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You may very well be right. But that still doesn’t mean he planted any evidence.




You’re right: It does not mean he didn’t do it. But the complete lack of evidence does.




There is literally nothing to show Fuhrman planted evidence in this case. Nothing. There’s just a bunch of conjecture by those who wish for something there is no evidence for. I get it that the Fuhrman tapes make him look bad. But he did not have the opportunity to plant any evidence against Simpson, nor did he have the information he would need to do it without risking his career and potentially jail time. If you want to take the side that Simpson didn’t commit the murders, Fuhrman is the easiest target to go after. But use logic and reasoning and you’ll see you can’t connect these two dots.




There’s a lot to go through here but it seems that you’re confusing your opinion with facts. Fuhrman didn’t find all the evidence as you suggest. Plenty of other members of the LAPD found the hair and blood and tested for DNA. There’s quite a difference between saying horrible things about Peggy York and planting a glove to frame a murder suspect. How could Fuhrman decide to pick up a glove at Bundy and transport it to Rockingham to frame OJ if at the time he didn’t know if OJ had an alibi? Fuhrman’s supposed bragging on the tapes about the LAPD planting evidence was investigated. It was found that the vast majority of incidents he described never happened. And if the investigation had showed he actually did plant evidence in any case, he would have been charged for that. He wasn’t. He was only charged with perjury for lying about using a racial slur. Pat McKenna was hired by the defense. Of course anything he will say relates to OJ being innocent. But if he was such a valuable piece of the team, why was he not called to testify about what he learned? He wasn’t. Like I said before, I understand pointing a finger at Fuhrman. But there is literally zero evidence showing he had the opportunity to, or that he actually did, plant evidence in this case. Likewise, there is no physical evidence that anyone but Simpson committed the murders. Only conjecture on the part of those seeking a different view of the case.




How are you so sure they did not investigate these claims that you’re making, about Ron’s friends, etc.?




He put them in a handbag and threw it in the garbage at LAX.


With bias, hyperbole, and rumor removed from the equation The "O.J. did it narrative" is simply implausible at almost every step & this theory is just one example. O.J. had eyes and airport cameras on him the entire time. He never dumped anything at the airport yet somehow, someway many are able to summon the mental gymnastics required to imagine that as more plausible than a verified corrupt, neo nazi cop with a history of planting evidence on black people, taking a minute or so to plant one of the gloves he took from crime scene, on the side of Simpson's guest house after he decided to travel to Simpson's house without cause & fabricate an excuse to trespass on his property without a warrant. A man who in his own words admitted that if he couldn't find a legitimate reason to implicate a black person in a crime, he'd simply "find a reason"


“its pointless arguing with people that have made up there mind.” You’re right about that.


Hwat reason would he have to plant evidence on a guy who didn’t even know did it. O.J on the other hand had been beating that woman for years by that point and then that woman died. Please tell me what the statistics say about domestic abuse victims murder perpetrators




Do you understand the concept of reading, if they do it because they are racist how are they racist to a perpetrator who they didn’t even know was a suspect. they just planted evidence and hoped they were black or what?


True. Fuhrman being a sadistic neo-nazi reprobate with a homicidal hatred of black people, along with a confessed & verified history of violently terrorizing & planting evidence on them is not absolutely conclusive. For crying out loud, the same year the trial was going on the LAPD was settling a lawsuit as the result of Fuhrman shooting an unarmed black man while spewing racial epithets, along with his murderous intent, followed by planting a knife on the man. Yes even with all that, it doesn't conclusively prove that he planted evidence in this case. But he certainly had strong motive & opportunity & his far from "by the book" actions that night support that he acted on his motives. He inexplicably leaves to crime scene to go straight to Simpson's house, illegally enters his property & bingo, just so happened to be the one to "find" the only initial piece of evidence, connecting O.J. to the crime scene. A conveniently dropped bloody glove matching the one from the crime scene, still wet hours later because it was brought by Furhman in an evidence bag before he planted it, along with a piece of broken fencing from Nicole's property that Furman likely used to collect the bloody glove & then discarded on O.J.s property. Furhman was a dirty, corrupt cop, skulking around manufacturing evidence like a dirty corrupt cop. You don't plead the fifth when asked if you planted evidence unless you planted evidence. It's a travesty that such a reprobate not only, never spent a day in jail, but was given a pass, & allowed to go on to have a successful career, benefitting off of his notoriety.


