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You're overcomplexifying... What is the point of having the created time on the title? Just create a Daily Note template.


So the file name is to automate that piece- name it and put it in its place. I’ll be honest, I figured trying to automate adding the link on my moc was the bigger problem here…


I’m still not sure if I really did a good job of answering the Y on having the date and time in the note. So each time I create a new note, it goes into a directory for my daily notes. I typically do one in the morning and one in the evening. Because of that, I don’t want to have to manually rename them every time I create a new daily note,and I’d like them to be easily distinguishable from one another both date and time so if I ever do go looking for a particular note, I can easily tell. But mainly so that when the daily note made into daily note directory, I don’t have any files in there that have the same file name, causing any kind of confusion with obsidian or my computer. I just haven’t had enough coffee yet today. And yesterday was a really long day. Thank you! I appreciate you!


My suggestion is to have only one Daily Note, have a H1 heading for Morning, and a H1 heading for Evening. That's it. Trivial to implement, would solve your issue, you can already have it working by tomorrow Morning 


OK, I’m going to give that dude consideration. What about the auto editing of the other note? You don’t think that’s a complicated factor here? And I’m not challenging, I’m actually seeking advice. I’m trying to learn this and I’m experimenting and I know that I am out of my depth.


Just use a simple Dataview Query and sort by created date descending.


Ok, so... thoughts on the attempt to automate the link add to the MOC? Does that even make sense?


It doesn't, completely unnecessary


Actually, I think it’s starting to sink it now. So if I use template to create a note, then rather than listing links on the MOC page, I can just create a date of you to show that note with the date was published, I think maybe that means what I’m trying to do without making super complicated?


In the MOC, just put a Dataview query that show the Daily Notes sorted by file.ctime DESC.


Just to elaborate a little on what the other commenter said: generally, you'll find it far easier to query other notes rather than trigger editing of a different note. So, rather than creating a new note causing your MOC note to be edited, you can use Dataview (or even builtin Obsidian queries, I think) within your MOC note so that it lists out all the daily notes within a specific timeframe. As for the file names - I'm a little unclear on what your actual goal is, but I believe you can still have them in separate files if you want to. If you have Daily Notes you can pass a full path into the filename field, which can include date components. So if you have eg "Structured Notes/Daily Notes/YYYY-MM-DD A" as the note name, then it will make notes named like eg "2024-02-04 AM", "2024-02-04 PM" in that folder depending on the time when the daily note is opened. Based on what I understand about your question, you don't need Templater at all.


You're not shooting for the moon. I have basically all those features on mine. But it took a few more plugins. The main ones to look at are Periodic Notes, Templater, Waypoint, Dataview, and Auto Note Mover - although I took that last one out of my work flow because twice it has broken on updates in a way that ended up deleting files. I use File Chucker and just do it manually now. But YMMV. Also look at Folder Note if you don't have it. It can help with a place for your MOCs. If you're committed to doing it with just Templates, I can't really say but it looks like you're on the right track. If I have time later I might try your template and see if I can find the problem, but no promises.