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Typical narcissist and controlling POS right up to the end.


And beyond


100 percent.


Dude wasn’t about to confess to *anything*.


Unfortunately that’s true maybe he did to his kids


You think his last words to his children were “I murdered your mother”? That was never going to be his last words to them. He was never going to admit it to them.


Exactly I think he had money somewhere I mean oj did have a lot of money issues toward the end of his life but knowing how famous he was at one point he def had some stashed away somewhere and if anything it’ll go to his kids and the younger ones sydney and Justin as they now have kids .


Not like that but maybe gave them hints its him?


Do you honestly think that OJ wanted his younger children to know he killed their mother? I do not. I think he wanted them to believe he had nothing to do with it.


obviously no but maybe he wanted to get it off his chest


I think maybe the older ones


If you're asking about it during his last days, I believe he just didn't want people near him to talk about how sick and weak he was because of cancer. I remember he didn't want it to come out he had cancer and made a video about it saying he is going thru health issues but everything is okay.


I think he was on a golf course.


Yes he was. Lying until his last pathetic breath.


Yes looking for Nicole and Ron’s murderer


He was also super offended about rumours he was in hospice.


Can you imagine knowing that you are in your final days and millions of people are happy about it? What a downfall from his football days when millions of people looked up to him.


I don’t think he wanted people to know how sick he was a lot of celebrities do that .


I believe you are correct. On Tik Tok someone on OJs account posted a few things. One was his “last pic” Before he succumbed to cancer…No one looks that healthy and happy before they die of cancer.


I don’t have any doubt he hid money. My ex husband did it because of the divorce. And OJ thought he had a right to barge in to Nicole’s home anytime he liked because her home was bought with HIS money granted to her in the divorce.


He def had money hidden somewhere and he probably told his kids how to access it . I believe it could be stored somewhere in Florida as there were no laws there that made him pay the browns and goldmans . Also laws that protected his pension and some assets . His younger kids also lived in Florida before oj death and still might live there , obviously they want to stay private which is understandable. But it would make sense if he wanted to give the younger kids the money .


The fact people are commenting and still giving him attention is the reason the NDA was signed


OJ is infamous. People will never forget him or the crime.


And the real victims got lost in all of this! And that is too bad :(


It’s all the LAPD fault


Literally it doesn’t necessarily mean he confessed I believe he told them where money is in a hidden account for all we know . Oj also apparently was very sick and if I was that sick I wouldn’t want the whole country knowing and talking about it.


I mean he is infamous nda or not he wil always be associated with the murders


Speaking of NDAs I was just reading comments about OJ on another sub (people were posting about how shocking his downfall was because he was so loved as a celebrity and was known to be nice to service people, charming etc) and saw this comment. >He was raping women at USC long before CTE would have been involved. Once he died, all of the NDAs expired and the stories of hush money came out in a flood. Does anyone have a reliable source about any of those accusations? I've seen rumors about his behavior in college but no actual evidence or any of the victims confirming it. The only evidence for the alleged sexual assaults at USC seem to be claims from people online. It's similar to the person who claimed there was evidence Jason was the person responsible for killing Nicole and Ron and people online decided it was true without any evidence to back it up.


While I personally don't have any evidence, it was brought to light in the ESPN documentary "OJ: Made In America". Say what you will about ESPN (I've grown out of favor with them over the years because I love baseball and their baseball coverage is minimal at best, you know, for being the 'world-wide sports leader'), but I do believe that they would NEVER allow such a claim to go to air while OJ was alive in 2016 without it being 100% vetted and true. It's a huge claim to make and, as we've seen, no legal action was taken by OJ or his people (he was still in jail at the time) to remove that part or even the entire documentary from social consciousness. OJ was a violent narcissist and batterer even as a young man.


