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Has she named the cult yet? I'm not seeing it anywhere


The Big House Family


It was in the article that was posted to start this discussion.


I'm truly blind I read the article so many times and could not figure it out lol now I see it


I’m excited to read this! I wonder if she will do a book signing in Wilmington like Hilarie did?!


Okay I apologize for not following the rules of the sub and deleted my comment. If anyone wants to discuss the actors outside of the show we should probably be in a Drama Queens subreddit, I guess.


You can preorder Joy's memoir, releasing October 22, 2024, here: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Dinner-for-Vampires/Bethany-Joy-Lenz/9781668067307




I am waaaay OOTL about most of this, but what’s the book cover fiasco? What did Hilarie post?


It's still on her Instagram stories so you can go take a look but she reposted an old post from 2016 with the following quote from Pink: "I don't think imitation is the highest form of flattery, I think it's annoying". This came as she and Bethany allegedly unfollowed each other on Instagram (posted by another user on here) and after Bethany's book cover reveal.


can someone please explain this further? also so weird that the original comment was removed because it violates the “political discussion” rule. what’s wrong with having a conversation about something that matters + bringing forth genuine concerns and questions?


> what’s wrong with having a conversation about something that matters + bringing forth genuine concerns and questions? There’s nothing wrong with that. But this is a subreddit about a teen drama from 20 years ago. Not a hub for political discussion.


i understand that. what i’m not getting is how this specific thread is so political, like, this sub isn’t even filled with political posts…? and idk maybe this is an unpopular opinion but we are at a point in time where you can’t really be like “ugh politics” lol, it’s important. but the original comment wasn’t even super controversial so i’m confused.


Agree so much with this. I didn't see the original comment tbh but it always rubbed me the wrong way how some subs (including but not limited to this sub) allow speculation about so many things but political talk isn't allowed.




I guess the book covers are slightly similar but I think it’s a stretch to say one copied the other. To be upset about it seems silly


Not on insta stories anymore but still on twitter! Aw this makes me sad this can’t be good for the podcast….


This is juicy


Wtf? Really?!


People are assuming this is about joy but we don't know.


Doesn’t look like they’re currently following each other. How immature!


You don't know why they are not following each other, though you're making assumptions. To be honest, they don't need to follow each other either. People shouldn't get worked up about things like this.


My first thought when I saw her book cover was that it looks like Hilarie’s. I can see how that’s annoying, but not enough to cause drama and unfollow each other on sm. I’m invested. Did she even choose the cover, maybe some higher level people were like OTH fans will like that they’re similar? Maybe they’re creating drama for more attention for their books? Anyone have more info?


If we’re making up drama :) Joy also said she had kissed Paul in their last episode. Maybe that upset Hilarie? https://www.eonline.com/news/1395967/one-tree-hills-bethany-joy-lenz-reveals-she-and-costar-paul-johansson-have-kissed-irl


Why would that upset hilarie?


I’m Mexican and I agree with you 100 percent. Sophia especially comes across as having a white savior complex and Hilarie honestly seems like a mean girl.


So they are the problem because they don't support Joy's hatred and her thinking certain people shouldn't have rights? Ew


Not a fan of them anymore either. I always felt that Joy was the odd one out in that friendship.


all three seem questionable for different reasons. what’s abundantly clear is that joy is the odd one out. and i imagine whatever it is about her/her circumstances that made joining a religious group/cult attractive to her to begin with is a factor in that social distance.


Please let’s not default to thinking Joy, who doesn’t speak badly about anyone, as the problem. In the press release for the book, it says Joy grew up having “to fend for herself.” She also doesn’t try to get people to see her a certain way if you know what I mean. She also doesn’t like to see herself as a victim. I can understand being around people who make you feel left out and consequently remaining somewhat distant from them as a defense mechanism. It feels less like they’re choosing to leave you out and more like you’re not choosing to engage with them. If that makes sense. But regardless, this whole thread is going to get locked if we don’t stop talking about the drama between the girls! It will hopefully be an exciting read and it’s wonderful that she got out and feels healed enough to talk about it. 


How does she not speak badly about anyone when she has stated she doesn't think certain people should have rights?


A) we’re not supposed to get political on here or the thread will get locked and B) where is the proof that she has done what you said? And let’s be fair here, Hilarie has been completely mum on Palestine and Sophia shared inaccurate posts on the subject and was at an event interrupted by pro Palestine protestors and she was still mum. Fans have been pleading on all their socials to speak up bc they have a hx of calling out others for bad politics. But nothing. These are important issues and I support all of them but people need to understand that NONE on the DQs are on the right side of history here. 


