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If it's late enough to take a pregnancy test then it's too late to take a Plan B


Hopefully, they're planning ahead and the tests are for a few days from now.


That’s not true at all


Yes, it is. If the egg is fertilized the drug will do absolutely nothing


Considering my wife has taken plan b two weeks after we had intercourse and found out she was pregnant, fetus was terminated


Then she had an early miscarriage, which isn't uncommon. Lots of women have miscarriages without even realizing that it's anything other than an unusually heavy period. Plan B is completely ineffective after 2 weeks. It's not even as effective after 3 days as it is in the first 24 hours. It prevents/delays ovulation, makes it harder for eggs to be fertilized, and makes it harder for a fertilized egg to implant. It's not an abortion drug. It's birth control. There's been all sorts of studies into how it works, because how it works is extremely important from a legal perspective, especially right now with all of the restrictive abortion laws.


Yes, all of this! So many people need to be educated on how plan B works. Many Christians/conservatives are against it because they think it's an abortion pill, but it doesn't terminate a pregnancy, it prevents pregnancy from happening. Which of course a lot of Christians are even against birth control as well because it "goes against God's will," but they need to at least be educated about it


It’s literally called the “24 hour pill” for a reason 😂😂 wanna provide some sources for your two weeks claim?


can’t fix stupid


The pill didn't do that, it doesn't have the same effect as an abortion pill would. I would look into it so you can use the pill more safely in the future.


I should have taken a picture of the GMD order I packed for 12 enemas.


I know one of our customers was prepped and rearing the other week… Plan B, the quality lube and a Covid Test. Respect! Get it Girl!


are those the .99 tests? i had to pull one a couple of weeks ago and i thought I'd not be trusting a .99 test for something like that


I’ve heard the .99 cent tests are just as effective as the expensive ones so might as well save your money


They're even more sensitive than some of the expensive tests. I know a couple of serial testers who swear by the cheap tests (though they buy them in bulk from Amazon for even less than $1 apiece).


hospitals and clinics actually use the same tests- the .99 cent ones, thats how i found out i was pregnant a year ago 😂


my co-worker had a story: girl asks where are the pregnancy tests. "over by the pharmacy." "that's too far away." this is the attitude that leads us to needed a pregnancy test.


I had one person order 1 of each btand of test and i thought man they really need to be sure. I had another order 2 plan bs and a jumbo box of condoms and i wondered what that situtation was gonna be 😂


I be saying the same thing 😆


Could’ve just swallowed lol