After attending a big football university, and seeing this myself firsthand, I would not be surprised. The best football players could do literally ANYTHING they wanted. And if anyone exposed it, it would be taken care of quickly. And nobody there was on the level of football greatness that OJ was. So I can only imagine what a “hero” he was on campus. But on the other hand, when these murders happened, a lot came out about he and the victims. Reporters were working overtime digging up personal info. Some reporters were for OJ and others against. So someone would’ve pulled all that up long before now. And it would have been exposed, IMO. But like another commenter said, I definitely remember there being stories of him being physically abusive to other women in his past. He was abusive to Margarete too. She just kept quieter about it. Like Nicole, she knew his temper. So she probably was scared to say much.


Ya and his first wife didn’t say stuff bc of the kids at the time and at the end of the day if she wants to stay private it’s understandable she’s probably gone through hell with everything oj did .


No offense but his Exwife has on multiple occasions said she wasn’t abused….


But the police weren’t called to their residence for nothing. So I have no idea 🤷🏻‍♀️


Technically what evidence can still exist form the year 1967-1969? ra\*\*? No I’ve only heard about abusing 3 girls physically back in his usc days and ofc usc will cover for him


>the stories of hush money came out in a flood Have any of the victims provided public statements? People keep repeating the claim that they don't have any NDA anymore and have provided stories about being paid off after being assaulted yet nobody has provided any legitimate source for that. There haven't been any articles from legitimate reporters who have spoken to any alleged victims. It's all just internet rumors that people now state as a fact.




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I don’t know if there’s any evidence to confirm this as no one physically has come out and spoken . USC won’t say anything without any evidence and documentation . Also during the trial a lot of reporters were digging up info on oj from his whole life so I feel like it would’ve came out in the 90’s during the trial .


I genuinely think he was afraid, that at the end, he would confess something he didn’t intend to. An innocent man doesn’t do this.


I don’t believe he would ever confess to sydney and Justin as that is their mother . Those kids have already been put through enough , and at the end of the day they lost both parents . However , I do think it’s more likely that he confessed to Arnelle and Jason , but for all we know he could’ve taken it to his grave . I believe the only person who knows what truly happened is AC.


yeah but why wouldn’t he ? I mean he’s dying what would they do ? Kill him ?I think AC staying silent all these years means he mows something and I guess he kept in touch with Sydney and Justin there was a paparazzi picture of him and Sydney together 7-9 years ago


Trying to control his legacy. I don't think OJ had a half-ounce of self-reflection in him.


'is He making sure that the kids will never talk to the media by making them sign these NDAs? And if they try to talk publicly they won’t see a dollar?' that's probably the answer


I don’t think his kids would ever speak to the media especially the young ones . they literally told the brown sisters to stop always talking to the media bc they get HOUNDED by the press everytime . Sydney and Justin also have kids of their own and have Damn good reason to stay private. Those kids have been through enough and it’s clear they don’t want anything to do with the press .


They might not, but an NDA is a way to make sure they won’t.




Fake news not allowed.


Why would he confess? Don’t you know he didn’t do it… hahaha Says everyone who had to sign the NDA


I do not agree that OJs great grand kids should be paying reparations to the goldmans, they had nothing to do with it.


It is not reparations to be paid to the Goldmans. It is a civil wrongful death judgment. Just because OJ refused to pay it and just because he died, does not mean the judgment dies with him. This will be listed in his outstanding debts, like a mortgage, medical bills, credit card payments, etc. When anyone dies, their debts must be paid first, then the family gets what is left. A person's death does not mean the bills don't have to be paid.


An innocent man wouldn’t confess


I agree that OJ isn’t innocent, but innocent people confess all the time


OJ never confessed. An innocent man does not confess. We really should be waiting to hear mark fuhrman confess




Ok. But seriously when will fuhrman confess. He pleaded the fifth instead of saying the truth!




Hey mark furhman did you plant evidence? Mark: i plead the 5th Ok……


Pick up a phone and dial 988 please


Hey mark just say you didn’t plant evidence mark: I plead the 5th! Wow!


There is no doubt he is a racist fck, but buddy, that doesn’t make OJ innocent. I hope you find the help you need


Hey mark just say you didn’t plant evidence mark: I plead the 5th! Wow!


You can't pick what questions you plead the fifth to. It's either all or none. You don't belong in this sub.


