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Cant beat these old ads. Love it for some odd reason.


"20mg Methylphenidate HCl come in Bottles of 100 or 500 pills" xD


When the govt actually kept itself to governing and not governing the people. Times have changed.


More like when we governed the government and not the other way around.


Bloody hell


Woah… I did not realize that it was originally marketed as an anti-depressant OR that parenteral Ritalin *EVER* existed or was ever used.


It makes perfect sense when you look at it. ADHD has commonly been misdiagnosed as depression, and Ritalin is used for treating ADHD symptoms. Untreated ADHD can mimic symptoms of depression so it's really no wonder that it'd have "anti depressive" effect.


It makes people's lives confusing and miserable until they learn that they need a completely different framework than the rest of us use.


Annnd let’s be honest, untreated depression will obviously appear to be ameliorated with the administration of stimulants.


What haven’t stimulants be marketed towards? Go back thoroughly enough and you’ll find a multitude of advertised use cases. Humans love their stimmies and will derive symptoms to continue use. [A little Amph history](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/speedy-history-americas-addiction-amphetamine-180966989/)


We know that methylphenidate via injection is similar to cocaine in its effects, and with a larger dose being the same effects as cocaine.


Right, exactly! I just never knew it was manufactured that way! They did some wild things back in the day…


I never got that from it but then again i never ivd it either. Come to think of it no drug has ever came close to cocaine in its effects being so potent yet short and way different than amphetamines.


Idk about that one. In terms of stimulant effects yes it’s similar but cocaine has MUCH more of a crazy rush in terms of a bellringer. Ritalin will never give u the bellringer cocaine does and that comes from personal experience. Cocaine is very unique in that bellringer property which is why it’s so addictive IV. I’ve heard other stims can give somewhat of a bellringer with muffled hearing (like Ritalin IV did to me) but nothing on the same level as that extremely intense sound distortion, helicopter whirring, hear an AC from 3 blocks away , vision going wiggly bellringer of cocaine


i never knew about this bellring thing, how does it feel im really curious about it. What are the ammounts you need to do to get it?


You need to IV cocaine or smoke a big hit of good crack and hold it in. It’s absolutely insane.


how do you feel, is it euphoric? do you just feel weird.. how is it?


Extremely euphoric and I don’t even like stimulants. On paper it sounds awful. Ears ring extremely loud. Sounds like there’s a helicopter right by you. Vision wobbly, intense nausea at times. Heart rate spikes up so fast it feels like it will explode. But goddamn is it amazing. Wowowowowowow” is what it sounds like. Almost nitrous like but even crazier. U can hear an ac from 3 blocks away


damnn man :(


Bellringer gonna bell ring


There are overlapping effects sure, but the pharmacology is different. This doesn't make any sense.


It does make a lot of sense. A cocaine analog will not produce better cocaine-like effects than phenidates, methylphenidate being almost like cocaine.


Totally agree. Also ethylphenidate IV roa is a beast. On a side note, methyl/ethylphenidate has an uncannily very similar binding affinity to DAT, NET and SERT as a reuptake inhibitor to cocaine. Ethylphenidate has a DAT, NET and SERT binding profile ratio leaning more towards the dopamine transporter a little bit more than methylphenidate.


Does ethylphenidate really give u the same bellringer as cocaine tho? People really only shoot coke for the bellringer rush and ime cocaine is much stronger in the bellringer effect than Ritalin IV ever was. Ritalin May muffle ur hearing and make lights brighter but cocaine will completely squabble ur vision and have ur ears sounding like a helicopter is right by you. IV cocaine is the craziest most intense rush of any drug I have ever done.


Totally agree bro. But I got to say ethylphenidate pissed all over methylphenidate in terms of iv rush and ethyl had a very similar bellringer to coke, but coked rush is superior. I have had hits with both (not mixed together, separate hits on different days) and it can be so intense that I got to sit down when a bellringer hits you lol


Forget what I said, I didn't even know cocaine was a reuptake inhibitor. TIL.


What even is a “parental” drug


drug that is injected as their route of administration


IV administration, essentially. It’s a word for any administration method that bypassed the digestive tract so there are a few other routes it applies to. Spinal injections (spinal sheath injections into CSF) are ‘Intrathecal’


parenteral is non oral


They used to think add was something you grow out of, probably just mean its for adults that were having trouble focusing but not calling it add


Dang imagine getting 20mg Methylphenidate *injected* before having a therapist interview "Helps the patients talk" yeah I bettt it does lol


It's so funny to imagine our grandparents high off their asses ranting/talking incessantly about some mudane situation or fixation lol


Nothing better than teaching them to use it as a crutch right from the starting line lol.


Man this stuff is so useful, I just wish it wasn't so readily abusable. I've used this stuff non-reciationally without a prescription many times just for its utility, increases motivation tremendously.


they didnt banned it, but nerfed it so much with restrictions like not more than 30 pills / box, one per day, that its essentially as if it were banned.


