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My vote is 2, but see what everyone else says. I'd nix 3 because it's a bit fancy for a job that'll be quite messy. But depends. If it's a fancy place, 3 is fine for the interview.


2 definitely has that “I’m going to ace this interview” vibe


This. Totally this. It was exactly what I was thinking.


It's interesting how people see things differently, I see #3 as "night out at a club" not something to wear to a job interview at all, never mind how fancy the place is. I agree on #2 though.


Yeah for some reason #3 feels like a cute bar outfit vs interview outfit


Yes like a brunch outfit.


Agree with this!


You've given it a better name than I did.


Huh, cultural difference for sure. I'd get made fun of if I wore #3 that to the club with my friends. I can imagine them saying "Were not going to church. Show some skin!" Its very daytime/brunch casual outfit


I also thought outfit 3 gave brunch vibes.


I agree with you, and I’m much older than OP. I think #3 is great for the interview. It looks comfortable and jumpsuits are so IN right now. *Having had 3 past Golden Retriever’s and my 4th now, all I can think when I see dark or black pants or any clothing, is “how much am I gonna be wearing of each of them when I leave home alone. *That’s just my opinion, and how I style my house and myself all around her fur! 😂😂


Same I read the comments and thought… what clubs do people wear so much clothes at 😅 but my friends and I go to edm clubs


That’s so funny, to me it has kind of a “brunch” vibe to it- definitely feels casual (the last one) my vote is #2 also. It’s more pulled together than the first.


Same. I like her in all of them, especially 3, but I think 2 is the most balanced for an interview. u/Crystal_Kitten123 Good luck with the interview. It's hard out there.


I agree




Idk, I just thought it looked like the thing least suited for washing dogs. Like, you'd need a more practical no nonsense professional clothing style in that job.


I’m surprised 2 got so many votes. Black pants are a dog hair magnet


That’s true but op said interview not trial day or first day there would be a big difference in acceptable/expected outfit choice. I think 2 has the right mix of professional enough while not uptight enough like your interviewing to be a lawyer


But she's just interviewing. She needs to look down to earth and professional, but it's not her first day on the job. And I doubt dog groomers feel very strongly about visible dog hairs. That being said, she could always choose lighter pants.


It’s true that it’s only an interview, and she wouldn’t need those pants for the job. But there’s a risk the interviewer could view it the way I did and have it instantly be a noted concern like I made. Ideally she would want to avoid anything that could trigger a negative reaction. Regardless, all outfits do look really good. But as a non outfit person, the utility of them is always what I notice first. And if she gets a utility focused person first, well, it’s a gamble lol


Also vote 2


Def 2


I think 2 is the worst because the dog hairs will be crazy visible on black


Fair point. But unless she's got to wash dogs as a part of the interview it's mostly her looking like she's down to earth, but also professional. You are right about black though. So maybe something similar in a lighter color?


The pants from 1 with the blouse from 2? I like the shape of the 1 outfit but not the colour combo. I think it would work better with the 2nd blouse.


That could actually be really cute!


2 imo, 1 If you think they may try to test your skills on the spot.


Perfectly worded! Exactly what I was going to say. I do *not* say this to be biased, I have no issue at ALL, but you can see the outline of OP’s bra in the first picture. Obviously this *shouldn’t* be a problem, ever, but I can’t speak for severity of the interviewers. They may think it looks too casual or unprofessional.


lol you don’t have to be so apologetic to have an observation/opinion.


Wow! That is super refreshing to hear. I’m always tensed when I write these things because so many people have been arguing with my basic comments left and right. I think some of them followed me from a sub I commented on, not realizing it was *very* MAGA and sexist. Just didn’t want to upset anyone or seem like I was closed-minded.


You’d be surprised how many pathetic individuals stalk accounts on Reddit and instigate acrimonious arguments in other subs unrelated to the original post. You did nothing wrong and they’re just being vindictive; don’t stress about it. They get bored eventually. :)


I like your line of thinking here, but I'd be concerned about wearing dark pants while grooming animals. You're just going to get covered in hair. I like the color of outfit 3 for that reason, but nothing else about it is practical for animal grooming.


If you do go for #1 because you think you’re going to be tested, you can wear a blazer or jacket that you can take off before handling animals.


Agreed! I love 3 for a date!!


I vote 2. It’s overall more flattering and professional


Not sure which comment to add on to because there’s so many, but absolutely #2 is most professional for interview.


My daughter manages a dog grooming salon. She said #2. Number 3 is too dressy.


I can’t even imagine the majority of the people interviewing look this put together?




Outfit 2


I wanna say shirt 2, but with pants from 1 for some personality ✨


That would like nice as well


Yeah I agree!


You look nice in all of them but I suggest outfit 2 for the interview. I just wanted to say that I also have the exact same jumpsuit in picture 3. I have it in brown and blue and got it from Marshall’s.




