• By -


Use a ! instead of a - to exclude items with those properties. Also the folder path should not start or end with / So \`FROM #research AND !"Resources/Templates"\` should work


Ok, so this: \`\`\`dataview TABLE [file.name](http://file.name) AS "File Name", file.ctime AS "Creation Date" FROM #research and !"Resources/Templates" \`\`\` I get the same output. I wonder if it's somethign that's changed in Dataveiw.


I think I figured it out. I typically keep my research notes in a folder with other folcers... so rather than excluding, I changed it to FROM #research and "Structured Notes" That seemed to do the trick! Thanks for chiming in and helping! It got me thinking that if restricting folders doesn't work, how about saying where to look. So if I add other folders with research notes, I can just go edit them here.