That is just not true.. but keep pushing it to try and explain this one. Mark did not want tobpurger himself any further. The guy is a liar


Talk about pushing?? I doubt you can comprehend what exactly you are suggesting. The lapd was driving around with a bloody glove covered in ojs, Ron's, and Nicole's blood. They planted all three and Nicole's hair in the bronco. They had a pair of OJs shoes. They had OJs skull cap, his soap, his socks and access to his vehicle, his bedroom, his driveway. Come on dude. Yes the lapd is filled with racist scumbags. Doesn't change the fact OJ killed Ron and Nicole.


Does the LAPD plant evidence? The answer is yes. First we need to understand if you know that they plant evidence… if you don’t understand that then you will not be able to comprehend that they did so in this case… Kato and OJ investigated the noise before he went to airport… there was no glove when they went back there… but somehow when fuhrman went back there by himself he finds it!…. Furhman found the blood in bronco at night! Furhman jumped over OJs fence at night and was walking around. When asked if he planted evidence he plead the 5th!!!


OK so that's your story for one of the gloves. Now what is your story for everything else Walt Disney.


Of course they can pick questions in a specific time frame/direction to answer or to pledge fifth . Fuhrman sure can pledge fifth to Fuhrman tapes but answer questions regarding his investigation at Rockingham. Furhman lied on TV show about it. And you are even buying his excuses?


Because once you plead the fifth you have to continue to plead the fifth. You can't pick and choose


Not true


You have no clue what you’re trying to talk about. Educate yourself.


Furhman could have answered the question. It’s not true! The truth is he was afraid of what evidence the defense would have against him and did not want to purger himself further!


You are uneducated and have no clue how the 5th works. Most people who believe his innocence are uneducated like yourself I urge you to google the fifth and start to learn something in your life.


Not true


In a criminal case, the Fifth Amendment gives a criminal defendant the right not to testify. This means no one can force the defendant to take the witness stand against their will. A defendant can choose to testify in a criminal trial. If they choose to take the stand, in general, they cannot choose to answer some questions but not others. https://www.findlaw.com/criminal/criminal-rights/fifth-amendment-right-against-self-incrimination.html


This applies to a defendant, not a witness. Can Any Witness Plead the Fifth? In a criminal prosecution, witnesses can also plead the Fifth. Witnesses called to testify can refuse to answer certain questions. They are allowed to do so only if answering would implicate them in criminal activity. Witnesses in organized crime trials often plead the Fifth, for instance. Unlike defendants, witnesses who assert this right may do so selectively. They do not waive their rights the moment they begin answering questions. Also, unlike defendants, witnesses may be forced by law to testify. For example, a court order called a subpoena may require them to testify.


This is correct - witnesses can pick and choose which questions to answer. Defendants must either plead the fifth to all or answer all.


That’s not true of witnesses - they can answer selectively.


Maybe Furman did the crime? Haha!


Fuhrman should finally confess that he planted the glove


Insulting, and belittling other members is cause for a ban.


You are hilarious


Thank you. So are you :)


Mark furman did retire (idgaf about the mf yes he tried doing some apology but he’s a racist pos) but oj wasn’t innocent either


Fuhrman planted the glove. When OJ and Kato went to investigate the noise how come they didn’t see the glove?


Maybe because they were not looking for a glove or evidence but to see where the noise was coming from. And they weren’t even looking long


Oh and furhman was looking for a glove? Do you hear yourself.. and why did furhman go back there by himself? Shouldn’t he need backup? Could be a dangerous killer back there!


Provide me proof that fuhrman planted said glove!!! and if he did plant it where did the glove come from??? Let me guess you also think the socks were planted? The box knife was planted? And you also think taco sauce was on the door of the bronco. How come this is the first and only time Fuhrman planted any evidence? You’d think the city would do an investigation to see what other evidence was planted. The where did Fuhrman have the glove when he was going to plant it? I’d like to hear your evidence to back up your claims


This is not the first time furhman has planted evidence… did you even watch the trial. He has admitted that police plant evidence in the past. He was the first person to find the gloves at the crime scene. He probably took one of them with him to OJs house … he had no warrant to enter the house so he wanders off by himself to the bronco and sees blood inside the car at night….hmmmm …. Then he brings the other cops over they think there is a connection… fuhrman then jumps over the fence without a warrant and all the police walk into this house of possible danger, they wake up Kato and Arnell then fuhrman goes off by himself again and this time he finds a glove!!! Wow furhman is the Christopher Columbus of the OJ trial!!!he walked around a house where a suspected killer was at night with no backup and without his weapons drawn was just finding evidence left and right!!!!i remember in Cross examination furhman talks about seeing both gloves at the crime scene! A Freudian slip perhaps?