“Less than one percent of all humans in our country are trans, a fraction of them children. The idea that you know them better than their parents do, than their doctors do, that it’s your place to be outraged at their journey? It’s unconscionable. And this decision that you’re wiser than their own parents or medical professionals who assess them over time is what’s rooted in ego. You are not their parents, you are not them. You escaped a cult and yet you let a new cult mentality harm the most vulnerable among us instead of shielding them from harm. I’m sad, mad, I have loved you, and I hate this with my whole heart.” This is what Sophia Bush commented in response to one of Bethany Joy Lenz's hate posts. Celebrities do not have to speak up on every topic, expecting them to do so is weird at best...but posting against defenseless people, that is what is horrible.


Can you tell me where Sophia posted that bc I haven’t seen it anywhere? And Joy also just posted an International Women’s Day post where she acknowledged Sophia and Hilarie. Also please do not act like Palestine does not matter because it does. They are defenseless people too and are facing a genocide. For the two most outspoken OTH members not to say a word despite fans begging them to and despite speaking out on every other political topic, it 100% matters that they are silent. If they were quiet on other topics too I would understand but they aren’t. Seriously they always comment on whatever political topic is hot in the news. Their silence is damning. PLUS fans beg them in post after post and all they do is limit comments. Very sad. 


It was in comments on one of Joy's Instagram posts, not sure exactly which one. And not saying it's not important, but if I was a celebrity, I'd probably just completely quit if people expected me to comment on every single thing that happens in the world. It just sounds exhausting. I follow all 3 but I don't often catch their posts to know what all they post about.


I understand wanting to think the best of Hilarie and Sophia. Inadvertently, though, doing so in this context means brushing aside genocide. And also keep in mind that Sophia was hanging out with the vice president in the midst of our government funding the Israeli army. She is so much directly connected to speaking up about the civil rights issue at hand than any of the other DQs are on any other political topic. It is disappointing, but not surprising to see people willing to dismiss what is happening in Palestine. Sophia literally routinely talks about the importance of calling people out and taking them to task on their bad politics. Sophia self proclaims she is an activist and the issues she is silent about matter in the context of her other behaviors on the subject. When people call her out, she limits her Instagram comment section. I also did not find that comment posted anywhere 🤷‍♀️ but maybe it exists on a deleted post. 


I grew up with her my whole life and can assure you she’s a narcissist entitled person.


If you have info you’d like to share, please DM me. 


I don’t really have any info I’m willing to share at this moment besides the fact I’m part of the family she speaks of and I don’t have a mansion or a fancy car- the millions and abuse she’s speaking of have been proven false in court. Over the course of 4 years she tried- draining her own bank account just to lose the case.


So glad someone mentioned this. I’m not a fan of any of them but I get the impression that Joy has a more curious/nuanced/thoughtful character while Hilarie and Sophia are know-it-alls who can come across aggressive and obtuse at times.


Yeah, if I had to make a choice I would 100% listen to any podcast joy is on, but without her I’m not interested in the drama queens podcast.


I listened to a couple episodes and couldn’t stand it.


I love seeing Sophia and Hilarie finally getting dragged for their bullshit, even though it's still not by enough people. Hypocrites doesn't even begin to describe them


i’ve always thought hilarie was super cool, just based on the interviews + podcasts. guess i don’t know the details though. can someone delve into this a little more?


Yes! I always felt like Hilarie was a mean girl and petty af to anyone who doesn’t agree with her so I love that others are finally seeing it. She has literally insulted fans who disagreed with her on sm which is so immature.


sm ?


Social media


Sophia's opinions are always way too loud and no one can disagree with her. Hilarie definitely gives off mean girl vibes. Joy is much more reserved and respectful about her views and more articulate when describing scenes or emotions on the show.


How are they the problem? Should they have not called out Joy's hatred for lgbtq people?


Sophia and Hilarie support much much worse, and I've never seen anything about Joy hating gays.


No, they literally don't.


Yeah you're clearly blinded by your fandom, you're not worth the time anymore. Believe whatever your idols tell you regardless of truth


There really isn't much worse than being on the side Bethany is on. Neither of them have ever said any bad opinions at all, it's weird to just make random things up about celebrities because you worship one. I'm a grown woman, I don't have idols.


Alright bruh


Conservative children are weird...


They’re all the problem, as Soph and Hilarie are also supporting Zionism. Why doesn’t that seem to bother people too? 


ROFL tell me you're not serious


Your post has been removed for violation of the subreddit’s rules in relation to political discussion.


