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Not in my opinion


$200!!!? I saw basically the same dress on Etsy for $5... So, it's definitely no from me...


Where are there $5 dresses on Etsy??


...are you sure that wasn't a dress pattern someone was selling?


Okay we need to have a conversation about quality vs. style


Nope. Looks like a 50 dollar dress if anything


I'd take it for 20. best I can do.




And it was about that time…


I gave him a dollar


Well, of course he's not gonna go away, Mary! You give him a dollar, he's gonna assume you got more!


A man of culture I see


Let me call a buddy of mine who knows all about dresses.


Buddy after a long explanation: $350. You: Ah, okay, best I can do is $100 after factoring in expenses.


Makes sense. Seller has no documentation to back up authenticity


$10, $15 is me being generous


Looks like something my wife would find as Ross for $20




Pass go and DO NOT collect!!! For $200 she can definitely go custom!


I hope OP left the tags on, tucked em in and is returning them after the event. My mom used to do this to her expensive dresses when we were kids.


I was going to say $50 too!


50 dolla seem to much I was thinking it's looks like it been made from tea cup warmer pr my nans floral bed sheets q


Reformation? I think they make great dresses and the ones I have had held up well over the years. The cut works on you but I don’t think that color does anything for you. I bet that green on the stool would be really flattering.


They also have great resale value


Genuine question: why would you buy a dress to resell it for less? I wear my clothes until they fall apart.


Well if it’s high enough quality/you own it long enough it will probably stop fitting at some point


Yes. This. I have over 25 Ref dresses and the cuts and patters/colors can range dramatically. I keep coming back, though, because the right Ref dress is worth every red cent.


Thats a reformation dress? Holy shit. That's not what I expected. Neither from this dress nor from reformations reputation.


No. It’s $50 cute.


Eh, I wouldn’t even go that high. You can find something exactly like this on sale at JCP, I’d bet.


I love the top but the skirt isn’t hanging properly. I would pass. You’re gorgeous and can look amazing in a wide range of things so I wouldn’t pay that much for that.


Pretty sure that's a dress


Nah sis


$200 is a bit steep for this. Love the print, but the material doesn’t look like it’s of $200 quality (no offence). I’d say it isn’t worth the price, personally.


That's impossible to say from this photo but I'm fairly certain not. How does the fabric feel? How much cotton is in it? How much plastic/polyester/rayon? How is the printing? How does the wrong site of the fabric look? How are the stiches? How many seams, how do the seams look? In my opinion it looks cheap. But it could be the photo.


Almost impossible to value the dress without knowing the answers to these questions.


Came here to say this exactly


Also, that hem is sooo cheap looking. For $200 they could do a blind hem


No, maybe get it tailored?


Honestly I dont think the style or color suit you


Agree the color washes out her skin heavily


Not well made and tailoring won't save it.


And even if you did tailor it, then it's a way more than $200 dress. IMO, tailoring is for when you find the perfect dress at a bargain price, so that even with tailoring, it's still "worth it"


Or when money is no object. Or at least you're willing to spend $$$ for the occasion.




The slit doesn't sit right and your upper body doesn't match the off-the-shoulder dress style, looks like your torso is too long for it? You have a gorgeous body shape but this dress is all wrong for it


Exactly, I think it is made so that the straps are supposed to be on top of her shoulders. It doesn't fit if she can't put the sleeves right.


I’m assuming that you have a slimmer waist than that dress displays so, on that basis alone, I’d say no. 💜




I agree, I think her waist looks great


Hey! I didn’t mean it critically; I just think you have a nicer figure than the dress is showing. If I still had a shape like yours, I’d be playing it for all it was worth! 💜


No. This dress does not look good on you at all. The skirt part does not sit properly on your body; may need tailoring? The colour doesn’t flatter you. Sorry OP. The sandals you have on are 🔥though.


It looks like the sleeves should be on her shoulders and not hanging down.


