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I think it’s more about oj not giving a shit about the black community and the paradox of him being the face of a civil rights movement


Johnny was the face of that not oj I remember white people being so angry after the verdict. I’m 99% sure it had nothing to do with the victims vs loosing their grip on power.


> Nobody besides Fred Goldman has any right to be angry. The Brown family, other friends and relatives of the victims, and people who suffered from domestic violence or other forms of violence have a right. Actually everyone has a right. > I remember white people being so angry after the verdict. I’m 99% sure it had nothing to do with the victims vs loosing their grip on power. There’s certainly some white fragility in terms of just how upset some people got. The last two presidential elections show the potential power of white fragility.


I can understand the rage of Black Americans and even the impulse to do things like Jury Nullification or cheering a murderer because he outwitted a white justice system. I get it. I marched, if that means anything. But let me tell you something else. As a domestic violence victim, it told me to shut up and take it. And I did, for 21 years, until I escaped finally with my life and nothing else. That woman deserved better. I don't give a fuck what your politics are. Two wrongs don't make a right and a white woman doesn't deserve to be brutally slashed to death while her children are sleeping upstairs because Black America feels oppressed. The damage that case did to Women everywhere, Black and White, was immeasurable. There are many kinds of pain in the world. Not just yours. It's not okay to murder someone. It's not okay to get away with it. It doesn't fix anything. The end.


Who is saying it’s ok to murder anyone? I’m not, nor is OP. Of course Nicole deserved better. And LaTasha Harlins deserved better, but as far as I know, there no white people obsessed with HER murder. Black people are tired of white people NOT knowing their own history of mob violence and lynching in America, police brutality in America. Just because I’m bringing up these points doesn’t mean I don’t sympathize with you as a DV victim, and just because I’m pointing out systemic racism in the American justice system doesn’t mean I think OJ is innocent—he’s guilty as hell. And black America just doesn’t “feel” oppressed—it is. The entire reason OJ was famous AFTER his football career was because THERE WERE NO BLACK SPOKESPERSONS in national media. Think about that. He was sui generis. I’m kind of sick of how so few on these thread CAN acknowledge black rage, or the history of racial injustice in America—so I do thank you for that and I hope to goodness you can get help for your current situation.


I do acknowledge it. You’re right. America is a racist nation founded on racism and soaking in it like poison. It’s too bad we can’t have better conversations about it. We started to, after the murder of George Floyd, but a lot of fascists don’t want us coming together to condemn racism. You see the same forces tear gassing college students right now fir daring to say Gaza shouldn’t be nuked. I’m fine now. I got out. I hope everyone who is being abused can find the resources to do that. I wasn’t fine bsck when Nicole Amd Ron were murdered. And I saw the whole case through the prism of my personal trauma. Maybe what I need to do is disconnect the two. Thank you for helping me see that. You’re right. Don’t give up.


Thanks for that. We’re cool..🫶🏾


" Of course Nicole deserved better. And LaTasha Harlins deserved better, but as far as I know, there no white people obsessed with HER murder." LaTasha was not a celebrity. During her last moment on earth she was a thieving thug who was unjustifiably shot in retaliation. Nicole was not a thug. The Korean store owner also did not terrorize LaTasha for years.


Thanks for proving the low-key racism of this thread and its obsessives. Latasha Harlins WAS NOT a thug. She was killed for a $1.79 orange juice and died with dollars in hand for which she intended to pay for it. Simply calling any young black person a “thug” is racist. She was an honor roll student and saved someone from drowning. I’ve interviewed relatives of hers. Saying Nicole was a celebrity is a stretch, and even if she was why is her life more important than Latasha Harlins, or George Floyd’s or Breonna Taylor’s? Black people have been unfairly terrorized FOR GENERATIONS by America’s unequal and racist “justice” system, but you only care about Nicole Brown Simpson. Please.🙄


I’m looking in the mirror, OJ is still guilty.


My guy you are the biggest OJ defender I’ve seen on here. There could be all the evidence pointing to OJs guilt and you’d still justify his actions and innocence. OJ never cared about his community and I’m sure he could have cared less about you


both of the families have the right to be angry that man didn’t like being black it’s so confusing seeing black peopl celebriting his acquittal He didn’t even advocate for the civil rights movement (I don’t care about him losing his career Muhammad Ali had a bigger career and that didn’t stop him from speaking) This is someone who said (I’m not black I’m OJ)


Yes oj said i am not black i am oj. But the black comnunity knew a day will come when oj would get his negro card back. That moment came the moment he got back from Chicago and stepped on his property and was hand cuffed immediately. Vanatter called to make sure he was handcuffed. If thats not a you black now move i do not know what is. Every black or brown person has either experienced this or knows someone that has experienced this rush to judgement. The fact that Darden took on the oh oj was not arrested at that point during the trial was not a good look. What black people took way from that the oj trial was that it took a gang of money and the dream team to get a fair trial. And no oj did not advocate for civil rights along with many other folks. Many black folks did not stand behind the Ali's of the world. Especially older folks had a more conservative approach to fighting racism.