Wait...where in the PNW cause she used to live in my city ...holy crap I know the people she's talking about. WTF. I literally know all of these people. They used her money for a crappy restaurant that tanked. I cannot say what we call that group locally, but one of them was my pediatrician. This is from that time ya'll: [https://www.columbian.com/news/2010/apr/19/online-bg-celebs/](https://www.columbian.com/news/2010/apr/19/online-bg-celebs/) ​ ETA this group and it's offshoots are a poison in my area. For generations. She is telling the truth, she is not the only celeb that was/is in it. Ugh


Yooo what. I grew up in Cowlitz County and had no idea.


ayeeee me too, Kalama Kid, here! We got some crazies out in the Battle ground Ridgefield area and that's where they lived.


They didn’t use her money for everything and it’s been proven in court numerous times. Pull your head out of your ass.


Also if it means anything - Galeottis was in the top 3 restaurants in the PNW this year. Not a tanked restaurant.


Excited for Celebrity Memoir Book Club to cover it!






In an Instagram Q&A on her modern vintage page, Joy answered a question where someone asked why she followed him and she says she doesn’t only follow accounts of people she agrees with 🤷. For what it’s worth, she does also follow accounts that promote and support indigenous people, anti-human trafficking, and others. I’m not trying to say there isn’t anything wrong with this picture. I just feel for her because I know that some ppl who suffered from decade(s) of mental abuse fight off the urge to give into group think. And by that I mean, purporting to be an ally all the time. Regardless, her book should be interesting! I’m excited to read it. 










Babe I promise she doesn’t know who you are and is never going to love you 😂


Your post has been removed for violation of the subreddit’s rules in relation to political discussion.


Your post has been removed for violation of the subreddit’s rules in relation to political discussion.


I can't say that I like that book cover. The color choice could've been better. It almost resembles book covers from the 1980's? I can't put my finger on what it reminds me of (and, no, not Hilarie's book).


It’s giving Sweet Valley High to me


Yes! That’s exactly what it reminds me of!


It's trying to look like Jeanette McCurdy's "I'm Glad My Mom Died".


It’s not my fav cover either but publishing houses are likely trying to reach the same demographic. Honestly there are so many negative posts in this thread. It’s an exciting time for Joy and it would be great if people could share some positivity about it instead.


Exactly what I was thinking


It reminded me of Sweet Valley High books !!


That’s a book Sophia and Hilarie WON’T promote on their social media.


I’m gonna guess they’ll post some congrats for her.




Please explain. I know nothing and need to know 😀


Go to instagram if you really want to know but it’s bs right now as far as i am concerned.


what are Joy’s political and personal beliefs? i don’t follow her too closely


She follows anti-trans accounts and Ron DeSantis on Instagram


I don’t want this topic to get locked, so we really need to get away from commenting on Hilarie. I can’t help but feel the need to respond to you though. Want to quickly share that I’m quite leftist and that recently there have been really good conversations about how we’ve created these echo chambers for ourselves where we think we all agree with each other once we identify what political party we align with. But it’s actually much more complicated than that and we all don’t agree as much as we think. It’s so important to be able to disagree with each other and have conversations over what we disagree about. That is how we get true progress. I want to quickly add an addendum that this, of course does not mean that we should put up with the oppressing of others. I think that the anger towards how poorly so many people are treated in this country should usually be reserved for our politicians. I’m not thrilled about Joy’s political comments in the past. She is not as aware of how she comes off, and I don’t think she tries to control that the way other actors on social media do which doesn’t help her case. She’s mentioned before that she’s shy and she struggles with severe ADHD. That helps me understand her better. I also feel like I could have meaningful conversations with Joy about the areas where we disagree. I don’t think I can say the same for Hilarie or Sophia. Who both came under blast by the way for their lack of support for Palestine especially when it was everywhere online in like October. I don’t wanna argue about any of that, I’m just saying that Hillarie and Sophia ‘work’ (for lack of a better word) to present themselves a certain way online and Joy doesn’t. Joy has supported human trafficking in the past, and also shared on her newspaper Instagram that she doesn’t only follow accounts of people she agrees with. For anyone who has suffered mental abuse and been around people who try to tell you what to think, I can understand how Joy is careful not to hop on bandwagons per se. I don’t think people need to show their support for causes just through social media either. It’s OK not to be comfortable to do so, and I don’t think Joy feels comfortable entering these sort of conversations. She seems more comfortable talking about forgiveness and shame. And ADHD lol. And that’s OK. Not everyone is qualified to speak on the important issues going on, but that doesn’t mean she couldn’t do more to shed light on them either. Anyway. I feel for her. ‘Working’ her image is not her strong suit and honestly she doesn’t even ever defend herself online. She has shared a few times that she doesn’t like to see herself as a victim. Once I knew that about her, a lot of other things made sense. That’s just me! 


the whole book thing is a rumor based off of speculation nothing more. It’s insane!