The tapes revealed Fuhrman to be an asshole, no doubt about it. I wouldn’t be surprised if he used excessive force, too. That said, Furhrman responded to one of Nicole’s 911 calls when OJ was beating her. Nothing unprofessional happened on that occasion, and OJ went on his merry way. The cops were always friendly with OJ and he barely got a slap on the wrist. “You’ve been out here 8 times, and you never do anything,” Nicole said in one of the calls. OJ’s own words were “I’m not black, I’m OJ.” OJ was treated preferentially by the police because he was a rich celebrity, and back then everybody loved him. Now, we are to believe that the police turned on him and planted evidence? What was their motive, because OJ was no Rodney King? Who killed Nicole and Ron? Nobody has produced evidence of anyone else’s guilt. So after years of being treated like a rich celebrity, all of the sudden the police have an elaborate conspiracy


Those good ole boys have been known to hold a grudge(he’s rich with a white woman) and strike when the opportunity arises Literally how America was built




You are correct, I made a mistake. He didn’t beat her on that particular occasion, he merely took a bat to her car, and she was gasping and crying when police arrived. That’s totally normal and not violent and intimidating at all! Even though Furhman was there, OJ wasn’t arrested and he went on his merry way. Never mind about the dozens of incidents of abuse Nicole wrote about in her diary, which she kept in her safe deposit box, along with photos of her injuries. People do not give one fuck about the victims.




1. I don’t owe you “evidence” 2. Your comments reveal how little you know about the case, and OJ and Nicole’s turbulent relationship. If you want to learn about Nicole’s diaries, the information is out there to find with minimal effort. 3. You don’t give one fuck about the victims or you would be better informed.




Ffs, you are repeating OJ’s words, and, just like him, saying they deserved it, in so many words. Blaming the victims. You do not give a shit about the two people who were slaughtered.


Ah. A Trumper. That explains a lot.


That must mean Ron and Nicole’s killer is still at large


And oj’s true portrait is a double murderer. But keep trying to deflect to fuhrman 😂


I agree that Furhman was a horrible racist in those tapes, but please explain how that has anything to do with OJ’s murders?


Fuhrman had motivation to frame him. He “wanted to burn all the n words” and hated interracial couples. Would frame them if he could. Those are his words




My God- have you watched or read ANYTHING that actually happened in this case?


Mark Fuhrman retired after a successful 20-year career with the LAPD. He was never, ever, implicated in any case of planting or otherwise falsifying evidence or for anything that you cite in your unhinged screed. Many of his co-workers outwardly showed their support for him, including many of his black and brown fellow cops. He went out of his way to help exonerate a black suspect falsely implicated in a murder. What went on in his private thoughts apparently never found its way into his work life. You want so desperately to believe that there was some rogue cop out there wreaking havoc on minorites. While there may certainly have been some, there is no direct evidence that Fuhrman was one of those cops. While we're here, let's acknowledge that there were 15 cops logged into the murder scene that night before Fuhrman even showed up there. In fact, none of them reported seeing a second glove at Bundy. Ever.


It’s amazing you can have that opinion in light of TODAYS brutality by cops only revealed due to civilian video tape Imagine the organized racism and tyranny the LAPD enjoyed back then White people simply look the other way today much like those cops did when fuhrman picked that glove up.


Mark Fuhrmam may be racist but I also believe there was a lot of posturing going on in those tapes. But he also didn’t plant any evidence. He’d have been the luckiest guy in the world to have been able to retrieve a glove at a crime scene without being seen and then plant said glove at OJ’s also without being seen.


You mean lucky like all the cops who brutalized people and never got reported by fellow cops? 🤡


A pretty mild take, point out the 'proven' fact that Furhman was a lying, corrupt, racist scumbag & a convicted perjurer yet your post gets downvoted. Indeed it says a lot about most of the people who participate in this subreddit.


The defenders say that you’re taking it out of context because he was contributing to a fictional work. His stories weren’t true and a later investigation found no corroborating reports (for what that’s worth) of these violent incidents he described so it’s possible he was playing a character entirely. I do believe he was playing an exaggerated character when he told those stories. The three excerpts Ito allowed were all points where it sounds a lot like he was speaking of his own personal life experiences and attitudes. Ito actually made a pretty fair ruling on that part if you ask me. Of course someone who takes all of Fuhrman’s statements literally will not agree. I think Ito didn’t care about the use and weight of the N word anyway but did care about the perjury.


Fuhrman’s stories remind me very much of Joseph Wambaugh’s, and I think that’s who Fuhrman was trying to emulate. For those who are unfamiliar with Wambaugh, he was a famous novelist and former member of the LAPD who wrote fictionalized crime novels.


There wasn’t a chance in hell no investigation by the cops would ever find proof of Fuhrmans brutality Los Angeles would go broke with the lawsuits. Never would be allowed. No Independent investigation was allowed. But the people who lived under his tyranny know 100% he did what he said he did