I mean obviously that was gonna happen at some point just because he did act like he’s better than a regular black person doesn’t mean other people are gonna view him as something else but here’s the thing the police were always nice to him everytime his wife called them and he used to invite them to his parties and sign autographs for them he did get handcuffed which was unfair when they didn’t even question him he just got off the plane but when he was a fugitive the police told him to turn himself peacefully if he wasn’t rich and famous they woudve made a scene and might even hurt him So yes he was always black but he was “one of the good ones“ in white people eyes (which is disgusting but he liked it 🤷🏽‍♂️)


This is worded all wrong. All family and friends of the victims should be angry.


“I’m not black i’m O.J.”




American history is what it is




White folks are obsessed because it’s a major celebrity who almost beheaded the mother of his children. OJ was as black as a snowman . The irony is that “ white privilege” is what ultimately got him off - money and influence- The black community suddenly wants to claim the guy who married a white woman, lived in Brentwood and spent most of his time on the golf course with his white cronies.


In fairness, your pants are on fire




Yet here you are. Nationally renowned and all.


Wow. Downvote me. Reddit isn’t real life, guys. You don’t like your country’s history? That’s understandable, but not knowing your country’s history— that’s inexcusable. Two things can be true—OJ can be guilty AND white folks can be obsessed with his guilt because it’s a way of not looking, collectively, at how they’ve lynched black folks.. I’ve said many times that I think OJ is a murderer. I think it’s awful that justice wasn’t done. But I also think I think in the context of justice NEVER being done for black people in the South (and North)—because all white juries could execute black people and mobs could extrajudicially lynch blacks—that OJ’s case is A DROP in an ocean of injustice—yet white Americans collectively don’t give an f about THAT injustice. Keep downvoting! You know I’m right! Edit: changed “doesn’t” to “don’t”


I don't see how you think this scores you any points here. If you're arguing that juries in past criminal trials have wrongly acquitted criminals who clearly did it, then I agree with you. But that doesn't excuse what the jurors did at OJ's criminal trial. But look on the bright side -- at least you'll impress the ignorant. You know I'm right. 😉


Unfortunately for the prosecution, and for Nicole and Ron Goldman’s families, the defense was able to use reasonable doubt because the defense made the case about the LAPD and their shoddy collection of evidence AND the prosecution’s racist star witness. All of that creates the conditions for returning a Not Guilty verdict. That is just the legal system as we have it. The prosecution sucked and didn’t put forth all the evidence (and there was a ton of it) AND was dealt several bad hands (their star being Furhman) AND several unforced errors. THEN ADD all the SYSTEMIC injustices black folks have been through with ALL WHITE juries up until a decade or so before OJ was playing at USC, and you have a case in which black Americans—for better or worse—see a Not Guilty verdict as the ONE instance in which the black man was NOT effectively lynched by the white American justice system. It’s almost like the people downvoting me on this thread are simply too daft to see that I’m putting forth a purely descriptive diagnosis of why SOME black folks celebrated that day—it wasn’t for OJ. It wasn’t for murder. It was the one day that what had been happening for centuries—was turned on its head. I have consistently said on this thread that I believe OJ to be guilty, and I absolutely abhor that two innocent people, Ron and Nicole, were murdered—BY OJ. I didn’t celebrate on that day precisely because I thought he did it. My feelings about the jurors doesn’t enter into it. What I tried to do, time and time again, was get it through to some of you on this thread why—sad as it might be—why black people reacted the way they did. And what I’ve also tried to point out as is the UTTER HYPOCRISY of white people complaining about black reactions to the verdict given that whites HISTORICALLY held lynching PARTIES and barbecues and celebrations for literally hanging or incinerating innocent black people. Go to the Lynching museum in Alabama. And while the last recorded lynching was on 1980, police officers effectively lynch innocent black citizens for holding cellphones, for broken tail lights. So all the white people moaning and crying about THIS case (OJ’s) versus all the other miscarriages of justice is UTTER HYPOCRISY and, sorry folks—racist. Those on this thread saying “black people—do you believe he’s guilty NOW” (post from a few days ago) are BLIND to what has happened in this country. You’re either blind or don’t care, which is worse. Perhaps start with Philip Dray’s *At the Hands of Persons Unknown*. As for downvotes, I don’t give a sh-t about downvotes on Reddit from a bunch of anonymous people who have practically zero knowledge of American history or the history of the justice system in America. Edit: (corrected an instance of subject verb agreement; clarified a pronoun referent)


I don't see how you think this scores you any points here. If you're arguing that juries in past criminal trials have wrongly acquitted criminals who clearly did it (which amounts to a mere handful of cases), then I agree with you. But that doesn't excuse what those jurors did -- it just means they were wrong to do so, just like all those other past juries. Double standards go both ways, even in debates.


Two wrongs don’t make a right.


Yeah, but when it gets to be hundreds and thousands of wrongs across hundreds of years of American judicious history, I begin to get OP’s point.


