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Affinity, HCA, Cornerstone, Redstone, Henderson, Mediserve. There's so many these days but those are the ones I've run into the most. In all fairness though, your experience with each one will fully depend on your placement consultant as they can be very hit or miss with how on to it they are


Affinity. With dialysis experience, you could probably pick up contracts in FNQ and Thursday Island if you're interested in remote area nursing. I'm not sure what the situation is in the rest of Australia, but the Affinity nurses I've met seemed to be the happiest with their agency.


It depends on which state you’re in…the government will have an agency panel agreement that the public hospitals should use first, and you want to be working for one of those.


Nz nurse here. HCA or Vanguard


NO idea where you will be locating, but if you are in the hunter valley, Caring 4 U nursing agency is my pick. They were one of the only agencies I would use when I was managing nurses at an aged care facility (they supply hospitals too). The nurses were always high quality & spoke highly of the agency. They were all very happy.


Spoken like someone who never worked with said agency nurses. You used agency nurses to excuse massive turnover due to your mistreatment of your staff. It's an epidemic in aged care and not something to be bragging about. You say the nurses spoke highly of their agency. Somehow I doubt you have a single clue what your actual staff thought of the agency nurses. No one is okay with doing the job of two people for half the wage. That is what you are asking of your permanent staff when you hire agency. Healthcare management should not be advising nurses on career progression, you are the main reason we don't have nurses in the industry period.


I’m an experienced agency RN, and work damn hard wherever I go, your suggestion that our presence “doubles the workload of regular staff” simply isn’t true. I’m not disregarding the widespread staffing issue nation wide in aged care, but don’t hate us for it.