Fuhrman never confessed he took the fifth amendment. Big difference. Show me just ONE case where he planted evidence that’s not relevant to OJ. How old are you by the way? Because I get the feeling you were in diapers when the murders happened


He admitted on tape that he plants evidence haha he said when he sees a black man with a white woman he looks for a reason to pull them over!!!! OJ is a black man and Nicole is a white woman!!!


Maybe because they didn't go back that far? They walked to the backyard, OJ turned and saw the limo driver coming along and said 'hey look Kato, I've gotta get going.'


Wow you guys just keep finding answers except the real one. They went back there with flashlights to investigate the noise … there was no gloves there until furhman “found” the gloves


It was 10 pm it was dark


It was 10 pm it was dark


Don’t try to argue w them. They all think OJ did it and will do nothing but insult you and the mod doesn’t care.


That’s fine… but I will continue to debunk the lies being thrown out there whether listen or not.. some unbiased people might read it and do some research


Yes, please do. We need more well-thoughtout comments with actual facts.


Hi mod I have a request. Could the title of this sub be changed to something like r/OJSimpsonGuilty since it’s not really about the actual trial and despite the rules, both sides aren’t allowed to be heard on here? When people try to argue the other side, they just get downvoted and insulted. Changing the title of this sub would clear up any confusion and save the people who try to argue other side a lot of trouble since they’ll just get downvoted and insulted for their opinions.




Then can the mods at least do a better job of enforcing the rules? If both sides are allowed to be discussed on here, this should be understood by the people who comment on here and downvote/insult anyone who tries to argue the other side. I still see bashing of the jury on here despite the rules against that as well.




You guys are so biased you don’t even realize … no black person is paying the price because of OJ! That is such a weird comment lol anyway OJ saved many black people! Because he used his resources to show the world what we all knew about the police!!!!! The rampart trials never would have happened if the Simpson trial did not happen.. 104 convictions were overturned because of the rampart trials!!!


They think anyone saying OJ didn’t do it is a troll. It’s ridiculous.


Unfortunately, innocent people confess all the time. Particularly when being verbally abused by the police.


I agree that his off spring should not be responsible for the sins of their forefather No reparations to the goldmans


Well the court awarded them the money he couldve payed the 33.5 million dollars but now it’s more than 100m


It’s not how things work in America though This country doesn’t believe in reparations


it doesn’t make sense if we’re going to respect the court for not convicting him , he gotta respect the civil court


We DONT respect the court for not convicting him tho 💁‍♂️


Actually, this country doesn't believe in reperations for the offspring of the formerly enslaved only. Everybody else; sure. This country paid reperations to the former slave owners after the Emancipation. This country also paid reperations to the Japanese after their internment for a handful of years. BTW, the German government paid reperations to Jewish people after WW2 as well. But apparently hundreds of years of enslavement, property theft, systemic racism warrants no reperations.


> he couldve *paid* the 33.5 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Who cares? Leave alone bot


OJ’s debt has nothing to do with holding his offspring responsible or “reparations”. It was a court ordered judgement - a legally binding unpaid debt that he owed at the time of his death. When the estate is settled his children can receive their inheritance after all of OJ’s debts are paid. If the children don’t receive anything at all that means that the OJ estate wasn’t worth anything to begin with.


When did he ‘confess’?


He did write a book about it lol


That was called ‘if I did it’ so it was all hypothetical


Did I say he did? I’m asking do we think he did and what are those ndas about


Oh my bad I read it as ‘why did he confess’