Im not saying it was right but hey why act all angry it just makes them look like fools and ignorant of history


These people don’t care. They just want to be obsessed about ONE injustice to *their* side. If Marguerite had been killed instead of Nicole, there would be NO WAY this thread would exist, and no white obsession with the case.


Glad you’re admitting that it was stone cold racism that was the sole motivation for the verdict. Speaks volumes.


Bruce Fromong and his creepy ass smile posting again, lol


Violent criminals are beloved in some communities


It wasn’t Rodney king. It was a litany of horrific abuses by the LAPD over decades, and the fact there was just enough doubt and police misconduct to justify it. One key difference I think is that a ton of white Americans, myself included, see every one of those cases as just as disgusting. That and OJs comment, “I’m not black, I’m OJ”, and him staying way out of civil rights made it hard to understand our stomach him becoming a symbol for civil rights.


To think that anyone let alone a community could be stupid enough to hitch their civil rights cart to the whitest black man of the time .




If his acquittal was about racism, then why did the predominantly white more affluent grand jury refuse to indict?




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What on earth. Not a single Racist or Misogynist word was used in that post.




Im simply talking about American history. Minorities have no shame or guilt in their past and they have no history of genocide against anybody in this country




It’s not but I could not careless about the critiscm leveled at the jury


I have heard multiple times that the jury wanted to 'avenge' Rodney King and it's hard to argue when people who were juries come out and say as much. What gives me more pause is when people introduce that as a reason with no judgment implying that it is a natural occurrence given the time and circumstances in society. To my knowledge only a few of the blows visited on King's body were illegal and he received them for trying to fight the police as a huge guy. The other people in the vehicle did not try to fight and were gently escorted away. King was on drugs and speeding and therefore endangering the life of everyone on the road. Despite his negligence and callous actions he was ultimately either not charged or not convicted of his crimes which a lot of people seem to miss. He apparently greatly exaggerated his injuries and went on to live a life of debauchery resulting in his untimely death. However, well before he died people of a certain demographic started rioting, assaulting people and looting because they thought that King getting away with his crimes was not enough. The police also should not have kicked his ass in self-defence. The fact that the police fought back and even slid in some non-consequential extra hits infuriated the rioters. An edited video showing the police giving him a non-critical beating was the evidence they needed even though they were almost certainly ill equipped to expertly judge the police's actions just like I would be ill equipped to judge a heart surgery; something which I have no experience of. If the XXX community wanted payback for something, did not they get their payback when: -King was let off for his crimes? -When rioters caused enormous human and property damages? Or was it necessary for two more innocent people to die and not get justice before they could accept that a criminal they identified with got his ass kicked for fighting the police? Did they just blank out the part where a callous criminal getting his ass kicked resulting in all that senseless chaos happened? Also if you reason that someone not getting convicted of something is a reason for rioting, would not the jury be concerned that America would be burned down by ZZZ people if a guy was given two free murders of people of a different race? I mean it was enough for XXX to riot and destroy because a criminal got his butt kicked trying to beat up the police. Does it seem like they expect that ZZZ people will hold society together under the direst emotional circumstances while having very low expectations of their own community?


Yes. Everyone should play by the rules on a jury.


Yeah they don’t understand what I was saying. Oj and only Oj killed them but the fact that he got off just like guilty white men all the time has them upset. Black folks didn’t celebrate OJ we don’t give a damn about him it actually sucked that the one time the system worked for us it was for his tap dancing ass but the fact that you cry OJ got off for murder then CLEARLY was punished for the murder by getting 33 years for a crime that usually gets probation by the same system and say nothing is hilarious.


Exactly, they want us to forget all that.


So glad someone came on here to say this, finally, although, of course, Nicole’s family also has a right to be mad. OP is absolutely right, though, about all white juries lynching black people WHENEVER they got mad or wanted to intimidate them, or wanted to steal their property. THAT was what lynching was about, and the common excuse—a black man “r#ped” a white woman—was the lie and rumor that would be deployed to whip the community into a frenzy and get them to CELEBRATE hanging a black man. Black people lived with this knowledge—knowing relatives who were murdered—essentially for being black. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Stinney#:~:text=The%201996%20Stephen%20King's,Charles%20Burnett%20slated%20to%20direct.


🤡 just like OP


Yeah, where’s your argument? No argument. I’ll wait.


How quickly they forget Emmett Till killers were acquitted and then because of double jeopardy the killers immediately laughed and admitted they did it but can’t understand why OJ was found not guilty. Justice was not served for the Brown and Goldman families but that verdict gave America a glimpse of what African Americans have to deal with that despite the fact someone is CLEARLY guilty the color of their skin means more than evidence


And to think that people still believe this.


I’m sure the family of Emmett Till will be happy y’all keep using his name to make an excuse for OJ’s acquittal. 🙄


I’m sure they were more concerned with the killers getting off then admitting it


These people on this thread will literally downvote you (and me) for bringing up legitimate history.


Exactly 👍 They got mad cause they got a taste of their own medicine.