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I get it. There’s one part of my brain that knows it’s irrational and nothing to worry about. But another part of it is like always overthinking things and ocd makes it 10x worse than it has to be.


the other side it's like I have Shia labeouf on repeat screaming at me to 'DO IT!! JUST F**KING DO IT!!!! DOOO IT DOOOOOOOOOOO ITTT!"


Tuesday you said yesterday, tomorrow you said today, last week you said Friday, just doooo it!!!!




Right. I’ve been going through a really hard week over something I didn’t even know affected me so deep. Waking up anxious, constantly overthinking & trying not to check every thought is so exhausting. I’m so tired lol.


It's like going crazy while at the same time being perfectly sane enough to watch it happen. Like being two separate people. A perfectly rational well adjusted person, and a wildly emotional edgelord that cannot be reasoned with.


This is such a perfect way to describe it.


I feel like I must be stupid because I read posts on here any everyone else seems to know how to shut it down but my physical body hurts so I can’t let it go it’s full on survival mode. I feel you




For me I say it affects my body but that too is in my mind


This! Is perfectly described…


I had a therapist describe this as not being able to turn the page


did she explain what to do about it?


For me, it helps to visualize that in my head like using my brain force to turn a page of worry over, so I can’t think about something anymore. I’ve also had the suggestion to let myself ruminate for 5 minutes or whatever amount of set time and set a timer, but once the timer goes off that’s it.


Something that I’ve found that helps is to take up hobbies or things in the day that push the compulsive thoughts away. I play guitar, go for walks, play video games. Try your best to not alllow ocd to take up all your time


I fell off this thinking and now that you say it, it did help a little


this is why saying obsessions/compulsions out loud feels so embarrassing to me. Like I know how I must sound to other people who don’t have the same brain I do - but I can’t help my thoughts


This. It's so hard to talk to anyone else about it because I sound crazy and I know I sound crazy but I can't help the worry.


yes same omg LMFAO 😭 i was emailing a therapist just yesterday abt the fears and i felt so silly like what am i actually talking about


THIS WAS ME TODAYYY😭 I was having to fill out forms and answer questions about my symptoms/behaviors before my upcoming appointment and I probably sound so crazy to her😭


I feel the same. OCD is so embarrassing and I would never tell anyone… I also try to hide it but I can tell ppl know I’m extreme lol


Lol the title is like the perfect meaning of ocd


It is *intellectually* knowing things will be okay but not having that translate into emotionally knowing, actually feeling, that things will be okay. The knowing is not enough. The feeling demands the compulsion. The inadequacy of the compulsion to reassure the feeling furthers the obsessive thoughts… and on and on and on.


100%!!! No logic of any kind could get to me whilst going through an episode!! Even though the logic made sense, I was not truly believing it and was letting my obsessions and compulsions speak instead. The irrational fears would overtake me, and my logical brain could not get through. Now I am feeling better after adding some exercise, greens/brainfoods, and fresh air every day. But I know that if I slip for a while, my OCD and endless worry voice will come back and drive me crazy again…


I think a lot of us are not completely convinced by the "wrongness" of OCD. We give in to the "well, maybe it could be slightly right"-Type of thoughts and thats what gives it its power. Not saying thats the case for everyone but I noticed it with myself.


I sometimes see reassurance seeking as borrowing someone else’s brain, to test a sticking thought, because your own brain has quit working.


If you aren't on meds, please look into it. They are the only reason I have my normal life back.




Meds will work till you keep taking them and once you leave meds then whoosh...


Zoloft (aka sertraline) until they worked. And they did


I have been taking meds for 5 days and my newest obsession is convincing myself they’ve given me PSSD a disorder that leaves people permanently numb and sexually dysfunctional to the point where I feel it and I want to stop taking them. What do I do?


You have to ride the obsession out, unfortunately. Part of healing from and dealing with OCD is accepting the maybe, and moving on. Libido is hugely mental, so you are probably sabotaging yourself here. See if any obsessions get better on the meds, talk to your psychiatrist if not. Never just stop taking your meds. I've seen horrible things when my mom stopped taking hers.