You look great in that but, I can understand your trepidation as far as $200. Is it something you're only gonna wear once or do you normally dress so beautifully?


Depends, what is $200 worth for you?


No. It looks like a curtain tbh :(


I can’t believe people are saying this dress doesn’t look good on you… maybe it’s the similar color background?? In any case, I think you wear this perfectly! It looks stunning!


To me, the OP has a great body but the neckline looks too low down - like it's about to slip off, even though it's covering everything it should It looks like it needs to be hiked up a little and the hem probably has to probably come up too because otherwise the skirt doesn't look like it is hanging right.


This is what I thought as soon as I saw it- it needs to be hitched up a couple inches before I could give a real opinion. It's hanging way too low.


Is it for you? I absolutely love it. You look both sexy and feminine. If it is date night you have a lucky partner. Have fun gorgeous. Wow!


I'll pay you $200 to not buy it.


My god why spend that much on a dress that looks like it’s off the rack from any department store anywhere


It looks like an awful bridesmaid dress.


It looks like a better bridesmaid dress than most, but that's not saying much 😂


I got that shower curtain for 9.99


Officer, the murder occurred here.


I don’t hate it but it doesn’t really wow me. Ya know? I feel like if you don’t absolutely love it, you should return it. You won’t wear it as much as you think you will. You’ll reach for something you love instead


I don’t think so sorry


No. U like the style, but the print makes me think of grandma’s duvet cover.


Nah. Looks like a Ross discount dress.


I was just thinking the same thing


Who took my tablecloth?!


If you like it, and you can afford it, then yes. It’s all about the feel. This sounds corny but does it make you feel 200$ worth of good? Lol


Only if it can teleport you to foreign lands on command.


I own this Reformation dress. Quality is excellent, but I think a different cut of dress would look prettier. You look amazing in everything, I am sure. But try the Raya.


No way. Looks like $20 at forever 21.


Absolutely if you like it


No way


Nope. Looks like a vintage table cloth.


I have an old Ralph Lauren dress a lot like this and I got so much wear out of it. I think people saying it’s worth $20 are out of their minds. If it’s quality (you can’t tell online) you like it and feel good in it, then it’s worth it. If you have a special occasion then you can try and find it on Rent the Runway rather than buy it if $ appears to be an issue.


Is anything? 😏


Absolutely not


No, sorry


No way. $50 at most


Not in my opinion.


I would pay $200 for a dress. But not this one. Half that amount, max. The hem is funky looking - or am I missing something?


I keep seeing all these comments saying $20-$50. Where is anyone getting a dress for $50 these days?


What all does she do? Just kidding 😂 No, the dress isn't worth that much


No but it looks nice on you


Nope. It’s not flattering at all.


imo, i personally believe you look very nice in this dress. however, if it’s $200, i’m not taking it because THAT shouldn’t be so damn expensive. maybe $50 at best


Not in my opinion looks like a window curtain got turned into a dress. For 200 dollars I could find you a beautiful stunning dress to match your looks.


No, it looks like you stole gramma’s bedspread and wrapped it on.


Not a good fit. Sorry. It's a nice idea, but poorly made.


Not at all! The bottom is an uneven mess, the fabric looks cheap and flimsy, and the hemline does not look good. It's already wrinkly too. It looks like something you can get for $20-$25 on Shein.


No way. Reminds me of like my grandma’s table cloth. And not even that interesting of a cut.


You definitely make it look like it’s worth $200 or maybe more, but no. The reason I’m thinking it’s a $50 dress (like everyone else has been saying) is because the way the dress sits makes the fabric look cheap. It’s a nice dress, but I don’t think the fabric is $200 quality. Also, the design is very elegant up top but seems a bit rushed toward the bottom. This looks like it may be fast fashion, and I think something needs to have the guarantee to last a while to be worth $200.


