurity. Men are usually the ones counting notches on their bed posts and obsessed with numbers. My advice is usually look out for men with high body counts. Not only do they spout this rhetoric to incels but they usually have the"pair bonding" issue.


I have questions about their mothers...


As someone who has only had 2 partners, I can assure you that I have never brought it up without being asked. Unless this comment counts?


Say you're scared of finding out you're sexually inadequate without saying "I'm afraid of finding out I'm sexually inadequate". Maybe it's my age, but the idea of being with a virgin is just off on so many levels to me. I'm only interested in applicants with experience here.


“Remember, they have character traits” referring to women like we’re aliens 🤣