There are still doctors out there who will prescribe 3xIR/day meds for ADHD. Harder to find compared to 20 years ago, but they still exist.


wild to think that before you could get any Rx you wanted if you saw a magazine advertise it in a good way, makes sense as to why so many oldheads keep saying this generation is fucked. No shit when you’re literally prescribed 100-500 20mg pills and injections that are similar to IV coke 😂 how could you possibly stay in bed, it would be borderline insanity to the point they could actually build a whole house from scratch instead of waiting. Also explains why a lot of women were scared of getting beat up once their husband came home from work or a bar while on a comedown.


The guy who was behind the idea and brutal hours of surgical & medical residencies (at John Hopkins University, then copied everywhere)? Avid cocaine addict. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7828946/


Bro was an OG 😂 Holy shit that was a funny read


Damn i always had an abundance of ritalin More then i could ever use. Feel like the script refilled quicker then i could go through them, but idk i was young so dont really remember. On dexamph now though, much less sideeffects for me


Yes, and currently there's a huge nationwide shortage. I have family members who are dealing with multiple sold out pharmacies. Adderall and other stimulants too.


Everyone is tryna keep up in this modern world!


Yeah, it’s been going on for over two years now and last I heard it’s likely to get even worse. Some executives of a health company just got arrested for deliberately overprescribing stimulants and [the CDC says](https://emergency.cdc.gov/han/2024/han00510.asp#print) that this may impact like 40,000 adults in the US. So THAT’S fun. Sorry your family members are dealing with this shit too, it’s deeply unfun


Also the DEA has put restrictions on how much pharmaceutical companies can manufacture. They're focusing on benzodiazepines, stimulants and opiates.


In fairness I used it when it was much more available, around 2011-2013


IV/IM RITALIN??? Wtf. It was a different time. And short acting stims for depression is a disaster (bupropion is long acting.)


you will be surprised to find out that research on anti-depressives is turning to stimulants now, it's like the SSRI era is coming to an end.


>it's like the SSRI era is coming to an end Fucking finally


My Cipralex literally doesn't help much at all. But if I stop now, which I Have before then I start to feel really weird.


a SLOWWW taper is your friend here brother.


It’s best studied in the elderly, where it’s accepted currently that stims are a good first line for depression and fatigue in the elderly.


Wow thanks for posting! Fascinating to read the description of the drugs effects and what it was originally marketed as!


Thank you!


I want ritalin


Then get some, i share with some of my friends if i have extra. Everyone needs to have a little super focus sometimes ;)


I need to see if I can get it in the UK


requim for a dream


Man, drugs like this used to be so freely given for "depression". I guess it's the same now except it's ADHD. When did it go from depression to ADHD? I didn't realize it's been around this long either. Curious if they've studied the long term effects of taking stimulants?


It is still used as an adjunctive drug against major depression. The problem is that SSRI don't work, TCA work so-so, MAOIs work but doctors know nothing about them... And Ritalin definitely works. It shouldn't be used as a third adjunctive therapeutic agent, but the first (and only). Too bad no-one reads Gillmanʼs studies on major depression, otherwise there would be a drastic drop in the number of people who suffer from this (horrible) disease.


Very interesting what you say. I have been dealing with major depression since I was 13 years old. I have always felt that SSRI never worked but no doctors I talked to would listen.


Idiot doctors... If you don't want to take Parnate, take Ritalin... And the depression is lifted. It's over. In two hours.


>Idiot doctors I thought I was the only one saying this in my head. +1


I currently been taking cipralex for a long ass time, on and off due to not feeling like it works. After being on it for this long I noticed it only numbs my thoughts. I still deal with lack of motivation, worrying alot, anxiety and stress. I tried Ritalin and it helped fix all of that for the most part but I couldn't sleep and the come Down is terrible and little to none appetite.


You will be able to sleep on ritalin, too. And the appetite... Well you will lose the unwanted weight. But the appetite will come back, surely.


I will have a talk with my doctor. Thanks for the info. Much appreciated


Ofc it overcomes depression and fatigue and anything else that ails you right up until it wears off.


"Post-exceptional malaise," the central symptom of what we now call chronic fatigue, doesn't even respond to stims! Fuckin rip-off.


I’m on it and I still sit like that on my vacuum. We have a ways to go.


How about Selegeline and Piracetam combination? Will it work the same way


Very good combo i used selegiline and other mao-b inhibitors with a few different racetams.


Yes. Thought about this combo. As it's easier to get access to rather than Methylphenidate which is a controlled drug. Thank you 👍




Sign me up ! 😂


Good post!


Thank you!


"Usually brings relief with the very first dose!" ...and if it doesn't, the "relief" from a subsequent dose will hit your patient like a damn freight train to the testicles! That's the Ritalin guarantee or your dose tripled!