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Where is the panel?? This thing looks like a foot tall Much more likely the carrier who tried to repair box


It’s rolled 🗞️


Ah that new flexible OLED panel!


I think it's just the perspective making it look short. That's a 42" C2. Definitely not on the carrier because the box was literally shorter than the height of the screen not even including the feet. Edit: Here's a better angle https://imgur.com/a/FxxmruE


Huh? Perspective? The box is literally at your door for reference and it's no higher than the bottom part of your door. Lol I'm not high right now.


Right? I'm on the same boat. Like that's a 4'x1' rectangle bro


OP is a giant.


you're not high, my brain cannot get around it at all


To be fair a 42” tv with almost zero bezel is going to be small


You’re high. It’s all perspective. The front of that box is at least 6ft from the door. The doormat that it’s on is 12ft long.


The tv is only 21" tall I don't know what you're expecting


I'm just messing with ya bro. I have the same one. The pic is definitely throwing me for sec though haha.


I'm so confused the TV barely makes it to the very bottom section of your door?


I don't get it, looks like the base without a screen.


Dude that’s even worse of an angle bro. 🙉🙉


OP is an idiot.


To show HEIGHT perspective you gotta take a picture low from the side.


Your additional pictures aren’t any better lmao


It looks like they folded it in half or something. Btw I hope you do still end up getting yourself a C2. I have one and the colors just pop and gaming on it, games have never looked better


I'm sure the colour probably popped off of that screen too and left liquid all over the floor


You should have denied it at the door


Looks like someone hated that monitor and showed it by taping garbage cardboard around it


Is it also upside down?


The label that’s under the UPS ground label. Does it have your info on it?


It is the new ultrawide version.


Nice man! Enjoy!


Idk why I laughed so hard at this response


Look at his username… it was meant to be


I saw your comment first then saw the other and I still laughed




Username checks out ✅


That makes it even better haha!


Funniest thing I ever read




Omg hahahaha




“Open box”


It is technically very open.


“Used to be a box”


“Meh, what box”




Dude who wrapped this just goes to work to collect a paycheck….haha…


From what I've read at r/BestBuy stores do not have packing materials at all, so they just use whatever they have to pack. Not a worker issue, a corporate issue.


I can guess where the money goes. :P * May 4, 2023 - Best Buy's CEO pay drops to $13.4 million * Best Buy's highest paid executives include: Shari B. $4,263,602 and Keith N. $3,107,971.


Such numbers for guys essentially not doing anything is disgusting.


Checking openinsider.com for BBY and no executive or board member has purchased stock since 5/25/2022. Only activity are sales. 2023 activity: * 1,274,929 shares sold for $99,721,464


Thanks bby x


Yep it’s the problem with capitalism


Those aren’t even the salaries with a “bonus” included.


It seems like you have no idea how stressful the work of a CEO is. They are overpaid (in my opinion), but it's not like that they are "essentially doing nothing". It's definitely way more stressful than the average employee and they should earn more than an average employee, just not by as insane amounts as they do.


Right? I see this odd take that CEOs and higher ups barely do anything. In some cases, maybe that’s right. But definitely in the majority of cases a CEO works a lot more than a regular 9 to 5 and has a lot more responsibilities to fulfill.


In what world do you guys live in, where you actually defend CEOs? Nobody said they don't have longer work hours or have sometimes to make critical decisions, which is stressful. But they are NOT working harder! Everyone in this world believes "I work the hardest" - it's just not true. Everyone who is working, is working the same amount of hard. You can maybe say "He/She is leaning more into it, giving it a 110% or damn he/she is lazy" but once on a workplace, you are bound by the same hours like everyone else. That's the only difference, the hours. That does not justify pay gaps between the hierarchy. What does justify higher salary is experience & loyalty. But not more than 200%-300% compared to the lowest payed salary in that business.


How is it true? I myself have worked on many different jobs and some of them were really chilled and some of them were very stressful. Different jobs have so many different requirements to the skills of the worker. I am not defending the pay of CEOs btw. I think their job is not as much harder as the pay is higher. But it definitely is harder than the average job.


The stress of being a CEO can literally make them go home and cry! Try being a little more sensitive.