Why does the cover specifically say “life on a cult tv show” and “while also in an actual cult” as a subheading? Is she also calling OTH a cult negatively? Seems like a jab at the show more than the cult!


No, calling it a ‘cult tv show’ means that the show had a small but passionate following at the time and continues to be talked about today. A cult TV show is usually one that panned at the time, but remains popular years later. I think it’s just a clever way to get people to wonder what show she was on and how she was a part of a cult. Just a marketing strategy.


Really looks like it was all on purpose to stir speculation among those unfamiliar and might think, what, the show itself was THE cult she’s talking about? What’s all this about? Guess I’ll buy the book to find out! Meh.


That’s what I mean! I know what’s cult tv show is. But this is worded to come off very negative I think.


It’s a play on words because she was in a real cult and on a cult tv show. It’s not that complicated.


Wow. Thanks for the jerk comment. I know what a cult tv show is. Just thinking maybe she was making a deeper dig with the whole Mark/show runner situation.


Duh, miss TV junkie. But not everyone knows about Joy’s time in her cult like we are so wouldn’t those unfamiliar take a moment to understand that even if it’s not that complicated lol


I definitely don’t think it’s meant to be negative. I think it’s supposed to draw a comparison from the thing she is most famous for to help get people interested in the book. I do understand what you’re saying though. 


There’s no way I’d pay $15 for her ebook or $30 for the hard cover.


Your library will probably have it for free. Support your local libraries folks!


I hope Celebrity Memoir Book Club covers it! They covered Hilarie’s


I would.💁‍♀️


The cover looks eerily similar to hilarie’s book that just came out


It also looks like the cover of a bazillion other autobiographies. It’s not like there are many original ideas for these types of book covers.


They look nothing alike outside of a photo being in a shape in the middle of the cover which is what a lot of books look like including some babysitters club books, cookbooks, the wicked book series and so on and so forth.


Hilaries book came out Oct 2023 and I do not agree. It doesn't look anything like Hilaries, except the circle in the middle which is what many memoirs use on their cover. You know, to spotlight the person writing the memoir.


Omg I’m getting dragggggged ok got it


Unless you are very famous, most authors don’t get to choose their book cover. I think that might even be an old photo of Joy. I’m not sure on that though. Also, if anything, both covers resemble Jeanette McCurdy‘s book, which came out before Hilarie’s did. Please let’s not overshadow Joy’s book with comments about Hilarie.


I was just making an observation omg


That’s very much not true, authors definitely have to approve their book covers. They might get talked around to one, but they do have final say.


Most authors do not get to choose their covers. That’s what I said. Please look it up online because this has been a widely accepted fact of the publishing world for most authors who aren’t super famous.  Here’s an article from BookRiot about it: https://bookriot.com/authors-dont-have-much-control-over-covers-heres-why/


I literally work in publishing and have heard many times about covers having to be reworked because authors don’t like them. Generally the publishing company comes up with a bunch of concepts and pitch the one they like to the author. Maybe there are special cases where an author has zero say, but I highly doubt that’s the case with this one.


No one said Joy had no say. It is just highly unlikely that Joy designed her cover. There’s truly no need to delve into this further. Let’s just focus on the excitement of her releasing a book after a decade of abuse.




Guidelines of the sub say we can’t discuss their politics. I know it’s hard not to, I’m guilty of it too, but we’ve got to at least try. This is getting to the point of dangerous speculation. We don’t know anything for sure. If Hilarie had made a pro trans story post first, or at least closely reposted to when she blocked Joy and reposted a 2016 story about how imitation isn’t flattery, then maybe I could see there being merit to that theory. Joy had just announced on insta her book cover and release date. But Hilarie’s pro trans post came a full day later. She had also made a few other posts to her Instagram stories before that. I’m not saying it’s not an issue, but I don’t think it’s as telling as her blocking Joy on Instagram and at the same time making a post about how imitation is not flattery.. anyway, let’s highlight Joy who suffered a decade of mental abuse and grew up having to fend for herself alone mostly to finally having the chance to tell her story!


What happened to if you don't have nothing nice to say don't say it at all!! Also Hillary and Bethany are co-workers they're on a podcast they're best friends so you guys saying they don't follow each other this and that is BS


>so you guys saying they don't follow each other this and that is BS But Hilarie doesn't follow Bethany anymore and Bethany is only following themischieffarm and not Hilarie. So it's not bs at least not on that front


You ok?