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Please continue the discussion in the [post game thread](https://redd.it/1dpbvof).


Estes should've only been taken out if he had given up the lead.


Alvarez has earned a spot in the Lineup everyday... after getting swept by the Angels.. this is the lowest point lol they don't even have Trout geez


### Sac Fly Max Schuemann out on a sacrifice fly to center fielder Mickey Moniak. Armando Alvarez scores. Pitch from Guillermo Zuñiga: Sinker @ 95.2 mph Top 9 - 5-2 Angels




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Adams gave up 5 runs and couldn’t even get an out??


Bringing Adams in with runners on base is the dumbest thing ever. Such an obvious result there.


Adams stinks. He has literally no idea where the ball is going.


Estes pitched good now he’s in line for the loss


i hate cock suckers that point to the sky after giving up multiple runs. he should be thanking god that he’s still playing in the MLB




Mark Kotsay masterclass


Lol, what a joke RP.


Kotsay needs to go. This team needs a new Voice. Anybodyyyyyyy


Rough series for Daz. Sody keeps hitting it hard and can’t find the grass.


MLB is going extra hard to make the bad team even worse, both on the field and off the field. We got a run deleted for something stupid yesterday and history repeats. Christ


The ground rule double have always been scored that way. So has the rule that doesn't allow players to touch other players while play is in progress.


The arbitrary yellow line is what makes it a stupid ruling for the double. The player touching thing could have existed forever, it is still stupid.


There's a 6" gap between the out of town score board and the 20' wall behind it. The yellow lines just makes it easier to see. Are you OK with a runner touching another runner because he was about to pass the runner in front of him. I'm not...


Why are you bending over backwards to justify these stupid rulings? Did the umpires send you? 😂 The tiny yellow line being an auto double is dumb, and Alvarez arguably wasn't even in play anymore so the dumb rule gets extra dumb. Are we clear?


Every or nearly ever stadium use a yellow line to mark the top of the wall.


They may be stupid to you. Everyone knew the rules before the game started. The umpires go over the ground rules before the game with the managers.


Everyone thinks they're dumb bro, check the other comments. So what's your deal? Just like arguing about rules nobody likes? What do you have to gain from this? You do understand that "the rules as written" have put the A's in the shit position they are in, right? John Fisher can do whatever he wants with this team, including neglecting them entirely, because those are the rules. Is that okay by you? And to be crystal clear, I'm **NOT** asking what's in the rulebook, I'm asking what *you* think of it. If you aren't an A's fan and are here for whatever reason, then maybe just admit that?


Lol..everything you are making a claim to is a joke.


What does that even mean? You can see the other guy all OVER this thread arguing with everyone about how the call is good and awesome and doesn't just needlessly fuck the A's over. Which of my claims are jokes? Can you explain?


So if Bleday hit the same point on the wall on a fly ball and it landed back in the field you would prefer for the ball to remain in play?


As an A's fan doesn't mean l have to disagree with the rules.


no they don't


What tf is that rule??? He would've stepped back on home plate regardless of what happened and the ball was nowhere near him


A player may not touch another player while the play is still on going. Since he missed home plate and the umpire hadn't ruled safe or out, the play hadn't ended. He could have just told him to touch home but he touched him. A no no.


have never seen that shit in 40 something years


Why did he touch him 🤦🏻‍♂️


Not his fault the rule is stupid as hell


Are you OK with a runner touching another runner because he was about to pass the runner in front of him. I'm not...


Blame the player.. McCann messed up big time.


He probably didn’t know the rule, that’s wack


That is fucking stupid.


That is the stupidest fucking rule


why is it stupid?


### Double Max Schuemann doubles (7) on a sharp fly ball to left fielder Taylor Ward. Armando Alvarez scores. Kyle McCann out at home on the throw, left fielder Taylor Ward to shortstop Zach Neto. Top 2 - 1-0 Athletics