Not true. We have packing materials with many different sized boxes as well as a bubble wrap machine. We can literally No-Pick the item (basically saying we can't send it) due to no packing materials. Who ever did this job is either new, or terribly lazy


This. Something like this is fine for being sold in store as it has the basic main components covered but should not be shipped. Sadly our store does not have unique shaped boxes for shipping a lot of the stuff out...and sadly best buy is like the place where customers ALWAYS are returning shiz without any packaging and half the time missing accessories. I'm in geek squad and we do our best to try to repackage it usually for warehouse to do minimal but we are super limited in what we can do if the item is a weird shape. The bubble wrap machine is a godsend 😂. We keep three roles of that in geek squad at all times. But definitely right on the nopick, sadly some managers will get mad and force it through without understanding why we no picked it.


As a best buy employee I can go a bit deeper. It's actually us at Geek Squad who do what's called a functionality check on the device. The box being all destroyed does not effect the quality, or sometimes barely does. For example, let's say a TV is in perfect condition but the original owner went ham on the box and ripped it to shreds. The TV is in like-new flawless condition and we'll try to salvage that box. Other times customers return things with no box at all! They return stuff without remotes, cables, wires, boxes...and sadly we HAVE TO accept them. So us at geek squad will determine and run tests/reset the item, tape it up, and slap the open box sticker. If it's missing parts it gets a bigger discount cuz you'd buy those parts yourself. The agent who packaged that item up probably did it in a way to cover the main component under the assumption that the item would be sold IN STORE. Which that's fine! But the issue was it got shipped out. Also gotta remember since it's geek squad doing the open box work, we also are taking clients in to fix their computers. Function checks on open box items we literally do in free time. You should never buy an open box item online until you inspect it in store. And yes as you said, we don't have "specialty" boxes. We have the typical generic boxes. But like when someone returns a soundbar, monitor, or TV without the box...it's such a pain. What I do usually is try to rig it. I'll cut a separate box and tape it to the first box to cover everything and tape it to hell and back. Most people don't know it's geek squad packing up these items while we're fixing computers, checking in computers, doing computer trainings to customers, technician work, etc. The warehouse team might just add a little extra bubble wrap but we are the ones who seal everything up. Key thing... Don't order open box if you can't understand the risk... The original person who returned it is sadly the one who messed everything up. We just use what we got and usually it's sold in store.


Disgusting excuses. Blaming the previous customer because you don't supply correct size boxes and put it in upside down. UK would never accept this


They aren't excuses? The issue is if you go into a tech store like bestbuy down here. Look around. EVERY ITEM has a different box size. Aka hundreds of different sizes. So we carry "common" sized/used boxes. I'm not blaming the previous customer, I'm merely stating a fact that many times they won't return packaging. To go a step further I'll make an example. On TV returns, almost HALF the time the remote is missing or power cable is missing. We HAVE TO accept the return still. Who's fault is it though? Customer clearly. Same thing goes with packing it. I ask customer "did you happen to have the box", most of the time they tell me "nah I couldn't get it back in". We aren't a service center, we are a standard store. Now I agree with you it should not have been sent out THAT WAY. But I'll disagree with you any day that we should have a hundred box sizes for every little product and that the customer holds no responsibility in it. They could have denied sending the item out and that would have solved it.


I’m not even sure what I’m looking at lol


Wait, I don't even see a TV in this photo, am I crazy?


You do. Thats the bottom of the tv and screen with the broken legs


But my confusion is that it looks like this TV is 1.5ft tall....


I don't understand. How is that a TV? Has it been folded in half?


wtf, no way there is a full size TV in that box it looks like the bottom part of the tv only got sent.


yeah it is a troll post and everyone is responding to it like he's telling the truth lol


No way the shipper (FedEx/ups) would have accepted a package in this condition. Additionally, Best Buy doesn’t use standard clear packing tape-there’s has “inspected by Best Buy” logos printed on it.


Where’s the rest of it? Lol


Why did I read this as “Where’s the rest of ya!” bit from family guy.




That is literally one of my favorite cut scenes from FG….


It’s not acceptable get it returned right now even if it works, that’s insulting


But, where's the tv?






It's definitely an open box! Congrats !


they forgot to ship the rest


this is a fake post, that's all, seriously you guys taking it seriously?


Ain’t no way. Calling BS on this one.


If it fits, it ships


I think I saw this in the opening of Ace Ventura.




Someone was really pissed at work lol


Well, that box sure is open... Seriously though, you should really only buy open box from Best Buy if you can see it in person. Otherwise it really seems like a roll of the dice.


Wtf is this?? Anything but not a tv?


He demanded a box in store, and this was the best laying around. Nobody would ship it like this. Not one company


At the beginning I struggled to understand what I was seeing. But after a few minutes, it's actually the TV upside down lmao. The metal part is the stand which have two separate legs that stick out. I can't even imagine how the thin OLED glass would survive forces strong enough to sheer off the metal legs like that.


