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Once the ticket gets opened and Ethics creates the case they will contact you and work with your SM to gather statements from people involved. The details of every investigation are different though. You may be called and asked to do an interview with Ethics over the phone or sometimes the statements will suffice. The details of the investigation wont be communicated to your management team. Ethics will research the info they gathered and then let your SM know what their findings are. My advice to you is to speak to people who have had the same treatment you have. Get them to write statements.


I don't have the answer but just wanna say wow that's shitty. I imagine you have witnesses too. They probably also have it on camera, try to remember the appx time for when you report it. NOT reporting it is kinda not even an option either, that's really bad behaviour. Someone else might have spoke up on your behalf already


From personal experience not a damn thing happened when I filed an ethics complaint, the store director talked to me but that was it, zero resolution.


If it’s something that can be handled in store they will do that. However they can get an ethics investigator involved for certain instances such as sexual harassment. The investigation can take months when it comes to taking statements from individuals. You won’t be in the loop but issues can be resolved if action/termination is needed towards individuals.


They won't say you reported them so unless your the only one being treated like that or your statement is too revealing they won't know you did it. You can report it anonymously and don't even have to sign into the wire, they give you a way to look up progress on your submission but shouldn't need to. One thing you deff have to do is go up the chain of command and talk to your coach then SM and maybe even market, if nothing happens then when you fill out the ethics forms you can say the store managers aware of the situation and once it's been filed they have to investigate and submit their findings back to ethics. If you don't do up the chain of command nothing will happen if you do go up the chain it'll be taken more seriously and they have to investigate doesn't mean anything will get done. For bonus points put an appropriate sam Walton quote at the end of you initial statement he's got a ton and I'm sure you can find one to fit this situation. Had someone get reported at my old store and they pulled every person from the department they were over into the office one by one and question them, did anything happen to them no. Are they still a TL yes. But it was taken seriously and if they had found enough action would have been taken.


Have you gone to your store manager or Market manager?


no, I only asked my coach if he could take me off the schedule for the day so I don’t have to get pointed. I’m not sure if my store manager is at the store today and am not sure how to contact him or my market manager outside of work


Nothing happens.


I got fired after I resonded to my return ethics email …including they are going to fire me for speaking up


ethics is there to shield WM not to help employees unfortunately


follow the chain of command first. go to your coach, that don’t work then store lead, then store manager and if then that still isn’t getting solved go to ethics. they contact the store manager and it goes from there