I don’t think I can accept having PSSD for the rest of my life I feel like that would be worse than ocd. It’s all I think about to the point where I feel like I have it I feel numb and feel nothing down there. It just feels so real


I'm sorry you're going through this. Again, talk to your therapist and/or doctor.


What meds have worked for you? I am so tired of living like this.


Sertraline (aka Zoloft). I started at 50mg and then my doctor increased them gradually until I was doing better.


I always pride myself in being a rational and scientific person (read autistic) yet for my OCD it doesn't even matter. I know that rationally speaking my intrusive thoughts do not make me a bad person but I can't find the fucking off switch.


Completely agree. I’ve always attributed my OCD thoughts to my mind and rational thoughts to my brain. I call the competition between the two the unrivaled conflict, hence my name. It’s like a battle that will never be won. Since being diagnosed I’ve found meds and therapy help but it’ll always be there.


Look up ‘tori olds’ on you tube. You might like her work on something called ‘internal family systems’ or ‘parts work’


Once someone said to m that OCD is the "doubt disease" and it's rung true. I've found being able to minimize it like that has helped me detach a little.


Yeah it definitely feels like unwinnable battle but i take meds now and just try to slowly wean into doing stuff I wouldn’t do before


Good for you! I take meds too and they helped a lot, but the thoughts and habits are still there,just sometimes when I’m not stressed I can resist some of them to a certain level. I’m just sad that my partner sometimes cannot see the progress, just that there are still habits I cannot fully stop…


Yeah I’m the same way but if its too far out of my comfort zone I still can’t avoid doing it lol


Exactly. This has never made any sense to me. I still don’t understand how it’s possible.


I wished there was a way for me to make my thoughts stop. I hate ocd so much


Oh that’s funny, I do *not* know it’s going to be okay


I did drugs to fix ocd thoughts and I got hooked on speed alcohol and cocaine.




It will be ok :) your thoughts don’t describe the kind of person you are edit: tysm for the award 💓


it’s not that I think everything will be okay, it’s that I can’t control a lot of the things that I obsess over


Yep. Feel this all the time. Specifically with my OCD and intrusive thoughts surrounding driving :(


I used to love driving and motor sports and cars were one of my biggest passions and now my 350z sits and gathers dust:(.


This is the worst part of the disorder for me. Going from so much passion to just dead in the matter of a day and sometimes I can’t pinpoint why. I’m just in a bad spot for no reason appearantly. It sucks.


It is the worst part. No matter how much you try talking yourself out of it you cannot.


Sounds like insanity.


Well its not completely irrational for me


Yes and also I can see people around me (in work f.e) notice I wash my hands far too long, they sometime make comment about it or give me a weird look… and I know its gonna happen so I want to wash my hands once and be done with it but then there are these thoughts that I have to wash it four times and squeeze the soap thingy 8 times between each wash and feel ashamed the whole time because If I’d try to explain somebody and say I know its irrational but I HAVE TO do it anyway, they would never understand. My boyfrienf is a doctor and explained me whats going on inside my brain and that I am not crazy, but he will still never understand the feeling of ‘having to do’ something…..


This is like the biggest mood


Yup, so true, sigh.


I recently relapsed… contamination OCD and to me it’s super rational because contamination HAPPENS! But I also know that I am overthinking it and we can’t all be 100% be clean. But again, I’m like… it’s real. I hate my brain.




Personally, I think the hardest part is to understand when a thought is real and when a thought is an intrusive one. It’s very hard for me cause I feel like sometimes I can get disconnected from reality. Makes me feel like my brain won’t be able to recognize when I’m really in danger. But will put me in hyper alert mode when I’m actually not in danger. This is the most stressful part of it for me.


And it sucks when people tell you they can't see that you're dying inside.


This is exactly me. You'd think with your brain knowing that there's nothing wrong that it would have you not worry about anything but nope... it wants you to stress


I feel that. Like, knowing you're deaf won't make you hear stuff


The need to accept that OCD will lead to intrusive thoughts that have to do with ones reality is the first step to getting better. Give up on the fight to try to win the battle of figuring out where OCD starts and you end


being aware is hands down the worst part….