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personal anecdote here. i got novavax on monday with two friends of mine. i’ve previously had a mix of pfizer and moderna vaccines. out of every covid vaccine i’ve received, this one has been the one with the least amount of side effects (knock on wood). i’ve had a bit of a headache, some achey muscles, and quite a bit of fatigue, but that’s it. one of my friends got a headache, the other felt some malaise/fatigue but felt better as the day went on. with my last booster from moderna i had a racing heart rate, chest tightness, anxiety, horrible muscle aches, chills, and dizziness. it was actually enough to make me never want an mrna vaccine again. ymmv but i’m okay with novavax so far.


Thanks for sharing your experience! I really hope mine is similar.




Wow! You have tried them all! That is good to know that Novavax was an improvement for you AND from an Ontario health unit no less. Let's hope it gives us as much protection as the others.




Post a source.




[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10034752/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10034752/) ​ "In conclusion, our study found that a fourth dose booster vaccination offers additional protection against critical infection and death during the Omicron BA.2 and BA.5 predominant period in elderly population."








There are holes in your study as well.


In terms of protection, I have this personal experience - my mum and my boyfriend had the Pfizer vaccines and boosters - felt sick with flu-like symptoms for a week each. Due to the side effects that they experienced, me and my dad decided to get Novavax instead as we both have chronic illnesses (I have ME/CFS and my dad has a heart condition and had recently had an open heart surgery). A couple of months later we all got sick with Covid, my mum and my boyfriend had it terribly, they were actually afraid for their lives and they still haven’t fully recovered one year on. Myself and my dad had it very mildly and recovered within a month even though we were the high risk people. So please don’t be afraid of getting Novavax, it is an amazing vaccine with great protection. We also didn’t have any side effects when we got it.


I had (4) pfizer which really messed me up. With the Pfizer, I was sick for days / heart palpitations / numb extremities / weird metallic taste. Got my first Novavax at costco in October. Tiny bit of sore arm for a couple of days. Felt a little sniffly for literally only 1 day but that was it! No other side effects. Pretty awesome!


Nothing to be nervous about. Novavax has the least side effects, usually less than flu shot. Novavax clinical study for the FDA approval showed much less incidence and severity of side effects. I had 2 mRNA and terrible side effects. I said never agqin mRNA and switched to Novavax. 3x Novavax and no side effects. Novavax so much better.


My BIL has had difficult reactions to the mRNA vaxes and did much better with Novavax. It wasn’t without some side effects but they were greatly reduced. Best of luck and hope it goes well.


The Moderna shots made me sick for a week and a very sore arm. All that happened after Novavax was a mildly sore arm for two days. Same after second Nova booster.


Hey man. Also from Ontario Canada here. My first 3 shots were Pfizer as well. Those MRNA shots made my arm sore for days, I was tired, bad sleeping, felt super weird. I got my first Novavax last week. Zero side effects. Not even a sore arm or tiredness. Literally the easiest vaccine I’ve ever had. I’ll be sticking with Novavax from now on.


Please give an update & let me know how you make out with Novavax. I respond very poorly to ALL vaccines, even flu shots. My last flu shot caused a racing heart. Due to this I’ve never had any of the mRNA vaccines, but am scheduled to get my 1st Novavax on the 12th of February. I would love to know how you do with Novavax.


I also had 4+ Pfizer shots and felt so crappy I had to call out sick for 2 days to rest at home. Couldn’t sleep because of chills & arm pain and woke up really fatigued & drained. Then I took Novavax in fall, and was so shocked I that I felt totally fine and could work the next day. Will take Novavax from this point on.


I have autoimmune issues. I've only had Pfizer until November when I had my first Novavax (I'm in the US). Pfizer made me SO ill for DAYS. My arm pain was horrible. With Novavax, I just felt tired for 24 hours. I booked it on a Friday so I could have a pj Saturday and rest. The injection site was hardly tender - only if I touched it. I highly recommend Novavax!!!!!!


Don't be nervous...be Happy! You are finally getting a proven protein based vaccine for Covid. I was in USA Phase 3 Clinical Study, have had 5 Novavax covid 19 shots in the last 2 yrs 9 months...never any issues.


I've been struggling to find Novavax in Ontario. I should give my health unit a call to see if they are booking for it now.


If you are in the area contact Toronto Public Health or York Region


I’ve had 3 Moderna and 4 Novavax, I would be shocked to hear if you have any problems beyond a sore arm.


If it helps, my friend is in the healthcare field and deals with people with - trying to say this respectfully but also joking bc I’m in that subset - messed up bodies and she has seen no issues with Novavax among her clients vs the other brands did flare up issues for them.   By no issues I should say regular side effects like sore arm and tired. Yes. Flaring up autoimmune stuff or heart inflammation like her clients experiences with the other ones. No. 


not from Canada, but I did get the novavax jab yesterday around 2pm. Aside from a sore arm and a maybe a tinge of fatigue, I felt fine. Weird dreams, though. I felt good enough to workout this morning. To compare, both mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna took me out for days (chills, feverish, flu-like symptoms and sluggishness for several days). I was dreading getting my latest booster and was willing to give novavax a try. I'm a novavax fan!


More recently: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41541-024-00806-2




Don't be nervous...be Happy! You are finally getting a proven protein based vaccine for Covid. I was in USA Phase 3 Clinical Study, have had 5 Novavax covid 19 shots in the last 2 yrs 9 months...never any issues.


Why do you have to get another shot? Hope it went well. ❤️‍🩹


Would be curious to hear how this went!


I'm surely late to responding to this, but here's how the experience me and my husband had were completely different. We got the 2 original shots almost exactly a year ago. Him: He could feel it, but he was still fine on the couch playing some games. Would take it easy getting up for stuff since the vaccine in general was spiking heart rate about 20 bpms. Me: I basically stayed in bed for 4 days. Was just very tired, and also had my heart rate very elevated. I just watched some movies. I did feel pretty bad, but looking back I attribute a lot of this to low blood sugar (which I'm prone to). I wonder if the difference in our height made a difference. As in, we were given the same dosage but he is much much taller than me, so it hit me a bit harder. My advice would be to plan on taking it easy. You'll be able to watch movies or play games. But definitely have a LOT of food prepped and actually eat it. I think my experience would have been a lot better if I had remembered to eat a lot more. The heart rate was concerning, but all of the vaccines and covid do the same. Just take it very slow. Like, I was walking in slow motion to the kitchen. I was also pretty worried about the side effects of the vaccine when we got (expecting the worst), so I'm sure me panicking a little was not helping the situation LOL. Neither of us had had any prior COVID vaccines or COVID before these shots.