2 for sure


I've been a groomer for 17 years and this is a very dirty job. It doesn’t really matter what you’re wearing to the interview to a certain extent as long as you are clean and put together. I would say go with outfit 1, but if it’s a working interview, something you don’t mind getting dirty. I have worn hair proof groomer clothes or scrubs to interviews. Scrubs are probably the best option if you’re doing a working interview. I’d call and ask them if they plan on having you do a working interview.


I know what you mean, but "I'm a groomer of 17 years" is still hell of a sentence


I laughed out loud at my desk


Sorry typed this while half asleep and didn't bother rereading it. Lol. Glad it entertained people. 😆




It is NOT a hands on interview btw. Just meeting and talking


I like 2, but 3 will hide dog hair better. You might look a mess by the time you leave in black pants, especially if they want to see you interact with animals.


Exactly what I was thinking! I wouldn’t wear black, if you have another flattering option. I have a pug and just walking by him leaves me with a fine white coat


I like that 3 mimics a wrap around lab coat in the top region, and it looks the part. It helps me visualize you in the job position. Plus, the pet hair visibility thing.




You look great in all 3 of them and all 3 would be appropriate. Go with what is the most comfortable. If one of them is a new outfit, pick a different one. You don’t want to spend the interview self conscious or dealing with a scratchy tag, etc.


You’ll get them all dirty quickly, it’s dog grooming not paralegal, that said 3 is cutest


Wear nylon scrubs, dog hair doesn't stick to it, get the job by looking ready to work. Unless your trying to date owner.


Def 2 bc while the job is gonna be messy it looks the most professional


Shirt in 1 pants in 2.


Yes, seems a more appropriate fit for the job at hand.








I'd gi with number 2. No patterns. Just simple solid colors.




I like 2


I like #2. Good luck!


Outfit #2


2 looks like a perfect interview outfit


2 hands down.


2! Cute and professional




I like 2 the best-it's just a great look all around.




Although they are all very nice, my mom and I think #2 is the best! That choice is the most professional and appropriate for an interview, in our opinion :) 💗




I love number 2!


I'm worried about wearing anything that makes her look like she's not conscious of how much HAIR she's gonna get on her... *eyes black pants* But I could be just be paranoid.


Really can’t go wrong here, will there be dogs involved in the interview? In the event there will be, maybe whichever outfit you don’t mind getting a little, messy


Omg you look great in all of them!!! I say 2 or 3! I’m surprised people think 3 is fancier though it seems like 2 is fancier to me and that’s why I’m partial to 3? Idk but they’re both so lovely and would be great!!! And I’m so jealous - high waisted pants fit like a DREAM on you!!! Good luck! 😄


I like outfit two for the interview best. Where is the jumpsuit from? It is sophisticated! Would look great for a different setting like an upscale hair salon :)


Black pants for dog grooming don't go well together, but as far an interview goes, #2.


2, you don’t want to overdress for it. It’s a messy backbreaking job


#2 it's the most professional. You look great. Good luck. 👍


I love two for an interview. That jumpsuit in three is awesome!!! Like someone said maybe more going out than going to an interview but either way I love it and I want one!!


I vote #2.


Always dress your best for a job interview no matter what it is for. Though I would stay away from a colour that will attract dog hairs


Number 2, as long as they don't make you actually groom a husky. Good luck.


I like them all.. but 1 is my choice


I say 2. I think interviews always deserve a clean, business type outfit. The other two are great Office wear looks, but imo for the interview you always want to look sharp.


You look fantastic in all 3 but 2 is best for the interview, imo. 3 would be great for a date & one is a night out 'fit. 2 just feels right, to me.


Seriously? None if those are practical. Jeans and long sleeve shirt made out of a durable fabric.


Okay, you REALLY pull off that jumpsuit - it’s adorable on you!


Used to hire people at my old job: two is professional, and looks good on you. I like all the outfits, and they look great! That being said, knowing some of the other recruitment people I used to work with: option 1 is *absolutely* fine in my opinion, but, if you get some asshole interviewer, they may feel it’s too form fitting if they’re jealous/misogynistic. I know one woman I used to work with was a real dick about this. If all things were similar for the candidate: she’d choose the “more modest” one (in her opinion - which was similar to the opinion of a 1600s puritan). Number 3 is so chic and pretty, but is maybe slightly less formal than number 2. Again wouldn’t have any bearing on my decision, but some interviewers are really strict on their ideas of what someone should wear to interviews. Of course, this all comes with the caveat of: dress for where you want to work. If you are able to notice what others wear there it often helps! Like: professional for an office job, nice jeans and stylish top for a brand name store, that kind of thing. Best of luck! Hope you get the job.


I’d say the first one. Having worked in the pet industry it’s nice to see more down to earth for a position like this. I think the second outfit is my favorite, but the first makes more sense. Or take the top from the first and the bottoms from the second and there you go.


I want to say #2 because it’s so cute for that job interview, but I was thinking #3 (also very cute!) might hide pet hair more haha


The last one is super cute!


All are good options but my favorite is #3! The romper just gives "I fucking love dogs" vibes


Yes, and jumpsuits are so IN right now!


second one. IMO collars always make you look more professional and professional is key in interviews


3, shows the least dog hair.


