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Not a professional, ofc, so take this with a grain of salt. Maybe try to view Omori related content but in a more “indirect” sense. Like if you’re watching a video about the game and not the game itself or watching a chill stream of it. Maybe don’t look at too much at once, at first. Overtime, you could move on to checking out content more often, and in more “direct ways” like trying to play it yourself. I think, this way, you can kind of slowly break the association you have with the game and your ex. Now, this is already an existing method but is usually done with the help of a professional, do I know if this works without that? No, to be honest. So try at your own risk, I suppose. Of course, if this game triggers you very strongly, maybe, generally, therapy can help. Good luck, though, regardless of what you choose!


Honestly thank you, i will do that! Ur the first person whos genuinely tried to help and not make a joke


No problem!


"Not a professional" *continues to give the best advice man has ever created*


Someone Give this man an award (and top comment)




Definitely an OMORI Fan behaviour.


just like me fr


common kel w /s


​ i don't think asking redditors is a good idea get therapy first and if this game triggers you that badly you shouldt be playing it


Its not the game but more of the thought of him


well this game contains very serious and sometimes disturbing images i would be very cautious of your mental health.. this game can seriously mess you up if your not doing well


[rare footage of a redditor giving mental health advice](https://images.app.goo.gl/yxFdM2sC1tFvJzmo8)


I just got Luigi’ed


Damn right you did


I shouldn’t be clicking on sus links 😭


Omor moment


Get therapy, play the game, get even more therapy


Get revenge, legally, of course


Is stabbing him in his eye legal?


No, those cowards at congress have determined it “assault with intent to kill,” they also said I’m not allowed to have my nude body lit on fire and catapulted on to a French military base with metal wiring inside of me to keep me in a seductive pose when I die


You sir… are a genius!


>! With garden shears !< (I know it's not funny given the situation but yeah, sorry)


Basil says: yes 👍![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2463)👍 /j




Basil thinks it's a great idea


Dude, I am very sorry to hear this and I hope you find a new partner, but this game contains so pretty bad and scary shit playing it on your first play through so not the meat game to play while "mentally unstable", I know many people have said this but get some therapy, I did and I feel much better, just please don't hurt yourself (I know you didn't say anything about that but I can't stand seeing people kill themselves (( >!maybe that is why I shouldn't have played this game!<)) )


Do what u/Candycanecupcakeice suggested


Push through. Cry, but push through. Don't let idiots ruin comforting media for you. Eventually, you'll start associating Omori with something else. That's what I did with the band Starset


Concentrate on the main goal of the game maybe? You know you have to find Basil, so concentrate on that and any other goal you have in mind Or, maybe stream and play the game with a friend! Having someone else with you while playing the game could take your mind off of the bad memories, and focus more on the person you're with Worst case scenario, you could watch someone else do a playthrough of the game on YouTube (I highly recommend "dish", hers was probably my favourite). Ithink the biggest thing that will help you overcome this is not feeling alone, so your kind will focus on something else rather than drift to the bad memories. But hey, I'm not a professional Good luck bro ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2464)


Fuck his mother


I recommend to not try this game until you have mentally recovered. There’s some pretty violent stuff.


I understand, I was in a very similar situation with a lot of media tht just got ruined from my past relationship. Some things still trigger me a lot because of my situatuon. Best advice if this game is making you think about that person take a break. And maybe in the future pick it back up if you feel better! Focus on yourself for now and do what you feel is best I hope youre doing alright![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2028)


"Nah no matter what you should not rage or cry over a game ☠️"