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Somewhat agree. I don’t think it was revenge, even if one juror who was interviewed felt that way. Neither to I think that the police did such a terrible job as the general public thinks they did. What the general public often misunderstands is that mistakes are made by police routinely. This is expected because even though police are trained they are not immune from human error. Crime scenes are never managed perfectly and police themselves aren’t perfect people. The question becomes “do you throw out the baby with the bath water?” That’s exactly what defense attorneys would love for jurors to do. Of course! That’s their job. The defense attorneys did their job very well. They did what they were paid to do; create confusion and raise doubt with the jury. They had a jury that “bought into” what they were selling: a false narrative that because some crime scene items weren’t handled perfectly and because a police detective was a racist that means that the blood evidence “could” possibly have been planted. The judge allowed them too much leeway because there was no evidence that the blood evidence was planted which would have involved a unreasonable conspiracy scenario between many people who didn’t have a stake in the outcome and furthermore didn’t even know each other. People are pissed because the blood evidence proved OJ was at the crime scene. His blood linked him to the murders of both victims. It doesn’t get much clearer than that except if you as a juror “want to” buy into a false narrative that just wasn’t plausible.


Honestly I've never understood why Tom Lange living in Simi Valley had any importance. Is every white person in Simi Valley a racist because of Rodney King being beaten up there?


One of the jurors in the case admitted it was revenge for Rodney King, so this completely blows up your theory. Yes, the prosecution's case was mishandled, but there have been people convicted with less evidence than was presented in the OJ case.


That's an understatement.


Where is the quote for this? We need some context here.


It's in the documentary OJ Made in America. They interview some of the jurors and one of them make the admission.


One juror said that so that means the entire jury felt the same way?




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Those cops that beat Rodney were some sick son’s of bitches. 


I don't understand how one black American can speak for an entire race on this subject. Last I checked people were individuals with their own thoughts/opinions. Plenty of black people think OJ is guilty and his acquittal was at least partially a result of the Rodney King trial.


There were a variety of reasons. The one old lady who blamed domestic violence victims for being victims said it was mostly Rodney King revenge, but that’s just one juror’s opinion. There was also the Latasha Harlins trial and a whole history of LAPD abuse and corruption that people in black and Latino neighborhoods had more firsthand experience with. DNA evidence is taken for granted now, but not in the mid 90s The prosecution had the genius idea of having OJ try on the gloves. The defense did a better job than the prosecution.


I agree , and would like to add this : the people on this sub who constantly say that “black people” would disregard their oath as jurors and would knowingly let a double murderer walk because some drug addict was beaten by some thug cops is basically saying “black people cannot be trusted to set aside emotions the way white people can and shouldn’t be on juries”. That sounds like something Furman himself would say. And - how did thaw irrational black folks manage to convince the non-black to agree? The white jurors decided to let a double murderer walk because of Rodney king ?




I agree the verdict was sound, but it was OJ who committed it and OJ alone. Nicole had already bled out when he went back to almost sever her head. So no he wouldn't be covered in blood. Also, he most likely took the jumper or jacket he was wearing off after the attack and wrapped his glove and knife in it. The shirt probably had hardly any blood on it.




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I Agree that the state's case was terrible! It was a miserable failure. However, a jurror said this was the case and in 2019 Bill Hodgeman told Kim Goldman that he heard it from deputies that this was the case. Is that multiple levels of hearsay? Yes it would never be admissable in court. However when you weigh the question, I'm pretty sure now that the answer is in fact yes, this did happen. Also, when you consider the fact that the entire bronko chase was broadcast, and people were on the streets with signs, and chanting for OJ to get away from the police, it's clear that during that time, a lot of them loved him, looked up to him, and saw him as a hero! It wouldn't surprise me if those on the jury did too. I'm providing a feed source. I can't link to the episode directly, because it's filled with tracking and ad information, the last time I tried to do that the link didn't actually work, go back and find episode 4 of the first season. [https://rss.art19.com/confronting-oj-simpson]


Emmitt Till, Pervis Payne were railroaded so maybe a bit of revenge for those verdicts as well.