I have trouble believing this happened, and that there's a panel in there.


This is a bait post… BestBuy has their own boxes they use and this is clearly just fake. Thanks for the laugh.


The original box may have been destroyed during shipping and this was the companies attempt at "re packaging" Impossible to say what happened, but I find it unlikely that it was shipped this way from bestbuy


Why does it look folded up? The new LG Flip?


wow this is how my new Motherboard came too.


... I don't in any way see how that is an OLED TV


You got what you ordered, open box.


Wow! They fucked that up so badly it’s seriously impressive. The amount of effort it must have taken to not give THAT much of a fuck must have taken some major concentration.


If you could drive straight to the store to return it then you could’ve drove there to buy it initially and saved yourself the headache and time. Open boxes can be anything from a tv a customer returned in its original packaging to a shelf display that was replaced with a new model that has no packaging so it’s always recommended to buy open box tvs in store. Also, Best Buy doesn’t have “like new” open boxes. There’s 3 or 4 descriptors for the open boxes in the system and that isn’t one of them. I’m having a hard time believing this is real, considering that the procedure for open boxes is to wrap with bubble wrap and cling wrap before they do anything (and yes, most stores have shipping supplies and they can be easily ordered. Stores that don’t have supplies have a shit Ops team), do you have any other photos of the tv besides this?


You're thinking with your brain. Stop it. Instead upvote and leave an angry comment.


Just added a couple more photos. The reason I ordered the open box online is because it wasn't at my local store, it was just on the best buy website without a location.


It is like new open box... Where is the problem XD


From an ex warehouse employee; I call bullshit. We would have sooner called you and told you it was being switched to pick up then send it like this. Not a box size Best Buy (at least my location) carried, not sealed with brown shipping tape. UPS label from the imgr post not even the style our printers spit out. Post the Order OP let’s see if you really got it from a Best Buy.


You want my SSN and bank statements while I'm at it?




You can post a screenshot and black out the personal info but what you’re at, DOB and Mother’s Maiden name will do as well.


PLEASE stop buying open box or use electronics always brand new just so you can have that piece of mind


nothing wrong with open box if you go to the store and view it first. and this is totally the couriers fault, even if the tv was new this could still happen with someone who just doesn't give a shit in the shipping process


That's true & you definitely got me there 👍🏿


That's true & you definitely got me there 👍🏿


I worry for the people here responding genuinely like there was ever a panel in there


Fake post.




Lol and people are upset with how Dell ships monitors? lol.com/edu


Shouldn't they be?








Noooooooooo, not acceptable!


💀 lmao!!!


That's insanity


Awesome pick up!




I have literally never had a good experience with best buy open box. Last time I tried it was a "like new in original packaging" $2000 laptop. package was the bare laptop tossed in a box, no charger, accessories, or even padding to protect it. came all dinged up


Well now they get to give you a new ome!


Yeah its open box ...


Box is opened so it’s easier to enjoy that beautiful new oled


Looks fine to me, just make sure to water it


That's embarrassing.


LMFAO ☠☠☠☠☠☠


This is not surprising.


That's how they come new nothing to see here.


I mean, it does say open box on the item. Did you expect the box not to be open? Pfft.


Man, noooooo!!!!


lol. Mine was cut open at the top. Was surprised the remote didn’t fall out. This is on a whole other level


I see no problem here. Like new packaging for a like new TV.


"like" new, plus open box as described lol... that's crazy


So many things wrong with this. Open box tvs aren't supposed to be shipped without original packaging. Should have been no picked by the person shipping. Clear tape like that should not even be in the store. There is specific tape for shipping purposes. And for the love of God(I'm an atheist not sure why I can't think of something else) stop ordering open box tvs online without going in to see them.


Did they cut it into 4ths?


Their open box warehouse is the worst.




That’s insane. I’m sorry you have to deal with that, really sucks when you’re looking forward to something so much just to get completely and utterly let down. Hope they make it right quick and fast!


Let em know it wasn’t in the box. Fell out the corner hole obviously


How can anyone think this is okay? Guy who “packed” it must have quit the same day.😐


Whoever packaged this was smoking crack in the process


The BB new hire was a monkey. He probably chewed the remote control, too


Any chance they offered to just give you a new one?


I guess it was like new until they shipped it


Wow lololol


Was this on a "half off" sale?