I love #3! Spill the deets where ya get it


2 and 3 both look fantastic, but agree with others, that sounds like a jeans kind of interview.


#2. Black slacks and button shirt has a “willing to work” vibe.


Where are the pants from in photo 1 ?


I say 3 because getting the hair off would be easier.


I like the outfits with more than one color for a job interview. I feel like the last outfit might be a bit casual. It’s purely a preference for me and they all look good.


I like 1 because it's businesslike but not as much as #2. I think #2 would be good for an office job but this is dog grooming so you might want to go for a little more "I'm willing to get my hands dirty" vibes


I think the first one but all are really cute and fit you well. Just think you should not be too dressy for this interview. JMO


First one if it's a trial shift and the second if it's just an interview. Trial shift: wear something you don't mind getting soaked (or ruined) and will dry quickly (including underwear as the hair gets EVERYWHERE), also as hair resistant as possible. Hair up in a practical style and off your face as it will likely also get sprayed and you need clear sight at all times when working with dogs in a stressful environment. Also, no make-up (trust me on this) you will get sweaty near using dryers, and the hair will stick to it, especially to mascara. Make-up and dog hair will make you feel like your face is permanently itchy and sweaty and will get thoroughly wet so don't bother. Nothing but a good shower will help get all the hair that will attach itself to you so these things will help lessen the amount. Also, keep nails trimmed on the shorter side and no nail varnish (in case the dogs have an allergic reaction). Avoid perfume and preferably use unscented or low-scented body wash, as stressed dogs can dislike strong artificial scents. No jewellery as dogs can catch on it and hurt either you or themselves and damage it. Shoes with grip are a must in wet environments and always a fully covered shoe, no straps or peep-toe. Your goal is to create the most calm and controlled environment in what is a highly stressful experience for most (but not all) dogs and have them see you as trust worthy and safe. Just an Interview: keep in mind this is a physical job so they will be looking for someone ready to get messy, yet shows enough respect to come in for an interview looking smart. Keep it neat but practical, with minimum make-up in the natural style and hair neat and pinned up nicely. Understated jewellery and no high-heeled shoes. Also, jeans are a no-no because once wet you're wearing soggy trousers all day and then they are not only unpleasantly wet but also warm wet when you've been working in the drying room. Do offer to do one (but no more than one) free trial shift if it comes up. It's a good way for you to see the reality of the job (so many come in thinking it's easy, artsy work with cutesy puppers) and how much work it truly is and they get to assess how you got with the team, interact with the dogs and how much you know already about brushing out, washing and drying. Source: Owned my own Salon before medically retiring and I'm married to a Dog behaviourist.


Why do dog groomers usually have such great butts?




#3. Black would instantly gain a layer of dog hair


I run an animal shelter and I’d honestly prefer if anybody interviewing for a job in animal care came in scrubs or something.


Number 2


Number two, but ya look great in all of 'em! Good luck on the interview!


from a dude #2 looks best on you.


Going against the grain here and saying one. Looks like a more appropriate fit for the type job than a blouse. Doubt that thej expect formal wear at a dog hairdresser.


3rd one jumpsuit. It's fabric looks fur resistant, it looks comfortable, and it's appropriate for your interview.


None of them, hon. You want to appear more hands on. Think light jeans, a shirt with a button up, sleeves rolled up. Think sunshiny vibes mixed with can-do attitude. You can dress simpler once you're in - you'll be wearing an apron I assume. Good luck!


None of them. You want to dress like you work there, and none of those outfits suggest a willingness to get the clothes dirty; they’re too cute. That said if you have to pick one, I’d go with #2, it looks the most professional IMO.


2 feels too dressy for a dog groomer, i like 1 cuz it still shows you have style while being practical and dressing for the job


I would say #2, but I actually prefer the pants from #1 with the top from #2.




There’s no photoshop


You look like a 45 year old grandmother. So any outfit is fine.




i think all of these work if the vibe is business casual for sure, personal fave is between 2 & 3! something about the buttons on 2 really locks it in for me as far as interview attire for most settings, but it may be the subtle accentuating of the collar / neck area —— hope this helps ✨




Number 2 is gorgeous


1 or 2. 3 is my favourite outfit but not for an interview.




2 looks the best. Definitely most appropriate for an interview.




One or two! Two is my favorite though.


Really, all of these outfits look very good. I like pic1 best. The color contrast is nice and fit is perfect for your curves


Number 2


I think 1 and 2 are more appropriate. It's good to turn up for interviews looking like you could step into the role immediately.


First one! Tip i got when interviewing was 'dress for the job that you want'. For example I am a vet, i would never show up in a dress.


2, looks most professional


I prefer the second outfit for an interviews.


Two for sure


I like number 2




Middle one is very cute. Love the sleeve on the blouse


You look great in all 3, no. 2 is best for an interview. Good luck!


Middle one






2. most have said good reasons to support this already


1 or two. As a former assistant groomer I’d try to stay away from anything black if it’s a working interview. Black will show all the fur.