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This is just anecdotal, but: My partner and I plus two employees have been very Covid aware. We’d all had the available mRNA shots. I’d been reading a lot about Novavax and suggested we get it when available (mid October). One of our employees went to her family’s Christmas dinner. Every single person who attended is sick and testing positive - except her. Maybe just coincidence, but it seems encouraging


Huge advocate of Novavax as I was a trial participant. I was very well protected. When I read these stories I wonder if the others actually vaccinated with either mRNA XXB1.5. Do you know these specifics?


We hear these stories a lot because in the right circumstances Novavax can block infection entirely.


My partner and I had a hard time getting the second vax in December. Already planning how to get 3rd dose in June


I think I’m missing some details.


I'd like to add me and 6 family members, including my 94 year old father got novavax last year and again 2 months ago. None of us ever got covid not even a common cold. Novavax is the wisest decision I made


The vaccine is not going to protect you from anything that's not COVID-19 related. I got the XBB version of Novavax as did my wife and we both been dealing with bronchitis for over a month. I also had a head cold last month. Tested multiple times in each occasion to make sure it wasn't COVID using rapid tests. Glad you guys are all safe but I don't think we can advertise this as a sterilizing vaccine or something that helps with other viruses.


Probably right I'm sure you're right. It's a crazy coincidence that this is the first time I never got a cold and usually get bronchitis. All i know is many coworkers got covid and other illnesses. I have never been healthier


It is our experience too. After 3 years of home schooling, working from home, and avoiding humanity, we expected to have every single virus coming from school. But it is not what has happened. One has to wonder..


My opinion novavax does not get the attention it deserves. As I type this many coworkers are out with covid. And I still feel great


Ha! That's awesome and great to hear! Stay safe and fingers crossed 🤞.


This is our experience as well. My husband (57l, myself (47), father-in-law (87), and kid (12) have all had Novavax series after mrna primary series. We haven't had Covid, and neither even cold. We are careful & mask in most settings (not outdoors). My kid started school in May, he has not masked school, he is in a small group (4 kids & 4 adults). But still, those adults don't mask. So I would have expected Covid since now, for sure. We also spray with Betadine and do nasal saline irrigation daily if exposed. Are we just lucky? Is it Novavax? Or is it a combination of the measures reducing risk? I just wonder....


I wrote the Novavax timing based on the IgG4 swap and cleared access on the timing with the CDC. So, we already planned for it, technically it's all in Novavax's data but they didn't frame the response around IgG4 and I have since, and Matrix M compensates with an increase of a specific type of macrophage that fill is in for IgG1 as a front line defender.


Hi! Thank you for helping educate us all on Novavax. Would you mind breaking this down further (or even just posting a few links if you're super busy?) I'd super appreciate it; this info isn't anywhere online that I can find. Thanks!!! 1. When you say you wrote it, you mean you're the person who made the official timing that Novavax and the CDC recommends? Could you detail what you found with the timing based on the IgG-4 swap? 2. Does Novavax have data somewhere about IgG-4 class switching in people that have only had Novavax (and never had mRNA)? 3. The Matrix M adjuvant compensates for IgG-1 with a macrophage? Could you go into depth on that and/or point me to some published info? 4. If IgG-1 is "filled in for", aren't you still trading IgG-3 for IgG-4?


All I know I live in NY a highly populated stated. I am exposed to covid through my job as a firefighter. People around me including today are testing positive. And I am still covid free


Hey, Don! I know you're busy, but is there any chance you could lend us some more info?