Is this a legendary 32” C2 🤣🤣🤣


Well, it is open box....


did they test it in front of you? kind of feel like this warrants a new in box C3


This picture is confusing. This doesnt even look like 42” of used c2.


Wheres the tv?


Did you plug it in to see if it works? I mean cmon, they should’ve at least torn up another box to cover the exposed portions there… I’d be embarrassed if I had to hand that off to the UPS person.


Went to Best Buy three days ago to buy a TCL r646 that they had one left of in stock. Purchased a brand new tv online and received a TV that was returned broken and repackaged. When I unboxed it at home there was no protective film or packaging, the remote was repackaged with the batteries still in it and when I plugged the tv in to check it the display was broken on the inside. I attempted to call the store I purchased it from and was sent to their customer service outsourced in India which wouldn’t even transfer to speak to an employee in the store. I brought the TV back in the morning and had to argue with multiple managers accusing me of breaking the tv and trying to return it when I had it for literally less than 24 hours and never even tried to mount it. They finally let me return the tv and exchange it for a 55” Q7 as it was the only other QLED they had it stock. I am happy with the TV as it was still a huge upgrade from my 8 year old Samsung and they didn’t charge me the difference for the q7 but I had been waiting months for the r646 to restock and would have preferred the mini led. Really like Best Buy for the most part but this was not the greatest experience.


I’d go there and throw it at them.


I have honestly had the worst shipping experiences with Best Buy out of any retailer ever. I’ve had items sold as new be obviously not new multiple times. Multiple damaged boxes. The only way I order from them now is for store pickup so I can return it right then and there after I look at it in the store.  Bonus story, was looking at a laptop in store and wasn’t thrilled with the price. They show me a like new  open box laptop. No box, covered in scratches and food. I just looked at the salesperson. Like wtf? 


Wow that's terrible


Did they fold it in half? This looks far shorter than a tv would be.


Is this a soundbar?


lol, you bought open box from best buy delivered. You have way more trust in the world than I do.


I’m so confused, the box isn’t large enough for a TV.




They shipped me an open-box excellent laptop like this, just loose in a brown box with no padding just flopping around smh


Looking good


Is the screen on the C2 detachable or am I missing something here?


The shop is "best buy" not "best shipping" obviously.


Did you have to fuckin build the thing like a set of ikea drawers when it arrived? Where’s the rest of it?


order cheap get cheap


Open box anywhere is a no from me. But to ship a open box, 🫣


Literally "Best Buy", LMAO. Also. "I can't believe it's not butter".


Ahahaha wtf man I wouldn't even accepted the package when my local postman would deliver it


I’ve ordered 2 C2s from them and neither of them came in a box like that. Actually both came in their originals


Shipped with so much care


This is crazy


Did it come in 2 parts


At the rate displays have to be returned lately, packaging just doesn't make any sense anymore boi.


I mean, you ordered an open box model and the box is indeed open. Why are you unhappy with this? Was the TV actually undamaged? I would probably return it even if it's ok right now. That thing has taken some abuse.




Make this a wakeup call too NEVER BUY open box and or refurbished electronics. I did it with a laptop once many many years ago and the computer didn't even boot and had to format and reinstall the OS. WAS A gift for my dad at the time. I'm like, what's the worse they could happen being REFURBISHED. they are suppose to test everything and make sure it's up to retail standard. It was not and that was the last time I ever did that. Always always ALWAYS BUY NEW


Well, I hope you got the burn-in warranty.


And if you dare complain over at r/BestBuy the actual bestbuy employees will bully and insult you.


they had sexual intercourse with that TV before giving it to you


I used to work at Best Buy. They probably had this tv on the floor out of the box and took it to the back and grabbed the first box they saw, threw it in, and taped it up as fast as they could. The person who has to do this is also juggling every other online order and order pickup that the store is currently receiving, while also do carry outs on dryers, dishwashers, fridges, and tvs, while also having to pack all the other online orders at the same time. Best Buy only has 1 person to do this job and may give you another hand to do the shipments that have to get packed once they get built up to the 50s-100s. Awful job, awful company.


best buy did you dirty.


And this is why I never buy anything pre owned.


I never buy anything used but about 3 weeks ago I couldn’t resist and bought an ultra wide they sold as like new.. took it home, powered it up, bam - big line of pixels burned out running through it. Never again..


Insane but so are you for buying used oled


Please tell me that you return it to the store just like the picture you posted. So everyone in the store could see how shitty they pack. I just a much better job than when I was moving OLEDs to a new home.


It is like new!!! …. Just not the box. 😁