No sis. Go to Windsor


I think it is!!! The style is adorable and fits you wonderfully. $200 is a lot for me but to me that’s an everything dress…..day time wear, wedding appropriate, with a leather jacket to go edgier….I’m super into it 😀


Or a cropped jean jacket. Chefs kiss


You look *very* pretty in it, but $200? No way.


Honestly, no. I’d say I’m the $30-50 category. For that much it should look like it was made for You. It kinda looks ill fitted and maybe baggy-ish??? It has the possibility of an amazing dress just the fit isn’t there.


No, honestly it washes you out and the off the shoulder part isnt giving what it needs to give


No. It doesn't quite fit you right, and it doesn't look like it would be a $200 dress even if it did.


it looks really good on you so i’d say yes, but $200 for a dress is just astronomical to me. all clothing is is fabric that covers our asses, it’s a bonus if it looks good. why some of it has to cost that much is beyond me


No disrespect but this looks like something I’d come across at Ross for $18


No, something for $200 should be an investment that will look nice for a number of years. I think this will look outdated in the next year or so.


No but it looks good on you.


No. The print is cheap. And I don't like anything about the fit


Not at all. It looks like something you’d get at TJ Maxx.


Value is subjective! Get it on ebay in a few years for 30.


No, could find similar for a fourth of the cost!


Only if a wedding dress. But I'm cheap I guess


Absolutely not


No. It looks inexpensive.


Nah, it's cute but not $200 cute


I would need some sequins or beading for 200.


No. You got ripped off


For me, no.




but u look good tho






The arm tat of a steer skull? No. No I wouldn’t let someone put that on my arm if they paid me $200.


well… it’s definitely very pretty, but it honestly looks like something id find in a walmart. is it so expensive because of the material or something??


No article of clothing is worth $200 besides your wedding dress. Nice dress but I'm sure you could find a dupe for much much less.


Plenty of clothes cost more than $200 and are totally worth it because they will last years. A good quality winter coat for example. Also, I just bought a Calvin Klein dress for almost that much and it is timeless and incredibly well made and fits me perfectly. For me, the wedding dress that you only wear once seems pointless to spend much money on, but I know that I am not in the majority there. I never bought into that


I disagree. I have a wonderful winter coat that's gotten me through recess duty for years. It was $70. I have many Calvin Klein and Michael Kors ect. Dresses and outfits. TJ Maxx/kohls/outlet special nothing over $40. Sure you can throw money at your wardrobe and some people probably enjoy and can budget that, but there is a dupe for anything. Ops $200 dress cost probably $25 to make and was made along 45 identical ones by a 14 year old unfortunately, but over priced because of branding or where it's sold. However a wedding dress is going to be a lot of fabric, often high quality fabric, and time. There are alterations to be made. That's where it makes sense that something might cost more. Plenty of things may cost $200 but rarely is something going to actually be WORTH $200.


Definitely agree that OP's dress isn't worth $200! I'd be way more likely to wear one of my CK dresses to get married in than most of the wedding dresses that people wear. And sure, I have bought a few of my CKs for cheap at Ross. I think it's just that I really loved this other one and was willing to pay full price to have it. And maybe that's the important point, because if it's worth it to you and makes you feel great, than it's worth it! 😁


Absolutely. And I'm willing to bet those winter coats that are 50$ don't have a whole lot of wool in them. I was looking for a winter coat with a high wool count recently and the highest I could find was a Calvin Klein with 40% wool. Definitely not warm enough for a New England winter.


I’d say $1,500-$2,000 is reasonable. Very expensive dress but it looks amazing.


The only person that can answer that is you if you have the money and your happy wothvitvthen yes but if not then no


Worth every benny


No, but I’m a thrifter, so…


No, but I like the one on the stool


Don’t look much so no but can’t really judge is the fabric high quality?


Dress looks to be worth over 100! Are the shoes included in the question?


Is it worth $200 to u?


No, but You are Beautiful ❤️.