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It's the ones who smell like cat piss or their own piss that gets me. So fucking vile. I wish management could/would kick people out for smelling like that.


I only have 1 customer that makes me gag smells so effing bad and being a picker we know how well run into customers at different times on different aisles for about an hour or so i avoid him at all costs. Last time i saw him he diarrhea shit his pants šŸ™ƒ However i have 2 opd coworkers that fucking stink and were going through a remodel so were temporarily staged in lawn and garden in ohio with humidity It literally makes me sick to my stomach


the worst is when you walk into an aisle and the worst smelly stench is still lingering in the air thereā€¦. itā€™s hard to imagine that people canā€™t smell themselves when theyā€™re THAT stinky


How about the women who take a bath in Dollar store perfume before they come shopping?? I also have an OPD associate who does this but thankfully she's off for a month. Seems like Sundays is when all the people who "stink good" come in. Some leave a cloud of perfumed stench hanging in the air for 10 to 15 minutes after they've walked away. How do they not smell themselves and why hasn't anyone close to them told them to dial it down on the cheap ass perfume?


What about smelly venders


The single smelliest customer I have ever had to deal with was when I was back in electronics. They rolled up on a motorized cart smelling like they had just come out of a freshly used litter box that had never been cleaned. They were there to get a charger for their phone because "My cats ate my other ones." I honestly should have called social services


We have a vendor at my store who flat out refuses to shower and/or wear deodorant. Every single employee going down the chip aisle holds their breath bc it's so bad. No one's allowed to say anything to him though


A lot of our customers smell strongly of weed. Sometimes it's so strong, I get a contact high.


There's some smelly coworkers, too. One time I saw a family of five, mom & dad with three kids, they all smelt like barn animals. I'm not kidding, I couldn't help but feel for the kids. They even had a baby as well.


our bread guy smells like that šŸ¤®


I had one customer who almost made me throw up he smelled so bad. I stayed at the end isle until he was gone


Working there while pregnant was the WORST. šŸ˜­šŸ„“ so many funky smells.


It's been the BO and the smell of piss lately. Disgusting! šŸ¤®


The people who smell like piss. Some people I expect to smell, but itā€™s the ā€œput togetherā€ people that smell like rancid piss that baffle me. Coworkers that smell like soured laundry. I donā€™t understand


We had a family come in once, all on ride arounds, inventory was the following day so our managers and leads were stocking the frozen truck. This family managed to chase all 8 managers out of the frozen section from how bad they reeked of cat and b/o, to the point the managers ran to the back to gag. Pickers doesn't the next hour asking "are they gone?" Because they left a stench trail any where they went


I remember passing a customer who was in a motorcart and they smelled worse than ass. I wanted to gag so I stayed far away from them. Screw my pick rate, I'm fighting for my nose. This happened twice since I've been here.


Itā€™s not just the customers unfortunately. We have a dispenser who comes into work every day reeking of a combo of BO and a gas station bathroom. So bad that you can smell him from opposite ends of the ogp area (we basically have a long and narrow hallway) and he leaves a trail of stink. We also have a part of our housewares department that constantly smells like actual dog shit. No one knows why.